The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1898, Image 4

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    Tbt Dalles Dally Ctaaitsk.
THE I1A1.1.KS.
A. r1"Y
0)U I
is due not on'.v to the ori -lna'ity and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the eare and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the C amtok.vijl Via Svkup
Co. only, and we vviih to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing- the
true and original remedy. As the
penuine Syrup of Fig i.s inauufactured
hy the Caufoknia Fig Svkup Co.
only, a knowledge- of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other prt
ties. The hisrh standing of the Cali
fornia Fiq Svki'p Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
piven to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and if does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
S100 liewarU S1IK).
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to care in all its stages, and that is
.1 1.1s
vawrru. nun uurrn nre is tne Amazon lived and ruled,
only positive enre known to the medical Thee ladies were reported to be ex
iraternity. Catarrh beiiijt a constitu- j cedent tillers of the soil, splendid
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and
natnre in doing-its work. The proprie-1 i,v WOnld be left tinvisited by us. we
Jtors have S3 much faith in its curative) v.ere certain to come across the Ama
tpovT)rs, that they offer One Hundred j zoninn settlement. We heard that
T)o Jars for anv case that it fails to cure. Mailiukolo (Toulon) canoes with ivom
Send for list of testimoniale. Address, I uere. numerous and some very large
F.J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, 0.
Sold by druggists, 7fc.
..Hall's Familv Pills are the best.
lion to Look Ooi.d.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital orcans. If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, you have a
pincbed look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. "Elec-1
trie Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach '
liver and kidneys. Purities the blood, ;
enres pimples, uiotcnes ana doiis, ana
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug etore. a9 cents per bottle. 5
-,! 1. TJ 1, '
I was seriously afhicted with a cough j
for several years, and last fall had a
oiore severe cough than ever before. I I
Shave used many remedies without re-1
ceiving much relief, ana being recom- j
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's ,
Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know- j
ing me to Oe a poor wiuow, gave u tome j
I tried it, and with the most gratifying,
results. The first bottle relieved tae
very much and the second bottle has ab
solutely cured me. 1 have not had as
Kood health or twenty years. ReEpect
(olly, Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Clareraore,
Ark. aold by Blakeley & Houghton.
Like u ."UUer lie lluurileil uutl tilict-d
Out Tliem.
One day xvhile watching I saw a crow
crossinL' the Don valley with something, i
white in liis beak, writes Urncst Heton j
Thompson in Soribner's.. Jle Hew to the
mouth of the Jtosedale brook, then took
a short flight to the Heaver elm. There
lie dropped the white object, and, look
in Jilxjut, yme me a chance to reeog
Jiize my old friend Silverspot. After u
ininote lie picked up the white thing, a
jdieJl tind walked over past the spring,
i ml here, among the docks and the
wlaiul: cabbages, lie unearthed a pile
of shells ami other bite, bhiny things.
He xpreod them out in theson, turned
them over, lifted them one b, one, nes
tled on them as- though they wereeggh.
toii with them und floated over them
like a mihcr. This ih bib hobby, his
weakness, lie could not have explained
why he enjoyed them, any more than
:i hoy can cNpluin why he coIlectK pout
Jiye Mumph, or n tfirl why she prefera
jnmrls to rubies; but his pleasure in
them viiK ver, real, und after half un
hour lie covered them all, including the
new one, with earth und leaven., und
flew otr. I went at once to the spot und
tixnmined the hoard; there win; about
n hatful in nil, chiefly white pebbles, ahells and aome bits of tin, but
there was also the bundle of a china
cup, which iniibt huve been Hie gem of
the collection. That wub the lust time
I saw them. Eilvvrsjiot knew that 1
bad found his treasures, und he re
moved tbem at onoe; where, I never
Whore Only Women Aro Ever to
Bo Soon.
I'hr StritriRr Tnlr nT n pw .clnU
Explorer In tlir l'rlcnill
IalnmlH An IntcrmtlnR
Co iiinmnlty.
My attention wat- first drown to the
i subject of modern Amnons by means
of a Japanese picture book. It had
been exposed for sale in a native shop
at Tokio and attracted the attention of
ja visitor, who brought the curiosity to
me simply as a specimen of ar;'stic
work. 1 tie oook eonsisteo 01 a ern ii
picture.", drlinentlnf: the a
'he trt'w of n ablpuvwltw!
