i ; ; f V "": mi mi ii 8 3 The Dalles Daily Chrr.iIfc TIIK 1AI.T.KS. OKKdON THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured hy .scientific processes known to the Cai.ifoiinia Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CAi.iroitNiA Fio Sviiup Co. ouly, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pav ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the exccllenco of its remedy. It is far in advance of nil other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, Cat. lOTJISYILI.E. Ky. NEW YORK, N. T. PERSONAL MENTION. J. M. Winkle'ie in the city from Prine-. viile. Mike Rice came up from Portland last night. H. Drakin ia in from Condon for a Bhort visit. . J. Gleason, the Antelope merchant, is in the city. F. M. Jones, of Shcrar'a Bridge, is in the city today. (R. B. Sinnott was a passenger from Portland last night. 11. Glenn came up from Portland on rlhe 11 :45 train last night. Geo. A. and Fred Young, of Ridge way, are at the Umatilla. Last nijzht Robert Kelly returned from a short trip to Caseade Locka. Miss Nettie GrimeB returned to Port land on the boat yesterday morning, H. D. Parkins, who went to Portland Sunday, returned on last night's train. Dr. A. T. Carlsou, of Portland, is in city, and will practice dentistry with Dr. -Frazer. 3. L. Story returned on last night's train from an extended trip through valley towns. Miss Ina P. Cooper returned yesterday evening from a short visit with friends in Pendleton. Johnnie Howard, who is extensively engaged in the c.ittle business near Prineville is in the city attending to business. Mis3 Patience Cooper and her niece, Miss Ann Mann, who just finished the High school course in this city, lett on the boat yesterday morning, on their way to their home in Independence. For Joint lioprcnentat lv. We heartily recommend Albert S. Roberts, nominee for joint representa tive of Wasco and Sherman counties cn tho Republican ticket, to the voters of this section. He is neither as a man or as a candi date, nor ns an oflicial in this oflice, if elected, pledged to any person or func tion, further than he is a sound money protectionist Republican, a stanil which he is only to proud to take. Nor strings are held on him and nev- have been, and fetich a man deserves the support of his entire party. Such a man will not prove a traitor when needed,) nnd will exert )ih best influence for the benefit of the section from which he is suit. Cast your vote for A. S. Roberts and you will hnve no cause for regret. The farmer, tho mechanic and (be hi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co, Support A. S. Roberts for joint repre- nenttttive. Everybody reads Tins Ohuoi.nick. TILLETT & GALLIGAN, WM. TILLETT. H. GALLIGAN. Bute I'rojirlotou of tlio OKI.KIHCATKI) XAIU.HA AVl'Uli. Hood River Nursery, Tir.MJTr A; UAI.l,lUA?f, Irii, Flrat.class Nursery rilock a Specialty a The Shakers oi Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men nnd women, hnve prepared the Shaker Dlpeatlvo Cordial (or ninny years, and it is always tho annic, simple, hon eat, curative medicino thnt hat) helped to make tho Blinkers tho hi'nlthy, long lived people thnt they aro. The1 Shak ers never linvo indigestion. This is partly owing to their simplo modo of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cardial. Indiges tion is caused by tho stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digeativo'Cordlnl supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and nil its ulaiuis so that after nwhilu they don't need help. As evidence of th honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, tho formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00n bottle. Many obi soldiers now feul the clients ol tho hard service they endured during tiie war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville, York county, l'eiin., who saw the iiardest kiud of service at tho front, is now frequently trouble with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," ho says, "and procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain linlm. It did so much good that 1 would like to know what you would charge me for ono dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his trends and neigh bors, as every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, sprains, swelling, cuts, bruises and bums, for which it is unequalled. For salu by Blakeley & Houghton. