The Dalles My Ctoofiiete. AitveMUInc ltte. oneii.choriJni)iir n , 12 'ffi'VA V. VrilKh .Si 7.M Ter twelve Inchcr DULY AND WEEKLY. - i arte Inch or le. tvr Inch ,.s Incb .. ...."it'1 Over otic inch and uaiicr Jour Inches. ... in. Over lour inches und under twelve Inches 1 o( Over twelve inches . 1 00 , M)i;SCKirTl() I'KlCi; One week One month One vear. 15 ft 00 ' JUNE o, IS5) SUNDAY - fl'HftTltJT TrniJ TTPlfCT KtrUoMluflJl 1 lUlII 1 STATE. Fur f.ovenior, T. T. GEEK, of Marion County. Kor secretary ol State, F. I. DUNBAR, of Ciatsn County. For state Treasurer, CHARLE? S. MOORE, of Klnmath County. For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Jackon tounty. For A ttorney-tieneml. D. R. N. BLACKBURN, of Unu County. For Supreme Judse, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. For Superintendent Public Induction. J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. For Congressman, second District. ., MALCOLM A. MOODY", of Wasco County. For Circuit Judpe. seventh Listrict, S. S. WILSON. of Wasco County. For I"icecutine Attorney, seventh District, A. A. JAY'NE, of Wasco C'ouuty. For Member State Board of Equalization, C. C. KUNEY, of .Sherman County. For Joint Representatives, Waeo and Sherman Counties. A. . ROBERTA aim J. Y. MORTON, of Wasco County. COUNTY. For Sheriff. ROBERT KELLY". 'I ', ' For fieri:, A. M. KELSAY". For Treasurer, C. L. PHILLIPS. Jl or School Sniierinteudeut, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. H. WHIPPLE. ' I, For Surveyor, J. B. GOIT. ; For Coroner, 4 W. H. BUTTS. , ' For Commls"ioner, v M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, C. E. BAYARD. . . For Constable. YV. C. CLARK. yor A SPECTACLE, XESS. HUT JiUHI- "We are coming now to the com mon-place, practical phase of war, says the Inter-Ocean. There is noth ing spectacular in trainloads or ship loads of troops. There is nothing picturesque in uie iransporiation oi ; Peafuegg ig canst-d by an inflamed con army supplies. There is nothing ,.ditIon of the iiincous lining of the Eus dramatic in long or short marches of J tarhian Tnbe. When this tube is in heavy bodies of infantrv. There j& ; tued yon have a ruuUinK sonnd or , ..." t , . 1 irnperifct hearinu, and when it le en no suggestion of spirit or dash in w. r.raA Mf . ,. , -b 1 i tirely closed, Ueafnefig is the result, and cavalry or artillery crowded on cars unless the inflammation can be taken or transports. There is nothing to : out und ibis tnl restored to its normal make the blood leap in long trains of , condition, hearing will be destroyed for mule teams nud wagons. But j,, fver; nine chss oat of ten are caused , i by catarrh, which is nothing but an in- these are the smews of war. i..r-i ....., t t ,t , i named conuiMon of the mucous sur- "When the Boldiers at Tampa march faces, with tLeir knapsacks and equipments! We will t;iveOne Hundred Dollars for nn bninl th trmsiinrtt thnv nro nrr- ttn' csse of Iafneas 'cauwui ty ratarrh; on uoaru me iranajions, uie are per-, th t ,.anrif)t , plHi, forming a more important function j of war than when they were on par ade or engaged in a sham battle at C'blckamagun. When a regiment marches out of camp armed, equipped with knapsacks and haversacks, and with each company's wagon carrying camp equippage and supplies, it is ready for war in earnest. It is then on independent, self-supporting