1,clat containing the swrvi
adventures of
rrecked vessel. The
survivors arrived
nn tun vlirirf"; m nn is.mifl iM'i- i
only by women. The artist had dt p i 'ed
with barbaric fidelity to and
with grim humor how thr attentions of
the numerous fair ones became em
barrassing to the small pari of vis
itors, until at lat ihe snilrrt. had to
fly to their boat and escape to the dan-
triers of the deep rather than endure the
overwhelming attention1- qf tS? host-osse.-
ton fair and Kind, Ti bock and
its Mih joe t would have piis-5jfrom my
memory as a mere plensatitrVsitd 1 not
soon after found what or.e mayl cnl! tlie
"letterpress" of the ilhivtnit'JCr., er
eiilnting a1- a legend in the Friendlv
ilar.K A circumstance S'i remarkable
as this eoineidence of ider.s in peoples
1 so far removed both in point of distance
land of race as the Tonpar.s and the
, .Inpatient could not fail to strike one
deep'.y interested in the anthropology
of Oeeanica.
1 The Tongan legend was heard by
Marirer at the beginning of the cen
turv. long before anv w
h'te colonists
perilled in the Friendly inlands, and
althnngh T have not been able to get
the storv direct from Fiji n-
Samoa, I
have not the .lightest doubt thnt voy-
nsrerv. hardv as Japanese and Poly-
neMans are famous for havintr been in
past centuries, must l-ine had sonic
foundation of fact on which to build so
Mrar.ire a tale. lt. confirmation wc have
in the relation of the celebrated mis-
ior.nry. Dr. James Chalmers of Xew
Guinea. llre is the modern account of
the woman f island: '
"At Port Moresby 1 had heard of a
woman's land, a land where only worn-
i canoeist
in sailing or paddling and
cinite able to hold their own ncainst
! attacks, of the sterner son. who some
: time- tried to invade their country.
, "To tiud so interesting; a community
I it-n s. rf tfTtt'i i iTiniiwrit Ac n n Tin tf rvf
,.. from ,i,e ri Cane to Port Moref-
morninir we were off the island, and
soon ready to land. On crossing the reef
we met two canoes, one with men and
one with women. Ve signed to them
to g-o to the vessel, while we pulled up
to the I.irge villaee on the north .-ide.
"As the boat touched the fine, hard
fiindy beach a man, the only ln-ing in
sis-lit. ran down and stood in front. I
went forward to spring ashore, but he
said 1 must not. Finding he I; new the
"M... rtinlf.j.t T cnlll ti litm t mitCl
1 'U IlilU I uiuivi . . . " " (
...... t i .,..,. i.;
a strip or red cloth and stepjied ashore,
when he ran away into the bush.
"At oi:r first approach I could only
SM. hJs or Hlan bm now x snK hun.
,ireds of grass petticoat!- on wmen
. .1 . T. I. f 1,1..,.
KtntiflJnf under the house. 1 could not
' see th" upper parts of their bodies, only
j the petticoats and feet. They were in
' deel citiiet until I advanced nearer.
when one wild scream lns pivt-n that
would frv stronger nerve
than mine
and signs to keep away.
"I held up rny beads and red cloth,
but, Rtrange to say. they seemed te
have no effect on that strantre crowd,
i never aw so many women together
were we to meet? wa- the ques
To be balked by thein would
never do. 1 threw on the beach n piece
of red cloth and a few, bead, walked j
uwiiv quite cure;e-siy lino npjuireinij
1 not noticinir what was taking piuce. A
girl steals from out the crowd, stop,
crosses her hunds, pr'jing her breast.
Poor thing, not -ourage enough; m.
lightning speed back. It is etident the
old ladie object to the younger ones
attemptinsr. und they are thenmebe
too frightened. Another young dum-ut-
iihniit nine or leu vears old. comes
,.. ....,.. .aiu. walks cat-lilie, !ct the
jq,,,. oi- j,er fevt on the sand h'
-unkeii me from my reverie; another
ha'i. holds her chin. lf-t the nirit j
should Hike it flight or the paM'-nng ;
heart jump right out. I fear it us
beyond the Might patter then, and had
reached the stentorian thump of seri
ou iime-. On: a rush; well done! She
..;..L.l I. Ti,,,t liiflfc. nn
I ha-. - rained in.v point nnd wilUoou
have the crowds-no need to wait so i
long to huve the baits picked now, and J
after n few more tempting it is done, i
1 stilt besiegwl by the noisiest crowd I I
have ever met. and inn truly glad to e-.
cape on the vewel and brought her
lound to the west side, where we an-j
ehored. Crowd mt tne on the bench,
but no men. 1 gave my beads Indiscrim-1
inuiely, and soon there was n quarrel j
. . . A t . .1.1 1...U .1 ,1... ,".,..'
netween me ..m im...-, ...... .,. . --'h The latter were ordered olT, and
because thev would not go I must o.
The old ladies liu-istert on my getting j
Into Ihe bout, and, beinfr now assisted
by the few men we met in the canoe, I
thought it better lo comply. Long after
we left (he Imieh we heard those old
cracked, crabbed voice unatliemiitiz
ing the younger members of that com
munity. "I am fully convinced tliaf tills is the
woman's island, mid can easily account
for ils beliif,' cnlled so by stray canoes
from the wehtwurd." Kdvvnrd Tregear,
ChrUteliurcb (X.Z.) 1'rews.
