Pen's fleglige Shirts. Fine showing now. All lines are complete, but the picking has begun and will grow more rapid every day. We are showing a variety that will please you, but don't delay too long in making your selection. N'edigec shirt, collar attached 75c .1.00, 1(1.25 and $1.50 Soft bosom xhirt, with ciiflV, to lie worn with white collar $125, fl.oO, $1.7o Soft bosom shirt, with culi'H and 2 collars $1.00, $1.50 Fancy boi-om shirt, laundered, with call's, to be worn with white collar 50c, 75c, and $1.25 Fancy bosom shirt, laundered, with 2 collars andcnllV $1 50 A variety of patterns to choose from and all the latest colore represented. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY .1 UNK ',), 1S9S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Don't forget' thai KelUr keep? the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Hood Hiver strawberries by the crate tit Tho Dalles Commission Company's. Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. Souvenir spoons of American battle ships m T. A. Van Borden's. Price 25 cents. 8-1 w H. M. Ryan, teacher of Mundoliii, Guitar and Jiutijo. Headquarters at .lacobeen'e. tf A new lot of oranges ami lemous di rect from growers, ut the Dalles Com- ' j i mission Go. Leuve ordert for ice with the rudel- I man Commission Co. Oliice cold b tor age building. Phone -19. If Dewey keep ice cream soda? No, we jiell it, tho best in the city, at the Co lumbia Candy Factory. Wanted, competent girl to Aj general housuwork. Applieuut address care CiiKO!Ci"Li: oflice. Furnished rooms to rent, also euite of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply 1o It) and 2t), Chapmun Block. 17 :outoininga pair of Spestaelrs huvo been 'found. Owner can have same by deaeribmg propeity and paying for this notice. One of the attractive eatures of the .program Ht the Methodist church Friday evening will be Jean Digelow's "Sones of Beven," which will be given in cos tume, with appropriate tableaux. The Junior Endeavor society of tho Congregational church well give a social at the church Thursday evening from 0 o!clock till. lee cream andcake will be served for ten eeuta. Everybody is invited. Through a mistake on the part of the acr ithe Homoeopathic Medical .Suciu'v ilid not meet yesterday. TJie - - - - - r - ' regular date for meeting isoii the bm "ond I Tuesday in June, and tot the fifet as .published. Tlie steamer Dalles City ciudu her last trio to the Cwoudes yesteiduy. When bu returns to Portland her uiHchiuery and house wil! be transferred to tho uew hull.ijtist built by the D. i& A. N. Co., aud the now boat will bear tho same Maine. The Karah Dixon will take lior place until tne is reuuy ior eervice. Tlioinas Ftirgher, an euterprisim; lioep and grain raiser oi me uuiur vi cinity, is in thotslty. Ho reports a lack of rain in that tectiou to insure good crops. Tin. pabt wimU and prevaillnK hot weather are playiui' havue with nil kinds of grubi, and ii more rain does not fall tbiH aionlh, u short crop may bo Jooked for, iu spite of the present pros pects. Yesterday the school board elected teacherH for the ensuing year. The elec tion is not fully decided but it is thought the result will be ur follows: All the former teachers but Miss Suell, who has resigned, will be reelected, and in ad dition, Misses M, L. Douthit, of Port land, and Fanny U'Ren, of Monmouth. Prof. Gavin was elected superintendent of he schools und Prof. Lmders. princi pal of the high school. Last night the Dalles band turned out and gave grand sertnude to each of the Spegi Ak For spihg wash fabric. Organdies, Dimities ;uul Tissues in the latest colorings, goods that were bought to sell at 8;J,-, 10 and 12.e per yard. Will he sold this week for 5 l-4e pep yard. PEASE & MAYS. successful candidates. Each appeared and made a fitting speech thanking the band boys for their kindness, as well as iters for their in placing j in their respective positions. The ' the voters thui in their respective position f.v..nir,ip it'fiD ti m ti1or 1 ' no frtr tli.. crp nade, and the band n to make i the rounds of the diife . residences of the ofiicers-elect until pst - o'clock. 