Marching Orders Jjist iauf:il to tin) follow ilia Gi ode: Jleekuieaf for Mistie Dressers. Lutheran Church Confirmation, PRINTS, in fancy and Indigo Blue, all bright now patterns. Forward, March at . 3 I "4c per yard. SNOW FLAKE OUTING FLANNEL in dainty stripes and chocks for 4c per yard. FANCY RIBBONS. We have gotten together a spocial collection of Ribbons in 35e, 45c, and 50c values. You may have your choice for 25c per yard. ll il, 47L. I W U The kind that looks different from the ordinary run. The kind that has style, and snap and art in it. The kind that a Gentleman should wear. That's the kind of neckwear we offer at 15e to $1.25. We are specialists in Men's wear -shirts, gloves, hosiery, etc., and exclusive sel lers in The Dalles of the famous Rufus Waterhouse cfc Go. neckwear. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAY HI. 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tonight At tin; Vogt Hon. F. X. .Schoonmaker. they muy have to engage. When the truin pulled into the depot a large num ber of Dulles people were on hand to meet them and they received a warm reception. Hon. F. X. .Schoonmaker, of New Jer sey, one of'the most logical and interest ing speakers in the country, will ipeak at I ho Vogt tonight. It is not often that orators of Mr. Schoomaker's ability A first class milch cow for sale. Apply I Hlumk The Dalles, and as everyone at this oflico. j is anxious to hear him, seats should he Don't forget that Kellur keeps the j secured early as standing room prom- best ice cream soda in the city. tf The Jaeobson Jiouk it Music Co., have tome beautiful flower baskets. Call and see them. II. M. Ryan, teacher. of Mandolin Guitar and Banjo. JleadquarterB at) lacobaen's. tf A new lot of oranges and lemons di rent from growers, at the Dalles Com- mission Co. Luavo nrdurs for ice with the Stadol-r man Commission Co. Ollico cold storage building, l'lione -11). it Dewey keep ice cream soda? No, we sell it, the best in the city, at the Co 1 tun bin Candy Factory. The Republicans of Wasco countywll show excellent judgment in reelecting A. M. Kelsay for clerk, Wanted, competent girl to do general housework. Applicant address "H," care Oiiiio.vici.k ollico. Furnished rooms to rmt, ulso . aits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to It) and 20, Chapman Block. 17 Lost X small blank book, containing a list of names of Telegram subscribers. Finder will please leave at this oflice. Beginning tomorrow, the steamer Regulator will leave her whurf for points down the river at 7 a. m. This change Is made on account of the time lost in the transfer of freight and passengers nt the locks. The following are the scores nt the Umatila House alleys for the week end ing .Sunday. MaeU, Monday, (1(1 ; Tues day, Walton, CO j Maetz, Wed- ' - v 01 ; Thursday, 03, Friday, 015, fcoturihty, OH, Sunday, 07. Yestorday morning quitoa large num ber of strawberry-pickers went to Hood River on the Regulator. There are still a large number of pickers needed, and anyone curing to spend a week in the berry fields can find employment at any time, The Club bowling rncordH for tho week ending Sunduv, are as follows : Monday, Schmidt, 67r Tuesday, Schmidt, D2; Wednesday, Ogdon, 40 j Thursday, Brad shaw, f)2; Friday, Mrs. tSeufert, 48; Saturday, Ketchum, 52; Sunday, Samp son, 40. Sunday about 1 p. m. tho First bat talion of Dakota volunteers, -105 strong, pasted through the city en route for San Francisco. They were as fine a looking lot of men us wo have over seen, being (tout rugged fellows, who appar ently were from among the laboring classes and could stand, (he exposure and hardships of a campaign life which arid 4 ft (ises to be in demand. Owing to the heavy rains-in the Co-j lumbia river valley towauifs the head-j waters, the river is rising k'ery rapidlyi In twenty-four hoursyirom noon Sun1 day to noon yesterdu -the water camp up three feet, anqis still raising. At present it has reached 34.0 feet, and it s expected that iwill soon reach the ex treme high writer mark for this year, i hast eveniiiL' a nleasant nartv of vouttg - . - n , people chartered the steam launch spent a wry enjoyable evening on t heaving bosom of the Columbia. Tbosi who were fortunate-enough to be anion the excursionists are, Misses Allie Row luud, Dorothy Fredden, Alma Schanno, Caddie Booth, Laura Thompson and Maybel Mack, and Messrs. Fredden and Rowland. Owing to the rapid raise in the Co lumbia, for the time being it will be im possible for the boats to make the west ern entrance to the locks, so that it will be neceesary to trunefer freight and pas sengers over the portage. Yesterday Ward & Robinson's wagonette and four horses and some other conveyances for carrying passengers were sent be low to be used lor this purpose. Friday evening a baby carriage was left in the hall of the Vogt block, while the owners went up to a doctors oflice, but upon their return they found the carriage missing. Nightwatchman Wi ley was Immediately notified and at once proceed to run dowu the robbers. It was but a few moments until Mr. Wiley found it in possession of Harry Click, of Ridge way, and our efficient postmaster, James Crossen. The miscreants surren dered without resistance and were re leacud on bonds to appear before Justice Schutitafier the June election. Who are you going