ELECTION RETURNS. STATE DISTRICT "COUNTY Coicmor litst'Jie Iftntc Treasurer StrnVtjonle '-State Muter ? ; f! 3" S'S S a g I ? r ! p- j g : ) ! :- : I : 1 ! "supreme I Attorney . ' Circuit Judge j (5eiicr.il CnKriiHli j ,,,.,. rn-. illoiinl Joint Attv. Kiit'x'ii 1 ltrpreetitiitlvei Shertff Clerk TrOBH. ' w3 I Aaii4ir!4llMe' JitnkA. ILOHiinU 7 Si t & I ft I s. j 5. I -r 3 ft! ? 1 1 : I ! i ci! 1 f - ? 1 41 I - 5)5' s 4l 5' 51 81 ?! 1 ? if !? ?! - I gj 1, r t I ; ' li5j 71 111 3 j -r " tit Ml II'.' 'fTrcvItt' ".'l.L..i ,v.i.U.k..-.it . 131, , 18.107' l5 117 7 11 US iftl III), 7 HKI, IM Wj w! tai1 iiw 7s i:ui mi 1W 7'.' isiT 11MI ill l.7 M IK M. i:w. M It It W IIS lhl W 111! 173 ""I 7. li.ll 1 41 ll "7 "ft liij Tf 11,' 7 r no, ii 1 nsyj 77 Ji; 7 i ' : ! j ' ! 5 j "i Mi i .1 I i t I .jlllsrvlow ...V............ . .. il j L'p to tlie hour of coins to 'ti press this niorning we were mi- able ;o get complete returns . from ahy prtclnU es'Jept Trev'ut and Bicelow. As rapidly as the j connt is lereivrd the same will ' be inserted in these columns. ! I i 1 ; i I ! ! ! I I t i. t The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Aili ertlslnc ISHtto. I upon their ca?c. Spain has mount ; ! ains ot trouble on her shoulders, but they are as molehills compared with ' what will nnnrPis her in onsp she onetuchor tws in Daiir - . tempts the insatiable greed of the cr two lnche nd under four iuehe . 1 t v .-, ,,nu..lrc , 1... u,., ver four inche ami under twelve inches. 7o European great powers in net urtur , Ter twelve lncnes 1 DAtLY ASn WEEKLY nnt iiiph nr les. tr inch . . . . OTer one lneh and under four inches 1 of defeat. fieua Columbia Hotel For Spanish Headache 0. R. & N. GO IIKIMIIT fi.: tim t. uriiniit 1.1: I'llOM tUl.l.ES 'Htfli One of the tlimsiest lies started by Over lour lnche nud under twelve inches 1 .V) c Orer twelve inches 1 W -I - r- I iK'Ople of that unfortunate land with i . M iscnirTio- ruicK. hope was the story that the Phillip- One week 15 P'ne insurgents, after receiving sup- I One month 50 plies from Admiral Dewey, are now One year fi 00 1 proposina to resist the American in- ; vaders. IS THE BEST 5i.o PER HAY HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JVL TOODDEY, Prop. The Dalles, Or. TUESDAY Pride and chivalrv. it COLD COMFORT FOR Sl'ATS. Spanish statesmen evidently have forgotten nnn li mid learned nothing in the'closins.' neoades of the century. They cannot realize that a failing nation is r ithout friends in Europe. Untaught by the lessons of recent history, lhe' aie seeking aid in the European capitals to save our coun try from ruin, as if it were possible for Spain to obtain in her distress ; that which was refused her before she had suffered a single defeat. rrrvt.'- 7 no; ' I seems, do not "prevent the govern- J tnent officials of Spain, or their rep resentatives abroad, from tnllum have driven to with the people they desperation. Mr, P. Ketcham, of Pike City, Cal., j says; "Dunne mv brother's late sick- j nees from Sciatie rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the onlvreme- dy that eave hiin any relief." .Many j others have teitifii'd to the prompt relief ! from pain which this liniment aflbrds. j Ovstei'5 ill UI1V Stvlc For sale hv liiakelev A Houchtou. War or No War You will alwny? have the benefit of Low Prices at i?dru feller's 5afe. Ice Cream, lee Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nut: Knst Hull I.hIs. . lencr. ft .Mull Worth. (Iiiihiiu, Kuli lt;30 p. m.. mis i-ty, m. l,m,. I CIiIcjiku hiiU ljiht. ktokHno I'lu-r p. in. ' p. in. p. in. s p. in. Wiilla Wnlla. simltiiif, illlilieiijxdl. st 1'nnl Il u 1 u l h, MlluiiuLer, Clilujijii mid bust. FUIIM I'llKTLAM.. (K'euii Mt'iuiikhipii. All tiilllni: tin ten Mibjcet to CllHIlKC Kor hail I'roiii'lKco. .-all Jim !.. 