The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1898, Image 3

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    Special For This Week
Organdies, Dimities and Tissues in tho latest
colorings, goods that were bought to sell at 8J, 1,4)
and 2hv per yard. Will be sold this week for f
5 l-4c per yatd.
Men's fleglige Shirts.
Fine showing now. All lines are complete, but the
picking has begun and will grow more rapid every
day. We are showing a variety- that will please you,
but don't delay too long in making your selection.
Nesiigee shirt, collar attached 75c O-00, $1.25 and $1.50
Soft hoFoin hirt, with eiiflV, to bo worn with white-collar. $125, $1.30, $1.75
Soft bosom 'hirt, with cufFs and collate $1.00, $1.50
Fancy Wum khirt, laundered, with cnllV, to be worn with white collar
50c, 75c, mid $1.25
Fnncy booni shirt, laundered, with 2 collar!- and culls $1 50
A variety of patterns to choose from and all the latest colors repre
ecu ted.
flheftptiirn Hhnnlti Carfnltjr Olixrrve th
KuIm tif thn It. H. I.nlitl Ufflcu.
The following communication 1b nd
drcnaod to tockmen,aud should be read,
ub well na ite contents strictly observed :
To the Stockmen of Wntco, Sherman and
Crook Counties, Greeting:
The Stock men's Union wishes to call
the attention of everv stockman to tho !
regulations of the U.S. land ollico with j
regard to the grazing of nhocp within the
Cascade Forest Heseive, and urges upon i
them tho importance of personally do-j
lug all in their power to prevent in
fringements of the rules by any sheep
man. It has always been the policy of thu
government not to allow grazing upon
government reserves. An exception
has bet n made in the states of Oregon
and Washington, thanks to tho friendli-!
ness of the preeeul, administration to the '
sheen 'indnstrv. hut thla execution in,
strongly opposed by largo and powerful i
interests in the Kant and even on this
coast. Sundry bill In congress contain our nr.-
Whether this privilege shall bn con I proprlation for forest control and has not,
firmed or altogether withdrawn rests en-1 yet papspd, and will not be avail
tirely upon the action of the i-lieeptnt-n , able Mil .Inly let. ' o these men
themselves. . may bo ablu to curry out their intention
This Union has always, and still does I for the present, but I can neeuro you as
maintain that sheepmen are reasonable j I'have them, there win be a hereafter;
creatures and will abide in good faith on ; "nd I do not intend that any man who
anv restriction considered necessary bv refuses to'apply for a permit and live up
the department. The regulations" are i to its requirements will cross the line the
exceptional and tentative; should they second tiiue except when ho leaves the
be loyallv lived lip to, we believe th'o Kenerve for good.
grazing privileges on the lands will be "Yon can readily see how much harm
neimauentlv awarded to the, neonle: if. a lew can do, for their conduct is a di-
Royat Make the food pure,
wholesome and dellcloui.
Absolutely Pure
Just Olhat
You tftant.
on the other hand, the sheepmen gene
rally or any large portion of them ignore
the rules, the inevitable result will bo
that the Heserve will lie wholly and en
tirely closed to sheenmen.
Thinking perhaps that iomo persons i ent season, and certain it is that if a
are ignorant of the requirements of the guard has to be maintained on the Ke
department. we refer persons interested ' serve and along the line to enforce the
to section 13, pRges 5 and (i, of the rules I regulations this year, the Pamo iniard
rect injury to the interests of all. I can
not iuinrufiH on our association too
strongly that the future of sheep owners
who ore dependent upi.n the reserve for
pasture, rests with themselves the prer
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Weather forecast for today, fair and
A first clasE milch cow for tale. Apply
tire satisfaction, both the directors and
school children, aj well as her numer- '
OU3 friends, are sorry to see her leave, '
JS9S ! and wish her Miceesa in her new posi-1
j Hon. ,
J Keep in mind the Jean Ingelow en- I
1 tertauiment at the Methodist church j
Friday evening.
The tweutv-
V'iitlier Hnreiiu ISvpurt.
may ne used to prevent their coming on
the Reserve at all next year. 1 believe
your ussouintiou should let it. be under
stood that it will not tolerate a sinule
act of lawlpscnefcs mi the part of Its
member.', and will use its power asiainpt
any outsider who fails to comply witli
the rules ot the department.
