ELECTION RETURNS. STATE DISTRICT COUNTY reotelMry ofstnte t nt fig Mlit. Ill I'llllllu I Instruction ATtitrney (leiiernl Circuit J initio 111 lllllllll 111 Joint HciireM'tiliillvcK HlierllV Clurk Trt'ii. Governor 8tte TrontMitcr Stole l'rlntcr u)iremc J mice Coiiptommnn AHi-onnorlHiirv AttV. Kqnt It if r. t? si ""' if' f' S 5 l! s V 8 , ei a ; I If tr r r c- PKKCIN'CTS. -i a I n 3 3T I Ttcvitt Klschnr West Dalles Kast Dalles Columbia DCM'tlUtes Itiiiur - Ktcht Mite Hanin-y Wet Hood Klvcr. Kal Hood Htver. Kincslcy Falls Nn.ni.ene. Moslcr. llnldwlu Vlenlo. Tvcl: Vm11;. Oa I.MVI' Hake Oven Wnmlr Aut--loie Total h iai s). .v is., 72 : isoi m 11 ISO lj 3i, is; :w lOi ti a! n! 21. 57 7, 111, (I . 33 44 I, l-'7l S 1401 lo r.' Hi), .! 27 Ui1 , 7, M 1 -I 1 1 J '.ill 101 16' M Its 19! " 40, 31 SO u 27 l ! i 10 107 .1 71 . ) I s : Of 401 3, '."! 1 5' i W -', , j 43 3 rn i 41 5' 62 41 4:1 :, u a' .T, . I 16! ! IS, 3i 11 H; IS! Si ll! 10, 12Ji 6. lMll ill JiV XV 17 17! :t , '-1 :w is :j n iit7 :. ..' TV 69, S 41 .i ?i i i 3 1 as 1A i-ii u; 31 31 :ei 3i u "i 14) I 17 t IS. 13,. 3 7i 7! 117 1'J 1J7! is lioi '."' -t 271 3 W 'S, HI ! 21. 7, 1171 . . 75! V! Ml -1 07 ! i:, 3- 20, 4, .1' 4 31 :a 5 I 3 I ? lit 10: U 13' at f.i 151 M 44! 33 19' 3.S IS, 1?! 2Ti, 3) 11 M 10 & 771 lftl I Sol 31! 40 01 43:. "I 3 II' WW .11 117 10 127 11 112 2 1, 31 2' 4il t .t i 5i! II' im 33' 171 as as 2 I 17 St 31 20 IS 22 r 20 2! 31 r II r4 . ' ".".I ft K 1 31 .11 T, 4 31 3 42 2 SI , :w s Ml 1 12 3.'. i.t! w US I? :a) in IS 13 107, sWi U lit! vi is no ico; 131 US' 211 27' 2 I 1 21 13 I0O . 71 I IV "I "! rv 43 4S' 25 17 31 :1m1 liV In 0 im ir ia n 111 7' IM 3 ! iv; no! ! a 13 1 M 2S 41 :w 31 IS'. 20 33 10 13 10,1 .'; 3ii 2 71 . 3i 31 11. 21 2 37 2 2".l I 30 II II 3S 42 M .! 37 13 3i If. 17 29 31 11 VI "ft lii" 7 iH) 11 imsi 7 107: 2 3! ' 131 ..' 2.'i Oil !U' 2I 4 :w 2 3I1 20 111 3 art 2 30 21, 1 IR 2 21' C a, - ni" isoi' 143, 101' 2.11 us- lis; iMi' 1, 31 19' 3.V M; ID: ir.1 an 33 211 07j II2 SI' tW 71, 21 7M Ml iv; 311 4ii !52 IS II!1 in; 20 321 40 301 211 20. so; 01 2!l' inl 11111 f-M im! inn' ii7, HO, 127, 21 '' 17 14 12 31 31, 42 19 20, 4 b I OH W IS4' .7 lli 121 100' 102' 117, yt. X, IB 47 29 39 21 33, IH NI IKS' on r.2, 401 17 .11 10 30 37 12' 01- firti 431 2fi 11' II I l 20 101 ir. "1 37 rev 31 .VI UsJ: lint 51 ' :t3' 21 S1 20 11 M 2.11 31 12 13 M X, 30 21 m; 72 70 NI., 24 ! 3?il 4II !! 0, 41 3.V! 10,1 II .01! 3n; ir h 03 VI I 1 '." 17f. II in:i 30 29 49 fi'J M 20 40 71 20 :w! 20; 19, "Tipriui" l.V.i 1:101 1 is ill-1 ill :to 1 1 mi Kit 07' 29 167 i7 147 42 37 20; 17, 37' 31' 29 II 2.-1! 1)9 24! 34 r.j in El 21 02 42 4.'. Ill r.u 4.1 12 32: 211 m' 31 47' 2ft, 99! Ml 32 Jl I7l ill 31 20 20 MJ lft7 03 112 7H I1H 77 IftO 30 30 24 3H 40 ftH fi7 31 3X lin k:i 44 III 3H 39 r' ISO 41, 3X1 31 39 ni i! 1 1 20: 29 :1ft 13, 3" 30! 29! 391 01 Ml H2 22 lfi SH IKI iwl' 5! 45 41 lb 37 12 11 : 32 31 III I 127' 112! 121 ':!! 53! 02 20 3M( OS, IS KS 321 si 81 421 27' :) S7 I02i 92 20 2.1 24 40 31 47 72 Ml 03 51 19 ?H' 31 ft Hill 119 131 14ft 23 Ml Fill) 19! ?ii r,i 31 41! .nil i.v x Si c , M i;uii 11.41 ') 14fl; (52 101, 3(1 2.1 art' Ml 21 31 70' BO 40, 42 lfi; 4.V 20, WI' 30 37 171 III 9! 211, 2I :t9 10 271 0:1 :ni 21 17 2S 43 28 4 to' 301 4 17 12.), Mil 1.10S 91 I I'.MI V I20i 100 31' R ih! ., !' 48 201 .17 W Mi 4i a 1 :w 47! t." 32' 10 15 l! is ' 12' 1ft 30i IIS :n( M M1 SI l! !S7, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AilTertlilnu ItutfS. ! Hudson Maxim, brother of Hie ! crcat gun inventor of thnt name, lias j l n ptan for the construction of a 1 aerial torpedo-throwing '500,000 r ....1 J si f-oj cruiser. The destructive aron of a V : 4 ll.nt ,1 y- T lm nnllC Til tlltft One liicla or le In Dally - lxXi:. 