C E U E B R M T I O N 1 AT THE DALLES. JULY 4th. 1898. i tan ; Ml. if I itf II !if-:!'ii mot II If. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Advertising Klttn. Ouc li.ch or less In Daily )1W er two iuoheo and uiultfr four inche 1 00 ver four inchc mui utuler twelve Inches.. 75 ver twelve inches fO DAILY JlNI) WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ti 60 Over oue inch and unitcr four inches. . . '.' (V Over four Inches iiud under twelve iuehe 1 60 Over twelve iuches 1 CO suiiscitirnoN ruici:. One week $ 15 One month i0 One year fi 00 FRIDAY - .JUNE 10. ISttS ACCLIMATIZING THE T HOOPS. 2so one understands clinmtiu con ditions iu Cuba bettur than General Fitzhugh Loc. Ever since his first interview with the president there basj been evident a purpose in the j moment of troops to prepare them ! srndunlly for opciations in the Cuban inmate, neuiars irom mu nuai. and North weie first concentrated at Chickamauga; then they wjresent, further south, and finally to Mobile and Tampa. The volunteers, after a j lew weeh-s m suite camps, were or - dered to Chickamaugn. After a few weeks' sensnninnr in riiillino- nnd marching, many were sent to Jack sonville and others to Mobile and Tampa. In all this movement to acclima-1 t:ze the troons C4eneral Lee and ' others well informed as to the Cuban1 climate have undoubtedly been nd-1 visors. No better point for the first rendezvous than Chickamauga could have been selected. It is warm! there in this season, but the climate ., , , . is no more than that of Chicago. It is warm! at Jacksonville, and warmer : at Tampa. Discomforts of camp at! Tampa are verr great, but the men , , . are becoming used to conditions not unlike those which prevail in Cuba and Porto Kico. When they move to the islands they will be better for tiGed against climatic peculiarities than if thev had been sent at once to the field of active operations from points iu the North. lne managenient or the army in this particular has been admiiable. A'ery little has been said about it, ' but it i.s clear that n well-considered plan, laid out by men of experience, has been followed with advantage to nil the troops who are to make upi the army of invasion. There is reluctance to order the troops into Cuba in the rainy sea son, but for strategic nnd political reatons it is necessary that we have n foothold in Cuba and Porto Kico as soon as possible. The plan adopted will take the men seasoned at Jacksonville, Mobile and Tampa to the highlands of East ern Cuba and to Porto Kico, where they will be less exposed to the dan gers of the rainy season. The olli tiers directing the campaign are well informed us to tbe condition of their nAM Aawl will ...... t 1 1. I.l I 1 The news that Spain would be cotnpolled to resort to a paper cur. reacy was received in Ibis country whb ns much umasemont as if wo IhmI never heard of audi u thing be fww. W abould go down tato tlt bfMtu Arawtr, wbwre all our hirtor. 7V , ,,ul " "wr,7 the Printing Line. Iilnnflnra hv f ha orir tlfln In ITnvnnn "III ical souvenirs are kept, and fish but one of those dear old 10 cent shin plasters, lest we forget, lest we forget. Had mmmsement keeps more people in hard circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when .i favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Ilia rhoea Remedy iu the house. The shift less fellow will wait until necessity com pels it and then ruin bis best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides. One pays l'.j cents; the other is out one hundred dollars and then wonders why Ids neighbor is get ting richer while he is getting poorer. For sale bv I51akeley & Houghton. KODAKS. We sell them because we have the price from $1 to $10, riatit kni'i. Anv 1 T , ... . . .1 1 I il..! .1. Come am, 6ee taken with them. a sample of pictures DoNNKMi, Druggist. I I.iulle.s, Attention! 