The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1898, Image 4

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Tbt Dalles Daily Chrrinjl.
ne and show exactly what the expense
of a chance of text books would he. The
total would be not lea? than .'50,000.
Tht is the sum the people of Oregon
would have to pay out for books the
first year if the text books were chanced.
Under the preseut svslem the annual
i cost o,t b jok? is less than J4S.O0O The
inii!) nf tpst hooka in thi stutp are nor
mal. The books hnve been in me for n
. KatarprUlBK 1rrirt.
There are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than IlskeLr it Hough '
ton, who spare no pains to secure the
best of everything in their line for their
many customer. They now have the 1
Viilnuble agency for Dr. King's New '
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Flags and
' number of vers, the people are well Colds. This is the wonderful remedv , that arc not very robust need a
;iiiiirti, mi me rnirs i-nuu irai mv, mat 18 prOUUClUC SUCH H Illrur HII OVCfl WTUUIlg uuuutuj; auu ai-tuiuuuK
only to till in and renew books actually j , conntrv ov Us tll!tnv alartnB cnrt.s : food something to be used for two
These fienres prove the savinc to thej11 absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
people hv continuing in use the Ixwks 1 Hoarseness and ail affections of the
they have on hand. The conditions ' throat, chest an 1 lungs. Call at the
now are similar to tho!ewxitiiie Jour ; lrni.Mon. nm vt n trilU lK)ttle
vear ago when the nresent books were,, ,
rsadopted. The public then almost 1 frt? or regnlar slr.p lor oO cent? and
unanimously oppieti a change. They Guaranteed to cure or price re
did not then, nor do tliev now, wish to . funded.
the expense which a change ol
Maps of
or three months in the fall that
they may not suffer from cold. !
Oincc over Krone h A Co.' Hak
Cnllertlntw n Specialty.
j Second Street. TIIK OAI.Li:;, ORKi
Latest Illustrated
JlemspapeFs. ! dkh' kinv
rri:u ,t
text hooks would involve.
II. 1.. Edward.
Gen. Agent American Book Co.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hyoophos-'
! phites of Lime and Soda supplies
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svrcp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all t h nportane of purchuship the
true anu orijrinal remedy. As the
poiitr:. -yrup of Fiis is munu factored
uy lue vALtroMxiA Fig Svr.ur Co.
oniy, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imit&'i-'-is naimfactured by other pc
ties. Ttie hiirh standing1 of the Cali
fornia Fio Svki'I' Co. with the medi
cal profession, and tlie satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of 1'iirs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a truaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating- or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to pet its beneficial
effects, remember the name of
"the Company
.an rmsnicn. cat.
torKVII.l.E. Kr NOV YOKKT. Jf. T.
All vertloril Letter.
,eommuimyoi simple, i.oncM, uou-iear- , ... . . f. . yUpv
hng men and women, have prepared tliei ... . . ' . . j t '
I ... . ... , n n . wl thrive, grow strong and be
1 fi'baker Digestive Cordial lor man fviw. , . . 6 . i j-j rj
i .... , ... : r . well all winter on this splendid food
i and it t nlwnvs the s-ame, Umple, bon- . W(,.. . nf tiTrm L..Bmc
' 1 1 r InnH rtr ft.
Physicians and Surireons,
Fjicclnl nttentlun Riven to nursery.
Rnonu 21 unit .'2. Tri.SB Vocttilmfc
i Following i the list of letter? remain
i inc in the po-loflict? at The Dalles un
'called for June 1S9S. Persons 1 lived people that they are. The Shak
i CAlling for the same will give date on er? never hare indigestion. This is
which they v ere advertised : 'partly owin; to their simple mode of
' Allen. Thus FiucU. Annie ' life, partly to the wonderful properties
: Arnold, Ida O G'lbroth. Mis L '2: of shaker Digestive Cordial. Indices
are not very
Jfev' course of treatment
PoutinusU Jroir: third papfi-
same profit to the retail dealer. The law
of tl-egon imposes conditions on the
publisher which are not required by the
Jaw of any other Etnte. It requires the
cos-trjcing publisher to a gen
eral depriMtorv or place of business in
Hurdelt. Wm
Block. tVi'tie
I Borland, Ella
Brown, Wm
, Baclev, II
Clark", A
Colhy. U U
' Conchie, W E
, Coavnah, Mrs
Chare, L B
Cheshire, Jesie
( Cook. Nellie R
Campbell, Hiram
i Calder, Gerald
, Corchie, W E
( Chase, F B
I Chase, P !
