I ! Mi- J ffl he JBitlks dhtomtk. Li VOL. XI LAME ISLANDS m Cruiser Charleston to and Establish Coaling SAN FRANCISCO, .June ',). The Evening Post will say today that the cruiser Charleston will not go to the Phil ippines at once, but her destination is the island of Guahan, in the Lad rone group, which are controlled by the Spanish, and which are about 1500 miles from Manila and oOO from Honolulu. The chief city of Guahan is exceedingly well fortified for such a small place, and affords one of the best harbors and coaling stations in the Pacific. About six months ago the fortifications were strengthened by the Spanish to pre sent formidable resistance is case of attack. The post says the United States will seize the group and use Guahan for a Pacific coaling station in addition to any others she may desire. The Charleston, the Post continues, was ordered to wait at Honolulu for the first fleet of trans ports that left the city and to to take them to the Ladrones. It is asserted that the artilery which went on the Pekin was really intended to garrison the fortifications at Guahan, and after quiet is restored and the islands are under control of the United States that the Charleston,' with the transports, will go to Manila. It is said that the Monadnoek will not stay at Honolulu but proceed to the Ladrones and there remain as permanent guardian of the interest of the United States. LAST ALE BY CAPT. SAMP Communications Between Cuba and the Out side World Can Now Only Be Carried On By Means of Dispatcli Boats. Orv Saniiago, via Kington. June 8. Communication between Cuba and t tie outer world wbb severed yesterday. The Kingston-Santiago cable was eutjii Monday, and the llaytlan rable running into fiiiantanaino was cut yesterday. The ends were buried, and Sampson can re-establish communication witli Wash ington direct. 'i'lie Marblehead yesterday engaged and drove a Spanish gunboat into Gu autnnatuo harbor and shelled and re duced the antiquated fortifications. The insurgents eo-operated on the luud side. The place is being held until troopu hi rive, Jt la contemplated to establish u general base there. Communication between the Insur gents and the fleet Is constant. The Cubans are active, and arms, ammuni tion and supplies -for them were lauded by Suanee yesterday in great quantities. The insurgents and Spaniards fight daily. The Marbleheud on Monday, when the Insurgents bad preesed forward west r. il I . . . 1 1 . . , 1 il. ct. .. I L l. fled to the mountains, checkering the path followed in their retreat with dead and wounded, Santiago is on the vorge of starvation. All the food baa been seized for the THE 1j S.j 2 Tl II Take Possession of Them a United States Station. COT army end navy, and troops are on half rations. Sampson has officially declared that the put pose of the bombardment of Santiago was to clear the way for the troops. The object lias been attained. He personally commended Kusign Palm er for approaching within 150 yards of the Spanish battery at night, and learn ing that the Spaniards were mounting guns. The American naval commander is aiisioiiB to bring about the exchange of Lieutenant Hobson and his gallant companions from tho Merrimac. The admiral sent the Vixen with u flag of truce to the entrance of the harbor yes terday, ollerlng to exchange for the lieu tenant and his party some prisoners taken from a prize of the Marblehead off Cienfuegos. Cervera considered the matter all night, and sent word today that he is powerless to act. He referred the matter to the military governor, who later in turn referred it to Ulauco. A long delay is probable. Hjiuputliy fur Mm, aridley. Oxymim, Wash., June I). Governor Rogers has forwarded to Mrs, Grldley, widow of the late Captain Grldley, of the cruiser Olymbia, on behalf of the people of the capital city and the state of Washington, an expression of sympa thy for the loss of her gallant husband, DeWitt's Little Early Riacrs, The farnoiu little pills. I DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, MAY HAVE FORCED THE BLOCKADE Three Spanish Warships Said to Have Forced an I; n trance to the Harbor of Havana. Kkt Vk8T, l'la., .Iii'ie 0, There are persistent ruinuiL here, credited by some high naval olliccrs, thnt three Spanish warships have forced their way into Havana harbor. One lepoit eays that one battleship and two cruisers have entered the har bor. TEA BEING RUSHED INTO THE COUNTRY Importers Making Strenuous Eflbrts to Get a Large Supply on Hand Be fore the Xcw War Revenue Hill (Joes Into Effect. Tacoma, June 9. It is reported here tiiat importers are making a quiet and extraordinary efFort to hurry all the tea possible into America before the pros pective high war duty shall become effective, and that probably at least four of the Northern Pacific Steamship Com pany's fleet of steamers will arrive here thiB month, an exceptionally large num ber. In view of the fact that the govern ment is securing the use of these steam ers for transports, it is inferred that the vessels may be loaded with tea at the nearest available point and rushed to Tacoma before July 1st, saving thous ands of dollars duty, which would go to Uncle Sam after the war revenue law became operative, and at tho same time hurry the boats along for service in em barking troops to Manila. The Olympia Ib due here June 19th, and the Arizona July 7th. The Colum bia is in Japanese waters, and the Ta coma will be in Yokohama in a day or two, and could be returned hero in a very short