Vety respectfully yours,
S. H. Ohmsiiv,
Special Forest Agt. & Supt.
The following weather synopsis was
received by Mr. I'.rooks yesterday from
the weather bureau in Portland:
The temperature Sunday over the
' uinliia river bain ranged from 04 to
s4 'li-grees, being the lowest over the
S .ke river country. This morning the
second annual meeting of i temperature is from 'M to 52 decrees.
the Homeopathic Medical Society of the i. a9 yesterday lowest over the
at this office. ; state of Oregon will meet in this city , f-nriko. This indicates that the upper
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for I3"" 8'h "ml 9th- All local physicians j Columbia will rise before the Snake;
your ice cream sodas. " ' all(i l'2"' cordially invited to at-1 hence will produce a less rise west of
toad. Hie program and place of meet- ( Umatilla. Should both rise at once, 20
: lug will be published later. ' feet ;U Portland would probably occur.
For the weel: fc.-idin" vesterdav the I As it is. nor ovr 53 feet is evneeteH.
Hood Iliver strawberries by the crate 1,,,,, ores were aa follows at the club j Warmer weather will prevail Tuesday
at The D.tlles OommUfciou Company's. Iy . Monday, Tolmie59; Tuesday, j over the entire Columbia river basin.
Ice cream soda, ic-e cream and t-traw- IMrt. T. J. Seufert 50; Wednesday, Og-' The upper rivers will begin rising to
berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. ! CO; Thursday, Ogden 52; Friday. ! day. The rise on the Snake will be less
The Jacobson Bool: it Mutic Co., have 'gdeu 00: Saturday, Vic Schmidt 00; J than on the upper Columbia. At Uma-f-ome
beautiful flower baskets. Call and ! Sunday, John Bonn 52. , tiilathe rise will not begin until Wednes-
see them. Carey Ballard, the proprietor "of the i ('aJ' B,) a Portland not before Thursday
II. M. Hyan, of Mandolin, Columbia Candy Factory, has secured a I m''t- A rife of several feet will occur
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at new recipe for making ice cream soda, j at Portland.
Jacubsen's. tf i which cannot be beaten anywhere. To peksonai. mk.ntiii.v.
! secure this it has cost htm a handsome 1 . .
Don't forget that KeHar keeps
best ice cream soda in the eitv.
A new lot of oranges and lemons di
rect from growers, at tb Dalles Com
mission Co.
Leave orders for ice witli the Stadel
tuau Commission Co. OHice cold storage
building. Phone -I'J. tf
Dewey keep ice crearn soda? No, w
tell it, the best iu the city, at the Co
lumbiu Candy Factory.
Wanted, competeu 'o genera
housework. Applicant auuress "B,f
care Ctiuoxici.t: ollice.
' sum, ut his Boda is of such a superior! Waldo Brigham, of Dufur, was in the
1 quality that the investment will certain- yesterday.
prove a paying one. M. M." Callanhan, of Dufur, spent
YeMterdava nrivatecar naseed throuirll
fthe city to Portland carrying the follow- . Mrs. Hugh Jackson, of Goldendale, is
ing railroad oilicial : General Superin- j ,u ,ur u Bllorl V,B'
w H 1 Lst evening Johnnie Hartnettleft for
Kennedy and Traffic Manager B. Camp- ! 1,1,3 Ea8t 0,1 thb 6 'cloek trftin
bell, of the O. K. & N., also President 1 , McLeod was in the city yester
SamuelCorn, and Vice-President and j from hw home in Goldendale.
General Manager W. H. Bancroft of the I Prof. H. Ryan returned last night
hort I ine Lfrom a short business yip to Portland.
" That Wa'sco county can be put ainatlSS Sfflfi
lijc wur u uuuiu i ul uo uuuuiui uy r y
!n.ufi in. th ..m..lM nf . fwn reftirned from n few days'
I . . . . ' , . visit to trtenUs in Goldendale yesterday
lierrie-i rlnit. u nrK hrrllli'lit to tlilH rmil'l! I
Im ..vwniiu- l.v Mrs. fi. M. Stf rlinir. nfl . v..r, u. nmtiu)r, .on iu.ihb
..... n j . . - " ' I BMeOt) ranch, near thuf. ri nee vesterilnv
' .i.i.. ti.... .. f .1.,. L'l... ...Lu.l ' '
! variety, and would measure 2
in diameter. They were raised
in una tuv. i r i,.,i.i.. i..f. i..
icii uu iiiu curi
straw- 1 ,
s office t
I i ncr. nfl
. I Sheep ranch, near
inches Sunday Mrs. J
1 "( ie7from a visit to Mi
ed at herljiill.
cit-v- II. D. ParkliiB I
Mary French returned
Mis. Van John's
He will return
Tim friends nf Ken Snines still liavu ing tram lor t'OrtlailU
I hopes that he will turn up alive, j f'
aire. .i. jj. uaveiey ami son, ueorge.
