The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1898, Image 1

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NO 72
The Indications That the Entire Republican State Ticket Is
Elected Overwhelmingly.
The Race Between Dunbar and Kincaid Is Close, But the Clat
sop Man Is Considered Safe Geer Is Elected By a
Majority of Fully 5,000 Votes.
rUlUJiAMU, June o. o:UU a. in. The count ol the election rsturns in the outly
ing counties of the state is proving slow. Complete returns have been received here from
but one, Sherman, and the result there is a Republican land slide. The returns from
Douglas count)' indicate the election of the fusion candidates by small majorities.
In Yamhill Republican majorities are assured for the entire state and county ticket
with possibly one or two exceptions.
In Marion county also the Republicans have swept everything, with the exception
of two or three county officers.
In Josephine lusion lias apparently carried the day, as it has also done in Uoos.
Geer for governor is undoubtedly safe, with a majority of from five to six thousand.
Dunbar has probably polled a majority of the votes in the state, although several
up-valley counties which are noted for being fusion strongholds have gone for Kincaid.
The result of the contest for this office will probably be decided by the vote in Clatsop.
The other Republican candidates on the state ticket are probably all safe, although
(Jeer will lead them all as regards the numerical strength of his majority.
Up to o o'clock 8700 votes on state senator had been reported at Republican head
quarters. Simon's vote a little exceeded 3800 votes; Hume's vote was a little short of
3400, the remainder scattering. Simon's pleurality up to that hour was 434, and constant
ly growing. It would appear that he has been elected by 5000 to 8000. About 0000 ballots
are yet to be counted.
Warships of Captain Sampson's Fleet
Riddle the Fortiicatious With Shot
and Shell in Three Honrs.
Spanish Forces Attacked the American
Expedition and a Pitched Hultle
Ensued in Which the Spaniards
Were Defeated.
Cack Uaytikk, Juno 7. Fighting bo
fore end in the vioiuity ot-Kantiago con
tinued the greater Mil of yesterday
from 7:45 a. in, until nearly 11, Ten
warships maintained a steady and care
fully directed fire against Morro castlo
and the batteries at l'uuta Gordo, So-
I capa and Cinnoremlee, in addition to
botnbording the Spanish fleet in the
liarlxjr. TIih percentage of effective pro
jectiles was very large,
It appears from the best information
obtainable at this place from the cable
station connecting with Santiago, that
' ltnmenso damage was lnuictcu on me
i enemy. Tim Spaniards admit that the
I bombardment by tho American fleet
) was most destructive. About 1 COO pro
jectiles are said to have been fired by
the Americans, ami it heems the respon
hivh fire from the Hpanieh forts and
chips was scarcely felt at all.
The fortifications near tho entrance
to the harbor are described as being rid
dled with solid shot and shattered by
the explosion of immense shells fired by
the American battle-ships, 'lhe Span
ish batteries are understood to have
been virtually silenced and Kl Morro
and the fortifications at .S oca pa and
I'unta Gorda are reported to have been
demolished by three hours' uninterrtifit- i
ed hammering of the fleet. The Ameri- (
can'attack is said to have been specially I
directed against Aguadorec, a small ,
town a little to the east of the entiauce
to Santiago bay.
The idea of the American admiral, it
appears, was to land troops there after
reducing the defense of the pUce, and
thfiice to make a close assault upon
Santiago, which, in view of the present
conditions of the fortifications, may be
expected to yield very soon after the be
ginning of such an attack. A heavy
cannonade was opened upon Aguadores
about midday yesterday.
The latest advices received from Span
ish sources do not Indicate the duration
of the fire or whether the American
troops and siege guns were actually
landed at Aguadores. but from informa
tion obtainable, it cannot be doubted
that the net result of .Monday's lighting
was extremely disastrous to tho Spanish
It itf also understood that the Cuban
troops maintained throughout tho great
er part of yeaterdny an attack by land
upon Santiago, and Spanish reports wiy
the garrison lost heavily in killed and
The military commander of Santiago
acknowledges the lots of six Spanish
officers and many soldiers. Ilu also ad
mits severe loss of naval forces. The
Iocs on the American side, Santiago ie
ports say, Is not known. The Spaniards
acknowledge that a great deal of damage
was inflicted on the Spanish cruiser
Keina Mercedes, and say Morro castle
shows great gaping breaches in Its walls,
Later in the day, it appear?, a landing
of American troops was effected near
Daiquiri, some distance east of Agua
dores and near the railroad station con
necting with Santiago. An engagement
took place between an American force
and a column of Spanish troops sent
against the lauding party. Accounts of
tlie battle obtainable here being from
Spanish sources do not set forth tho re
sult, and therefore it Is inferred that the
Americans were victorious,
There is a report current here that the
first-class armored Spanish cruiser Ma
ria Teresa was sunk by tho fire of the
American ships, it is said that only
500 American troops were lauded at Dai
quiri or possibly at Aguadores, the two
places being confused in reports reach
ing here. It seems to bo admitted that
the American soldiers were so accurate
that the Spanish were compelled to fiee
from the fortifications they were detend-iug.