; Dougl.iB, J H
Des Nojer, Frank
Densmore, Annie
i Dell, Chus
', Dillen, G W
Erickson, J
Forest, F
Forest, W S
; Fields. Ionise
I Paul, Vernon
Peterson, 0 A
i Roth, Ethel
! Reveller v. Mrs
Raty, William
Sawyer, C H
SiiPers, II
Wilson, G S
Wilson, W G
FiucU. Annie
G-lbroth. Mis E '2
G dpi it, DoJv
Gnrnn. M P
Hayns, K A
Hanseu, C H ,
Hid. E
Hayne.- iV Bohl
Jarksoii, Stella
John. David
Johnson, Miss O
lenning', P
.lame. Geo
Koei.ler. J P
King. Wm
Ie, R D
Longreea. A
Lfggin. J F
March. It
Mar: n. Gerty
MitJur. Mrs EH F
Mae. J W
McCormick, Marv F
MeFadden, I) C
McL-od, G 11 .2)
Mclteynolds, R H
Nelson, James
Nel'on, Jaygr
Pattercon, Wm
Py'iuru, Sarah
Rogers. Eva
Keed, Ltilie
Keiler, M J
Sherriet, Lizsie
Toomh-. A P
V. innek, Mr Cba
Weckworth, Frank
J. A. Ckosse.v.
j tion i caused by the stotuach glands uot
supplying enongJi digestive juice,
j Shaker Digestive Cirdial supplies hat's
wanting. Siiaker Digestive Cordial in-
f vigorates the stomach mid all its glands
! so that after awhile they don't need .
help. As evidence of the honesty of
, Siiaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
! is printed on every bottle. Sold by .
i druggists, price 10 cents to $l.00a bottle.
For adults who!
a I
course ot treatment witn ;
fyf the Emulsion for a couple 'V w "V-nv
UfJaLfi of months m the fall will
put them through the
11 winter in first-class con
dition. Ask your doctor
Vs. about this.
S Itut iht
. C. iNifkclsen
Book & music Company,
n,K l'V7 TSt"Vx'
B llf.VTISOTOX if n-ii.nv
Office over Hn-tNNt. Itntik.
,. . v . ,?'UK "A'--K. OliUCU.N,
OIlico otn irsr .nt. IIiiiK. '
B? surf v.iu grl SCOTT'S I muhicn.
nun ar.j un ft nr. tut wrjpivr
All drugput . is. anj $i oo.
SCOTT & UOWNK. Chtmutj. Nrw York.
. rCHE.VK.
it. ,
First National Bank.
, Bad management ketps more teople
S in hard circumstances than any other THE DALLES - - - OREGON
I . . , . A oetierai iinuKing Bnsineiit transacted
one cause. To be successful one must. Depogitf received, unbjvct to Sight
I look ahead and plan ahead so that when Draft or Check.
' a favorablp opportunity presents itself Collections made and proceeds promptlj
he is readv to take advantage of it. A I . . remitted on dav of eoUection.
..... , .. . . . , . sight and Teiegrnph'r Exchange sola or
little forethought will also save much York. San Francleco ani "orl-
expanse and valuable time. A prudent ' !and.
and careful man uii keep a bottle of DiHttCTOKS
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholei a and Dia- D. P. Tiov.rbON. Jko. S. Schkntk.
rhoea Remedy in toe house. The shift-j .j 'bea,u
less fellow will wait until necessity com-
pels it and then ruin his best horse going
for a doctor and have a big doctor hill to! w ihmmiIih; cuc
pay. besides One pays 25 c-uts ; the I had a little boy who was nearly dead
oiber is out one hundred dollars and i Ir0, attack of whooping cough. Mv
then wonders why his neighbor is get- neighbors recommended ChamberlainV
With Dr. S. 11. Kruiler, DcntiKt.