1 esterday afternof n about twenty ladies of the Good Intent Society and a j few friends met with Mrs. N. Harris ati iier home on the hill. Those present ' report one of the most pleasant times they et enjoyed. Refreshments were served, and tlioagh tho ice cream made . them forget the heated attuospbere for a , time, it was concluded tt) spend the re- ...;.,.!,.. t ,.f. u-.w.n.. rw. lawn I where it was so delightful that it wae j with regret they tore themselves away ffitti cni'rt uluQoimt mirrnininim'K- Yesterday evening Night-watchman Wili.v unrV Turclial T.nn.r rrnlflf- tliri'P ...... larresis 01 iparues consiuereu 10 nuvc been steat5ng odd articles lrom diUerent parties around town. Some of the arti-j cles were found al Arbuckles' second-j hand store, ami there ib every reason to believe Wiut the right men have been caught. As it was late in ttie evening when the arreste were made, the parties losing the goods and Mr. Arbuckle have not ldtititiiied them as the right men., but ttM;re is little doubt that thev are the on-es wanted. Vchr unit Klver. Yest-erday slightly warmer weather prevailed over tho country drained by the Columbia and tributary rivers. The rise in temperature Tuesday was jnore markul over the Snake tiiau over the upper 'Columbia. Should the Snake and upper Colum bia rise at the same time the river at Portland wilt be about twruty-turee feet one week from today. Such, how eer, is not expected to occur, though it is possible. The rise at Wonatchee and Northport is quite rapid. On the Snake at Lewis ton the rise bus just commenced. Tlie upper iColumbia will rise more rttP'd'y 'i'le r'Be 0,1 tl,u htlate wil1 I crease. A rite will oh shown hi uma I tillu on Thurbdny and at Portland on Saturday. A marked ilse west of the Cascades will prevail from Sunday. The rise at Portland from Saturday to Thurs day of next week will be at the least thiee, and probably five feet. hrhoul hlfctlntlCM fur 1KOT-OK, The following are statistics of The Dalles public schools, and a summary of HeniilentH bet -1 and 20 yrs 11551 j 1'uplls enrolled 010 I Teachers i-mpioyeu j" Months of frchoo! Days of school lojii Average belonglutr GJl Average daily attendance , 0(i0 AexrHvH dallv absence 33 Tardy canes ' Noo-resident pupils -w i Per cent of attendance. JJ.Oj Per tout of absence Number of days attendance. .. PJO.-ISIS , Days required 1 15,0- i Tea'chars' sulmies 8,VJ 60 j Tuition collected 5S5 00 , HUJIMAKV; I Censps 1M Total uumber enrolled Hlu Average belonging.. . 001 Average dally attendance ,JV" Teachejs employed ,fJ l Schlitz'8 Bock Beer. lresh and the first of the season ut tiie Midway. This Week 5. Shooting irrape at Anttlnpea News reached here today of a shoot- f1 Amelope, from the result 0 ?hlch UllrJ .Mua.v f the that I place may loose his life. iij'in:;wa mui. .ui-.iyuj mju .1 uiuii u) I. ... I -1- . 1 V... :ltie name ot William Kolt are in part 1 nership in the saloon business, and a man named Heese gjt into an altercation in the saloon. McKav attempted to stop the fight, and while doing so Koll's pistol was discharged, tiie ball entering McKay's side below the heart cud ranged downward toward I the abdomen. Tho wound is very dan gerous ami Ins chances tor recovery are considered very poor. Tuesday morn ing he was alive but in a critical condi- J;,( h.)d ft hearing ,n t,)e ju8tke cmut , Bnd wa(J )oljn(J Qver tQ 3p)eHr bpfore the 1 . . . . . ; grand jury under ifL'U.UUU bonds. ( McKay is a peaceful citizen of Ante- 1 I... l.M,. it. 11 . . 