se3& MrtpvHtfrflVit T I il i Tbe Dalles Daily Ghmiefe. AilrrrtUInc Kmte. Per ineh. oneit.chor KinDativ .. so . - 1 i V i.,.l.-,, I'M. w tour Incite? ami muter twelve Inches. 75 t TOlWBlvei One Inch or ic. ir inch 2 fiate, n vew more vessels and men Over nnc Inch and under four Inches. ..SIM;.. , ., , 0. . .1 t . Otct four Incho imd under twelve Inches I SO , than lw VnjtCfl States. tllOUCl) It WHS sunscnirTntN ritict. i ' One week f 15 : One vear. fi 00 ' 4. I SATURDAY REPUBItMiN TIGKET STATE. For Governor. T. T. GEER. of Marion County. For Secretary of State, F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. For State Treasurer, CHARLES S. MOORE, of Klamath County. For State Primer, r W. H. LEEDS, of Jkc-mhi County. For Attorney-General, D. R. X. BLACKBURN, of Linu County. For Supreme Judse, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. Tor Superintendent Publiclnstruction. J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. For Congressman, Steond District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Vaco County. For Circuit Judee. Seventh Listrict, H. S. WILSON. of Wasco County. For Prosecuting Attorney, seventh District, A. A. JA'YNE, of Wasco County. For Member State Board of Equalization, Q. C. KUNEY, of Scermau County. For Joint Representatives, Wavco and Sherman Counties. MORTON, of Wasco County. COUNTY. For hheria; ROBERT KELLY. For Clert, A. M. KELSAY. For Treasurer, ' C. L. PHILLIPS, or School Superintendent, C. Xi. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. Td. WHIPPLE. For Surveyor, J. B. GOIT. For Coroner, w. h. Burrs. For Commissioner, M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, C. E. BAYARD. For Conttable. W. C. CLARK. ANOTHER NAVY TO BE BUILT. Sevenl times as many war vessels as were ever ordered on any one oc- J 1 casion before are soon to be in course cf construction. Contracts are to be Jet in a few days for three first class ; battleships, four harbor defense mon- j itore und thirty torpedo boats and 1 uestroyers. The building of these ' vesscU 1ms recently been authorized by congress. j There is a strong probability, too, ! that many other vessels will be or-1 dered by the present congress, and perhaps in the present session. Jicp j resentutivc 1 enrce, of .UHaOuri, in troduced a. bill a few days ago pro viding for the immediate construction of five first-class cruisers of greater displacement, heavier armament and ' higher speed than an now in the s nayy, ten torpedo boats, fifteen tor-1 pedo oat destroyers and fifteen steel J guuboats, all of these vessels, as well as the cruisers, to be of a better type than any now in the possession of the United Mates. Mr. Penrce's bill finds favor among most of the coun-. try's influential newspapers, and it is reported tbata majority of the mem- ! bers of the house are impressed with its wisdom. The experience of the past four or five weeks has shown the Imperative necessity for the United States to iuwedialely and immensely increase JUjwvaI establishment. At .A , v J 1 naval power: England, France, Russia, Italy, Gcrmnny, the Untied States, Japan Austria, Spain Eng land heading the list. The United States, which is sixth on the roll hcre.t ' Very nearly tied UcrmtUiy for flftU plnce. Gcrnwnv Imd, in the ngure- 'generally believed on both sides of I the Atlantic that the I tilled btntcs . tfiic mi-rf nlTrnhvn than the lilt 1 ' ttv' UIV V WI l enlistments put me i nueu Klines fourth in general naval strength and effectiveness, leading Italy and Ger- . ..11 1 1 T". 