Details of the Recent Hattlc With the
London, June 7. A dispatch to the
Times from Manila, referring to the
fighting May SOthand June 1st says:
The Spanish loss in killed and wound
ed and prisoners was heavy, but tho
most serious feature of all for the Span
ish is the defection of hundreds of na
tives. The Spaniards are endeavoring
by every mean9 to win over tho rebels,
who are attracted by promises of pardon
and high offices. But Aguinaldo's at
traction is stronger. He has completely
surrounded Manila by cutting the rail
roads and holding the rivers by which
food had previously reached the city.
If the city is not starved into surrender
the rebels may carry it, iiaving an in
creasing number of rifles and field guns.
Aguiftaldo'sjtreatment of Spanish pris
oners is exemplary. Few excesses are
reported, except where priests were mu
tilated before being killed. Admiral
Dewey is not assisting the rebels, and
It is probably owing to his presence that
Aicninaldo's forces avoid excesses.
a. i
Thirtcen-Inch Shell Fiom the Oregon
Did Terrible Execution.
New Yobk, June 7. A special from
Gape Haytien saya that while the old
Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes was at
tempting to clear the channel of the
Merrlraac wreck she was discovered by
the battleship Oregon, who fired a 13
inch shell, landing squarely abaft the
pilot house of the cruieer, tearing her
upper works to shreds. Many of her
officers and crew were killed or wounded
and the vessel so badly damaged that
Admiral Cervern ordered her abandon
ment about noon.
Spain's Much Hoastcd Reserve Squad
ron is Still at Cadiz.
New Yohk, June 7. Special dis
patches to loc il newspapers from Cadiz
state that Spain's reserve squadron aro
still there.
Korinci-ly I'netl So Ciiluli Hiavi-M, I.ul
turlj o 1'immc ;ri inlmilH.
The bloodhound is now lined only in
the purr-uit of criminals. iCver.y pnu th
em penitentiary bus a brace or more
of them. They are not infrequently a
part of the Hhcriif'a outfit. The breed
in not always pure, but the dofrn servo
their purpose better than fairly well.
Their keenness of scent is one of tho
most remarkable things in nature,
though it is of value chielly in the more
thinly-settled region. It seems incred
ible that tho mere temporary pressure
of a man's boot or shoe upon the 'round
should leave a traceable M'cnt for !2i
hours, provided that there has been no
rain, but there is no doubt that it does.
Sometimes in the south a murderer
brenlcs Jail. I'nfil the universal intro
duction of chilled steel cages this was
not n difllcult matter. Dogs are tele
graphed for at n distance probably of
Oil) miles. They arrive a day after the
escupe. They aro led in leash to the
point where the criminal is supposed to
have mailo lily exit nnd uncoupled,
They tnlco up the scent iustnntly nnd
follow it rapidly. Tho man must have
crossed much water or confused his
trail witli tho hurrying footsteps of
dozens of others to throw him off.
Always supposing that 21 houra is
the extreme limit of "law" allowed the
fugitive, tho bloodhounds are the best
means of effecting hit capture, Iiaving
far to travel, they do not bay. They
have no breath to waste.
Uxe Clarke A Falk's Floral Lotion for
rough tkln.
Summep Van
Wo aro ready with an assortment well
worth investigating, of
Iiinen Crash Suits
To lit the tall slender, as well as the
tall stout man.
$5.00 and $8.00
Summer Coats.
Black Alpaca Coats in tho regular length,
as well as tho extra long so popular with
professional men. Made of good quality
material that will give satisfactor wear.
All Pi-iees to $375.
Strain (lats
GFash Hats and Gaps.
Leather and Canvas Belts for men,
25c and o5c. Just received .
Take Voup
JVIeals at the
Li- C'lau-nilon Is tho bot ItChtimrniit
In The DuIIi-h.
JVIeals at
All Hoops.
Second St. The Dalles, Op.
t Cigars.
Wiiy do wo retail more Clears than
Why do smokera go out of their way
and pasa ciara of the (mine -jnulu?
Not becauso we have hotter clgare
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, because we have the flnetit (!
car case In the statu and keep our elgaru
in butter condition,
Snipes-Kinorely Drug Co,
..GHflS. PRAM..
and FafmePs
Kifps on ilrmwht the
('(M.l'MIIIA 1IKKK, ncknowl
ciIkciI tlui best liccr In The Pulles,
at Hie usuitl pi ii'n. i 'mm! In, try
It anil be convinced. AIm the
Kltii'ht bnmils of Win v., Minora
of all KlmU iilwujs on Intuit,
Horse snoeino
Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles
ami lilacksiuitlis' Supplies,
tipt-clul attention will liu kIvtii to all
elubovk of work.
Wub'ou Kliup la connection,
Tel. 157. BEdOND STREET.