ELECTION RETURNS. Complete returns of Election held June 0, 1898, including the total result of votes east in each precinct, in Wasco County, STATE 1 ! rJ "r i. . , DISTRICT COUNTY pictetiiry of Stati Vttjirttnv 'i lll.lllll III .lot lit HcIiihiI Hllit. (inventor Statu l'fltiter Militeine JihIko I'llOlllt .luilce I'm", Attv. li.,,i.r,.l l! l'i"itfie ItqlVli lli'j.reelitiitlves i Shurlll ClurU 1 rem, ABeKor Hurvey'rj Oiiriitiei ! I'lninlni ' (IlilUT 1 1 7 S (i 5 r: s ? 5 J 5 Si S ST! f 5 ? I B 1 2. li 5 2 a- ft 7. I'tSKCt.NCTS. i ' a e , 3 I 5 1 I 2 1 c ! I Tt.' Trovltt lllcolow Wit Dalles . . Knt lalle Columtilii. lHchute .... Dufnr Eicht Mile . Unnuev WiM Hp.k1 Klvor. Ktwt Hix1 Kivvr Kmc-loy Iiiur. e liNlUuin . Victim. .. . TBh Valley. Oak ItTOVt. Hake Oven W'amlc Alitelnrw Total h, 1R5 ; IIW ir iboi ..! at1 .. i as: 8! in ".. 51 ;. ni ; iv, , :i . sr. I at' li 16' 1 asi 2 13, )' HJj to; 10 11 II, 87 11, S, 411 45' 19 ar, 10' 1 :il U M ifl 12 90 1S11 aa .TT -II 127 r. no 10' liSi ;' if S2 IV . 10, 1U7 -! ti i so : IB .1) (I) i r.i i M 07 .SO 1! 1.1 4:i. ss n 3 U 45 11' IV ir. i a 31, It 133 1! lttij 7.- fi wa 77 10 is;' W o 1Ni AM 17 107 2S :t 50 ii 37 :l 17' so !l- 3 1 i 3U lfl ic so 3f :n XI' 31 o I I- it. i 3 4 17 I; l.V 131 3 V.t 1 17 12 127 12 ll.- 20 3 1 25! Ill Si nil nr. 7 o; vx yj i:so 1 "! i ir.i ' 20, 7li 15 77' 15 iftt y 75 M SS 41.. 50 X! 07 111 V. 12s 2 ai 20 15 20, :a 31 :si 20 l.tt a; 15 17 25 30) II rw u 10 100 . CO .M 2:1 :n: :t! :ii 2il i si 49 lS.lT P.Vt! 13 I- 1,-jx.) m 112' lil Ktr Stf IDS C3 1 2KB K. SI til ISO, M! HI 117 10 127 si si 10 ot 43. 41 17 SO 15 I SM. II 20 2 31! 1 II M 4 Sli l! Sli IS ll'j U s. ii f 21 II I ID .1 W C.l l'.l 01 311 lb' 17! 15 30 15 a; 42 . 21 :til :ii :w ii 20, 55 127 15 74 i:sw ot; 3 1 n lor 11 132 15 110 22 1HI 20 2 35 I l i r: 1 21 15 UW 71 32 112 25 31 15 Si It i S.1I i r OS Mil. ioo,i 27 17 I II ' 23,. 31 II tan !;!'! $ I5 IS' 20 :ti id,' 65 10 IV 151 11! 1h! 5 111 a r;i 2, a-.; 231 13 100' 31, 31 II 21 37 20 M 41' tl!l (ill S 1 i A. 102, 7 '.HI 11 111! Ilffi 13, :r. 41 3S 42 f,l, 30 f7i 13 n 15 17 2111 31 II 1 21 I 1 21 31' 13 10 25' 01 53, Sl 32 1 31 20' I Ii S' 2s' 15 21 IWi no; laii 113 Hill tarn 115, IOi Ml 45 : r.7, rr 75 io, to, IH' 13, :ui' m r.i i.) i is 150 31! 351 10' 23, a i 112 115' 21 .v., 33 HI 'ill 20i Oil 20 M 2:1' no 110, 7 I0J HO s., 100 17, KKIj im; is; ii? 22 31 IK, 12 17 10 17 41 42 31; H Os; 121 100 ll' 51 1 IH 33, 17 2t! 2U I 35, 30, 43' IH OKI Ml 111 I 52' 21.! 40; 52 17, 3I1 :tl 20, 20, :ii in tsl :. 37 12 lit 2) t, in tt1 37, .ci, :t:t 3t 31 llll 21 21 IK' 00, mil 25, II 20 1 25 12 13, .'41, 35 27 30 22 an is! 102 US' 7 7S, HI IU 30 17 17 32 43 II IVl 12 13 I7l 30 j I It' Si in IVl Ml 1'0 175 117 li:i 21' 30, 70 SO in :i7H 11 1 no' 11 X ir.' 12 14 ll 20! 10 "'I 25 110: ST V, m 20 10 20; :i3l :vs i iw 1321 IW i:w r.7i 115 2:1! :u 1 311 ;iol 2-1 II in! :uii 1; too 53 11; mil 201 42 .' 