W. 1 1 Om i Tk Dalles Daily Ctafifete. ! AdvertUIng Katea. I JYr tnca. i U.ch or less In Pally . . II 5? r two Incnea ana tinner Milrinones.. .. n Tr four lnche? ami iinilcr twelve Inches. . "S Tr twelve Inches 60 DULY JkND.WKEKLV. OMCtach or les, tier Inch 12 W Over one Inch nnd under four Inches. ... 2 00 Over four Inchew aud under twelve Inches.. 1 SO Orer twelve inches . 100 MUBBCKII'TION 1'KICK. One week 15 One month 50 One year 00 FRIDAY JUNE 3, 1898 flEPUBIiIGflN. TICKET STATE. For Governor, T. T. GEER, of Marion County. For Secretary of State, F. I. DUNBAR. of Clatsop County. For State Treasurer, CHARLES S. MOORE, of Klamath County. For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Jackson County. For A ttornev-General, D. R. N. BLACKBURN, of Linn County. For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. For Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. For Congressman; Stcond district, MALCOLM A. MOODY. of Wasco' County. For Circuit Judge. Seventh Listrict, H: 8. WILSON. of Wasco County. Tot Pioaecdtlng Attorney, Seventh District, A. A. JATNE, of Wasco County. For Member State Board of Equalization, C. C. KUNEY, of Sherman County. Tor Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sherman Counties, A.-S. ROBERTS aud J. W. MORTON, of Wasco CouBty. COUNTY. For Sheriff, ROBERT KELLY. For Clerk, A. M. KELSAY. For Treasurer, C. L. PHILLIPS, or School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. H. WHIPPLE. For Surveyor, J. B. GOIT. For CoroneT, W. H. BUTTS. For Commissioner, M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, C. E. BAYARD. For Constable, W. C. CLARK. HOW THE NATION FACES WAR Tue nation faces war with a re viving volume of business." This is the first sentence in Dun it Co.'s Beview of Trade for the past week. It was naturally expected tbat there would be a falling off in a volume of biness. It was feared that there might be a decline in slocks. It was supposed in many quarters that the first effect of war would be to excite distrust. Nothing of the kind has happened. East and West the vol ume of business is expanding. People at home and abroad seem to believe that the war will help the country rather than injure it. There is confidence in industrial and manu facturing circle and on the whole gradual gain in the volume of busi net in those lines of manufacture that give employment to a large number of people. Starting this nontb with the greatest consumption ever known, the iron industry has made surprising progress. There is better demand for textile goods, nnd there are indications of higher prices for wool aud greater activity in the Masufacture of woolen goods. Tbe war has not taken enough men froai agricultural or industrial pur aH to wake any noticeable differ smm in the cities or rural districts. JOtf aeaoad aall for troops will joake way to distress them, while the activ ities of wnr tanve given a new im pulse to business. The great outgo of wheat is en couraging to farmers, but no more so than the enormous foreign buying of corn. The exports of corn for the week were f),5fQ,59f bushels, against 1 ,584,000 bushels for the cor responding week last year. The systematic effort to interest Europe in corn seems to have been success ful, and the great corn-growing ' states of the West are the boncficia j rics. If corn has come to its kunr ! dom In Europe, corn lands every ! here will have new value, and there will be more burning of corn for fuel. The Paris exposition club of Bir mingham, Ala., has decided to sur render its charter because of the alleged anti-American aeutiroent in France. It would be better for the club to keep cool and wait. All the French anti - American sentiment that has reached us so far has come by cable from London. France has never hated us very tnush, and it is doubtful if she bates us very much now. , Spain offers the Canaries to Frauce for $30,000,000; but there is no re port on hand as to the price she is willing . to put upon Cuba, Porto Rico, or the Philippines. France will probably wait until she is cer tain that Spain can deliver the goods. Row to Look CSou:t. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely t on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ; if yonr kidneys be effected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will enrely have good looks. "Elec tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach liver and kidneys. Parities the blood, enres pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blukeley & Hough ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 A ticket tbat contains the names of such men as A. M. Kelaay for county clerk, Robt. Kelly for sheriff, H. S. Wil son for circuit judge, C. L. Gilbert for school superintendent, A. S. Roberts for joint representative, and Cbas. Phillips for county treasurer, certainly deserves the support of every voter. A better se lection could not be made, and we hope, for the benefit of the people of this dis trict and county, to see nil these candi dates elected. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black end red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fine machinery ; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rnbbing off; third, it is much more economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke &. Falk, agents, The Dalies, Or. A torpid liver robs yon of ambition and mine your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Sntpes-Kinerfly Drag Co. Cleveland wheels are selling in epite of all the cheap wheels that are offering, Call and see our 'OS models. Maier & tlenton. 7) For fleajorjable pneej We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qlve U5 a trial, 1 i Ue pre Doirjg P feat at?d Irtstie .prirptir;.. roilt pub. I fLeua Columbia Hotel I Z IS THE BEST $1.00 PER DAY f J HOUSE IN THE CITY J 1 J. JW. TOOmEY, Prop. The Dalles, Op. I C. J. STUBltlfiG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency ior the Greatest American Liquor YeNowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $0.00 per Ballon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00GHA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 ALIF0BHIA BBAHDIES from $3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. War or No War You will alum's have the benefit of Low Prices at Ipdru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS xf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies 7VL Z. DONNELL, P$ESC$lPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERF u UERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., uxho C. F. Cloudy Wthey Prefer ed for Sitting. MY WORK Chapman Block. Subscribe for per gallon. (11 to 20 years old to $0.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. & Burget Robes, burial Shoes, He. THE DALLES, OR has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES', OR. Just ttthat You UUant New ideas in Wall Taper bere. Such wide variety bb we aro showing never be (ore craced a einjrle stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours for a small price, at onr store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Fop Spanish Headache Uncle Sam is mixing a dose that will surely enre. Not nil headache curra hring about relief and many have a had effect on the heart and system generally. We can offer yon one not so violent in its methods as Uncle Sam's, hut one which will remove the cause aud cure the headache. Trv DOCTOH WOODS' HEADACHE CUKE. Put up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles. Forilaoi anil Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Kegulator k Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE BKTWKEN The Dalles, Hood Klvcr, Cancade LnckA Hiid I'ort laud dally, .' huuday. ( DOWN THE VALLEY ( OS TO Are vou going EASTERN OREGON? II , ive money and enjoy n DcHUtllul trip on the Coluiilblii. The wiv t-lMitind tniln arrivi at The Dulles lu ample time (or uimen(rer to take the ateumer, arriving In 1'ortliiml In time (or tlio oiitRoinK Houthcrn and Northern trafna; Kitat- uciHiiu jmhmjiikui arriving in The iJu(lea In tunc For Jurther Information apply to J. N. HAHNEY, Agent, Ouic 8 1 reel Dock, l'ortland. Oregon. Or W O. ALU WAV, Ueu.Agt., The Dnlloi. Orexon me columEiia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKACTOHKKM UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON dlUED BEEF. ETC. OWrOKADOM. mi 1 1 a.Sheeo for Sal k ATTIIR t ing Ranch NEAR RUTLEDGE, Sherman County. Oregon . Aopat 17M heart. conalatlng of wis cwm with about fW Iambi; 201) s-yrar-nld wet hen mrnxo yearl iig. Thwe aheep will bo aold liefor" Juno l.anil intending purnham-ra ahnnld apply hi low that daw fcr Information In regard in ptSo uiid tomiH of aalo, or call pcnonnlly on MRS. EMMA KING, Rutledce,Sherxnan Co.. Or Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass SDipes-Kmersly Dm Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s ullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AUL MINNKAI'OLI VVL.VTU KAHOO UK AND rOK CIttKlKSTOM WINU'EO HKL.KNA an MJTTK TO Thtoagh Tiekets OUICAUU WASHINGTON HILA1BL1'I1IA VKW YOKE BOHTON AND ALL rOINTS EAST aud BOOTH For infomation, time coraa, nii"u " cnl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. AltMt, TheDallrt.Ortloi' OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. M. Morrlaon Cor. Third. Portland OrH a .liikaaL FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. Thta oflfer ia mnUe by the UINOIS STATE SANITMIM provided appllfatlon be made lit ; nm that It InvJntlona.appllunce. ' ""f'pn? remwllea may receive the v'(l. '"'wi ,,ial llclty, and prove their own inwin u la1 ua und iiormanrnt urM. ."jiiiaoU whatever will be revel v. d by th ' aiaia naniiarium uv ' irka' mcnt uatll l.wefllal '"'t Thar" ? eilicert. lUromedleaaiid apill'ii JC()Bti. conimennew oy me mi -"i rtocion ' nentu and endowed by tbe K'el"tbif thu world. Where developi nei J I XotXi.W awoinpltshltaml never fall tolmm0 "41 ... ...,.! nnerLT. Tlieylnfuae new life unt Jmtot , manently atop .ill Ioch V. ' ency. Jfcef ' :oiiHtliuilon mid ironncw St. . le-tono, iffreah '" .f1'"10'" ,ut.'vii "atlW" coiiwtUuiion " "j". 71-1 1 tiihv cjiiru evil "':7ii pu manently remove the r eiu' . J, -,, iionraHthenla or nervous .',aS' dlar ; tnoau 01 cxceHKe :.,.. so i" :.v :. ...... ,iitv. no decerlioi'i IKtlUtHieut. uiv, .... "-,',,, TO.UAV. H ItlTK 1 ILLIK0IB STATE Kvauaton. 1H ILJ"."! u.t Pifst' National Bar.; TUB niLLEB - - . " r"d ' n r., flheclt. ik I K V If OTIC, WUl rimw r, lnd. , -r'OiAa1 . mure popu- . -jr. t. . tjatl-. SgJ. A. XJ if war f 1 . Ailal Chronic - '