en gine of war, moving like a great mc chine under skillful direction to ac complish a clearly defined purpose. Such a movement is not inspiring,! like a charge in battle, but it is as great actor iu solving the prob lemm U a campaign, The traMportaliofi of troops is imvw bMisMM, , "TUe landis of 1 troop? with nil their belongings is a matter of ilays. The equipping of nn army for operations in an enemy's nnnntrv is n nmttpr of weeks. Pren- nration for a decisive campaign is oftcm a matter of months. Genera! oftcm a matter of months. '! Rosecrans took coininand of the army .f tt.n Oiirtitiitrltitiil 111 Ollrllltv 1 SfW v i -i i itum wiv.ivn . . v- He began immedinteh to prepare for an advance on llrajrc at Mtirfrei boro. He advanced Dee. I'tUh. and fcniiiht the battle of Slone Uiver Dc. ;Ust and .lan. 2d. He then began to. prepare for the next attack, gather- ing horses, wagons, munitions of war, stinnlies. He advanced acain in June lo a new line, and drove the encnO l,ack without a battle. He' prepared then for a new advance.and . early in September moved on Chat tanooga. After the battle of Chick , amauca those who knew nothinu of jwarwondeied at his quietness. He! i had not horses even to move his ar-i ... ! uiicry. In the forward movement now contemplated, horses, nudes, and wagons are as important almost a guns unci cartridges. There is noth- j ine more interesting to the practical 7 ' soldier th:n those stages of prepain-! tion for a campaign that have no inteiest at all for the people nt large. There is nothing that contributes so much to the efficiency and success of an army as thoroughness in what to j the people seem commonplace details, j The army is in tiiat stage of prep j aration now. t "While the people had their attention diverted bv the schemes ofk orgacization.and have been interested in the gossip from the camps, haul working masters of detail have been , tireless in their efforts to organize those departments that contribute so little to an army spectacle and with out which an airuy is as helpless as a one-legged man without trutL-hes. -1 GOOD MAX TO VOTE FOIL A this will be tiie last opportunity The CiM:oxici.t: -i!l have of address ing the voter before election, it wishes again to call attention to the Republican nominee for the circuit judgeship. Xo better man, and few as good, in the stale, could be ohosen ' for the position than Hon. II. S. Wil son. He is nn able lawyer, gifted with atttainments which would make his career upon the bench a pride to the (listrict. lie is a man ot high character, and possesses the firmness requisite for a judicial position. The election of Mr. YVilson would be an act which the tax payers would never regret. It is remarkable that a number of the foreign scholars and scientists in our American universities are dis satisfied with this country, its people, i and its customs. How this unfor tunate condition of things may be ! remedied is not clear, unless it ! should occur to the discontented f professors that there is nothing to! prevent them from going home. j lleatnriit Canuot tie Uured bv local applications, as they cannot r?ch the diseased ,ortion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafnese, j and tlmt lis bv L'OriPtitmtnnnl rcinpiliu Cure, Send for circulars: free. F. J. Chknkv & Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75t. 