0.9, K.l'i 21, .'I, L-7, ARIUVB I IWJI Ml. 1 n. in. I'liitaiie Kljcr " . m. 1 1. m. Til AI.APKA- sall June 7, 2fi. I p. ra i Uncle Sam is intx iii: n dee that wlll (Hiirely eiire. Not n'l heiulBohe cures j I brim: uhout relief arid many have a Imd ellect on tlie neart una cytnem generally. We i i its methodf which ill remove tlie auie mid enre the tieiuliielie. Trv DOCTOR WOODS' HEADACHE CURE. Put up by i.x.siunlny Coin mlilii Uv. ritcnincr. Ex suudiir (To ATUltlA mid Way Sutnrduy ljiiidliiK. Id p. in. , Willamette itivrn can oiler von one not ho violent in J Kv.aundnyOreBiiH City, .SuuIhtc, methotlH a 1'ncle Stun's, but one) 1 I",lt'"i A w y Ijmd n. 1 : m. l.x .-uudjT Sheep markinL' paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Whv von i chnnl1 n rir atiitir noint T-'tftt Vi. i The gentlemen in power in Mad- on!( the Mlor! m ground tho;ohW rid do not realize apparently that it in pure linseed oil by fine machinery;! Las become in iccent yeais a habit of second, because it is made of high crade j mind among European statesmen to color, with the proper amount of dryers j look on a defeated nation as every- "dded io B" bidic "d . I qualities, which prevent it from washing i inury a pr. a .uumem or rnbbng off. third, it is. much more try has shown its weakness it has f economical, because it is p.lways ready ceased to be an object of sy mpatbi for use. We guarantee our sheep marfc among old world gorveruments and '"C Pn'e ' V eatisiaction. Try it has become one of acquisitive calcu- anJ naA' Clarke Ftt,k' V . agents, The Dalles, Or. lation. ror instance, at the opening of the China Japan war political A uttie )0y asked 0r a bottle of "get opinion in Europe was that China, up in the morning as fast as yon can," with her enormous territory and pop- the drngeiet recognized a household illation, was sure to be victorious, nameior -iiewm a wttletariy Kieere"; , and cave hira a bottle of those famous Consequently European sympathy Uu!e p,Ia for con8ipatloni dck head. , was with her. The battle of the ache, liver and stomach troubles.! Yalu, however, caused a complete Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. ' revulsion of oflicial feeling. Prom ' PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc 7r. Ill, Wili.ametth AMi AM S S) 1, m. "lint-.Thur. iiili. kivkuk JIhilAVmI., undfciit. (Orwm City, Duytim. and t'tl. , mid Wav-l,Hiidlii!;. o a. m. Willamette Uiveiu ;:op. m. Tui'..TIn:r, I'lirtuind to Coniiiln. lue.. llm:, and .-lit,, unci Wuj'-ljuidtiiRh j RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. ; 115 Seconfl Street, THE DALLES, i Regulator Line ! l.EAVK I Utrvr.iA. ' 1 .-IS il. 111. .lion.. 11 Wl.l mid Friday! I Snaki: I'.ivr.iu Klpiiria to U-w Utnii. and itu I.r.Ai'i I.CSISTU.N. l'i a. a. Sllll.,1ll. and Tbut, Tor full pmtluulurk cull on O. It. L X. Co. t as;eiit The liiillek. or addrinH W. H III KMINKT, Gen I'ai. Act , I'urtUnd, Or liODsOS, CA1M.IM. (.'()., den AbIh. :ortln'ni I'liulIlP sleaiinliii l ". I The Date MM anJ Astoria I east and south vla iThe Shasta Route DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burn. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. p. 'j n ullman the da the news of the Japanese victory reached European capitals China had no friends. She was re- garded as a helpless body, to be drawn in the financial interest of Europe and to be quartered by the sword of conquest. The experience of Greece was even as that of China. At the out break of the Turko-Crecian war! public men in Europe calculated al- j most to a certainty upon the defeat , of the bankrupt and demoralized ; Turkey. The heroic davs of classic ' Greece and the glamour of the Greek , rebellion sutliced to blind even the Elegent shrewdest statesmen of Europe to the 1 future. Greece was expected to Tourist win, and all the world loved her. Uut no sooner had the Athens gov ernment lost the preliminary battles! of the campaign than gentlemen rep- j resenting the Deuttche bank in Her- Jin gathered with cold, unlovely cal- i culution to pick the botifs in behalf j of the bondholders in the concert of Europe. The Spanish statesmen who are ap pealing to the rest of Europe in their Through Tickets present extremity would do .veil toi remember these two modern id- ' Chicago stances, and to take to heart the les- j Hii-AJcti-ji M5VT VOUK ! BOMTON AND ALL I rui,iip aab4 