The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1898, Image 3

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Furnishing Goods Dept.
In summer underwear we have some
good things, and it is good tilings you
need for this weather. We have a
speeial line of lid)t-wei'dit cotton un
derwear and this we shall
week at
50 Cents a
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
.ir.VK 11, IK98
The weather forecast for today is fa
and warmer.
The river iH coining up rapidly an
htnnds at !i::,..
Don't forget that ICellar keeps th
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
-iarne iv raiK nave me purest anu-i
strongest Paris Green in the market.
lloml KirorHtruwImrrti... bv i l.H .-rate
at The Dalles Commission Company's. !
Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw
berrieH at tins Columbia Candy Factory.
Murchie ISro. are putting un addition
in the way of a.buggv shed to their large.
j. J
H a ' l!
Clarke . Falk manufacture a full linfe
of flavoring extracts. Ask your groeijr
for them. tf I
II. M. llyan, teacher of Mandolin!
Guitar aud Jtaiijo.
Headquarters all
.lacobsen's. tf
Now is the time to spray with Paris
(ireen. Clarke it Fall; have the strong
vat you can get. tf
For correct styles in millinery go to
the Campbell & Willson Millinery Par
lors, on Second St. tc
Leave orders for ice with the Stadel
iiihii Commission Co. Office cold storage
bniMing. Phone -111. tf
Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 10 mid 20, Chapiiinu Block. 17
Yestorduy County Clerk KelBay issued
a marriage license to William II. Young
mid Dotlie Johnston, both of this
We can already say, from the work
done and the interest taken, that our
celebration will be equal to any ever
held on the coast.
Today the official count of Wasco coun
ty's election returns will be made by
Recorder Sinnott, County Clerk Keleuy
and Justice Filloon.
Parties who have not yet subscribed
to the Fourth of July fund mid desire to
do ho are rcmiested to call on II. C.
Liebe, C. F. Stephens or Andrew
lar and put down the amount.
Ku, I
The Moi d lire department was called
out for drill the other evening ami in
minutes from the tap of the gong, was
throwing water on Ginn's warehouse.
After the drill the department elected
An unknown fisherman was lost in
the surf at the mouth of the Columbia
river Thuesday. Some fisherman -ported
seeing a boat overturned and the
occupants thrown Into the sea, but they
were to far nway to be of any assist
ance. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the
members of the Methodist Sunday
school will have a Children's day exer
cise in the auditorium of the church, to;
which all 'are invited. The children of
the Sunday school, in fact all children,
are requested to cany a flag.
Little Myrtle Perry, of Dufur, aged 0
years, daughter of Al Perry, livlug with
Mr. and Mrs. William Vapderpool, tell
from a horse Monday and fractured her
left elbow. The little sufferer will have
the best of medical ami motherly care
to help her bear her misfortune,
Remember the Maine and also re
member that the Alpha Mandolin and
Dry Goods
v! iY , 111 "rs9 Goods wo elmll odor some twentv-five pieces of fill
j$a' fj'-J " Sl,Ilillf- Summer Goods, and vcrv deniable. This lot com
Klil Ur n'?nlnr f,ni' M-'. 7fw vmh, hii.1 vnn make a mistake
;un (Mioa viiciu UV, Hv Dlir
Selling Price for
Will be 39c
You can't a fiord to wear heavy un
derwear when you can get a full suit
of summer underwear for 50 cts.
Of course we have summer under
wear in the nicer grades at a little
higher price. If you would prefer Bal
hriggan we have it with patent seams
at 50c a garment. A belter one for
7oc, and if you prefer something better
let us sell you a suit of the Imported
French Balbriggan at
$1.00 a Garment.
Come in and examine these lines.
We'll put our time against yours.-
oiler for one i
Guitar Clnli given :iu excursion soon.
Steamer l.egulator, good order unci fine
in; will he the leading features.
Tickets, which will he 50 cents, can be
piirchasi,froiii any member of the club.
The rnari. mm,.,in Tl, Tllo. r
irettiuii worse every day, which makes
it more difficult for the wool teams to
bring their heavy loads to The Dalles.
The free bridge road from Floyd's face
is especially bad, and it is not an un
frequent thine to see or hear of u break-'
own on this road.
iceturns irom uroou countv are in
complete; however, they give Geer 102
"pnty and Moody 157, Williamson,
Publican for representative, 158.
A. Moore, union, for sheriff, is elected,
and Arthur HodgeB, th present county
J clerk, who ran on the gold Democratic
tjiket, is re-elected.
' . ,.. . , ., , ,.
After suffering from the heat these
days it is certainly a pleasure for our
townsfolks who can afford buggieB and
nor(H.H t0 8pelld tmj uoo) evenings in
driving around town. Quite a number
take advantage of this opportunity to
enjoy their evenings; in fact Second
street, is fairly alive with vehicles up to
ya 1H" hour eaeh night.
