CEUE B RMTION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th, 1898. mi mm In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daflv Chronicle, Ail vertllnjt Hilton. I'er ntoA, One tr.ch or less In Dally . fl ft) ver two Inches mid under four Inches. ... 1 00 ver four Inches and under twelve Inches. . To ver twelve Inches 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch 12 P0 Over one Inch and under four tnchc. - CO OtfAp fnnv tttnli.ic uinl imil.tc t.rnk-i. Iiinhnc 1 J) Over twelve inches 1 00 SlTBSCltll'TION MUCK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 00 SATURDAY - JUNE 11. 1898 SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT. "Whatever may have been said by the opposition press in criticism of the administration, it is now certain that the nresident has adonted a nol- irr in f1itinrivnU A mnrin.ni flint it must command the sunuort of oatri- otic men of all part.es, says the In - ter Ocean. There may have been a time when the president hesitated to commit the administration to a clear- ly deGned policy on new questions. If so, that time has passed. The new questions have been considered, and problems raised by war have been grappled with, and there has been worked out a solution bound to com pel the support of every loyal Amer ican citizen. All this was indicated in the Me morial day address of Assistant Sec retary Davis at Gettysburg and has ! been confirmed by the dispatches coming from "Washington the last week, as well as by the movements of the army and navy. The instrus tions to the army clearly foreshadow a purpose to occupy permanently Porto Rico and the Philippines, and I to do this before Spain is pushed to the wall in Cuba. The president is to be in position to reap all the ad vantages of a costly war. But the president does not stop here. The signs are that he has marked out a program whose cxecu. tion will open a new era in our for eign affairs. Ills plan involves no idea of personal ambition or party advantage. It is clearly and (lis- tinctly American, and to be carried out in the fullness of fruition must have the support of all Americans. Down deep in their hearts the peo ple expect that the president will pursue such a policy as will drive Spain from this hemisphere and briny Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines under American con trol. They feel that he must bo adroit and diplomatic, but whatever comes they expect m to be resolu lute, liut to be successful the presi dent must have the people with him. Leaders in his own party or in the opposition may not hesitate to em barrass him to secure some slight tac tical advantage, but if the people, keeping in mind the policy that is to I advance the United States to her proper ,)lace among the great powers of the world, support the president, liis program will become deeds and history. No man since Monroe has prom ised so much for the future wealth, safety mid 'glory of this republic. With the assistance of the people, no nan will Imvo accomplished more for Awerio and Aawricaus in this cen- WUJUm McKinley. Hold 1,is fcnn,l8J resl,ond support him; nml cnrn to liis call ; for him ami the nation of today the unstinted praise and gratitude of the America of the twentieth century. f another Spanish lleet comes over Sampson can leave the sealed harbor of Santiago to aivo the newcomer iit- ! tCtltlOll by either blowing it out of the water or bottling it up. The im pounding of Spanish lleeth will short ly be reduced to a science. Admiral Cervera's next feat as a strategist should be to put his lleet i on wheels and cut across the mount ains to some other port. His shrewd ness a- n aiior seems to be reduced to a 1 1 1 id movement as a last resort. Paris