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use, Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, lie cause tho colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by line machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding iml lasting qualities, which prevent U iruni washing 1 or rubbing'off; third, it is much more I economical, because it ia always ready i for use. We guarantee our sheop mark- j ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it , and be convinced. Clarke fc Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should bo supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the follow ing: "This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug gist, recommended Electric Bitters; and alter taking two bottles; I was en tirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person ! suffering from this terrible malady. I J am gratefully yours. M. A. Htirgity, i Lexington, Ky." bold by lilakeley & Houghton, Druggist. ! Keal Kstatti .Salu. The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and ncreage. Terms reasonabli. Apply to the undersigned at tne office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Lauohmn. Thirty-five years make a generation. Thnt is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, 0., suffered from piles, He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. One Mtautc Cough Cure, cures. That Is what it was made (or. "IRONING MADE ESSY" II Hi i REQUIRES NO COOKING v MAKES COLLIRS AND GUFFS AS WHEN FIRST ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER rtMWTACTUREO .C.HUBINGER KeokukJowa. NewHaven,Cqnn. COPYRIGHTED n W eft I JtM i",.' -i I XiWMr.MWiVi-'n iWOMfc, !ti,i'rsii TliU tarch la prepared on pclcntlilo principled rj men who liavo biul years of practical oxperlencft In Innoy laundering. U nwturut old linen nnu eusjrnor dr6sos tr tliolr tint inn I iv)illrnr.( Anil (rnnirtK n linn nil fill nm I Isiit inir ItriUh. It. in tlio OIllV fitarcil niMiiiifncturcil.ljjat U perfectly tiormlei, ithcr tubstauco iujurlouj to Jloeu dud ran For sale by all wholesale "and retail grocers llltoovarril by n Woman. Another great discovery has beoil made, nnd that too, by a lady In this country. "Dlieaso fastened Kb chttchea upon her and for fevon yonre alio with stood Its severest testa, hut hor vital organs 'wore undermined nnd death seemed immhtont. For threo months she coughed incessantly, and could not sloop. Shu dually discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us u bottle of Dr. Klnglf.New Discovery for consump tion, mid was so much relieved on taking titst dose, that shu slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured, llur namo is .Mrs. Lutherl.utv:." Thus writes. W. C. Iiamniek., of N. C. Trial bootlu fieoat Hlukley & Houghton Drug Store. Regular size fiOe and $1. Kvery botllu guaranteed. -i A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWltt's Little Karly Hirers cleanse the liver, euro con 8tipatl)ii and all stomach and liver trouble. Suipce-Kinerely Drug Co. Take Your JWeals at the Clarendon lestaaFant. JOHN DONOHUE. Prop. Ijo Clarendon Is the bet liettiinrnnt lu The Hallo. Meals at fill Hours. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Ue fire Doiryg fleat ar)d rtstie .priptir.. For treasonable prices.- We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (Jiie us a trial. fyropi pub. ?o. bul tXL i j EX. STIFF AND NICE AND A HALF STARCH. 