Worn Out?
Do you come to the close of
thedaythoroughly exhausted?
Does this continue day after
day, possibly week after week?
Perhaps you are even too ex
hausted to sleep. Then some
thine is wrone. All these
. '.?
. ftv
' 0-
thing's indicate that you are jg
suffcrinjr from nervous ex-
haustion. Your nerves need
feeding and your blood enriching-.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda,
contains just the remedies to
meet these wants. The cod
liver oil gives the needed
strength, enriches the blood,
feeds the nerves, and the hy
pophosphitcs e-ive them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
SCOTT'S Emulsion.
W AH dniRgiit ; vv. inj $j.oo.
Ki)trrirllnc rruc(Tl,t.
i Tiiere are few men more wide .iwake
. and enterprisinp than Blskel.y A Houpli
' ton, who spare no pains to secure the
' est everythinp in their line for their (
many customers. Jtiey now have the
valuable mrtnev for IV. Kinc's New I
Discovery for Consumption, Coujfhs and
( This is the wonderful remedv
, that is producinK sucl) tt furi,r a ove"r '
, t hy . UrtlinC cores '
I. . . ", . , , ..
, U "bsolately cures Asthma, Bronchitis. ,
Hoarseness and all affections of the;
) throat, chest and lnngs. C:ill at the"
: above drugstore niid get a trial bottle .
free or a regular size for c0 cents and
$1. Guaranteed
to cure or price re-
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
! community of simple, honest, God-Iear- j
I iris men and women, have urenared the
; Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
land it is alwavs the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
j to make the Shakers the healthy, lung
, lived people that they are. The Shak-
ers never have indigestion. This is
I partly owing to their simple mode of
' life, partly to the wonderfnl properities
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
: tion is caused by the stomach glands not
j supplying enough digestive juics.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies wbat'e
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and nil its glands'.
so that after awhile they don't need i
help. As evidence of tl- honesty of,!
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by i
druggists, price 10 cents to H-OOa bottle.
I Btd management keeps aore people
; in bard circumstances than any other
To be successful one must '
look ahead and plan ahead so that when
a favorable-opportunity presents itself
he is ready to take advantage of it. A '
little forethought will also save much
expense and valuable time. A prudent
and careful man will keep a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia
rhoea Remedy in toe houi-e. The shift- j
lees fellow mill wait until necessity com-'
)-1k it and then ruin bis best horse going
j for a doctor and have a big-doctor bill to
1 pay, besides. One pays 2f cents; the
j other is out one hundred- dollars and
i then wonders why his neighbor is get-
ting richer while he is iretting poorer.
For sale bv iilakeley & Houghton.
Whutiilni; luUKfa.
I had a little boy who-was nearly dead
, from an attack of whoupini; Qough. My
neighbors recommended Cliamberlain'e
i Cough lieinedv. I did not thiuk timt
anv medicine would help him, but after
l giving him a lew do6 of the remedy L
noticed an improvement, and one bottle
I cured him entirely. It Is the best couirh
! medicine I ever had in the house. P-.
E. Moore, South Uurcettetown,
For bile by BUkeley & Houghton.
Thr Muilrru Henutjr
1 Jinves on good food and sunshine, vith
plenty of exercise in the open air.
form (lows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system
needs the cleansing action of a laxative
remedy, sbe uses toe gentle and pleasant
yn'C oi riss,
Fig Syrup Co., only.
the California
lteal KatKtv Mule.
The kaogblin entatu offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and 8Cieage. Terms reasonable.
Ap,,jy to Hie undersigned at the office ;
' I
i 0f tiie vco Warehouse Co.
, ,.,.,..,
" ' 1'nus
ttucKlan'i Aruica aalve. 1
The beat salve in toe world for ruts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblalm,
coma, und all skin eruption, and ikihi
lively cuiee pilee, or no pay required
It ib guaranteed to give perfect aatiafao
tion. or money refunded. Price 26 cents
per bos. For sale by Blakeley and
Tnr collllos's ut im sua bakios powaur
il. M, Rial ,
First National Bank.
1 A lieneral banking Business transacted
Deposits received, snbject to Sight
trratt or.Uueck.
Collection!! made and proceeds pr
romittol on dav of eolloctlo
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
rvevr torfe, San trancisco nuc. vorU
D. P. Tuovrnos. Jso. S. Sciiknck,
Kn. M. Wu.tiAvs. Gko. A. I.ikhk.
H M. Hbam.