1 .1 ' many, ana sun ie oy lMigianu, 1 France and Iviissia. in this order. Hut the United States wiU not he, and should not be, content with the fourth .place in strength of naval es tablishment. France, which has , shown an unfriendly disposition to this country in the present war and , many times in the past, is still far ahead of the United States. True, France's lichtinc qualities on the water have never been of a high or - der. France's fleet rendered some am 10 uie l nueu sutiies in wit: inner . . . . c i half oi the American war of mdc jMindence, but the Knulish could al- j ways easily beat the French on the water when the terms were equal. In the quasi-war of 17US-1S01 be- tween the United States and France on the ocean the United States was overwhelminuly victorious. Proba - bly in a vaval war between the United States and France now, the United States would be a winner, E notwithstanding France's great, pre ponderance in ships and men. B even this technical superiority should be overcome. The great length of the United States coast line, the value of its ocean eouimt.. ,cl the probable extent of its c. quests in the present war demand that its naval strength be immediately and largely in creased. Himv to l.mik Good. i Good looks are reuily more than skin j deep, depen.iins entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or.ans. If the j liver ne inactive, yon have a bilious look ; if your kidneys be effected, yoa have a I pinched look. Secure good health and you wtH surely have pood looks. "Elec- j trie. Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach liver and kidneys. Parities the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley Hough ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you i should nse our sheep paint. Firet, be cause tbe colors are ground thoroughly in pnre linseed oil by fine machinery ; eecond, because it is made of high grade color, with tbe proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing ur ruiiuiijg uu ; uuru, n is uiucu inure i , I . . 1 t economical, uecauee u is r.iways reauy for use. We guarantee our sheep mark- ; ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it j and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, ' ' agents, The Dalles, Or. j j The .,armer- mwhanle and tbe bi- J , . , . ,.., ..... . , nnn ikrnisq. I)f itt's itih Hn7ol Salve is the best thing to keep on hand It heals quickly, and is a well known j CDre fr PleS' Snipes-Kineraly Drug Co. T f Ue fire Doin feat apd Irtstie .priptir;.. por reasonable We Print Anything in the Printing Lino. m Give us a trial. r)rp9ili5 pub; d. Jieux Columbia Hotel If - IS THE BEST HOUSE IS THE C. J. STUBLtlflG- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. ! WHISKEY from $2.75 to ?0.00 pt cnllon , TnTfTt.n nnaW AH fn.m 7:()0 to - - ALIF0E3TIA BKANDIES from ?:i.'-'5 unminu ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HO? GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottle. imported Ale and Porter. i ; JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and j DOMESTIC CIGfARS. ; ' -- - . - . - - - - War or No You will alwas have the benefit of Low Prices at fiT)drzij feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in anv stvle. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also allkinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Grandall DEALERS IN J JJJJ (jj(Jg qJ UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalies, Or. j . 1 I j"UDBFol UPPH6S VV. Z. DONNELL, PHESCHIPTIOJ DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., - has uuho has C. F. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. MV WORK MY Chapman Block. fltab-iorlbe for i .. ru.zi : 5i.oo PER CITY 4 to 15 years)ldw ncr L-allon H to 0 years old.4 - - to ?G no pe r pilion (I to 11 years old.) War & Burget AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OP. the best Dress Goods the best Shoes ,,av. , - - . , 1- Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has everything to be foun first-class Dry Goods Store. in a STEPHENS. SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. Just rjrjhnt You Ulant. mi 4ir New Mens in Wall Paper .here. Such wide variety as we ru showing never lie fore cnicwi a siuele stock. Real Imita tion eri'ton effect!) ut ordinary prices. Gimd paiers ut chenn piuier priet'B. Elcennt tliisiciiH, tnetefui colorincs, vnur fur a Hinnll price, at our store on Third strei't. AIho a full line of house paints. , D. W. VATJSE, Third St. ! For Spanish Headache- Uncle Sam is mixing a dose that will surely cure. Not nil beadBche cures bring alwut relief and many have u tmd effect on the heart and system generally. We can offer you one not so violnt in its methods as Uncle Sam's, but one which will remove the au- and cure thf neadaehf. Trv DOCTOR WOODS' HEADACHE CURE. Put up by RELIAB LE IH A R.M A CISTS. 