0-10 Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offerinK. Call and see our '08 module. Alaier & tfenton. X0TICE FOK PUBLICATION. I.AKti Orrici:, The Uu.t., Or., amy it, vt'j-i Notice Ik hereby clven Hint fiillowint? limned seitlei lm tiled notice t.i Uh Irileiitlou ti moke liiml iitmf in tujitxirt of hia claim, und tht ald irr.Hjl will t.i mode beloie the l!i-Kltor nud lleceiver at Tbe !ulle, Oregun, on Jlouduy. JuueV!,llilM, viz. Jonrjili K. Hall, ot The liallc. Homextcnd Appllpatlon Ho. 3&I.1, fur the wj, ue!i, nee. 'Ji, T. 1 K, li 1J K, V. JI. , lie name ttie IhIIoh Jiij; witneMi to prove )iU ciijtiiiuou retldeiice ujioa und cultivation ol mid land, viz. A. Walter, frank ObiUt, W, U'olf, Jamtii Hall, all of The Ixllw, Omcan. mril-U JAM. T. MOOKK, IUlMr. Neuu Columbia Hotel IS THE BEST Si.oo PER DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY I J. iw. TOOmEY, Prop, C. J. STUBMfiG- Wholesale and Rotall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. "WHISKEY from $2 To to $6 00 per cnHon. 4 to 13 venre old. IMPORT :;Dn0RX AO from 7.00 to $12 00 per ualion. (11 to 20 venr- old.- . . . , ..... ALIF0EKIA BEAKDIES from 3 2o ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. E0? GOLD BEES on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fiydrquj ryeller's afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream .Soda, Candies, Fruits, Xuts and Ovsters in anv tvle. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Grandall & Barget I DEALERS I.V " fy)beS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. 7V. Z. DONNELL, DO H SG W I PT ION DRUCinTT TOILx-i ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OK . . has the best Dress Goods uxho C. F. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Blook. Subscribe for The Chronicle The Dalles, On. Zt j U,f , ,. . , , " T, to ?(. 1-0 per irallon. ,4 to 11 ywr old. , Biatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottle? has the best Shoes has everything to be foun first-class Dry Goods Store. in a STEPHENS. MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR.! Just Uihot You ttlant. mm ii. - . i i i . w 1 " 1 ! New ideas in Wall I 'a par here. Such I wide variety ns w lire showinR never he ; (ore crareda fmt:l stock. Real imita tion creton etTeuts at ordinary prices. ! Good papere at cht ap paper prices. Elegant de.iutis, tasteful eolorines, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. For Spanish Headache l :iel! Sam is mixinc a doe that will ' purely enre. Not nil headache cure j br'in? alkint rebel and many hae a had ' etfeet on the heart and pyctem generally, j We can offer you one not to violent in itf methmlH u Uncle Patn'c, hut onej which will remove tlio raif- and curei tiie hendH.-he. Trv .DOCTOIJ WOODS' HEAhACHt: CUKK. Put up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES. Regulator Line Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' i ii i ii 1 I sr. Regulator 6 Dalles City;Southern7S- Compy j FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE HRTWKKN The Ilflllwi, Hcod Klri?,CHH-nde Ukn mid I'ort- ! land daily, '! nunduy. ( DOWN THE VALLEY on to ( ASTERN OREGON? Are tou going 11 no, hic inoiiuy und oiijoy a tMMUtllul trlj. on ..... Y"'"r- ri-uiuuu iiiiin nrnven ni 1 ti Iinlk In nmiilii tlmo lor iwnicnitem to tuk Illf Mi initol 1.1 rill to l ' J. N. HACiSKV. Aeent. Ouk