Ix'tters of Credit issued nvnilHblo in the '
Eastern Stjites. i
Si'iit Exchange and Teleerapliit i
lrHtislers fold on .New 1 ork. ltiics'.'O,
St. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, und various jioints
in Oregon and Washincton.
Collections ma le nt all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
All wort promptly ituearteil to,
and wurrntl,
Wall Paper
Window Glass
Snipes-KnepslF Drug Co
129 Secorjd Street.
Thonands of sutlerer. from grippe
have been restored to health by One j
Minnie Conch Cure. Jt jniekly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, mid all throat and lung 1
diseases. -Snipes-Kinen-ly Drog Co. !
On draught at the White
bouse Sn-loou. Charles
Michelbadi, Prop.
The farmer, ttie mechanic and the bi-
cyifle rider are liable to unexpected cuts -
and bruires. DeWitfs Wileh Hazel
. .Sarre iB the best tiling to keep on hand.
; It heals quickly, and a well known ,
' cure for piles. Snipes-Xinersly Drug Co.
it uiviiiuaiiui uui! vivi
Tbirty-five years make a generation. I -p-rv PiTT AT?n T3o-r
Tiiatis bow long Adolpb Fisher, ui1.1 OALiLiA.tiU9 rrop.
Xanesville, 0., suffered from pilee. He
was cured by using three boxes of De
Witt's Witch Haael Klve. .Sniic
Kinersly Drug Co.
; Ch.ii in vuur cneck.
i All countv warrants registered prior
,?..-lrc 1BW' w i paw a: my
Interest ceases ufter Aprib
C. L. I'lllI.LLK.
Countv Treasurer.
Mrs. Gilmore's restaurant, in Ihe Kast i
End, furniehM the best lo ceut uteuls
in the city. The restaurant is-open day
and night. Give it a trial.
Tii Isum a Cold In lliikllty, i
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab- 1
lets. All druggists refund tl.e money if
it frtils to cure. J5c.
j Use Clarke & Falk's Hosofuum lor tiit
Everylxdy reads Tux Ciihonici.k.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Thnt ) uhat It wt mte Inr
Use Clarke l- Fulk'a Floral Lotion for
rough skin.
One Minute Couch Cure, cures.
That is wlint it was made lor.
am a
.iot'. i'impiM, pf.nt VII I V
Flags and
Maps of
Latest Illustrated
fieuispapeifs.,Dus-,,n,sKNm"tr,K 't:i.v;
i Physicians and Surgeons,
Book & tTiusic Company.
bAHE i
1 sros.
Horso Shoeing;
a Specialty.
Sceond Street.
1'nr s- 1ipu)
' A lot lOOxHU) feet, on the bluff, east of
i the fair grounds. A desirnie residence
I location. A. S. Mac Ai i.Istku.
Chronicle Office.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.76 to fi 00 per callon. 4 to 15 vears old.,
IMPOETED O0G5A0 from 7.0(Mo tll'.OO per gallon. (11 to 10 years old.'
ALIFOENIA BBANDIEB from f.".Uo to fG CO per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.)
EO? GOLD BEER on draught, and Val
1 Imported Ale Hud Porter.
j 11 EH II '."AN DJ
Ice Cream Parlor m Connection.
5. f. lap jordei;
Hab a full Line of Watches that can be bought at
rcasoa-iblc prices Ail Goods as represented.
Fine Wateh Work a Specialty.
Nxt door to
First National Bank,
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ota- kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Graia, 'inds
1 ,w,x w,w Mini v-w ui
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
I Tim H' niir iiUBJ-iour
We eell our fc-ooda lower than any house in the trade, and il you don't tbink w
call and get our.prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oate.
Omcc over French A Cn.'o linnk
Collection n Siwlalty.
Sccon.l Street. T11K IAM.i:i,OUKtiON
hcM nttentloti r!vcii lo unrccry.
l!lom !!1 nnrt X, Tel. S2S Voct IIIik Ic
n s no.Tisr.Tox
Ofllcoovcr KlrH Nut. nnnk. r.,u.,
17im:i. w. WH50V,
I1 .ri():.SKV at nw,
Ollieeoei !'lrt .Nnt. lHim. u"
With Dr. H. 11. KrBilcr. Dentist.
I'Utes l'nrtlnU, full umieror lower, I,
ortiee phone -i7ii. Ihimllilii (one, 57.
KooniK 1 nnrt 2, ClmpiiiHti t(x k.
told Fdling, Crown and Bridce Work
I a steciality.
f Dr. Bonlmut gives every Wednesday
I frnttl 10 tr, 1' u. tri frir frtM iTf,nniin
i ..t.uuely painless. Gold fillings $150
und npwnrds.
Blalz and Hop Gold lleer in ImjuIsk.
Second Street.
is manuiawurru , IQ,AI,,i00,
Ruck in Kuaranteeu w s'" -