" .....,, i., im. r)...i ..... .....i....
th l...t uini.i., fnr nw... ulin iciuiiiiB
Midi U BVUtlbl UIIMI4I1, linmik It. v.. -...
Furnished rooms to rent, also euits of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 19 and 20, Chapman Block. 17
Along with other freight taken below
on the boat yesterday, were twelve bead
of horses and 000 head of sheep.
Miea Katie E. Davenport has com
pleted n successful eight.un.nth term of j umf th(j
school in district Xo. 5, Hood Kiver.
Yesterday two carloads of splendid
l.. u.!,wu.r In the ttninti 1 "Pr
,f " ,,. . ,,,., I telegram was received yesterday stating
Twnnt-iive heiul of wdss
.... , t ,i . .. . .i
brought to 'Jhe uanes jesieruaj , aim ; on Vancouver island. The men stated
will be ribed by the Miller & Hopkins , tnt l(l()J, fc(uv ,J(.n juill) int0 lttl0tfiwr
stage line. j HInau hoat, and if this has not been sunk
Ytsterday II. D. ParkluB sold his ,e is in all probability among the saveu.
agency in the Troy laundry fj W. H. ; ,.,- Cuuut c7...e.i
wuo in n ur ... , by ,oca )pclUion(;( nH thev cannot ; ))is old home, Bellevue, Iowa. While in
and attend to the business at the usual ,,,. .j,,,,. Ilfirfinn lf tl, ar. i Chicago Ik. will attend the alumni c
headquarters at tt.e .ue oarn.r nuop. ( T(uu) Jg onJy one Q cure daf68
Last evening two members of theVol- and that is by constitutional remedies,
unteers of America, which might be ! Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
termed u branch of the Salvution Army, jditlou of the mucous lininir of the Eus-
wero on the streele singing and preach- tachian Tube. When this tube is in
and regulations governinir the boron
Rer-cive, published in June ISO".
Since that Capt. S. B. Ormsby, of Sa
lem. Oreiron, is authorized to issue per
mits to applicants, allowing them to en
ter the Reseive with sheep on or after
June loth.
Applicants must state the number of
sheep proposed to be taken in, and the )
location which it is desired to graze, and i
, a statement whether the applicant lias!
previously used the ranire applied fur. I
I hnatrolmidy,'1rob?ibUe traCl9 Br"Z'"g Cleveland wheels arc Belling in spite
BrlVyi'any m 'av herd sheep on I of tl,e chMP w,,relB tl,at llre faring.
;tlie Reserve on or after June 15th, if '"H and see our '98 mudels. Maier A
1 they have a permit from Capt. Ormsby. j lien ton .
Uo not intrude on ttie withdrawn tracts 1
and use due and proper precaution as to
Such persons as willfully or through
ignorance do not comply with these reg
ulations are threatened with pummary
expulsion, will be forever barred, lined
and are liable to have to defend a suit
instituted by the government. These
requirements are not very onerous, and
should be cheerfully obeyed and lived
up to.
Aa Mr. Coville puts it, under the vel
vet hand of equity lies the iron claw of
authority, and if aa a body we c'o not
observo these regulations the result will
be the entire closing of the Reserve to
sheep. This may seem a mattor that
does not concern you personally, but If
200,000 head of sheep are thrown on
other summer ranges or on the prairies
the effect will be detrimental to every
stockman, and those depending on these
three counties, and ruinous to very
This Union has been doing everything
in its power to have the grazing privi
leges iu the Reserve permanently con
firmed, and now it asks every person to
interest, themselves in preventing any
violation of the rules and regulations
and to be ready to forward the facts and
evidence in case of any violation coming
to their knowledge.