1 Great discount sale in millinery. Elegant trimmed hats from 50 cents to 1 $1.50. The greatest bargains eer known in millinery. Call early, while the stock is complete, t Mns. C. L. 1'miMFs,. 7-11 Washington St. Wantml. I A competent girl; one who is a good took, and who Is kind to children. Good t0 the rihl Part-V- app'' ' ' to this tf Thirty-five years make a generation. J' '"' bo I0" Ado,Pn Filier' of anesv. .n. O., Buffered from piles. He j , i u i wns cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. , " ; ; Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of a the cheap whee8 that afe Call and see our '98 models. Maier & lienton. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is whut It wu mde fur Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for rh eklP UVe jTe Doir; fieat apd rtstie Priptip.. For f)ea$onable Drioac A ye iykllt Anything in Ill " w Qiue us a trial. 5l?ro9i pub. o. ALL. Ji fieuu Columbia Hotel 1 2 IS THE MUST .um. PER DAY J g HOUSE IN THE CITY H J. JVL TOOmEV, Prop. The Dalles, Or ' I PIONEER I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc i jWar or No You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fY)Axyj feller's afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS sJS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies! 7V. Z. DONNELL, PESClIPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.. THE DALLES, OR has the best Dress Goods jrji has the best Shoes lias everything to he foun in a first-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Cloud jW m the p Pfef MV WORK MY A cordial BAKERY. War & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. erred for Sittings. SUCCESS, THE DALLEfl, OR, invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, eve thing to make you happy. The For Spanish Headache ! Uncle .Sam is mixing a dope that will surely cure. Sol nil hradiicliu cures i brine about relief and many hnve a bad eU'ect on the heart and system generally. i We can oiler you one not so violent In its methods as Uncle Ham's, but oue which ill remove Him nuinr and cure the lieiidnche. Trv DOCTOR WOODS' HE A DA C'llv (TKE. I'm np by UELIAHLE I'll A KM AGISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES. Regulator LineV Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PA88ENUER LINE I IIK1WKKN The 1)1Un, HikhI I'.lvur, Cnscuilu l.ockx mill I'uri. limit iliilly, .(.ui Hiiiiiluy. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou goiug on to (EASTERN OREGON? . i ,i i ""V0,"'""'';' Jy h iKviuilliil trip (iii Ihu UiUwihhi, HicwusMmiiiikI tnilu nrrlvuHiit 1 hu lliillva Iu limpid limn (or piiMn'iiKern Id VhLc tliHKKMiiuur, iirrlvliiK l I'urtlnml In time for tlio oiitK" iib Houtliorn unit Niirthiirn triilim; Kunt miihiiI iHtMuiiKL-iH iirrlvliiK In Thu llatlen In time to tiikii thu hiutt-lxtiiuil train. for lurthtr liiforiiiiitlnn Hpply to J. N. 1IAKNKV, ARi'Mt, Oak Htrt-ot IliKik, I'ortlanit, Okkoii. r " AliMftAl, liuii, Ak1 Tlio DalluK, Uri'Koii Tne coiumuia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUHKMH OH Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON iWMD BEEF, KTO. l-ii I'ittta 8lieep Dip, provun by evury tt to hu