etutt iJnok. I'ortlnnd. Orecon. Or W I ALU WAY, (..ii At . The Diill-'s. ort'ifuu Tiie coiumDia PackingGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA.NUKAUTUf.KKH OK . , , Fine Lard and Sausages. A Crers of BRAND HAMS & BACON ONE FOR A OOSE. f) A'more Pimple, prnvrat I'll I m rtiiii-r, nrnviiiK lii r-irtlKurt In time lor tliv VnTn iik noiKiiuni una ..iiriiii'rn trnlli: J-iunt- ' ' .. n Til.B id JimUHMIKvih nrilvilll! Ill 'Itii! JJulk. Ill ilmi. 1:30 n. in. il.v. I'orttituu r:,.,.s :nkf tliu hunt-lKiuiid truln. ! 7 :) n. in. Ai MiiM1iiu 'W T.ulb ror fur'.lii-r lnlonnutloii uiri-ly to ::ji.iii. f Ar . Iiidi'jxtiidi-i '' drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Oiass Snipes-Kindy Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON 01 & I CO IlKf AKT Km: TIWi: WIIKI ILK FlUl.M lULLl i:uivt Kaon " Knst Suit 1.hW' , ih-uver. Kt fitt Mull Uurlli, OiiihIiu, Kuu Mil ll.'iOl'. m. mo City, .t. Ijhiih. JlOfcia, I CtilcuKo utid Ku-t- MiioLmir Walla Wulln, siJ.nne. sjxilniie Klyer .MlatieaixilU. M. rul. Kljcr. ::M . in.; 1) u 1 ti t b, JilluuuLev, ;:tin.n. 1 Cliicarci mid KitHt. h i. m. I'lIOH I'OIITI.AM). tXvilll Mi-lllllKlltln. All .-willnc ilAteti Mitj't to ehntiee. Kur mi rioncl-ro .-mil Jmi 3,tKU, U,li, is, 'Ji, .'.-.;. a 1 1', m. ' p. m. TO AI.AHKA snll JuueT, '3. i. in. i r- d ; l.x-.nuuJii ;Chniil)iii Uv. rilrnini'm. Ei.sundjy ! 'TO AKTOUtA mid Way i HAturilH- UiiiUIiikii. in ji. in. c. tin. Viu.AJitTTE l:m:i:. 4 3)p.n Kx.aunday Orvcun t'iiy. NewU-rc. Kx.unilT 7 n. in, WlU-AMEm: ami ax 3.TU)'Di. TueO tuir. mn. Kivki: Jlun.,H'l.. i. ntid cut. Ori-tmi City, Piiyt.m. uudfrL i mid Wuy-IjiiiuliiKn. i Viu.AXrtTi: Ittvrr. t..fOji.m. Tui.TIiur,l'iirtliiml to CorviilIlK, Tuu.. Ihur, nncl..uit.i imd Wmj-IjiihIIiii;' uud iil J.KAVK Ktl'AltlA. ( 1 lb 11. 111. Moil.. We!., a ml Friiluyi l.r.iv I.i:vhton. : "i . m. un.,Ta. ml TLut. h.VAki: Kivki:. IlijMirlu lo U'KWt.PlI Kor lull jiurticiilnri cull on O. K A- .V. Co.'l uRcnt Thu Imllvn. or h Jil ri wi- II lll l'I.K.VIlT. ticn. 1'iin. Act-. 1'nrtUnJ. Or J DOtisOS, CAKL1I.I.CO., (.en. Acts. I Nortlicru I'lidllc Steiiiktiili Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route ' Tratiik leave nd axv ilu to arrive nt l"ort!t LEAVE. ; OVKHI.AM' hX n.rrm, Milfin. Kim" mri;, Ai.Ulni'd. mic r ni ! v J rumiMito, ORdt-i ,-uii j AliKl'.KI 1'i I Sew orUini und i I Knt .-!n m (r.oM-burg mid wiiy 'ta "M A' "Mliiiik . , , , t Vln WiMKllmrii l ir l)lly .Xf'VJlt tiuti'Jay I MLAniU!'., riiivcri'. Wint bcI". BruMi i vltle,ojirIiinii " biinW1 I. Ml sh Iron J7;;w A. M. ICorviilIU und "' jnUtiOlin. 1 t ' 77.', Dully. lJiiiiy,iiTt "'' ' DI.VI.Nd CAI18 ON O'iVt'S BOt'It AND KCOSll-CtAi5o t AttLClifltOiillTliroiiE.. . . . tA. Milirix '"mMt , deiiUil and Oriental ,' 'ltlfcViiii it Jit w ' linen for JAl'A.N und t JI IN A d""1' u , III IrllCotillll. , ,a,lnl tvAl 'lliiten and ticket to Koj ' J'r 1 , , JJ j-yLi' IX l rot. A No JA I'AN, V 1 1 N A Wriyl-i' At'BTllAUA. mil .'.".'."."."-Ii -iirkcl Ar"1 " , . .. UH Thrown Ticket OIUic. i'JX1 low eht ratenf rom ,.,,.,, Vu Tickrte?t. idS 1 rZ J, Jl, Mlilllu""" IHIIll II . im i.. , Al'ViC and 11:30 i". nt. on hu""1"11 .''.. ltf ", o:w nnu i i ; &10 Ji. IB. Oil OUIIOy v"if , utek d). H:a)f' l..u,. f.r Klii-rldiill. Arrive ut J'ortland.0:a0 u. m pi . Xrl'i Kscepl .... . u VJ'K Al-t'r' L' Ii f V ti l K'itl lMWk'C Kit il. r.XV JJner,