1 75itori,edo that one of the gnus 011 vcr twelve inches cruiser will be capable of throwins j I orir. is said by the inventor to be 47,153 J I Over one inch and wider lour inches. - k f t fieui Columbia Hotel Spanish 0. R. N. CO i:i'ai:t tt'on TlHn rifr.iiU!.K. I'noM IUu.r.1 1. ...:n 7. ;rT,r,7h,! nnrtor twelve inchei 1 .'Al lecv. tuumiin Over twelve lnche, 1 00 ! things, half a toil of amonir other i Clin cotton. suisscnii'TioN riticK. j One week ? 15 j One month . One vear 6 00 KODAKS. IS THE I JEST 5i.no PER DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY WEDNESDAY JUNE S, ISPS j FORTITUDE OF THE SAILORS. We sell them because we have the right kind. Any price from "?1 to 10. Easy to take, develop and finish. Come and ree a sample of pictures taken with ihem. Don'NKM., Druggist. J. JVI. TOOODEV, Prop. The Dalles, Or . The danger of exposing tniacciim ated troops to the diseases which ravage Cuba in the rainy season is doubtless one of the considerations which have led the government to , jei.ot d.w delay the invasion of the island. The forward movement now believed to be at hand, if not under way, Sheep Men, Atti-ntlmi ! , If you want to employ a man to herd ' sheep who can be depended on every day in the year, write to the under Uisned. J. J. Woklet, Orecou City, Or. Mr. V. Ketcham, uf I'ike City, Cal., says: "Durum my brother's late sick-: liens from .Sciatic rheumatism, Cham-' may have been dictated solely b ' berlain's I'ain Balm was the only reme military necessity, but it is permitted i dy that eave him any relief." Many to hope that the government teels othera have testified to the prompt relief j , . .... ,, ... , . i from pain which this liniment affords, justified in believing that rigid reg- j hy Blukeley HoURhton ; ulations respectinc fov.d. clothing and I allsr.nitarv possibilities will great-! DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ! ly diminish the risk to be incurred. It is conceivable also that the author- j A little boy asked lor a bottle of "pet j - . . , ..' ud in the moriiins as fast as vou can," ities have token into serious account UJ ,u u " the fact that the blockading forces , name for ..Dc Witt's Little Early Risers" cannot endure for an indefinite time : anii gave j,;,n a battle of those famous the conditions which have surround- little pills for constipation, eick head er! them for more than a month, and ! ache, liver and stomach troubles, which are constantly growing more 1 Snipes Kinerely Drag Co. oppressive. I Thousands of suflererj from prippe Our sailors, who entered unon their I have been restored to health by One PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc I-'ut Halt I.nUi . Denver, ft, .Mutt Worth. OiiihIih, Kan ll:3Uii.m.i Kin City, tit Umls,, ciiii'nco utiu t:ut. AllMW FlMJK, JUII, 8. 10 a. m. I biioknnu Hyer 6:30 p. m, Uncle Sam is mixiin; n dono that will "Uri'ly cure. Not nil hfndnche cur-!-brinii ntmut relief and many have a liad eil'ect on the heart nnd Hymem g-ni" rally. We can offer you omi not so violent in its methods an Uncle Sam's, hut one which will remove ttut cauf and cure the lieiiilache. Trr DOCTOIt WOODS' HEADACHE CURE. I'ut up hy s i. m. Wiilln Wnlla, Hiiifcaiie,l SimV'ina MI!1iil-h.ii11ii. St. 1'Rtit,, Vl)cr 1) tt 1 u t h, llwaul.iv,, c U) . m tiileoci) and Eniit. 