The Union hereby pledges itself to as
sist the government in every possible
manner to prevent and punish any vio
lation of the law, and would caution any
owner, herder or packer, that any in
fringement of the regulations will be re
ported to thu authorities and punish
ment will undoubtedly come,
Tho following is an extract from a let
ter recently received by G. A. Young,
president of the Oregon Wool-Growers
Association, from Captain S. B. Orms
by: "The matter of granting permits is
very much experimental this season and
is iii fact a trial ot the good faith of the
sheep-owners themselves. The Civil
New ideaf, in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wn ure showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton ell'ects at ordinary prices.
Good papers ut cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourn
for a small price, nt our store on Third
street. Also a full line of bouse paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and
Miss Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Brings' Old Stand.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt'a Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes-Kiuersly Drug Co.
Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets.
Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock.
vwwn. .Closed Hack Day or Night.
Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR.
J. H. CROSS lllls 1'omovod his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to tho Posfoflice, where he will bo pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED. SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive pi u attention, and will bo sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Jtev You Sr? Our ladies'
! weie supposed to have gone down
WerO .,, ,,, T n.,.,. ,,Wtu.l ,
j home in tho evening.
J'rof. P. G. I)aut, the scientific occn
list, will leave today for a tour of tho
interior towns. He will be gone several
weeks iu all.
Dr. Hollister left last night for Den
ver to attend tho American Medical As
sociation. From there In will go to
Chicago to vii-it relatives, and later to
Te Gleveiaud
Ivanhoe' I
Jug. They drew quite a large crowd but i Hamed you have a rumbling sound or i " ft 1 '
union of the medical collvge of which
j he is a graduate. ,
In this citv, Sunday morning, .June
6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard, a
no converts were made
Pundav the eldest boh of Her-v Mel-
qulst was badly bitlen by u The
wound inflicted was close to tho eye and
was very painful. Dr. Hollister put
several stitches iu the boy's cheek, and
he is gettine along nicely.
At the Umatilla House alleys last
wnk H. Maetz scored ae follows: Mon-
imperfect hearing, and when it Ib eil
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unlebs the inflammation can be taken
out. and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever: nine cases out of ten are caused
I by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of tho mucous sur
j faces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
day, 03 j T ;. ! "d"t'B,l,R 0 ' j any case of J)eafnesH (caused by catarrh;
Friday, 7i5
71 while on Bunduy James Uenton
cored 04, which was the highest for
that day.
Mies lena Snoll left Sunday for her
homo in Olex, where fhe will remain
.lnrln i tiH Bummer month. In Sen
tember he will accept a position In the J e8e 76
public schools in Heppner. Alius Snell
has been a teacher in The Dalles schools
for some time, and as siie has given en
Saturday, Uut t.Hnl,ot uo curel Dy Catarrh
(jure, heiul lor circulars; free.
F. J. Ciienkv & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 76c. 0-10
In this city. June Oth. to Mr. and M rs.
T. J. Dripps. a dmuhter.
Fend us your order for a bicyclo. Vic
tors $50; WaverlystSO; Crescent, chain-
Mays & Crowe. tf
Freeh and the first
of the season at the
Wo sell them because we have the
right kind, Any price from 1 to 10.
lUny to take, develop and finish.
Come and see a sample of pictures
taken with them.
Don.nki.i,, Druggist.
From thu range near Hood Kiver.
Mare with grey mane nnd tail, branded
It on left hip, and weighs about 000 lbs.
Anyone giving information leading to
recovery will be suitably rewarded.
Kaii'ii ,S. Hiiki.i.v,
juue4-2wkii Hood Kiver, Or.
DeWitt's Little Garly Riers,
The famuii llltlr pills.
Pttie .nly $35.
Up-to-Dato in Kvery Respect,
Adjustablo Steel Handle J'ars.
Coiobrated G. tt .1. Uotaehable Tires.
Has tun liurvvell deluchablo 1
'I'l-.. 'I'l... I,...,. .1.! I
iliu, tin? idiot, hum).' yri.
Hasn't a single draw hack,
Thu weight of the
We have opened our renting department with a
Hue of now wheels,
Ih less than that of any otic
er detachable tire now on
the market,
Ladies' and Gents' (Uheels for Rent.
Olheels Repaired.
maier & Benton
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "bo sold at the Lowest Max'ket Rates.
Phone 35. J. T. Peters & Co.