The executive committee on the Fourth
of July celeoratiou held a meeting at the
club rooms lust evening. Much interest
is shown by the committee and our peo
ple are enthusiastic, so the success of the
venture is r ' At last night's
meeting plans . u .iot fully developed
for the celebration, and another like
meeting will be held tonight to fully
complete the arrangements.
. Morgan Vaughn, a lad about 10 years
old, was drowned in Portland Thursday
evening about 8 o'clock, while bathing
with several other boys. It was half an
hour before the body waB recovered, and
too late to resuscitate him. He was a
newsboy and well known in Portland
for his industry aud thrift. He was the
main support of his mother, and hie sad
ending is regretted by all who knew him.
Yesterday William Kolf, who shot
and probably f "v injured Murdoc
McKav ut Antei. , ... iaet Tuesday, was
brought to this city by Deputy Sheriff
Charles Wallace and placed in the coun
tv jail. We were misinlormed concern
ing Ko'f's bonds, they being set at iffiOOO,
instead of $20,000, as we stated a few
days since. McKay 's condition is crit
ical and his physician thinks he cannot
Owing to the raise in the river it wa
impossible for the Dixon to make th
run up to the entrance of the locks yei
imiliiv. The HeLMilator went down is
far as the middle landing, near HonnL
vllle. where freight and passengers wee i
tl-uiiUf..rrl. The Heeu ator then mafe
theiun back, reaching!1 city at 10:4
Until the water recedes a transfer will
have to be made as the Dixon caun
come through the rapids.
Mr. Jack Blnus met with a serious an
cldent near Hood Hiver Tuesday. He
was driving along the county road near
jot) Purser's
place, when he met the
teams hauling wood for lionuey. In
turning out for the big teams some
brush piled In the road iuterfered and
Ulnns team wai struck by the big
wagons. His horses were knocked down
and ho was thrown under one of the
wagons, resulting in a broken arm,
Mr. Aud Wlnans, who atarted with
his brother, Mini, and the Uuekirk
brothers for Alaska in the spring, re
turned to Hood River unexpectedly last
week, Mr. K. Wlnans was taken nick
Saturday Only
per yard.
after the party had started on the over
land journey lo the Copper river mines
and had to be brought back and was
taken to a Portland hospital. Mr. Aud
( Winans will not return to Alaska while
! tl,t' WHr 'aStS, but will Volunteer a- .1
soldier at the first opportunity.
The attendance la9t night at the m
terta!nnieiit given by the Good Intent
Society was not eo large as the program
merited, probably on account of the
evening being so warm, and the desire
of everyone to enjoy the fresh air, which
could not be had inside. However,
I those who were present seemed to thor
oughly enjoy every number rendered.
Jean Ingelo'v's "Songs of Seven" were
particularly good, each one being taken
by appropriate characters. The tableau
"Seven Times Three" was beautiful.
Ice cream and cake were served after the
program was finished, many partaking
who could not be there early in the
Arrangements are being made to give
a grand moonlight excursion on the
steamer Regulator on Friday, June 24th.
It will be under the auspices of the
Alpha Mandolin aud Guitar Club, and
will leave The Dalles at 7 o'clock in the
evening, returning at 12. The club are
practicing for the occasiou and will fur
nish their guests with the sweetest
music, which will seem all the more
beautiful at such a time and place. This
excursion will be attended by a select
crowd of the best people in the city, and
none need have any hesitancy about go
ing on account of any questionable
characters for care will he exercised in
the sale of tickets and they are not
M. Fitz Maurice is aguestat the Uma
tilla. IJ. L. Murchie is in from Wasco for a
few days.
G. A. Yung, of Ridgeway, is registered
at the Umatilla.
Mrs. E. II. England, of John Day, is
in the city for a few daye.
Elwood Thompson is in the city from
hia home near Moukland.
Geo. Kelsay and wife, of Hay Creek,
are in the city for a few daye.
Rev. lioltz, of the Christian church,
was a passenger on the boat lust night
from Hood River. f
Coiuilet r.lnt ut 'JVnclier
The school directors metyesterday
and completed the electiorfof teachers
tor the ensuing year. The complete list
is hr 'ollows :
John Gavin, city superintendent
J. S. Landers, prlclpal ol High Fchonl
Assistant teachers .Mrs. E. D. Bald
win, Misses Up M. Ball, Nan Cooper,
Ella' Cooper,Mary L. Douthit, Maggie
Flimi, Melisa Hill, Minnie U, Michell.
Salina Phinan, Tona Kintoul, Louho
Kintoul, J5mma lioberts, Frances K.
Kowe, F.tta Wrenn, Mrs, Katie Iloehe.
The ltlvei.