0.yfl BR0S.C? .', i containing iipltliornpcnlc, nluui, or auy bo luotf even for u baby powder.' , flags aj?d Banting. Maps of Cuba. Latest Illustrated fleuispapers. AT I. C. Nickelsen Book & Hlasic Company, ,ghas. mM- Butchers and Farmers '..Exchange.. Keeps on drnimlil tho t'clobMtcd COI.l'MIllA HKUIt, iickimwl ciIkoiI tho ln."it bwr In Tliu llalles, nttluMiual pilco. Conic in, try It mid bo rotivlncnl. AIo tilt" 1'lnest bninds ot W'lnia, M piors aniICiKiir, Saoduiiches f nil L-I,,.lv !,,,, 1 s : s CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillir?ery Parlors Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson und Mies Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rH.VNHACT A.GKSKIlAI.UANKINti IIUEI.VEd Letters of Credit issued avitilnblu in tho Euatern States. Siulit ExchnnKO nnd TeleKrnphu Trunsfurs Hold on Nun York, Chiaiyo, St. Iouia, San Fnuicisco, Portland Ori Kon, Seattle Waali,, nnd various points in Oregon nnd Wushinuton. Collections mivJu at all points on fav orablu terms. PALACE COhUJVIBIA GAHDY fflGTORY CflpE. FEI3SH CANDIES, NUTS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Ice Cream Parlor m Connection. CASEY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street. 5. fi. lar; fforder; 1 lias a full l.iuc of Watches that can be lmti;lit at rcasoiiahle prices All tloods as represented. i riext doof to Flfot Nutlonol Bonk, Wasco Warehcose Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain Headquarters for Rollc ii Graii?., aix .ands. Headquarters for Bran, bvorts, SfMISSD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton Flour. TIiIh Flour line : oyory Wu null our L'OOlly lnwor Llinn cull and jjot our jiriueu mid ho convinced, HigheJPrices Paid for Wheiat, Barley and Oate. pj A. STURDEVANT Dontist. OlUccoycr French it N.' Hjink j.honcn, " Tlti:i.I.I.KB,SU!'.(10tf. JJ)AN RODfeRTS, AttoVh'cy-Ht-Linv. Collcotlmn ii flprclnlty. Kcconil Htrcct, Tin: DAi.t.f.i, OKKdON jits-ii:isicnimikim i:k uirunv, Pliysicians and Surgeons, Bpcclnl ntlciltlon fjlvcn In Mirry. ltoollls,Jlnnd.,, Tol.JtH Voat lllnok 11 S IIUNTIHnTON U !1 WII.RON nUNTINOXON VVtlJiON, attownkys at law. TIIK IMU.Kh, OKKOO.V) Ot!lrcovir I'lMt Nut. Hunk. ( timikI). w. wimoy. I.' A'tTOUNKV AT LAW, Till. IW.I.BK, (HtKliU, Ollicu met Klr.it .N'hS. ll'ink. DRS, BON HAM DENTISTS. Gutd Killing Crown and llridjje Work a speciality. Dr. llonluun gives every WedneHilay from 10 to 12 a. in. (or free extraiUine, absolutely painless. Gold flllitiKB $l.r0 and iipwards. CHAPMAN BLOCK. Patronize the Troy Alt kind ol work. White Hhlrt u .ijn-clalty. Kitmllv work at reduced riitci. Wunh collected nmt lU'ItTcuit freu, Ttltilii)ii Ko. 111). H. D. Parkins, Agt, Harry Liebe, PltACTIOAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly Attended tu, und wurmntud. 174 VOGT BLOC OF SWEETS. ? pine Wafceh Wofk q Specialty. TWF! T) AT.T.THR OT? is muniifiicttiri'd exprosoly or family nuck Ih Kuurnuk'ed to tjivo fialiHfivctlou. o, fume DKI'AItT ,'ir'ou roti; eoiiiihtii.i:. 1'IIOM l,l.l.i:s. AlUllVR J' IIOM. Knit '.Mull in, Hiilt I.ukr, llenviir. ft, Kn-t Mull. it lu, t Minimi, inn: kiih Cllty, Ht. I.imls, I'ltlrtiii... mill ' Biotcmiw I'lyor Wutlii Wnlln, Hpnkiiiiu, l"llJIII0"i I ltrr if ..iii,k(iii,iin. nil I 11111,1 Dnliit Ii, Mllwniikccl Hlu. Ill liiiicMuti nnu r.nsi. K p. in. Klin.M I'nl'.TI.ANIi. Occilll Nll'illlialllpi. I All .Hiillllli: ilntcu huljjcctl Id illliinuo, for Him Kroiii'lM'n Hull .Urn it, II, 'J, IJ, tr., is,; Jl,.'l)'J-,i!ll. ! 7 p. 111. Til ALASKA - Hall June 7, Sfi. ,s II. in. Kx.Snndity Cnltiiiililii Uv. Ktonmors. I'll ASTIIUI A llllll Vy I JllllllllKK. t !' in. Kx.hniiilny K'ltlltiltiy lli p, in. till. til. I WlU.AMP.TTi: KlVIMl. K.,Hillidiiyi()rcKiili City, Nuwliuti;, i Siiicin A- Wny IjiiiiI's,! 'Mi p.m. Kx.aiiiiit.iy 7 ii. in, Wii.i.AMivrrr. ami Yam-! Tnca.'l luiv.! iin.i. KivciiK. I nnd hut. lOteKim city, liiiytnn, , mid W'ny-l jiiuliiiHw. .l:.'i p. m. Mini., W mill Frl. ii ii. in. Tiic.Tlmr, mid Sut. Wtu.AMr.m: ItivKit. 