. 1 r' 4 mx&rii m V Saturday Specials. Dry Goods Department. In Dross Goods wo shall oM'er soino twonty five pieces of all-wool .Suitings, Hummer Goods, and very desirable. This lot, comprises our reg ular o(Jc, (0c, G5c and Tor- goods, and you miss it if you pass Iheni by, as our selling price for Sat urday oniy win ho 1'leased to show you these day if you will call. .. 39c Per Yard goods before Satur- un- suit special for lite WeeR M Furnishing Goods Dept. In summer underwear wo have some good things, and it, is good things you need for this weather. We have a spe'cial line of light-weight cotton un derwear and this wo shall oiler for one week at 50 Cts a Suit. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. You can't atl'ord to wear heavy derwear when you can got a full of summer underwear for 50c a Suit. Of course we have summer under wear in the nicer grades at a little higher price. I f you would prefer Bal briggan we have it with patent seams at 5Uc a garment. A better one for 75c, and if you prefer something better let us sell you a suit of the Imported French Balbriggan at $1.00 a Garment. Come in and cwaminc these lirms. We'll put our time against yours. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY - - JtW'E 10. J8!)8 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. K t tntliiy hiir mid wanner. Don t forgot Unit Kullar keeps the best ice cream soda in tho city. tf Ho jd River strawberries by the crate at T!io Dalles Commission Company's. leu cream Hoda, ice cream and straw berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. Souvenir BpoonH of American battle ships at T. A. Van Xorden's. Price 26 COIltH. 8-lw C. M. Grimes Bhipped two carloads of beef cattle to the Union Meat Oo. yes terday. II. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and lianjo. Headquarters at Jacubseii'f. tf A new lot of oranges and lemoiiB di rect from growers, at the Dalles Com mission Co. For correct styles in millinery go to the Campbell & Willson Millinery Par lors, on Second St. tc Leave orders for ice with the .Stadel man Commission Jo. Office cold storage baUding. Phone -It). ' tf Dewey keep ice cream soda? No, we sell it, the beat iu the city, at the Co lumbia Candy Factory. Wanted, competent girl to do general housework. Applicant address "J5," care CiiitoNtcLii oHice. Furnished rooms to rent, also euits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and IK), Chapman Block. 17 Yesterday morning William Johnston; wus tried in Justice Filloon's court for larceny. lie was found guilty und sen tenced to thirty days in the county jail. William Michell is having his build ing, on the corner of Third and Wash ington, newly painted, and will remodel the interior. The work being done adds much to tho uppearance of the structure. Yesterday u new sidewalk was built iu front of the Columbia Candy Factory, which is a decided improvement and puts i,he exterior more In accordance with the neat interior of that favorite resort. James W. Smith has eold out his ex tensive mercantile business after a ca reer of nearly twenty years in Arlington. Tho now (Inn will Ue known as The J. W. Smith Mercantile Company, and will bo in operation iu a very few days. The entertainment at the Methodist church this evening will be exception ally good, ne great preparations are be ing made. The admission will bo lir cents, which includes ice cream and crke. If you cannot get there iu time to hear the program, go later and have some ice cream. Tl e name of Jay P. I,ueao, of Arling ton, for register of the laud otlice in Tho Dalles, and Otis Patterson, of Ileppner, an receiver of public moneys at this place, were sent to the senate by the president. These nominations were not unexpected, but it will nevertheless be a sourco of wonder to many why people outside of Wasco county should be .ap pointed to such positions. Word was received iu Baker City Sun day, says the Republican, that Fred Sturglll, whose home is near Wwgvillts, had been brutally assaulted by the fore- t'hurle A. Kflwnrclit' Funeral. man of a sawmill near La