The temperature yesterday was from
80 to 04" over the Columbia river baBin,
and Thursday night it was from 41' to
54. The weather is clear. The rivers
are rising except at Portland, where the
Willamette is stationery. Fcr twenty
four hours the rise from Umatilla west
ward will be ubout 0.3 to 0.5 of a foot a
day, after which time the rise will be
more rapid. At Portland the river is
18.5, The Dulles 33.L', Umatilla 'J0.1
Use Clarke & Falk'e Kosofoam for the
tietu. tf
Delorn Thrown Prom III Wagon
II In Ankle llrukrii.
M Delore, of Waplnltia, while driving
down the grade leading into Dufnr from
the north, last Friday night between 'J
and 10 o'clock, met with an accident
which lesnlted In the shattering of IiIb
right ankle. Being in a hurry he was
driving al a very rapid rate. He had
bin right foot on the comb of the brake,
against which it was pressed. The light
fore wheel struck a chuok hole, throw
ing Deloio to the ground, and as he fell
his foot slipped down between the brake
comb and the wagon box, hii body
pitching forward to the right.
He clung to the reins, however, but
was dragged tome 20o yards before the
team was stopped.
Delore managed to climb back into
the wagon and drive to town, but on
arriving here was so dazed with pain as
to be insensible of his surroundings and
I Demp Cantrell happened to hear the
man groaning as he passed along .the
main street, and like a man of mature
years, he stopped the team, learned that
the man was suffering lrm a severe in
jury of some kind, and immediately
drove the team to Dr. Dietrich's resi
dence, wheie medical aid was secured
and the broken limb set. The sufferer
was then taken to the 15-Mile house
where he remained until some of his
friends arrived from Wnpinitia and took
him home. Dufur Dispatch.
Weather Itiyeuu Krport.
Generally fair weather with slight
temperature changes has prevailed over
the Pacific northwest during the past
twenty-four hours.
There is no area of high pressure
shown this morning; the barometer is
highest at Edmondton. The "low"
which was apparently central at Cal
gary Thursday evening has moved
southeastward, and Friday morning's
map shows a well-defined area of low
pressure central at Qu'Appelle and over
lying eastern Montana, western North
Dakota and Manitoba. An area of low
pressure also oyerlies northern Califor
nia, western Oregon. Washington, north
ern Idaho and British Columbia. The
pressure is lowest at Walla Walla.
The temperature has remained gen
erally stationery ; it ranee3 from 40 at
Idaho Falls to 04' at Walla Walla.
No rain has been reported during the
past twent-four hours from the ihre
states. General rain has fallen !n Kan
sas and over the Missouri valley to Chi
cago, where rain has accompanied the
passage of the "low" from Canada to
tile United States.
An area of high pressure is approach
ing the California coast, which is ex
pected to move northward along the
coast and give cioudy, cooler weather
Saturday west of the Cascades.
Sunday promises to be fair and cool
over the Pacific northwest.
Cheap Itate for the Fourth of July.
For the Fourth of July the O.
Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to
any station in Oregon and return, in
cluding Wallula and Walla Walla,
Wash., at the rate of one fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d
and 4th. 'tickets good for return up to
and including July 0, 1898.
Huokien'a Ariucsu naive.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuius piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 'J5 cents
per boY. For sale ny Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Has tao Ilurwell dotcchable
Tin. TIim liar lilni vil.
www n f " i
Hasn't a single drawback.!
The weight of the. '
Is less than that of any oth
er detachable lire now on
' the market,
Ladies' and Gents' Ul heels for Rent.
Ulheels Repaired.
He Cleveland
Royal miktt the lood pure,
wholtnome and dellclout,
Absolutely Pure
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it'is ahvavs the same, Fimple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful proper! ties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive- juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in-
j vigorates the stomach ami all its glands
I so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to sfl.OOa bottle.
Thousands of snffererj from grippe
have been restored to health b'y One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
sunburn ami wind chafing. tf
i Lewui s witcn nazei saive
Cures Piles. Scalds, liurns.
J. H. CROSS nas I'oi.noved his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Posloffice, where he will bo pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &o, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets.
Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock.
r!1"pn'1 Hack Dav or Night.
Tom A. Ward and Jos! T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES. OR.
J4av You Swt) Our
Price only $35.
Hp-lo-Dato in livory Hospect.
Adjustable Steel Handle Hars.
reiobratod fi. & .1. Detachable Tiros.
We have opened our
line of
j ?
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. J . T. Peters & Co,
Just tUhat
You CUant.
New (dens in Wall Paper here. Silcb
wide variety a we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real iiiiila
tion cieton ell'eeis at ordinary prices.
Good papers at -henp (taper prlceH.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonrw
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of home pahits.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wil-on and
Miss Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Evils' Old Stand.
A torpid liver robs yon of ambition
I and rpins your health. DuWitt's Little
' Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach ami liver
I trouble. Snipes Kinersly Drng Co.
renting department with a
new wheels.
have strictly Kirst-Olass