1 ,.l 1 ,u(c nunc 1. on is u ijunrTCTBUiue viiarni;- ter and hat been mixed up in like ecrapes of a less terious nature belore. Tho Eureka saloon had been leased by tle, allli )ar as known their business relations were friendly, which leads to , the belief that the shooting was acci- ( dental. Council .Ueetttig. I . A il tMiintima if tbn mf 11 ill null irllliill i -y . I waB neia at me usuhi place last evening, clerks for the city election which will be held in The Dalles on June 'JOth were appointed. The polling places will be at Win, Michell'e undertaking parlors, the Union street school and the recorder's office. An ordinance, declaring that it will he considered a misdemeanor to have any nickel-in-the-slot machines iu the place of business, and oriering all machines of this character to bo removed, was adopted. Another ordinance, forbidding any railroads or car lines to build any spute or sidetracks on the streets of The Dalh't without the special commission of the j council, an J ordering thut all such rail roads and car lines already built be plaul'.ed, was adopted. The bills for the itnonth were con sidered and ordered paid, but space will not hermit their insertion in this issue. I'KKSONAI. .MKNTION, Samuel McDonald, of Moro, is in city. J. 1). Whitten, of Kitigsley, is in the city on mieinete. Robert Guthrie is in ranch at Decliutes. tiie city fioni hie i John Cantner, of Hood J yesteiday in the city. River, spent Hon. J. D. Wilcox and wife Valley, are visiting in theeity of Cliass Dr. Ryron K. Miller returned to his home iu'l'ortland tliis morning. i, R. May, tho well-known and popu lar traveling man, is iu the city. Alfred Kellv, of Troutdale. is In tho city, visiting with JJ. D. Parkins. Kditor Rrown, ot the Grass Valley Journal, spent yesterday in the city. He was accompanied by his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilton ami daugh ter, Florence, have returned from a short visit to their ranch iu Gilliam county. ("tpnriMt FuroilHnn tlm ivflt.lf iinivn f'll. ! j.neer of tho (). R. & N, was in tho city ytisUiriiay from Grants, where ho has j jeB fni,nlngtt gravel train. He left on , the early morning train todav to visit his wife at Albany. DeWitfa Little l-urly Risers, 'I'll v laiiiuuti llitlr pill. EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS. Fourth nf July OominlMe Aipolnlnl Other Mattrm Attcntlril tit. he penile of The Dalles are hilly do I termlne to have an uxe.i'llent fourth of .Inly celebraliuii and in order to do eo will leave no stono unturned. The tlnaiu'u eommitteo lias been very suc cessful, while George Rlakeley, presi dent of the club, has appointed the fol lowing committees to arrange for the celebration : Program Capt .1 W Lewis, N J Sin nott, .J II Crossen, August l'nehler and John Gavin. Music C .1 Crandall, K M Williams, O D Doanc and Al Rettinaen, Firewoiks J S Fish, II J Maler, G J Farley. Decorations II G French, G O Coop er, A .1 Tolmie, II I) Parkin-, .! M Toa mey. Amusements I F Hampshire, II Lonsdale, Frank Fieuch, Fred Van Xor den, U M Wingate. Liberty Car and Floats G F Stephens, K J Collins, D W Vaneo Mian Minnio Miehell, Mrs G F Stephens. Printimi-GL Gilbert, .1 A Douthit, H G Davenport. Finance II C Liebe, G F Stephens, Andrew Keller. F.ntertainment M T Nolan, F W Wilson, II 15 Sinnott, J S Limiers. Transportatiini Frank Menefee, W G jAllnway, James Ireland. A BAD RUNAWAY. Tivii Fri-lclit T.mns Kun Away Slu-iiir'M Orntli' IVItli tturlnitH and A Ilium t Tiital lii-sults. Parties coining in from Sherar's Bridge yesterday stated that a serious runaway occurred on the grade on the west side of the river yesterday. It seems that u freighter named McKellas ami his son were going down the lull when the brakes on the old man's wigon gave way and the team started to run. His son w as ahead and when ho saw the con dition- of things left his team stand and jrall t0 lneet the runaway team, ll0pe of rendering some assistance in the . The boy's team, hearing the noise, alBO started, and both teams tore down the grade at a terrible rate. The father was thrown from the wa gon and the front wheel passed over his legs, while the hind wheel of the wagon tioanil fii-or life atnmnnh IIf U'Hfl tllkfn JfilC Till WIV.I iilO j to Chicken Springs,' and Dr. Deiirich , II.. .1 ... . . .1 .. .1 litr.. Ilt... ca.iiiiia ittu I injuries are could not be learned. The wagons were badly damaged and the horses more or less injured, so that the lo9 will be considerable. Mr. McKellar