Grande. Slur , gia was'working at the mill and quit, and when he naked the foreman for his T1,e f,,,,eral of Charles A. Edwards pay he was told to come over to tho of- ' ,ook P,m!H at 7 :3 last evening from the lice. When once there, it is said the ' Crandall it ISnrgett undertaking parlors, FUNERAL OF H. P. JACKSON. ( forman whipped out a large revolver land began beat inn him on the head, unji I befoie he was stopped he had broken ' one of Stnrgill's arms. Sturgill ie in u i critical condition, j ' and was largely attended by friends and fellow employes on the 0. R. & X., with whom he was an unusual favorite. The funeral services, which were short and appropriate, were conducted by Rev. Wood of the M. E. church. The re- A splendid display of art studies, plain , Illnjng Were laid away in the Odd Fel I and fancy needlework, embroidery, as,, cemetery. ! well as compositions, essays and class r fjJ Uuiv" and beautiful floral pieces , work for the year at St. Mary's Aeade- which wertJ brought by his friends and j my and St. Joseph's school will be i.ut daily usf)(K.jates on the road were silent jon exhibit on Saturday, Sunday hiiU reminders of the esteem in which he Monday at the Academy. The general waB lj(Jj . while those of D. W. Camp I public are cordially invited to view the , belli of portianu chief train dispatcher, 1 exhibit during this time. , proved that the departed was held in the i Lust evening the lawn on the north ! highest regard by his employers, as well J Bide of the Congregational church waB j s the men with whom' he woikeJ. I brightly lit by Chinese lanterns, and a The death of Mr. Edwards is a very ' . .... 1 . 1 .. xr . : . .i... . . r numuer oi tauies werepiaeeu around i uuuir ; me uiure oo un uccuum i the yard; while the Juafor Endeavorers I the wife and three small children who flew about among their guests serving now mourn for him. icecream and cake. The little ladies . 1 . .!! - 1 were not lacking patronage, and must ' have added quitea sum to their treas ury. I'KIiNONAl, MKNTION, I' The largest cattle drive made in Grant county for some time paesed through Long Creek last Friday. There were over 2000 head in the band, consisting chiefly of two and three-year-old steers, recently purchased in Graut county by Mr. liuardman, of Montana. William Butler haB charge of the drove. Fifteen cowboys and sixty head of saddle horses were employed in 'the drive to Pen dleton. r Tlie party who has purchased the old Catholic church building has finished tearing it down and is hauling it away. With it goes an old landmark and souvenir of early days in The Dalles. Its removal improves the appearance of tho new church. Workmen are engaged in putting down a new 'sidewalk from Third street to the church entrance and in making other improvements around the new edifice. Latest reports from Mr. Snipes, father Warm Springs, Hood River, One or Klickitat OMent and Mont Itc tpcctcil Citlr.rtm Laid to Rent. The funeral services over the remains of the late. H. P. Jackson, of Goldendale were held in the Preabytorian church at that place Wednesday, being conducted by the Masons, of which fraternal order Mr. Jackson has been a member for many years. Henry I'. Jackson was born near Mar ietta, Ohio, Dec. 22, 18:50. He crossed tho plains in 1852 and settled on French Prairie, near Gcrvais, Marlon county, Oregon, where he resided until April, 1878. when ho removed to Kiickitat. He was married to Mies Eli.abcth Dun can, August 11, 1853. who purvlves him. Ho leaves seven children, of which II. C. and Walter leside in Goldendale, Andrew, at Medical Lake, Hugh, at Wapinitia, Or., Mollio and Nettie at Tacoma and Hattie at Portland. Royal mikes the food pure, wholesome and detlcloui. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKlhQ PODCR CO., tit YORK. Just Ctthat You lUant riC) ST?) Mir m Wi-ntlier ami UlTer. Wednesday afternoon temperatures of from 74 degrees, over southeastern Ida ho, to 95 degrees, at The Dalles, pre vailed over the Columbia river basin. Wednesday night t lie temperature fell from 112 to 44 ilpgrees. The heat ir slow ly increasing' over the entire Columbia basin. Higher temperatures prevail over the upper Columbia country than over the Snake; this is favorable for the Columbia to discbarge before the main body of water from the Siuke and Clear water appears. There were no conditions present yes terday morning which indicate a cessa tion of the current warm weather. The upper rivers show a rise. There is yet considerable snow on the higher elevations to be melted. The upper rivers will rise more rapid ly during the next twenty-four hours. The Columbia below the Cascades will rise today ; at Portland a rise of 0 2 or 0.3 of a foot will be shown Saturday morning. A rise of at least three feet at Portland will occur by Thursday, June 10th. A rise of five feet at Portland is probable before the maximum height is reached. Ttie current warm weather will most likely produce a continuous rise until the maximum height is reached. fourth nr. Inly tVlt-ltrntlnii. . The name of P. W. DcHufT was inad vertently omitted from the committee on liberty car and lloat and said com mittee should include tho name of Mr. DeHutl. Tho executive committee will be com posed of tho chairman of the several committees, viz, Capt. J. W. Lewis, chairman, C. J. Crandall, J. S. Fish. H. W. French, J. F. Hampshire, C. F. Stephens, C. L. Gilbert, II. C. Lie be, M. T. Nolan, Frank Menefee. Gno. C. 15l.Ak-KI.KY, Chairman, D. C. & A. C. WIiimiiiIiik CiiiikIi. 1 had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whoopim: cough. My neighbors recommended Chambei Iain's Couh Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, hut after givini: him a lew doses of the remedy 1 I noticed nn improvement, and one buttle I cured him entirely. It is the best cough I medicine I ever had in the house. P. j E. Mo. ire, South Burirettstown, Pa. For sale by Illakeley & Houghton. Now ideaf, in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be foro'uraced a slii(.'li! stock. Real imita tion cieton ellVcts at ordinary prices. Gooil papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant des-iuns, tasteful colorings, yonrn for a small pricn, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAtTSB, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillipery Parlor5 LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER. I On draught at the White j iiouse Saloon. Charles I Michelbich, l'rop. Under the manngement of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Mies Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Brigs' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and rnins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. lllllN Allowed. Mrs. Wood, of the city. W. T. Jackson, of the city. J. T. Bennett, of Antelope, iB at the Umatilla House. Sain McDonald, of Moro, was in the city last evening. M. P. Isenberg returned to hi " " at Hood River yesterday. Mrs. H. E.Goodrich, of Warm Springs, is in the city for a short visit. Yesterday E. B. Dufur left for a busi ness trip to Gold Hill. Southern Cali fornia. Mrs. O. E. McCov and children left last evening for Waeco, to visit friends for a short time. Mrs. Geisendorfer, who has been in Portland for the past ten days, returned on last night's train. ' ' Mrs. II. If, Dufur, of Dufur. returned on last evening's boat from an extended I rip to l'ortlantt and the coast. Judge and Mrs. W. L. Rradshaw and little son left yesterday morning for a visit with IrU'iids in the valley towi At the meeting of the city council Wednesday night the bill of Dr. Doane for attending a case of scarlet fever was allowed. His bill for attending the Indian who was killed on the O. R. & N. track, was referred to the railroad company. The following bills were also ordered paid: CFLautr, marshal $ 75 00 Geo J Brown, engineer 75 00 J J Wilev, nightwatch 60 00 CJ Crandall, treasurer... 20 00 K B Sinnott, recorder 50 00 Dr A C Smith, professional ser vices , 100 00 St Vincent Hospital, services.. . . 41 00 O D Doane, professional service. 2 50 J T Peters & Co, mdse 8 Oli W A Johnson, mdse 5 75 P F Burham, hauling 5 75 Dalles City Water Workp, rent . . 