to vote for for cir cuit judge in this district, neighbors? If you are thinking of scratching the ticket for this Important oflice, you are doing wrong, Your ticket is every man's ticket lu tlite precinct, the Republican tii'kot Is straight and you should vote it straight. Our candidate is a man who is honest, conscientious mid capable; he is the best lawyer in the district and will make the best judge ever on tho bench. Hon. II. S., Wilson is the man, and ho Is not a politician, but a plain, honest, fair minded deep thinker, and a sound judge of legal questions. Bo sure you know what you are doing when you cast your ballot for this important office. Ante lope Herald. No more eloquent address has been heard in our city for eomo time than that delivered by Rev. J, H, Wood Sun day evening, when the members of the G. A. R, and W. R. C. attended the Methodist church in a body to take part in a memorial service. Printed pro grams were followed, which contained very . ite hymns and scriptural readily be pastor took for his text "Fight iu good fight of faith," enlarg ing principally upon the first four words. A largi audience was present, and the close attention paid was proof of the ex cellence of the address. Memorial Dav exercises were appro priately observed in thle city yesterday. All day long carriages could be seen wending their way to the cemetery, and by evening the graves were liter ally beds of flowers. In the afternoon the procession, headed by the G. A. R. S. of V. and W. R, O,, and accompanied by the drum corps, moved slowly tow ard the G. A. R. cemetery, where the most impressive services were held and our heroes' graves were decorated. Ae the procession of veterans grows smaller each year, more touching do the exer cises seems; and more solemn were they yesterday on account of the noble lives which have so recently been given up in he Bervice of their country, for ncne culd help remembering the Maine. Ti Celebrate the Fourth. At a meeting of the club field at the club rooms last evening to consider the subject of celebrating the 4th of July, the following action was taken : A 'motion was made by Harry Leibe that a committee of three be appointed to solicit funds for the proper celebration of the day, which motion was carried, and H. C. Liebe, C. F. Stephens and Andrew Keller were appointed a linonce epmmittee. Kveryone is tuixious to have n cele bration this year that will excel any that we have ever had. Its success de pends entirely upon the support of the people of The Dalles, and as everyone seems fully determined that it shall be a success, we need have little fear as to its being otherwise. Sunday morning the rite of holy con firmation was administered to a class of fifteen in I ho Lutheran church. L. Weigo', Mrs1 A. Peterson, T. Paulsen, Miss L. Chuck, X. Liest, Mis9 C. Nick clsen, C. Weigel, Miss X. Godberson, O. Beck, Miss A. Horn, A. Prince, Miss X. Weberg, Miss C. Sorenecn, Mi&a M. pedcr, and Miss B. Wyss. After the opening prelude by Professor Birgfeld and the singing ef the beautiful rituals oi the mornimg service, the ex amination of the catechism took place. Ths questions that were many and difli- nnlfr crprp n'flbprt finrn ntwl tliprn firnmiti. ciously, but every member of the class j answered clearly and proptly when called upon. Tho class certainly gave evldenceof a thorough knowledge of tho elements of scripture, and their whole conduct showed that they wero spirit ually interested. It is certainly a class of which any church might well feel proud. After the examination the choir under the direction of Prof. Lundell rendered an anthem. The pastor trade a brief address explaining very explicitly tho oatli which is rendered to Christ on this occasion. Two of the members, Mr. and Mrs.' John Waud, having been confirmed in their youth, were received by profession of faith. Thete were seventeen communicant-members added to the Lu theran church. This is certainly a good beginning for so young a congregation, especially if considering that the Lutheran church has few if any backsliders. For Joint Keprfnentntl ve. We heartily recommend Albert S. Roberts, nominee for joint representa tive of Wasco and Sherman counties on the Republican ticket, to the voters of this section. He is neither as a man or as a candi date, nor as an official in this office, if elected, pledged to any person or func tion, further than he is a sound money protectionist Republican, a stand which he is only to proud to take. Nor strings are held on him and nev bave been, and such a man deeerves the support of his entire party Such a man will not prove a traitor when needed, and will exert bis best influence for the benefit of the section from which he is sent. Cast your vote for A. S. Roberts and you will have no cause for regret. Flag-Kalclng at lioyd. Saturday was a gala day in the vicin ity of Boyd, the occasion being the flag raising exercises at Liberty echoolhouse. In the morning the neighbors gathered in large numbers and a fine pole was put in place. This task being accomplished, lunches were spread and a basket dinner was greatly enjoyed. At about 2 o'clock, others having ar rived, the exercises commenced. Under tho supervision of the teacher, Miss Nichols, and Mr. Bernie Sellick, as chairman, each number was rendered m an excellent