7 p. m. 8 n. in. Ux.autiilay Saturday in . in. I'iiom 1oi:tlnii. Oei'iui SH'iimi,liln. .-ailing (ImU-i, HUbJ'.i't ti eliuiiL'f; i For San Kronrjneii hall Jim 3, 0. U, li, 15, IS,, 21, J!, 27, SI). To AHH. A HallJiinu7, 'J i. m. : p. m. 1 in Columlila Uv. Htcamei'i.'Kjt.suuil! Tr, A k-p.,,11 . .....1 it IjtlldlllKH. ITO o n. m. Willamette Utvru, i.son.n, I.v.snuilay'OreKon City. Ne Imtr, K.t.suai!r , Ntiutn .t Viiy Ijind'n. work with splendid spirit, have per formed it with perfect devotion, and I Minute Couch Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, iTitine. asthma, and all throat and lun? I are unquestionably anxious ' -r diBeHtea Snipes-Kineraly Drug Co. on doing their duty, whatever it unij 1 War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at ipdru feller's ?afe. , Jce Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and! Oysters in an' style. 1 -1 &5 ? ? ()' z7 7T It K 1.1 A 15LE I'll A It M A CISTS. THE DALLES. Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thnt Is what It ws md lor. Ue fire Doing 1, feat ar?d prtstie I be, in the same manner. Their zeal is beyond suspicion, but their efli-1 ciency may not be proof against im- j Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam lor tiie pairment. The suspense which they t"tnJ . I . l . 1 - ' 1 - 1 1 are enduring is in ltseu no sngui strain, and would be, even if their circumstances were otherwise whol'y favorable. liut a more important consideia- tiou is that they have been subjected t all these weeks to the blistering heatj of steel ships under a tropical sun, , and it is too much to expect ' they can retain their full stiength, and vigor for months to come in such a situation. If necessary they will endure the ordeal as best they can, but if without undue risk the war can be shortened by an immedi-j nte combination of military and ; naval operations the present suffer ing of our seamen is one of the valid j arguments in fuvor of a joint campaign. Whatever may be determined 1 upon 1)3 those who have the knowl-! edge nnd the responsibility, it seems no more than fitting to remind the , countr with what fortitude Ibe men : aboard the Heels in Cuban waters have done their depressing nnd de bilitating work. Kot n word of fault-finding has come from them, and wc have no idea that a single complaint will be heard, however Jong their tedious patrol, nmy last. Hut all the more lor this reason is it , incumbent on their fellow-citizens to recognize and applaud their de votion and to rejoice in thoir pros pect of being called to mere inspir ing, though not mere honorable, For treasonable prieeq. "We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. l?ror)i pub. Qo." DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied Grandall & Burget 0" UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Regulator Line iTiie Dalles. PortM and Astoria Navigation Co.' 7 . Ill, 'WtLLAMKTTK AMI VAM 3 30 P O, TiieO liur.' hill KtvcitK. Mon.,Vrt., nnd cut. i Oregon City, Dayton, nnd frl. unil Wny-ljiiiclliiRii. 0u. m. WtLLAHHTTK UlVEIL 130)1.0. Tue..Tlmr, I'ortmnd to orvuills, Tut., Ihut, uiid.Stt.i mid Wuv-UinilliDv'H. undEM. l.KAVE ):ii'i:iA. 1 : 1") n. in. Mon.. Wwl,, nnd l'rl(lu) Knakk Hivki:. I'.ljiurlit to lA.'wlntim. Tor (nil intrtlculHrp cull on 0. 