175 Seconi Slreet, THE DALLES. Regulator Ldne Tie Mes, Portlaoi anil Astopat Navigation Co.' r lJL--i.'-L ?55ISS sirs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE The Dalles, Hood Hlver, Cuncn(lc UtcX. und I'urt-l-iiddiilly, Cfii KundMy. ( DOWN THE VALLEY Are von going o to ( EASTERN OREGON ? If no, , nc money mid enjoy n tjemitUul trlpon theColuiiililH. 'Jfie ww,t-tHiurid triiiu nrrlvm hi 1 he Dulles in umiilu tlino for mseiiKerh to tufce the Htumiior. itrrl vik In I'lirtlnud in time for the oiitKoliu; houtheni itnd Northern tnilnn; Eiwt bound Hi:;iKuit. nnlviiij,' In Tho JJule lu time to take the huM-tumnil tritlii. For further liiloritmtloii uiply to J. ii. 1IAUNKY, Akviu, Oulc atnot nock. I'ortland. Oretron, Or W V. AU.AWAY, (Jen.AKt., The Jiulkn. Oreuon Tne Columdia PacMingGo.. ' CKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKKt) OK Fine Lard and Sansages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )H1ED LtEEF, KTC. ONI FOR A DOM. HIC,H3I i iirM.n,,t.vHvi Pill s Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-'f'ncrsly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON U.& N. CO l)i:i'Ai:r Km: Tinr. KCKKiifi.r., Kuom D.n.Lr.s. Arsiavt Kuox. Kntit Mult 1 1:80 p. in. Hult I.nkr, Ih-nviT. Ft. Ft Wortli. Umuliu, Kmi M1. d City, ft. IjhiIa. 3 I0n. ra. CliiCiiKO "lid Kiut. rIHikniiu KtyiT 5::w p. in. 'ntla Wttlln, f-iKituiH', Siioksii MIlilu-aixiliN. Ht. 1'itlil, Kl)iT. I) u 1 u t ti, .mIIuiiuLm:, n :a &. m. Chlcucu unil i:t. h p. m. Fuom l'(ir.7i..s:i. (K'oiiii Sit u hi i -. All siillitii; iliiivk Miiijif" to clmiiK' For Shu Friiiici.c nnil Jim :l, tl. , l.t, 21, - I. ;ji. I ). in. 7 p. m. To Ai.ahk.i--riull June T, 'J i . m. h ii. in. 1 p. m. Columtiin J5v. Stciiinerx. K.sumUjr To AfTouiA mill Wuy Ijinillnp Kr.Miuiliiy lu . ui. fin. m. WiLLAMrrre IUvki:. 1.3Dp.m. Ex.ounUiiy OrcBiiu City. .Ni wtxTir, Kx.sundajr i dulem iV Way Ijund'n. 7 It. Ill, jWltAr.TTK AND YAM Tuw.l liur.. hili. Kivciw. und siit. , Omkiiii City, Diiytnn. j mi- Wiiy-liii(lliiKi. ii. m. lion., Wirt., unil I'll. On. m. ! WiiXAxnTi: llivr.i'- l.nop. ra. Tuf..Tliur,'.l'(irtiiiiia to corvnllii, Tutr.. Ifcur, mm mi t,i una Hy-ijiiKlliiRn. una tax. I.KAVr KlI'AltlA. X :V a. in. l.KAVt HNAKK ItlVKIS. LKWIWOX. Jtimrin to Ia'WIhIou. bAia m. Sim.Jnrt.. mid Tbur, itlnti.. VI. una rriduj Fur full irtlcu!iirx cull on O. K. & .V. Oi.'f nguut The or nddnmii W. II. IU HUISllT, tiun. 1'u.i. Act., FurtUud, 0: DOIiSOS, CAKUl.l, CO., (Jen. AKt. Nortbern 1'ncltlc Sleumiliii Co. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Eoute OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd ure due to arrive at rortltl UCAVR, "if" OVEi ! iiri'im, b I buric, Ai KlJtN'll KX kHlt.tfl. KlUtQ Akhllilld. ' 0:00 1'. M. rniueiiio, uifuen.nuu . Fruiiclivii, Mofavc, f Urn AliKi'lc,El ri"'. Mew urii'ttiin uuu . I Eat UtOII f.M cxrep' HIOIIH . .. I r VI il WiKKlburil fur 1 1 .Mt.Ali(tl,Hllvrtnii, " U Went riclo, llrown; , B,d,!yli ,i';,k;,"r",K,le"lu"d n.'ai a ' ICorvHtllit and way 17 .Ji A. Jl., lB,Ht)nfc i INDEI'ENUKNrK I'AHHENOKll. til'"-3 Dully (e.xceit ouiuluy, IjSOp.xn. (f.v. ...1'iiftland Ar.i iiw ,i. Ill, ........ .1... " , i!.o.m tt:3U p. in. ir..iiiQeniiiiiii" - IMIIy. lUmiy, cxwin ounrtii) PINING CAIifl ON OOOEN KOOTC I'tJU.MAN Mt'FKET H-'.Kl'EKf AND HECONI)-CI,A8h Bl.EM'M tA"" Atluched to nil ThroiiKh TmlrH Ulrect connection ots-aii "";'M "wnSSf "Cfissi t.cke,. to Krv$$ roi. AlnoJAI'AN. C i 'l'.UVm Through Ticket Ofllj,l 7hWVf!rtS through tlckeu to nil Hilnt i ' luti Htlf" C'Mtmcla and Kutn can 1a- obltiu" lovtent rntei from ,,, .,, Arrat. iAiave lor OBWK(iO, 'XZTm. (mid U:: i. m. nn Hturil) on . ,u Xrrlv J' I'ortlmid dully t fi: 10 anJ , i ii N:i6, 6:;w mid 7:65 1, in.. (""J " ' ' 6:10 i. in. on Buuday only). Jve for Bherldan. ik ilty. :S0 r' Arrive ut'orUMUd,:a0i.iu. -4 I-vb for AIKIJE on Monday, S',"t!!?iy- Arrlv.' ar,TtiurMHiyiia ouiw "' "r.r of Ike prevent year the tfU irm- w 4 Ci MfMUHW7 " 1 v. ,... u. it. MA.A 7; Muw