has ordered 1,000,000 worth of American electrical machinery for , l UXpOaition its exposition. In this line our in ventors and workmen have distanced , "Mtition and are masters of the field. KODAKS. We sell them because we have the right kinil. Any priue from $1 to $10, j t0 tuk. develop and finish, ,' ,Come. 6Le u 6uml!e ol ')ictures Dosnku., Druggist LadleH, Attention! Great discount sale in millinery. Elegant trimmed hats from 50 cents to $1.00. The greatest bargains eter known in millinery. Call early, while uie stock is complete. Miss. C. L. l'liiii.ii'a, 7-11 Washington St. Wonted. A competent girl; one who is a good cook, and who la kind to children. Good wages to the right party. Apply to this office. tf Thirty-live years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesvllle, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all tiie cheap wheels that are offering. Call and eee our '08 moilele. Maier & lien ton. Ue fire Doin? tf $ (feat ar?d flrtstie Printing.. For Reasonable priees.j Wo Print Anything in tho Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. $l?ro9i;I pub. Qo. ALL. Jieux Columbia Hotel IS THE HE ST Sum I'EK DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JW. TOOmEY, Prop. i I PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now" prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc War or No War You will always havo the honeit. of Low Prices at Irpdru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, lee Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. I Crandallfi Biuret I DEALERS IN Jjrjjj fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. i Z. DONNELL, PtESCflPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams ct Co., uxho Cloudy Wcatheit Preferred for Sittings. MY WORK MY Chapman Block. A cordial The Dalles, Or THE DALLES, Oil rubric has the best Shoes has everything to be foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. SUCCESS. THE DALLXfl, OH. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, ever thing to make you happy. The , For Spanish Headache Uncle Sum iH mixing a done that will Htiroly cure. Not nil licndiiclic ctireH lirinir ulmiit relief and many have a hud uHV'ci nu the heart nmlnyHmm puierully. We can oiler yon one not ho violent In itn method! uh I'dcIu Suiii'n, hut mm which will reiiinvo tin- cuiihm and curt th. n.Miducii.' Trv norrou woods HEADACHE CI' RE. l'ut up hy RELIAHLE 1'HARMACISTK. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles. Porlland aoi Astoria Navigation Co.' ran sfe Regulator d Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA88ENUER LINE IIKTWKKK Tlic DnIltH, HikmI Klvur.Cuw.iult! l-ockn mm l'ori. land Uully, Mti'tn huiuluy. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going ON TO (EASTERN OREGON? If mi, Hu money mid enjoy it twutitl tlifColiiintilii. Tliu t-bon ml train J h liullfs lu mniilu Unit) for iiiihHinm tlful trip on urrivc-H at . ......... ""'iiHin hi puhHiiimurN to tukii ... " l"l 41 llllltl lur uv l! H,n,t,1: Hl Norlherii trilui; Kimt- i'A",".'i! ll'!MU"W' itnlyliiK in T,0 UhIWh In tlmu to tukii tliu ICunt-bouml train. ror iiinncr liilumiutluii apply to J. N. JIAKNICY, AKimt, Oak Htnut Dook. I'lirtlmul, Oreiron, Or W C. AM.AWAY. tit n. Atft.. Tliu DulluH. uruaoti Tue coluaDia Packingco., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUrtlSKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)KlKD BEEF, KTO. Im l'Uta Hlieup Dip, jiroveo by every tent to belli beat noo-uolionuuH fluid dip 111 the world ; vuxritnteud to cure mb, lUili, ton threwt, lira and boof-rot. A7 )?? t 7 COME ALL. 0. R. & N. CO imiMiiT 1 timk HCiiiaiiru:, 1'ltOM I I.W.I. II V Ion A Mil VIC I'llOM, I'ni-t .Mull HUM l. Ill, rflllt l.llkv, DOIIVIT, I t. ft.t Worth, ilniiiliii, Kim Mt huh City, St bpulx,' a-10 u. in, (;1iIi:iii;d Mini I.umI. Hpokinio Flyer p. in. Wnllii Wnllii, Hpol,ime, .MllilU'iipnllii. HI. I'miiI, Flyer. Clili'ii'.'i" mill Cunt. X )i. in. I'llOM 1'OKTMNIl. I Oituii Hluminihlp. 