37 aii 17 37 31 "l till1 IT 31 :r.i ill; IIS, 20 21 1 SO 157! Itl7 01, 152' SO 117, 2i; 31 112, 47 42' 25 15 10 511 IS: 52 21 II II II 30 30 13! 113 OH h7 r:i 112 7Sl M tnoi 30 :ih r.sj 311 3S, :ui, 21 10 571 3!l, 57, gin w S3 Jo I 3I 2.1 ait 33, lim 11, its 31 :m; 11 11 20 11 in, 3H id 21 Sli 37 35, 30, l-'i 20, f.71 :m. 101 1151 15 ! 110 2tl im IW 1372 1s2 51 11.11 SVl' 57 IIK1 V 1313 0H2 V.KU IlKC 1070 ial 1W2 !"3T'' ICRKI I'll 12.11 1022. 1312 Mr.', IM, 01 SI K! Kt 2S :ti, 33' 45l itSl II1 I5 37 12) II, 30 X" III' I.'.; ii 127 121 137! SO 3 05 15 IMi 32 32 .'III 12 IS 12 31 27' :)' I Ml 1311 1101 i;ii 115 23, 5T.I Ml, llll III 31) 27, 17' Hi! M 31 II :l- 4111 21 1 IS 1'H 31 Vii 21' :ii o, mi llll) 3.3; l.'Uil IlVI' 14S llll 23 311 Ml 21 31 105 no 42 45 Ml 37 III 20 30 III! 21 17 2S 43 2h 47 5u; ;i, 12! !'" Ill :tj :'.h 12' ,f II 51 IM 21 US 21 122 :ni;i22i immirv,, us? i;;m kh 1177 )M) SM I 01 llll 20 :tn , IS 37' W1 :iuj 1 47' 4.1 , SI). 4H sii! , Ihl' :uii 1 11 1 57', IH. The Dalles Daily Chyoniele. AilvertUInc ISut-. Per vteh. One lt.eti or le in Dally - U 50 cr two Inches auil under four lnehe. ... 1 tv ver four luche nud under twelve Inches. 7n vcr twelve inches DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or los. per inch K Over one Inch and under four inches. 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 IM M'nsCIUl'TION 1'ltlCE. One wk ? One niontb 50 One year 6 00 THURSDAY - - JUNE ihTsOS JTS MORAL EFFECT. Tbe moral effect of the Merrimnc affair is second only to the victory of Manila. These two events have compelled Europe to re-adjust opinion of the American navy. In one of the dispatches reporting the detail; of the sinking of the Mer rimac, the courageous band who per formed the important work are re ferred to as a -dare-devil crew." This is a gross misconception of the spirit which directed these heroes. "West has furnished the president all the men asked for. and some of them offered more men than their quotas. The cavalrj' regiments have been re cruited almost wholly from the West, and Roosevelt, Grigsby ot Torrey would have had a great man more men under them if they had had places for them. AVhile there is some disappointment because under the second call the men are to be used largely to fill out tbe regiments already in the camps, it is principal ly the disappointment of persons who had been promised commissions, and this will not keep men who want to fight for their country from en listing. Omaha 5ee. 0 .. 1 i fiem Columbia Hotel IS THE IJEST 51.01. PER DAY HOUSE IX THE CUT d. JVI. TOOmEY, Prop. The Dalles, Or KODAKS. We sell them because we have the its ; right kin'l. Any price from $1 to $10. ' Easv to take, develop and finish. ! Come and see , taken with them. u sample of pictures Donnkll, Druggist. I. uilix. Attention! Great discount eale in millinery. Elegant trimmed hats from 50 cents to $1.50. The greatest bargains eter of sudden im-' known in millinery. Call early, while excitement about the 'be stock is complete. vr... n 1 t After due delibern-, f '. , . 