was hauling wool for Mr. Jones, and at the time of the acci dent was returning from thiH city to get another load. A SAD ACCIDENT- 1 C. A. KUu-nrclK Kun Over ami Killed at HepptH-r .function, A sud accident occurred at about 4 :o0 yesterday morning on tiio O. U. fc N. line tit the little station of Heppner Junction, which resulted in the death of C. A. Edwards, of tins city. Wlien the east-bound freight train, No. 24, on which ho was conductor, pulled into that plac. he stepped down between tho cars to uncouple the air while the train was still in motion. In some way he missed his footing and fell between the rails, the train passing over his body, cutting both legs oil' near the trunk. Everything possible w.hb done for tho unfortunate man, but he died about twenty minutes after the accident oc curred, having never regained conscious ness. Mr. Edwards has livid iu The Dalles Has tin Huruell detiichuble Tire, The bi'hi. thing yet. Hasn't a pidgin drawback. The weight of the BUKWELL TIRE In Ichs than that of any oth er detachable tire now on the market, Ladies' and Gents' Wheels for Rent. UJheels Repaired. le Cleveland Rlaief & Benton ftoyil make tb food pur, wholesome anil dellcloui. POWDER Absolutely Pure norL oio cowpci) CO., Ktw vonx. for about four yearp, and had many friends in thin city. He was married, his wife living in Portland, anil also he has ri.atlves in Spokane. His father-in-law, Mr. Harrington, of Kimono, wont up to Arlington, accompanied uy .hick Gallagher, of the O. It. A N., on the 5:20 train last evening, and will take tho remains to Kugcne. for interment. I Tile con ner of Gilliam county held an ' inquest yesterday mottling, but the vor 1 diet has not been iccoived so that we jcinnot publish it. Hail management keeps more people , in hard circumstances than any other one cause, to be successtul one must ! look ahead and plan ahead so that when a favorable opportunity presents itself lie is ready to take advantage of It. A little forethought will also save much expe.ise anil valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Cliambeilain's Colic, Cholera and Dia rhoea Remedy in ti.u bouse. Tho shift less fellow will Whit until necessity com pels it anil then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides, tine pays '2b cents; the other is out one hundred dollars and then wonderH why his neighbor is get ting richer while ho is getting poorer. For sale by Illakeley & Houghton. REEIOVAL HOTIO'E. J. H. CROSS lias removed his stovo to tho Vogt Block, next door to the Postofliee, where he will be pleased to greet his many iornier patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY,, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your. orders will receive prompt attention, and will ie soiu stt pop ular prices. Call and see him. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock., mm, n-nA Hack Day or Wignt. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Pre ps. THE DALLES. OR. J4au You Si Our Price Up-lo-Diito .in ICvoiy Kespcol. Adjustitblo Stool Jliindlo Mars. 03iol)rutod O. & .1. Jolachablo 'I -MAYS We have opened our line of Fir, Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. Just ttihat You lUant. (TO A (Xy; New ideiih in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety a" we ate showing never be fore graced "a Miiglo stock. Heal imita tion melon eHVi'ls at ordinary pricen. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant dcrigm, tiicteful colorings, yonr for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full lino of house paints. D. W. VATJSB, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillipery parlor5 Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Brings Old Stand. A torpid liver robs yon of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Earlv Misers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver troublo. Snipes Kinersly ro. adits' 'Ivanhoe' only $35. ires. & CROW rentim: depai tment with a uew wheels. Wo luvvo strictly First-Class Oak and J. T. Peters & Co. 5