1 1. m. .Ml miiiiii); iiuti'.H niilijcrl to I'llllllUU Tor Sun I'miiii'Ihm -hull .Inn H, li, a, ,-, s Jt, -I, 1!7, lit. 7 i. 111. TO AI.MlKA- Hull Jiiiiu 7, '.'.I. .i . in. h J i. 111. Kx.Mlliilny Saturday in . in. Colinnlilu Kv. HleuiiHTM, Kx.himiiaT 'In Akioima mill Way IjiiiiIIiiKh. I p. m. I'm. in. , Wii.i.amkttk lti i:i:. IHDii.m. r.x.HniiiluyfOrciioii City. .Ni'whurc, K.x.cimdiir I tiillctll A Wiiy Ijimrn. i n. Hi, 'Wim.amktti: a Nl Ya n.)i m. Tucx.llitir.l him. Itivti. .M(iu.,Wnl., unilfciit. I (r.-Kii City, Diiytmi, mill Frl. , mill Wiiy-I.iiiuliii;n, li II. III. WII.I.AMKTTK lilVKII. i l.:)i.m, I'ortmtiil to Corvullls, Tiii'., rhut, mid Viiy-jiiiiUni;iN. ami Hut. Ttic.Tliur, unit Hut, I.i:avi: KirvntA. I ' I"' li. in. Moil.. Will. mid I'rlilii; I.KAVR I.KWISTD.N. .'j I'l II. III. 'hlllL.TlIC., Mini Tlmr. Hnaki: Uivki:. ltlpurlii to LowlMiin. I'nr (nil imrtlimlurH mil on O. li, ,V X. Co.'. I'Kuut Tin; llulk'H. or hiIiIicnn W. II. Ht.'KI.ItNUT, (icn. I'nt. Act., I'lirtliiml.Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Eoute t OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Truliih luuvt! nnd urn ilin- to urrivf at I'littlu I.KAVK. OVKK1.ANH KX 1 liri'HH, HlllUIII, KllM'- 1 liiirK, Anlilillitl, Hau fiioo r. m rmnuiito, OKilt'ii.Hiin I KruntilHtii, MiiIuvl', ( i l-'rminlNt.'o, Mnji' Iam A iiut'leM.i:! I'i rtn I'iiiiii, I New urlumiK uuil ' iKintt ... 1 illoNt'biirK nnd way tu itlmm . f Via WuMlluirn fori :ao ,. Ji I'.M Dully HunUuyn. Dully VACfpt Hutiduyrf I .Mt.AliKcl, HllviTtiill, Went Htilo, llrowiik. vllU-,riirtni:llulil anil I I Natron , , 1 (Corviilllx nni! tvuy htlltllHIB i I7!:) A. .M. sSOI'.M. INDKl'KNDKNCK I'ABHKNOUIt. I.xrtt.n tralu Dully (vxt!fit Kiin.tay). in. (I.v.. ..I'ortlmiil . Ar.i S"-,1" 7::i . in. Ai. .MiiMlnnvlllf I v.S t,;u , b h:Wi. m. Ar lntli'i'fiiilt'iiit'.I v ) !:( "I Dully. IDuiiy, cxctiit Hnnuuy DININIi CAItrt tN UtlDKN KO0TK. I'lllil.MAN HtJKKKT Kl.KKrKHI1 AND HKCOND-CI,A88 HI.KKI'JNl CAR" AtUiultud to nil ThrmiKli Trulm. Ulrfot t'oiuictitlon iitfcan I-runnier;; with 0; iluntitl mill Drlmitiil mnl raiilllo mull ; l ii-n iiri Mil llllfN for JAI'AN mid CHINA. NIIIIIIB u- - I HI IMIUIUIUII. , . v,u Knto ium! tlukeln to Kiwturn .W?Si roti All AIho.IAI'AN. CHINA. (HTHAI.IA, umi Im olitiilmil liom , J. 11. KIUKUND, Ticket AKint. TlirmiKh 'J'lokut Ollicc, nil Third VVStS throiiBli tti'kotH to nil 1,1hIh Iii tlio Mw Htiittw, Canmlu mid Kuropi' tun Ihj outainw Inwi'ht riitc'H liom , , ,,.,,. J. II, KIltKI.AND.Mlckd Agcnt All iihovt) tniliiH urrivo tit iijh f1,.' Orimd Contral Htutliin. Willi ml l'v' ,,rw VA.MIIU.I, liiviniu.i, I'iinionj(iir DojaJt, foot of Juilorwin niwi- AMU it. in. on HiiiuJikVN only). U'uve lor Hhfrldnti, wt-ok diiy, t 1:30 p. Airlimut l',.rl,ifl ,1'ltO ,1 111. . ........ .... ll'iillllwlW1"1 lAuvti nir AXVl.ir. on .hiiimiivi ;; raff l-rMiy iitUMOn. in. Arrlv i",',.11' , (lur . ThumdMy mid Huturthii it it;0o p. Kxctipt HuiKhiy, Kxtopt liiiliiiiw). K. Kc K'.i.Kll, Jlunuor. (i, If. MAKKHAft, Ml. U.K. !' AkM. The farmer, the moolmnlo nnd l!i j' oyole rider are liable to iini!X'cte I. tU haaf Hilnir to keOD Oil Uuw It IimIi quickly, nnd ia h wul J"""j cure for pllM. 6olpwKlnernly Drogl Umvu lor OHWWK), dully, 'x't H undjir, riJOii. m.: K':o, i:M, ft: If., ' Aria S (mid il:ao p. in. on Huiuriiny only. ?;7iJS i mid !)i:iu p. in, on HinidiiyK only)' .A",iiV l'nrtlaiKl Qitlly at OHO ulid hilju in.i " l$ l:ift. fli'-ii mnl t.m 11. 111.. fund 10:H 111 ' .1 J