7-11 asbiugton M. considered important 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc For i Spanish o.iun.co Dr.l'.UIT I llll TIM): M-lliail l.K 1'IIOM l).ll.l.J A KKI VK KllilM I l'nl ;.Si.lt litkr, DeuviT, Ft Kt Mall 1 Worth, Oiiiiihn, Kan MhII 1 USUi. 111.; mik City, m. Umiit, 3 luii m , j CIiIciikh mid I'.ust. Hixikime I'ier .. 30 1 1. Ill p, in. 11. in. 1 I'nc'e Sam In iiiixini; a dose that will Flint!)' cure. Nut nil benilnclie fiire brim: oliout rflict and inuny have 11 had I'lreut on tb' heart and synteiu (renerally. , We cbii oflVr yon one not ho violent in its methods us I'ni'lii .Satn'H, but one w liicti will ri'inove ttic 'imi- and c'tire the li.-iiiliichi'. Trv DOf'TOU WOODS 11EADACMK Cri!K. I'm up l.v s p, m. Kx.Miuilny Siitiiriliiy I 10 p. 111 Wnllii Wiillu. iMikiiii(., .Mluiii'iiinlis. St. ljiu t. I lllllt ll, .MlllWIIlklf, C'lilcacii mid Hast. I'lIOM l'll-.TI.4Ml. Oeciiii MfuiiiihUn. All aallhiK ilaten Mitiject to (Oniiiifu. Tor Pan rrnui'lkco sail J 1111 3, ii. u, 12, 15, Ih, 21, 21, 27, i!0, To AI,kk.i Sail June7, 2,V Siwitane Kljer. ' u. m. I i. m. . 111. 1 ll ,M Coliiiiilita Kv. Hti-alniTx.iF.x.MiiiiUr 'Io AfTOKU unit Wav UilldlllKv uolhing channel be blocked, I 'Wuntfil. There was rjulse or aobievement. tion, it was that the narrow and there was but one way to do it , A C0lnpi.tent . one who is B C00(J send in a worthless ship with the ' Cook, atl wito Is kind to children. Good smallest possible crew and sink it. 1 wapee to the right party. Apply, to this The plan was explained to the crews oflice. tf of the various warships, and volun- ( Thirty-five years make a generation, tee rs were called for, as is the cus- j That is bow lone xdolph Fisher, of torn when army and navy officers in I Zaneeville, 0., etiffered from piles. He rfotnil nf men to 1 WBe cureu U8,,,K "ueH Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Kinersly Drug Co. Suipeg- Cleveland wheels are selling in spite ! '98 models. Maier t command want a undertake work of unusual danger. On every ship volunteers respond ed by the hundred, and this fact will impress the world and the enemy more than the fact that seven men were found for tbe hazardous under taking. It means that when there is important work to be done, no mat ter how great the peril, the entire navv ot" the United States stands I One Minute Cough Cure, cures. ready to do it. I War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fr)drtjj feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream rfoda, C'andie?, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. j 1 I. a. in. Wiix.imkttk luviat. 