32 75 J E Ferguson, hauling 1 50 Dalles Lumbering Co. mdse 44 79 L B W Stone, labor..' 7 50 C Jones, labor 3L 70 A S Cathcart, teaming 8 40 F Eagan, labor 17 00 J W Heebner, labor 23 80 John Crate, special police 8 00 James Hauuaii, special police... 2 HO California Restaurant, meals. . .. 2 70 NOTICK. The regular montly meeting of Mt. Hood Hoee Company No. 4, will be held on Friday evening at 8:30 at the hose houser J. W. Lkwis, Sec. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS nas amoved his store to tho Vogt Block, next door to the PosfofHce, where he will be pleased to greet his many former patrons and a liberal share of now ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and PEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Mm Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALLES, OR. IN ;ij-IMl J I, j. -- II.JNj -JJ-MJ- I 1. !. Jteu You 89 Our ladies' OI jjejime inipes, uu in euiiiruwu iu ... . .. . . .ii o i :viiss nerrigan, oi j-oriianu, wuo i..u have been drowned on the Jane Gray, , b wWwl friends near Dufur. spent state that all hopes of his being alive j yesterday calling on Dalles acquaint- ; have been abandoned. The dory of the ances, and left on the boat tnie morning Jane Grav has been washed ashore, i ,ur "Lr 1uum which makes it all the more likely that hois lost, since he was supposed to have been one of those who embarked in this boat. The report that bodies of nine of the victims of the disaster have been found is unconfirmed, The Ifeppner Gazette savs A. M Cree returned last week ! Big creek country, J where he had been to investigate the re cent killing of sheep. He 'found that there in no special objection to trail sheep going through that sectiog, pro vided they are taken through on an upper trail. Iu the case of Willinghad, It waa learned that bo was requested to D. W. Campbell, of Portland, chief; train-dispatcher for tho O. 11. & N. Co., I was in the city yestomay lo nitenu me funeral of Chas. A. Edwards, of Port land, and returned cm the eaily morn ing train today. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hardwiek have closed their store for a short time, and will snend the time at Hineham Snrims. trom a trip to the I jjr, Ihwdwiek's health has been falling in Grant couutv. inir. and it is with the hope that lie w ill I I 'Ivanhoe' recover that they take the trip, (Jhruit eaten for tlio Fourth of .Inly. For the Fouith of July the O. H. & N. Co. will sell tickets from Tho Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, in eludlm? Wallnla and Walla Walla. take the upper route, and save the range I Wael) ut t,)(J rflte of 0I1H fliro for ,i10 in the valley, which ho refused to do, hence the trouble. Mr. Cree believes! that less contention on both sides will ! prevent a recurrence of last summer's; dopredatiens. . He is well pleased with j his purchase of 7000 head, which he made in this loj lire the lluest round trip. Tickets on sale July 2J, 3d and 4th. Tickets good for return up to and including July 0, 1893. tiuckieii'a Ariiit-n salve. The best salve in the world for l'Ut8, Schlltz'a Bock Beer. 'ty "4 W"Hh ,e ' bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei hh ever seen. Bore()( tettor chanped nandBi chilblains, ' cornB, and all skin eruptions, and posi ,' Midway. w l-guaranteed to give perfect satlsfac- j tlon, or money refunded. Price 25 cenU tor the per box. For sale by Blakeley atid 1 Houghton, druggists. Use Clurko &. Falk's Rosofoani teeth. Price only $35. lTp-to-Dato in 10 very Rcspocl. Adjustable Stool II audio JarH. Ueiolmited G. & .). DotaohaMo Tiros. MAYS & CROWE. i1 Has tae Uurwell detachable The, The bust thing yet. Hasn't a single drawback. The weight of the We have opened our renting department with a J lino of new wheels, BUNNELL THE Is less than that of any oth er detachable tire now on the market. Ladies' and Gents' Olheels for Rent, Wheels Repaired. REMEMBER Wo havo striolly Kirst-Olass mater & Beaton Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates, Phone 35. J. T. Peters & Co.