manner, showing that the pupils of Liberty school have talent far above the average. The Hag drill was particularly pretty, and as the pupils inarched to the grounds, led by Miss Bell, who carried the large Aug, enthusi asm was intense, until when the beaut! ful flag was raised and floated to the breeze, cheer upon cheer arose, and no He Cleveland more patriotic crowd could be found anywhere. Returning to tho schoolroom, Prof. Deems gave a very fine declamation, which was thoroughly enjoyed. As a fit closing for such patriotic ex ercises, Mr. F. W. Wilson, of this city, gave a very eloquent Rddrcss on "Ihe Flag of Our Cjuntry." Tho applause was long and loud at frequent Intervals during the speech, showing tho appreci ation felt by tho audience, which was further attested by the unanimous rote of tliauke tendered him at Its close. Lfbcrty school has much reoson to feel proud of its flag; as well as of the fact that there aie such noblo young men In the district as Mr. Bernie Sellick, who was prime mover in the enterprise. Attention Woodmen. All members of Mt. Hood c.imp of tho Woodmen of the World are requested to to be present at the regular meeting to assist in the election of delegates to the disttict convention. V. D. H.ARfKit, Clerk. Bncklen'8 Arinca salve. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains) corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively ones piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druceists. Heal Kutate 9le. The Lsughlin estate offers fur sale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acieage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the office of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laugiimx. I havp been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been a success as a cure, and that is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Grisham, Gaars Mills, La. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton. Whooping Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Con? 1 1 Remedy. I did not think that anv medicine would help him, but after giving him a tew doses of the remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It Is the best cough medicine I ever had in the house. P. E. Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa. For sale by Blakeley & llonehton. "Eagle" Acetylene Gas'Generators are superior to all. Agency at Hansen & Thompson's planing mill. a2l-lm dw Everybody reads Tun Chholnice. Royal make the load pare, wholesome and delicto. WN0 POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL DAKIhO POAOCR CO.. NEW YORK. AVHKN N.tTUUK NeedB assistance it may be best toren der it promptly, buf. one should re member to use even tho roost perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy i the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by Mm. Califarnia Fig Syrup Co. A little boy asked lor a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast ns you can," the druggist recognized a household name lor "DeWitt'a Little Early Riser" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. LOST. One brown bay mare, branded B NT on left shoulder "and split in left ear. One brown oay mare, branded L on left shoulder and hip. Will give $10 reward for return of same. Address Jamus ExGr.isrr,. a30-wlm Hood River. Mrs. Gilmore's restaurant, in the East End, furnishes the best lo cent meak in the city. The restaurant is open day and night. Give it a trial. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thnt la what it was ini-de lor. Cleveland wheels aro selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '9S models. Mater &. Benton. . , To L'uro a Cold III Due liny. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tie money if it fails to euro. 25c- 7 Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough skin. DeWitt's Little tiurly Risers,. The fanuius li'tle oills. " Use Clarke &. Falk's Rosofoam tor tiiev teeth. Trv ScUlllluc's llebt lea pmi unking Doivrttt-. I DOOH and OjIDOOl "5 S C R E N S Lj s c R E N Bicycles Cleaned" n r i - i s MAYS & CROWE. Killtorlul Comment from Dully Oieeon luu of May 111, Attention may be called to tho letter of Mr. J. H. Ackerman, Republican candidate for superintendent of public instruction, on the Bchool-book question, published today. ' Mr. Lyman's letters on tho subject evidently have been di rected against Mr. Ackerman, his prin cipal competiton, and Mr. Ackermau's ! answer is very plain and effective. It j shows that the books voted for by Mr. j Lyman would have cost somewhat more than those voted for by Mr. Ackerman, and somewhat more also than those which were adopted for use by-the state. Mr. Lyman has not fairly presented the subject. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are Uablo to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve ie the best thing to keep on hand, It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles, SnipeB-Kinersly Drug Co. Has tae Rurwoll detvchuble Tire, Tho best thing yet. Hasn't a single drawback. Tho weight of tho BURWELL TIHE REMEMBER Wo havo strictly First-Chissr Fir, Oak and Is less than that of any'oth I er detachable tiro now on i the market. Ladies' and Cents' UJheels for Rent. OJheels Repaired. mate r HQ Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. Subscribe for The Chtfoniele