I'bttcf' 1'iirtinlH, (till upjicr or lnwer. V ifl
It Rice lihom 27li. I'miitlilii llxtiuo, C
Ilwms 1 uikI -Z, Ctin)imuu Jlli'cl..
Horso Shooing
a Specialty.
I Second Street.
k ltk jJW 3Stt 13m. A. xSt 3& jftt A :
ting richer wiiile he is getting poorer.
For sale bv IMakelev & II jughton.
tones at such pomt throughout tiiej The readers of this paper will be!
tate mw mire 250) as mav .te niMEi.i m Lam ii.t tkur. i. i ) !
from time to time designated bv the i . . . .
j ureaiicij luseiise witu ruieiice iius urcu
Tilt M nfleru Itciiuty
I able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. HpII's Catarrh Curt; is the
only positive cure known to the medical
frateriiitv. Catarrh bein; a constitu-
state 'nard of education. U e are there
fore ri quired to Leep 'on safe and ou
xnsit;rjnieijt in virions rts of the
state Urge numbers- of iKtoks, amount
ing lu thou-'ands of dollars. A nmuber
4f tnpap llp.J "r FMtriritr. frini mil.
a-oadi, the freight in man v eaes costing tional disease, requires a constitutional
as iiiucu as In per cent. The contract ' treatment, liall's Uatarrti Unreis taUen
directly upon the
blood unil mucous surfaces of thedi-ease
and giving the patient strength by build-
and assisting
xe rift-s that the ikm.cs shall be susu ! internaliv, acting
at r.niorm prices at every place :n tne
ta'e, and in order to Jo this and to
7ilace aH sections of the state and all
deale. s ou au enual footing, we areimgnp the constitution
ohiigeJ to pay this cost of transjiorta
tion, supply large stocks of books for
wired lucre may be no demand, and
wire j are n'timately returned at our
Esptcse, and in a damaged condition,
ths IjSS fu'iing ujon us. The retail
pucf-s s-pei-'.tied in the c uitract are the
cu m3iii prices allowed to he churgwi
bv tV" retiii dealers for the-bouks. In
;naii' psaees m the states and at Port
und tiie books are sold at catalogue
prices. We s!su mail the tooks, poetage
prepaid, to any point in the state, at the
catal .'gue prices.
Our ojipenents are rival publishing
.houses. rr tueir agant- or their parti
fAin. There oi.l otiject is to bring
ub"ut a change of test-books. We ask
change should tie
nature ia doing its worse. The iroprie-
Thrives on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of esercise in the open air. Her
form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her sy-tem
neds the cleansing notion of a laxative
remedy, she Uses the gentle and pleasant
Syrup i if Figs, made by the Califjruia
j Fij; Syrup Co., only.
Notice is hereby given thut tiie busi
ness heretofore conducted under the
firm name cf Frazier & Lynch is on this,
ton have sj much faith in its curative i the 1st of Jwi, day dissolved mid. will J
pj irs, that they offer One Hundred j in the future lie conducted by me. All!
Do lars for any case that it futls to cure. ) bill? against the above establishment
Send for list of testimonials. Address, ; mm-t Iks presented to me for payment)
F. J. Ciiexey, & Co., Toleda.O. j immediately. Cjiab. Fuajei:. ;
?old bv druggist-1, 75c. T : 7;7T ... .
V .. ,, .ii. Mr. r. Ketchaui, t I'iew Citv, C-a..,
Halt ts Familv Pill-are the best. f . , , . .
jsnys: "During mv brother'e late c i k-
I was urious'.v Hflncse t ith a cough from Sciatic riieumati-u,
for several year-, and lst fall had a ; b-rlain's Pu:n Ilalm was the oi.iy reme
more severe congh than ever before. I dy thut gave him any re.ief." Many
have used maay remedies withunt re- Others have te-;5lled in the prompt relie'
. . , . . r...- r.i. title t;;...u..
ceivicg much rehel, ll.l teing reoom-1 ....t- "uo.
Cough Il-tnedv. I did not think that'
auv mediuine would help him, but afier t
giving him a lew doses of the remedy 1
noticed an improvement, and one le.itle'
cured him entirely. It is the be-t cough j
medicine I ever had in the hone. P.
j E. Mxire. south Iturguttstown, Pa.