11, ur,3Ul Tlie liullc-B. or uddteiui I.tAVI LkwisTOJ. A 4'i a m. .nun.,1un.. mid Thu: A X. Co.'i Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. r -) "i'JHW- W. II. IUT.M1SUT, Geti. I'm. Aft., I'ortlauil, 0: EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE nufiiern Pacific Comp'y. Trillin, leave nnd nte due to arrive at l'ortlu ill :- Istrs. Regulator S Dalles City i FREIGHT 7. z. DONNELL PHESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.. THE DALLES, OR AND PASSENUtR t fi:(W 1. II. LEA VR, i jr ovKiti,AND i:x ). lililir, Ahlilnntl, Sue- i I ritnii'iito, Ogdeii.Snu I, I'miicliieo, Mojrtve,!, a Annele.Kl f'itn, i New urleniin mid 1 1 I Kimt . I k.'i i i 'HoM-'liurK uiid WHy Ma A. W.it0IH . fVIa Woodliurn fori I Mt.AiiKi'l, Hllverion, Went bolo, llrowiitt. ) Dnlly LINhl exei-in i -7 .1.1 .....I ' r.M Suudy. Tlie Dulkh, HckmI lllver, Caoiide IKike nnd Tort- i I7:!i0 A. M, 1wid dully, ("i hunday (Ciirvullln fntntlonx utid wnyf l iNi)i:i'K.si)i:xi i: i-ahiskxi-j i; Are vou go.ng; ( DOWN THE VALLEy;, in. in. Dnlly (except numlii (l.v. . 1'orllnmt r.i lAi McMinnillU (At :tor.. Kxpro tl S:2ii.m 08. B ir.i - Ar lnrteiiciidi'lici' I 4 ' Dully. Dully, excejit miiki.it ; on to DIN1NO OA 118 O.N OODl'S I'.Ol'TK. EASTERN RREfinN 9 1 J.vJiir!S'c AttncliKl to nil TlnouKh T.fllW. t , lu I IH...S.I r.,.,.,.....tl,i t nn HilIlCO fiV. tl,V Qnmf,,:" TnV OThhJ tT r W V ond riii' uxho has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes A- iL a r . naa everyining xo oe ioun m a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Idieiitliill. . ..... ,iEc- inilKolni; houtheni nnd Nortln.ru tmlux; Kiiht- , l-;"'l In;,r"ii!,soT.l'tU ,5i ACHTIlAI.IA.ciui lie olituini-il ' j'"' . J. II, KltlKUM' oudy Weather Preferred for Sittings Tlie Dalle,, In miiiile lime lor unienJ. . tl.i . I Hue lor JA lA nnd CHINA -liilii'S -"- tliu xleumer, iirrlvlnt,' In I'ortlnud In time for the ; "! Idieiitliill. .miikiiiiik nuiiiiierii nun iorini:ril tl"lli, hunt Lmilid iiAuiiuuih iiriivliiL- In Tin, ii, ,11... II.,,.. to ttiki) the i jiM lHiuiiil tiiiln. Knr fnrtl.i.r I ,if, .. ,1. t.. ... J, .V HAI1NKV, Attent, TlirntiKh Tlekut Olliot, Kl TlU'd J,A$r Onk htrtot liwik. I'ortlniid. OreRoi., tlitmit;h tlckum to ull iint' " Slutdtt Or W c, Al.l.A WAY, tien. Ai;t 1 tt.i., Cuiiiidn nnd hnro.e nn I o,,,luo- "",Ut U"x"" j ,0WChl ",Uili 'y"1,',. KIKK1.ASD Ticket Art "" All nWivi) tmliiH arrive l n'ld WV", Grnnd Ceiitrnl HUtlon. Kilth mid mini YA.MHIU. DII')N- 1'IUMM,, Ui-lt. I""' , UnU lor OriWKCO. l',,'.rYt','.WJ. (nnd ir.iso li. in. on Hnmi'lny on') "iali1t t mid :i;.'li) p. m. on bniimi) " ';.. aUdl:8. PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. nwnf.T Piniplw, FnrDt Jilliciuinmf.l'iirif (hsiilubd, (Jura lioijioiio nj Ujiuuit, for hlll. Th u.liST, ,ra.in VZu'Wi'"!0" nil . lull box for MV WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR. Tne coiumcia Packing Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTOKKKHUK Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON xJKIED beef. kto. Im I'lattt Sheep Dip, provon by uvory test to he thtt best noifpolttoimutj fluid dip in the world j guurunit-od to mm cob, Itch, Dure throat, lieu and hoof-rot. Clarke & Falk, Kunt, The DuIIcb, i'oriiui in ciiiiiy in ii , ,::,(,.. ui, l:lf.. G:'Ai mid 7:.Vi i.. in... (i"J lu:0j " ' At 4:30 5, &.IU ii. in. (iii riuiidiiyi. oiioj. lAinve for 8hcrld.ui, )uvk dn, Arrive iiu'oriiunu,vi.Ai i . .. ...... icwinrtdur1" lA'iive for Alltl.IK oil .Mono n. y- d luw Krl ' iitUMOn. in. Arr v. t l rt'' duv, 'flii.rhdy nnd Kntiirdm ' " Kxcuid hundiir, "Kxteiit ijiiltiwar. v., . . Akt. The runner, tlie ineolmnic wid 'je It," - cycle rider are lluble to ut,A ...... i.,i.m. DnWItl'H Wlidi H Halve is the t,st lMW"&i u HtiuicKiy, " n (rA for pilfu. 8.,ipeBKii"-'lyI)r0,tm cure ( f