1 t,;vti m I'ortiuml to Cnrviillh.'Tiic, iim'r mil Wny..iiiidlnii. . unil Hut. ' I.IUVK ' Itll-AHIA, I I : l.'i n; iii. .Moil.. Wed,1 mid Krliliiyl , I.KAVK ' I.r.winiox, Bnaici: ltivi:u. lilpnrlii (o I A'wlfttnn. n:-wn. m. Siiii,,1iicj., nnd Tliur, ,.1'or fall pnrtlculiiri rail on 0. It. A N, Co'i ngcllt Tho Ilulli'M. or addrcnN ' ' W. II. IIIJUI.IINltT, (len. lns. AKt I'ortlnnil.Or DOD.SON. CAKI.ll.l.CU., (icn. Ai:U. Northern I'ucllli! Htemiinlilp Co. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave mid nro dim to arrive Ht 1'ortUi ovr.RijAiS'D kx-i lircHH, balcni, Hon' liurK, Anlilmid, Hue- riittti.i.ti. fli.ilntt Unt, I otoo r. 2i, l'riinclitfo, Jlojuvc, f u AUKeiex,!-.! I'MM), New Orlounti nnu Kiwt ! A. it, Unity c.irept Hllliilny.il tltoouhttrf; unit wny ntn.l tloiiN .... ! I f Vlii Woixlbnru fori i .Mt.AtiKul, Hllvorlnn, i r.M lially except Hnmlij. 1 vIlle.riprinRlleldHnit ! f.clo, iirnwinc i v.Miirun Jl I7:: A. M. jCnrvnllls htlltloilN nm! wuyjj .WpMi INDKl'KNDKNCK I'AhSKN'OKII. Hxprow twin Ilnlly (e.xcepi Hnniluy). l;Wp. m. (I.v. ..l'oztlmid . Ar.) h:2'.m 7:M'. ni. Jai McMluiivllle .I.v.J a. m H;.",i) ii. in. (Ar .jinlcpeiuleiice..l.v.) 1-Mt.tx Dully. (Dully, except Hunn.iy. DININO (JAKH O.N (Kll)KN UOUTK. I'UI.LMAN IIUKKKT BI.KKl'KUS AND HKCOND-OI.AKS HI.KUI'INt CARS Attiieliid to nil TliroiiKh Trulnii. , Direct connecllon lit .wnn ItiiiicIh'O wllli Ottl ilenlnl unit Orleutnl mnl I'ncllln iniill ntttimihlp lines for JAI'A.N mid CHINA. HiiIIIhk datui on n plli'iitlnn, UntuN Mid ticket to Kintem polnls mulKu roi. AIo.lAl'AN, CHINA, IIONCU'I.ir trA Al'HTKAUA.cmi lie olitnllied finin J. II. KIKKi.AND, Ticket Agent Th rniiBli Ticket Olllcc, i:tl Tlilrii Htrcet, ivhert through tlckot.s to nil pnlntH In tlic Kxtcra Ht'ttcN, Cmiinlii mid Kuropo inn bu obliiljied il louc.it rutcH from J. II, KlUKl.AND, Ticket Attent. All nliovo tntliiK nrrlvo it t mnl depart Iron" limnd Centnil Hlutlnu, Klfth mnl Irving iitreeU YAMIUI,I DIV1HI0N. riirener Dcjitit, fool of Jeilcroii street U'iivo for (9WK(I(, dully, except hiim)y,i TM n. in.; Vi::v), 1:M, ft. In, (:', "8:(Vi . ta. fund lltai p. in. on Hnturdny only, nnd 'J:Wa.m nnd n;;;u p. m.ou hunilnvH imlyj. Arrive t I'ortlmnl nnlly lit liUOmnl h:."iin in. nnd I:5J. l:!.i, ii:vi iiml 7:.V p. ni (mid I0;0.j ii, m,3' .'i:I0 i. m. on Humluyh only, ttmvu for Hlierldiin, wwlt dnys, at l;:Mp.B Arrive nt rortlmid, v.'M it. in. linva for AIHI.IK on Monday, WulnoilnyanJ I'rMiiv nt'.): Id ii. in. Arilv nt I'urtlnti't, Xu diiv, Tlunxlny unit Sntuidns it ,'t.OA p, in. 'ICxccpl Hundiiy. "Kxcept (jiilnnliiy K K'.i.Kit, wliiiiiucr. (1, II. MAItKIIAM, Aunt. 0. K. A J'liw- At Dalles, Mora aod Aolel STAG-E LINE. TliroiiKli hy d.iyll;lit vln Cirnn Vnllcy, Kent mul UiohM Hollow h. IXMKII.AH A I.I.ICN, Tho l)nlle' ). III. WIU'i'UI.AW, Antolnpo. Ktiiljee Icnvu 'I'liu Dulles trom t'liiutllln IIJJJJ nt 7 ii, in.,iilMi from AtileIito nt 7: ' '"'inni Momliiy, Wediawlny mid Krldny. '';;1'v'J inuilo nt Aiilulnpo for I'rlmivlllo. Jlltciioll an" pol itM beyond. OIokq crmivotlmis niiiaow DiiIK-h with rullwiiytf, tniliw mid IhihIk. KIiibos from Antelopo leiicli Tlio lill J in; i iniirsniiyii linn niiuinnin m i iiatkm or ri"., Dulles to Duhuluitus do Morn. do (IriiNH Vnlley. .. . do Kent do (irons HollowH. Antelope to CrnnH HollinvH do Kent. do (IriiRN Vnttuy do Morn Ill) I)C(lllllCCh, . . ... !5S iii S 00 30) Illl Uflllf'M , L08T. Ono Uiown liny t"r. brum! Jj1 on (!ft Hhouldor mul upllt ' Ilo'tn: Ono hrown ouy ii.iiro, lirimded Ij on'" Hhuulihir und hip. WIIIrIvo for return of Hatmi. Addresfl Jami:k Knouhi'i n.10. wl.n JloodWver. .. "....T ,. ii, .in in out) Dcy T.tlto Liixfitlvo Uroino (iulnli'O TljJ lotH. All tlrpKMlH refunil tlm It f.tiln to etiru, -), nwitfu i.sitio Lttfiv lil$tf' The f jumiu ft. it nll'ftHrtV 7- J? S9 Iv