una nuu in DEALERS I.V All kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandai: & Parget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Navigation Co.' TO Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. i'AUL, .Ml.NNKArOU IlL'LUTH YA liOO (KAMI KOK , U HOOK STUN WINMI-KO HELENA hii It'UTTK 7. Z. DONNELL, PSESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST i ! I ! arK.. nl i I CCiiJili"T3r t woes, fftS&tefefVr i vB. i It Ti rwta . Etc jSiraepator (Miles tity j FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE! iiiit- nuirin. I OK Tilt 'Cnnthorn Dorifin Pnmn'u itfuuuieiii i-auiiiu uuinu i. 1 ratith Ii-avi'Hiid nre due to iirme at l'ortlL OVKUI.A.VU EX- I tiremi, balem, i.o I liUTK, Aahland, far ,,..H.. . Ib Anselci'.hl raio, Uruiuu aim New Knat B.JU A. ., fVIa Woodlium l'r I Mt.AliKel, rillvrrton Went Bclo, nrowiiK j Tlie Dallea, Hood Iliver,Can('ada U:k mid I'ort land dully, e"( hunday. I7:a A. l',M D!lr except ille.pprliiKlleid anil suadJ- V.S'utniii CorvnlliH mid way ;50I' JI, Ktntiona i I N 1 ) K 1 ' EN fl K .V r K 1'AhoKNol II kxpnaitnlt Hiillr (except euiidit; I.v. .rortland Vr.) ?':': Mi'illniivilU Ar Inrtepeiidcwi (I.V Ar 1 1 i TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. j ... I Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALIJ has the best Dress Goods I has the best Shoes . l;W) p. in. ( DOWN THE VALLEY IK .'Are vou going on to l)ttll'' lu.iiiy.cicej.it.ium.u ! iUlUIliilU UilUUUil ; l'll.l.MAN Kl'KKK'I M ' 'iIr I ivn Li-cnviuMiw M.KLI'jM' CAK Attnched to all Tlnouisli ltttn. rain i-eo with ! .. tnt ,'noney mid enjoy a benntlful trip on i 1 if r :,j""uim. ine we-i-oouii(i train nrrlvt-mt Mrwit connection at him r 1 lie IMlle 111 HlllIiK- tltn, likr ...b... 1 ,1. I .....I ,.(.. ,i..l .md I'tifilil' lual ricbi- OP l,-' M-iuiit-f. tirrivlriK in l'ortland In thm- lor tiie iliu for JAl'A.N uiul CHIN ni'Ung daw J, Uii oiituiJ UK noutliern mid Kortliurn triiina; Kaat- h pllciitlon. , , ....ft. Uiuntl paweiiwuti, urilviliK 111 'i lie UMu III time llittei- and ticket to Kaoli n. l"''"t ?, row. Al.i JAPAN'. C INA. 11'O.VM " - ply to mho Out Htretit Dock. I'ortlmirt, Oregon, Or W C. Ai.LAWA V, lien. A:t., Tim Ilallea. OtCKon son that philanthropy and charity have no place in the international intercourse of Eurojie. They would j do well alo to realize that the pres. Mrorhioraauon.umewrdj,inpnduck, cnt indifference of the powers to tbeir distress is far preferable to wtt tbey may expect If they invite le tt'MUously European actios W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Toe vuum, ungoo A. D. CHAKLTON. AMt. G. f. A., W, MorrUeii Cor. Thtm. fwlUM Owtaa has everything to be fotm first-class Diy Goods Store. -;T0e Columbia PackiugCo. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. Chapxnan Block. ; PACKERS OF C. F. STEPHENS PORKand beef i Fine Lard and Sausages. i Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON J x)K!ED 11EEF. K'iO. i - - La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by evury I tout to bo the heat non-polonou fluid I dip in the world; KtiarunteeJ to cur WUV nATTKQ rrs f,b, ilch' 0ori! tUroat' lic.e ftnd Iwof-'Ot. THE DALLES, OR. 1 Clarke & Falk, aKauts, The DaliH. i . Iiuiii . , . t... ..i.,..liw1 ? i ml J. II, KIIIM.A!'. in ' TtirouKh Ticket OI'u-c.WI Tlir-t UiMJllKli tli-kuta to all l"ll't "il-Ketf ritutex, Cmmdii and Kurupe can uMw .oi.ea.niteatro,,, All Mbovo train itrriie at Ju iU b Onind Ccntrttl Btatlon. r'iltli unit itwt VA.MIIIIX l",v',',''0;N': ,irwt 1'iuiwiiKer Depot, Had of Ji'Uu'"" ,lrwfc ive lor O8WK0U, a. in.; Vi.'M, ;i. a ;' ' "nI.j ;). MV WORK MY SUCCESS. Iave (and i'l:ao'i. m, on Haturday miiy. " J$re i Mini :ir:i o. in. on htindiijii only;- ft''rfi.i), i'ortlaml uaily at T.: 10 and "o , 3 4:15. C-a0 iiiiil 7. Mj.. m.. (and W'M 6rl0 p. in. on Sunday oiilyj- lx-ve (or Blierfdan. week day. ilt Arrive al J'ortland, U::x) a, m lA-.ve (or AIKUK on MowlHf. aav, ini!ru aim niinii"j - "Kxcepl hunday. laiiaer. Except haUltday. (i, JI Ami. (j (i, il. makkham- If you want to employ a sheep who can be depended