1 :mii ra. l...uiiilii.viOrei:iiii City. .NewI.erc'Kx.euiiday I Haleiii A Way IjiiidV ll. Ill, WtM.AJlr.TTK AND VAM .1 .1) I, III. luei.Ilitir., him. iuvi:i. Mnii.iiVctl., undent. Ori-uoii City, liiton, and Krl. i mid Wiiy-LiindliiKH, t W'lLI.AMIMTl: l!lVKIl ! J .'HI ii m Tni'.riiiir, t'ortmnii to Ctrrvitllln.il n-. Ihiir. 0 ll. III. anil Fat,1 I mid Waj.jiiiilliii;s. iindSat. ! IMiUAULE I'll A KM A CISTS. I 175 Secoiid Street. THE DALLES,!""" i!r"",y' l.liAVK : KiriHlA. 1 l.'i a. in. .111111., V4 (II, S.s'AKt. Kit t.i:. IMiarla to Lew Intuii. I.cavi: I.ru'TDX !i I'll 111. tSllll.,1ll. uiiil Tliur , Regulator Line j 'Tbe Dalles. Portlanfl and Astoria I Kor full iiartliuiIiirH call on O. K. .V N. Co, '5 HKi'lit The Iiallun. or nildlriiK W. II. HL'UUINl'.T, (en. I'lit. Act., rnrtlntiil. Or Call and see our tienton. LEMP'S : ST. LOUIS BEER. On draught at the While bouse Saloon. Charles Michelbach, Prop. That I what It was mudc tor. THE CROSSROADS STRATEGISTS Use Clarke A Falk'n Fl oral Lotion for rouah skin. From 0?hko;h to Wynockie every town and hamlet in this bread land has its Uonrd of Strategy. Thous ands of able-bodied citizens spend their spare evenings poring over war maps and planning campaigns for the capture of Havana, the reduction of Sau Jinn, the destruction of Spain's power in the Philippines and the in vasion of Spain itself. To these in comparable strategists the whole thing is ens . All that we have to do is to batter down tiie various Morro Castles, land the necessary troops nnd then send word to Mad rid that the job Is finished, Jt is too bad that our government can't avail itself of the services of the crossroad generals and admirals. They could end tho war in a jiff)-, or less, and without the los of nny, lives, except, of course, 'among the Spaniards. The ollicials in Washington are hampered by the knowledge of ma terialistic facts, but the ollicial war makers do not know these things, and it would not make any difference if tiiey did; they would simply say, rrestoi" aud 'tis done. Every ute nd territory of the ! I urandall & Barget j DEALERS IN fyj, All kinds of undertakers -Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Navigation Co.' stre. Regulator ( Dalles City J FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE ' BKTWKKN j I EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK Tllh j Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralni. Ivuvt! and are Uuu to arnvi1 at 1'ortUt i.kavk. OVKllLAND KX-l , iirckn, Halflii, Itosi' ' ImrKi Ahlilainl, Nil' 1 1 ramtinto, Ouili'ii.i'iiii , 1 I'lalu.'lMii, Molave, ( ' I Ijm AtiRfluii.bl rnno. 1 1 I New UrlciiilH ami I I K.irtt 1 .(ii i i il.otl)UrK and way rU S.iJU A. .iyfc 'fVIa Wumltmra for Unlit- 1 I Mt.AiiKi'l. Htlvt-rtim. ..'