time. Pacific Coast Steamship Company of ficials here can say nothing about such a move, claiming that arrangements for freight coming this way are made on the Asiatic side. NOT CHARTERED BUT IMPRESSED Government Seized the Transports Sen ator, Puehla and Queen. Sax Fiiancisco, June 0. -It appears that the steamers Senator, City of I'd ebla and Queen, owned by tho Pacific .Steamship Company, weienot chartered hut impressed into the service of the government as transports. The com pany hopes that the City of Topeka will be substituted for thu Queen, which at present l& In Alaskan waters. The City of Paris arrived last night and will be at once fitted out for Manila. There were 12000 men in the first ex pedltion. It is understood that the gov ernment intends to send to the Philip pines 20,003 men. At least five moie transports will be lequlred. ENGLAND MAY HAVE TO FIGHT Secretary of the Hritisli Consulate at Sail Juan Grossly Maltreated and Hauished From Porto Rico. Nkw Youk, June 9. A copyrighted special from St. Thomas to the Evening Journal says : Suspected of having furnished tiie United States with information regard ing San Juan harbor, Walter Jiett, sec retary of the British consulate at that port, has received his passports and lias been bauiebed from Porto ltico by order of Governor-General Manclas. Bett was imprisoned in a dungeon for fifty-six hours, and during that time he was subjected to gross maltreatment. Ilnttsh Cousul-Goneral Crawford has made a formul protest to his govern mcnt, ami serious international compli cations are Imminent. THE ANNEXATION OF HAWAII President McKinley will Recommend Immediate Action Toward the Annexation of These islands. Washington-, June !). The president has in contemplation, according to a senator who was in consultation with him today, tho submission of a special meeeage to congress calling for the im mediate annexation of Hawaii as a mil itary necessity. TWO STEAMERS TO SAIL WEDNESDAY Nebraska Regiment Will Probably Go With the Expedition. San Fkancisco, June 9. It is an nounced that the Morgan City and Sen ator will be added to. the transports for the second Manila expedition, to sail on Wednesday next. The Nebraska regiment will probably go with the expedition. The field guns of the Omaha battery will be moved to the ships today or tomorrow. One gun on each ship will be installed on deck for the purpose of defense. A ice machine with a capacity of two and one-half tons a day will bo sent to Manila in a few days in charge of three competent machinists. AMBITIOUS PLAN Coaling Stations to He Dotted From Morocco to the Levant. London, June 9. Tho Madrid corres pondent of the Daily News says Ger many intends to dot coaling stations from West Morocco to the Le vant. The Spanish government has been approached on the subject. If cor nered, Spain might lease a station in the Balearic islands in return for Germany's good olfices. By leasing she would avoid wounding national pride. SPANISH SPIES MUST MOVE ON Notice of "Expulsion from Canada Issued Against Caranza and Duhosc. Mo.N'TitK.w., June !). Word has been received hero from Ottawa that a mes senger lias left there witli notice of the expulsion ftom Canada of Lieutenant Caranza and Sunor Uu Hose, the Span ish officers who wero recently attached to the Spanish legation at Washington. Tim AliKlnrn llttuuty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her faco blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. Mr. P. Ivetcham, of Pike City, Cal., says: "During my brother's late sick ness from Sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the only reme dy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords, For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, I One Minute Cough Cure, cures. mt l what It wu made w, 1898. Hot Weather, Is what you hear above But then, those who know Cool Comfort At small cost, by Crash Salt or an Alpaea Goat and Vest We have them and Delayed Shipment of OQen's Liinen Dusters Shimming Trunks Boy's Sizes loe a pair. Men's Si.es 2.r)c a pair. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. Take Your Meals at the Clarendon Restaurant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. In' ("limiulnn U tin; bw-t Itctitmiumt in Tiie Hullo. IVIeals at All Hours. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Cigars. Why do we retail more Clears than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and puts cigars of tiie samo grade? Not hecause wo have hotter cigars or hetter hrands, or any greater variety ; no, not that. Why, because we havo tho finest cl ear case in thu statu ami keep our cigars in neiter condition. Snlpes-Klnaraly Drug Co, NO 74 Isn't It? everything else these da3Ts. care but little, for they get investing in either a are selling them.. Just deceived. ..ghas. m- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ket'iw oiulrautfht tlio cek-brateit OOI.L'MlllA It Ki: EC, ui'l;iiml ctlismi thu best beer in The lUllo, ut tliu UMitil iniee. ("omit In, try it mill lie ('(luvliiceii, Al tho Klut'ot briiiuU at Wlui'N 1.1 iiurs unci I'luiiix Sanduuiehes of nil KliuU iihviiy on haml. j 2 GUNNING & hockpN, 2 () (iK.N'Klt l. 7 Biacksmitning j ; anfl... j HorsB-ShoBing. j 2 Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles Z Z and lllucksiuiths' Supplies. Z 9 HpiTlul iittulitlim will ho kIvuii to all 7 ulusbva (if work, ! ALL OUR WORK WARRANTED. ! WiiKoii Btiop 111 connection, S Tel. 167s BE00ND STREET. 7 1 1 'IT ! . :'f, ' 'l''lF V.1 ,v 4 i