tlio boat noiiTjoliionoiiH fluid (lip in thu world; jjuuruntood to curt- uhu, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot. CUrk A fculk, The UhIIm. jsirs. Replatori DalleCity COME ALL. O.R. & N. GO tijii: H;in:m'i,t:, I'llOM tlAI.I.Ch Annivr. KllOH. I'm: Past Halt I.tikr, Ik-uvur, I't 'nt Mull Wnttii. (iimiiiii. ir till l-ll 11 :U) p. Ill.j iik I'lty, .St. Unit,, nibn.m. 1 jiui nun nun i.wu. Walla Walla, Hpokimi-, Hjmkmie .M Ililii-npoltH. Ht. I'Hlll, Kljcr, Ha lut h, Jillumiktt-, r,.,Ji . ,u ('lileiiuo mill Cast. Flyer "i:"0 ji. ui. h i, m, I'llOM I'OI'.TI.ANII. (K'l'nli Ktt'Uiiihtilin. All (-nllliur ilaU'h hiilijt'i; III I'llllllk'U li ir Hun Fruin'licfh Hull .tun ;:, n. ii, iJ. i.i, js. Jl, .'I,'j7,:ai. 4 i. 111. 7 1 1. in. Til AI.ANKA S.ill Juno 7, 'J.'), ,i p. tn. h i. in. Kx..iuniliiy Kiliinlny in p. in. I p. m. F.X.Silltilijr (.'iilllinliln Hv. HtriumTK. To AhTtiiilA mui Wuy UinillliKn. ilii. in. Wilumktti: Htviat. i.x.HlltnliiylOrcKiili tllty. N.uvhciK, i Mucin A. Wiiy Ijiiiil'd, I ;:) p. m Lx.eundir 7 a. in. Kvn.LAwr.TTll ANIi Vam TlH'ol llllr.. HIM. KIVKItH. 3:iJ) n. m. Jlim.,n'til mui hiit. (iii'vnii i:ity, iiiiytiin, mui Frl. mui Uiiy-ljiiiilliiK". I'm. in. I Wii.i.amktti: Hiviii:. 1,151 p.m. Tiif.,'riiiir,'l'iirtiiinil li CurinllU, Tin;., llmr, iiliil.liitii mui Wity-ljiiiilliiKi, uiirl bat I.KAVK . lUI'AltlA. 1:1,') ii. in. I .Mull.. Wiil.i mill I'rliluy I.KAVIt I.rwi.irox. !i I'm m. huii.,Tuf.. iul Thut. SNA K K HlVCK. Hlpiirlu In l.uwlnlmi. Kur (nil imrtli'iiliirh rail mi O. K. N. t'O.'i iiRunt Tin: wiilteii. ur inlilii'- W. II. KI'llMINItT, (icn. 1'iik. Act,. rortUml.Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Ivitvcuud lire Uui' to iirrlvu at 1'orlliL I.KA VK. OVKKI.ANI) KX iirc, hiilt'in, 11il' liurc. Antihunt, Hut'' rmiiiiiitii. ni'lliitl.Killl C:iii) I". !., l'riiiit:lHco, Miijavu, lAm AllKi'l.'",''-' 1 Nuw Orltmia uml 1 1 ;:.! h:30 A. .. 'IIOM'laiiK mui wuy ui" ''l II..I.U r.ji ( Vlu Wmxlhiirii for 1 1 1 Mt.AiiKi'l, Hllvurtim, llallT ! Went Hclo, llniwns vxctpl vllli-,riiiiKlli'hl mnl Similar"-l-lNiitron . . 1 Dully OAl'llpt hiiuilityii 17:30 A. M, ICorvulllH Htatf iiiih nnd wy( :S01'.il. INDKl'KNDKN I. I'AhHI'.NtiKlt. hxproM I'm. i -vt'opt niniiluv. l;50 p. in. I.v. .I'ortlatiil Ar.) ;2"- TIHIp. Ill, AI MfOllllllt'llli' I'W "'", a K'lai I, 1,1 fAr IlilliM.HIIlll'liri' .1 V ' l.'wfl'Jr Dully. IDaiiy, exeupt SiiiiiM)' DINING UAUH O.N OC1DKN K0UTJ5. 1'IM.l.MAN lltM'KKT HMIKI'KKP AND 8IX'OND-CUKS HI.KKI'IM CA1 Attimliiil to all ThroiiKli Triilim Dlrwit (imiiwitldii at t-mi riiiiclo with Of dental uml Orluntal ami I'ihiIIh iIi g w lltli-N for JAPAN ami CHINA. AUM'S "'A'K;.'.! tlok,t- to K-t..r..ll..U f S roiio. AInoJAI'AN, Dlll.NA. IIONOLUW ;Ai'BT"AMAYriuici";Np;Ti;'kctAi! ThroiiKli Tlckiit Olllw, l.'tl Tlilnl '",i$?2 throiiKli thikuw lo all ...lnt J i ' f.itoi 'KlattHiCanailamiil fciiroH' cnii ho obtains ! OT1fV.KL.. I..-HVU for OHWKdO. 'A5'?, (ami li::io p. in. on Haiimhiy oiil y. ; "'",0 H mid il:ao 1!. 111, 011 hiimlan o" ; ,A;,ai:fe I'ortlaiid (fully 11I UMumiil : , ' ' T j lS l:IM:uiiml7iKi. 101 ft:lup. m, on hiindajiiiinlyJi B Utnvo for Bliwlrtwi. wwk ily. 4:39 ArrlviHiti'ortliiinl.Uiaoii. 4 U'ttvu for AlKMK on Mnw'l"?. Krhuiy at u: iu 11. in. Art ' V. u , (Jav, Thmailay unit Hatiinlaj n ' KxcoptHiinilHy. Kxe pt HntiinhO. It. KK-.I.KU, jlnliuaur. An.il. (1, h..vli- The fiirnmr, tlm ummc nnd J oyclH rider nra llnhlo to 'rfJrf und brtilnea. Uuwiirn -" tawJt ItliMli quickly, "J ;Vio cure for piled. Snlpen-Kiiierdy i,rUvv 1