For sale bv I'lnteelev ife Hoiighioti.
Ire.-h and the 8rat
of the a-oa at the i
Uudar the management of
Mrs. tt G. U'ilson and
Mis- Myrtle Smith.
.Mrs. Brigs' Old Siami.
Gold Fdling, Crown and Bridge Work
j a neciality.
I Dr. r.onham gives every Wednesday
from 10 to 12 n. tn. for free extrar'inz,
j absolutely jubilees. Gold fllltngs $l.f0
and upwards.
Patronize the
On s Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Thut I wtmt it inae lor-
J Letters of Credit issued available in the
All fcttid of work hltP Ktiirtb n xiK-rUPr
Faiallr wort m reduced r ti-. li c ,c'tl
unil inn. Trli!inin Mi. III'.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
Harry Liebe,
U-e Ciarke A Fait;
rough skin.
's Floral Lotion for !
Eastern States.
One Minute Couph Cure, cures.
Fin: U what IS made fir.
j Sight Exchange and Tolegra
! Transfers Hold on New ork. Chi
I St. liuis, San Francisco, Portland Or-
j gon, Seattle Wnfdi,, and various pointp
in Oregon and Wuahingtou.
j Collections ma le at all points on fav
, orable terma. i
Watchmaker! Jeweler
All vori jiromiitly ntteaatil to,
mended to trv a bottle of Chamberlain's
ing me to be a poor widow, gave H to me
in a. i lairnesa n a tuuuuc ruuuiu ire p , , j. t... H fr;Hn.i wun k
made. A change in publishing houses )U-h Kiuk1. hj a Irienu, who, K
wou.u hi no wise lessen taxes of etlecl
any saving to the people, because the
prices of all Etandard test-books are
alike. It would not benefit the schoolf ,
because our publications must be con
ceded to equal in educational merit those
ol any other publisher,
iiess prudence ana
For sale by Biakeley & Houghton.
Caiti iu inur Check.
I tried it, and vuth the most gratifying j t0 Mfirch 12 lg94( w paW at my
results. The first buttle relieved inejotEce. Interest ceases after April '0,
very much and the second bottle has ab-1 ISDS. C. L. Fmu-ies,
oountv ireaaiirer.
eolctely cured me. I have not had as '
Common bui- good health tor twenty years. Respect
eCOnOIUV reanire a lV.- 1r Mnrrl Kwrii. r.laremorf..
I l " 1 . .1 ' - 1 - . 1 ,i . tn I.. . I V . , . . ., rr. r,! ....... .. fl..wl
II' T ) I , ... II. . t , 1 1CCI 11 W3 fctlG UC., ItlU'liUIRUMUU: 11UIU
cold dv Biakeley & lloogbtoii. I ,. , , ,
: , dip in the world : guaranteed to cure
j . T ,..1,,.. ... ' a"-
UCUilllT ilVliUUCi Xll I1U llkiJITl no. V. (1 li
I La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
1 I 1 1 L. . I .1
j A ticket coutaina the names of
buc'u men as A. M. Kelsay for county
ecab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Crurke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
favorable prices be secured or the peo
pie he protected from frequent and es
npniii'M hnnri... I lr Iwtries ri in net. 1
in the schools of the state. Large nura- clerk, P.obt. Kelly for sheriff, H. S. Wil
bera of them, amounting to many thuus- sot; for circuit judge, C. L. Gilbert for
anda of dollars, are the property of the 8chool superintendent, A. S. Roberts for
vSLsrlf'rcliaS'errinatri: representative, and Cha, Phillips
manilest folly to suggest a change on for cuuuty treasurer, certainly deserves
the ground ot economy. Lit us consider the support of every voter. A better ee
w hat a change of test books means. I lection could not lie made, and we hope,
nfr ? lZ f' "2 i fo' ' the people of this dis-
use a Fi. Bt Header. If a change w ere j tnct and county, to see all these candi-; Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab
made, the people would necessarily have dates elected. J ,e A druti()te refund tU mon if
iu (juruuu!? ou.uuu ui um uew xirotj
Headers. 'o etandard First Header is
j .Shrep Men, Atti-otlun!