. ,.i ; Wl"t ri'il". Itrownv , hnnaiiy ll;:;,!j1"r,,,t:,"-,"1""d, 6:00 T M. K I'.M uur CXirpt fcundttji- Lte fire Doing fleat ai)d rtstie .priptir;.. por leasopable 21. DON NELL, PtESCHlPTIOH DHOOGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. I Opp. A. M. VVilliame ct Co.. The IJall.'N, HihhI I'.lvfr,(:iicadfi.:kHaiiill'ort- l7:'M A. M. lt;"'.T"111" ""y lainl dally, ".'f himday. Untatlons li . I !Xt)l.l'TrNl)"i:Nl'K I'AhbK.NliKIt I.XTe lralu I Dally (u.cuit hltmttty l;.V) p. in. rl.v. .rotllalKl Ar-) '"' III. AI .Md.MlllllVllIC l.v ( "'"nZ m (Ar liirli'i'inli'iiri'..i ' Are vou going ( DOWN THE VALLEY pj Pally. (Daily, exwiit biinfl.il. DINI.NCi OA KH ON Oi.DCN KOt'TK. PULLMAN llfn-KT Kl.rKI'KKi1 AND HHCONP-CLAriS bl.KKI'IW- CAW Attachtd to nil Tliiooilli I rrttim. IilrLnti-iiiini-Mloii at Mm rrain ii, with Oo:1; ! Th Dalle In muuK tlim, for ntmZ to take j "'''lJ l' Orluntiit -'"'I '!;t'"' '""' ffi 03 ( EASTERN OREGON ? ; II mi, hum- mmiMy inn) enjoy a MiuKul trlti on 'll1' (;"lijnilila, J lu; w t-Uiuml train iirrlvin ut AVe J'rint Anything in the Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. r)ror;i pub. Qo. TF-fF! D Ar.r.Vt; CM I the Mt'.unur, iirilvliiB In I'ortliind in tlnii! lor thu '.. fr. JAI'A.N and CHINA i '.' o iipi iiK hoiiuiurn and Northern trnlii; V.uxh ' Hlioienllon. nJj. ikaivn anil iii-Kuii. in rl II U0 rot). AIM) JAI'A.N. CHINA. IIOSOUW A I'tiTKA I.I A i run ho olitiilned Irmn . J. II. KIKKI.AM'. ni'K"'-- uxho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes hound iiMimuiiKuii. arriving In Tim Diilo lit t'lmu v .., ...i) ,.nn,',ji,uiil irillll. tur (itrtlmr liiloriuatloii apjily to I J. N IIAKNKV, AkiiiI, I Oak Htrcut lin:k. I'ortland, Oii'koii, Or W (;. AI.I.AWAV, (inn. AkL, 'I'Iiii Dalli'D, OH'KOII . . 'I'l.roiiKh 'I'lukot Olhoo, 131 Hiiro " Wfataa t hroiiL'li tii'kuiN to ull point In .i has everything to be foun first-class Dry Goods Store. in a The coiumDla PaGkingco., Htatch, Caniida and fcnroi-' win w u"""" 'uKilUUirJinlJlrVu VA.M1II1.I. HI VISION. PakHUiiKitr Depot, loot of Jioli iwoi 1 .... Lnllflfir. r,;;,-':i' I........ f.,r llUU'KCll. fh rAUKERS OF 1 7:o a. in.i itf.ai, i.. o '. . ". nir . , (mid lliiMJ p. in. on Niiinil") ""'h;1" Aniic t liiio alii ,. (i U j l i Fine Lard and Sausages, Curcrsof BRAND Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. 1:15. 0:1(0 and 7.M I'. 10... (oo !"" ' 6ilo p, in. mi tiuiiiiiiyii oniyj. i..,.i... i,,r kiiitIiIiui. ink iJjtyn. at 1:3 P- Arrlvo at i'ortliind, 0:ao a, in MV WORK MY SUCCESS. Ckapman Block. THE DALLES, OR. HAMS & BACON jK!KD UEEF, KTC. La Plata Hhuep Dip, proven by uvery toHt to he the hust noil-poisonous fluid dip in the world j guarantee;! to euro cab, huh, iore throat, lice and lioof-rot. Okurk 4c ylk, ttgvuU, Tho Dalles. Krl (lav Kxfupt Holiday. It K. KM.KI! ilaiMUiUr, l'r for A I KM Ii on Miuol")'- fiii rlouy ut Hililii. in. AnW at l " iv, 'humdiiy mnl batm'I'O " J U3 ' " 'KXCl'I'l oniii (I, II. MAKKllAjk Ai.it. (i. ! I'a"1' AV The fnrmer, tho niwilmiilo wi cycle rider re Ihible to ''""'Ll and bruUen. DuWitt'.. Wllcb BulvelH the bent thins to W"9 It btala quickly, Mid i VaC' cure for piles. Snlpea.KinerBly WV