' If you want to employ a man to herd
' sheep who can be depended on every
1 diy in the year, write to the under-
signed. J. J. Won ley,
jel-Ui.d w Oregon City, Or.
To Cure a ColU in Out Day.
A little boy asked lor a bottle of "get it fails to cure. 25c.
gold at less than 20 cents, most of them
at 25 cents. In other wordn, it would
cost not lens than $0000 to buy a supply
of new First Readers alone. Our sales
books for 189f. and 18f" show that we
have sold annually out 6000 First Head
ers in Oregon, which at a retail price of
25 cente would be but $ 1500. In fact, a
large percentage of these uooks were sold
at a catalogue price of 20 cente. First
Headers, therefore, coet the people of
Oregon less than 1500 ier year, while
it aould cost at least $0000 to buy a sup
ple of a new kind. An annual sale ot
WOO as ugainst 30,000 First Headers in
use, means practically a renewal of
these hooks but once In live years, the
eairie readers serving live successive
classes at a nominal cost to the pupil
after first purchase. Again, 40 per cent
of the pupils In the public schools study
Iteography. There are two books in use.
There would, therefore, I 40,000 pupils
is these classes, one-half in the element
ary and one-hall in the advanced book.
Twenty thousand pupils purchasing, an
elementary geography, if u new book
were introduced displacing the one now
id use, at 00 cents per copy, which is
the price of all etandard geographies,
regardless of the publisher, would cost
the state $12,000. kYet the annual sales
ol Monteith's KhMCctary Geography,
the book now need in. onr schools
up iu the morning as fast as you can,"
the druggist recognized a household
name lor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers"
and gave iiim a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation, sick head
ache, liver and stomach troubles.
Snipes Kmersiy Drng Co.
Iteal Ktt bale.
For Hal Clieap.
A lot lOOilGO feet, on the bluff, east of
the fair grounds. A desirahle residence
location. A, S. Mac A luster.
Chronicle Oflice.
Sleeping Cai
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Ice Cream Parlor m Connection.
CAEEY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street
T. I'AtU.
11 Klill
1IK1.KNA an
Through Tiekefcs
Thousands of suflererj from
The Iiugblin estate offere for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and hcieage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the oflice ;
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laugiim.v.
have been restoied to health by One i
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures ; Kor lufnnnatlun, time crd. mi.and ticket
cat ou or write in.
W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent.
The I)4lk, Orenon
Bnemaa'i Ariuca naive.
The beat salve in the world for vmt,
bruisee, sores, ulcers, aalt rheum, level
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chllblaine,
corns, and al! skin eruption, and jxjtu
Uvely cuiee piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 ceuU
per bos. For Bale dj Biakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
DwWitt' Witch Ham! Salv
v s um DtrniUiaMl mmm
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. ftuipes-Kinbrsly Drug Co.
Tlill ..fl.fC '4.u . . . i . L. 1. I Inn
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, 0., suffered from piles. He '
was cured by using three boxes of Dej
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. 8uip-
Kinersly Drug Co.
Mrs. Gilmore'e restaurant, in the East '
End, furnishes the best 15 cent meals
iu the city. The restaurant ia open day
and night. Give it a trial.
" - cj
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
Tfe linmui l (I fiillt.
Use Clarke & Falk's Roaofoaui lor tiie
5. j. lap ffordei?
Has a full tine of Watches that can be boucht at
reasonable prices All Goods as represented.
Fine Watch Work a Specialty.
Nxt door to
Fleat Notional Bank,
D. CHARLTON. Asst. 6. P. A.,
IBS. MyrrUon Uor. Third, f'ortland Oieson
; CoiCfjc.
sat at
U eMti
ahawbaa. M
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot- vAs-
Headquarters for Rolled Grans, -mds
Headquarters for Bran, buorts, ylT"tr&
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOU This Flour is manufactured expressly IwSffi
WU, X iUUf. 0e. eVJ.ry .wk Jg guaraotW)d to give satiation.
We sell our goods lower than any bouse in the trade, and if yon don't think
sail sad get our yriees and be eosviaeed.
fMMlftidibr Whoat. Barley and Oat.
"-: -mmm v nr.. tv' ;