The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 29, 1898, Image 1

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    ffl t Dalles
Spanish Reserve Squadron Sails Im
portant News Sent to Our Fleet in
Cuban Waters.
MAimm, May 118. It is officially an
nounced that tho Spanish rcsorve squad
ron commanded by Admiral Camara,
lms left Cadiz, lloforo going to its des
Iination, thu Equadron will maneuver
probably (or sovornl days in tho open
Hen, nftorwnrds sailing for tho Philip
pines, Cuba or tho United States, as
tho government may judge nioroopor
tuno. Tho squadron is undoratood to be
composed of 10 Qf 1-' vessels,
Kinobtok, Jamaica, May 28. 1 :30
A. M. United StateB Consul Dent haB
recolved instructions from Washington
to forward to tho United States fleet, if
jiossiblo, eortnin cipher orders accom
panying consular instructions. Mr.
Dent, who Ib, of courso, ignorant of tho
character of tho orders, carried them in
penou to Port Maria, whero it is be
lieved a dispatch boat of the fleet was
waiting by pro arrangement to receive
tho expected orders.
New Youk, May 28. A dispatch from
Key West says the cruiser Brooklyn
landed n largo quantity of war supplies.
at Cienfuegos on Tuesday. This is Bald
to huvu been done after a fight in which
thn fort on the south side of Cienfuegos
bay was badly damaged. There was
also n light between 700 insurgents and
u Spanish cavalry force, the latter being
Nothing Confirmatory Concerning Cer
vera's Whereabouts He Has, in
All Probability, Escaped.
New Youk, May 28. A special re
ceived from the Lallan News Bureau in
explanation of last night's report of
Cuvora's uscapo, says :
'Our Kingston story of last night
merely quoted ono of tho Scorpion's
ollicors as saying he had not located
Covera nt Santiago. Schley's report to
tho war department Into this afternoon
gave no confirmation of the fact that be
had Schley bottled up in Santiago har
bor." Key Wekt, May 28. Advices received
tonight state that Cervera has escaped,
and his whereabouts aro unknown. The
Associated Press in its assertions con
cerning Corvera being bottled up was
unwarranted by any facts, and their re
ports tonight have him escaped.
Dewey Has Cut the Last Telegraphic
Communication Between. Manila
and Spain., May 28. Dispatch boat
'afarla hus just arrived, bringing Mr.
Williams, former United States consul
at Manila, to consult with Consul Wild
man at Hong Kong, concerning the posi
tion of tho insurgent force. The situa
tion at Manila is unchanged. Aguinal
do, the insurgent leader, has his head
quarters at Cftvita, and it Is crowded
with volunteers, fie captured on
Wednesday outside of Malila two bul
lock carts of ammunition mid 4000 rifles,
without lose of life.
The Spaniards hnvo been using tho
oible line batween Manila and Lloilo in
connection with a swift steamer to La
baan, British North Borneo, whence
there is coble connection with Spain.
Dewey diicovered this and cut the tele
graph line, thus isolating Captain-Gon-
oral Augusti from communication with
Spain. Tho captain-general insists that
relief for Manila is on its way from
The best of health prevails on Ameri
can ships at Manila.
Ni:v Youk, May 28. A dispatch to
the World from Manila via Hong Kong
says :
The situation of tho besieged inhabi
tants of Manila is growing more and
moro desperate, owing to tho cutting
off of supplies. The blockade by Dew
ey's squadron Is complete, while tho
inBiirgonts have surrounded tho city on
tho land side, thus effectually closing
the place in. Dewey has deferred
further aggressive action nt this point
until the arrival of the cruiser
Charleston witli coal and ammunition,
and of the promised troops for the mi!U
tory occupation of the islands.
Quotas of Various States Under the
Second Call Will Rapidly Come
St Louik, May 28. In the courRe of a
few days tho second call of the nation for
volunteers will be answered by the state
of Missouri. Adjutant Bell several days
ago devised plans and decided upon the
section of the Btate for the raise of n
new national guard in case of an emer
gency. The Adjutant has decided not to form
any more regiments, but to organize the
companies over the state, giving prefer
ence to those sections not already rep
resented in tho volunteer army. Mis
souri's apportionment of the call 1b over
300 men and of this number St. Louis
will furnish six companies.
Immense purchases of fancy groceries
were madejyesterday for the army in the
South by Captain Dunstan, commissary
of supplies stationed in this city. The
orders placed aggregated $50,000 and the
goods will be shipped us fust as possiblo
to Chickamauga. While these orders
were placed by tho government through
its commisslonary here, the goods will
not be dolivered to the soldiers ub part
of their regular rations. They will be
sold to the officers ami men at cost price
as extras for their mess.
Chiuesc .Mob Loots and Destroys Amer
ican Mission. Troops Ordered to
Ouell the Outbreak. Koso. May 28. On Wednesday
a Chinese mob looted and burned the
American mission at Tong Chow near
Wuchowm. It is sunnosed that Mr.
Glover and other members of the mis
sion escaped.
E. O. Bedlou. United States vice con
sul at Canton, has requested tho viceroy
to dispatch troopn to quiet the outbreak
ugaui9t tho missionaries.
(ioldeiidiilit Citizens Aro Anxious
til UllllHt.
Goluexdaik, Wash., May 28. Capt.
Hugh Phillips is kept busy these days,
answering the questions of would-be
' volunteers. Many of them want to
! kuow if there 1b any possibility that tho
troops enlisted under the call will be
landed on Cuban soil. Tho number of
enlisted volunteers under Captain Phil
lips exceeds eighty.
LINE TO 1K 1'INlhllKI).
IccclTrlil Action Agnluftt Tucniua
Columbia Itlvttr Kuad Quashed,
Tacoma, May 28. Receivership pro
ceedings against the Tacoma & Colum
bia River railroad came to a halt this
morning when a telegram from Presi
dent Bailoy, who is in New York, was
read, stating that money had been
raised to finish the road and clear up
the financial difficulty. The road Is now
being built from this city south to the
Columbia river.
Information in the Hands of the War
Department May Cause A Repeti
tion of the Dc Lome Episode.
Washington, May 28. There is a
very ugly etory nflrnt today, which
involves the Australian ambassador in
act of hostility towards the United
States and which will certainly lead to
another DeLome Incident. If the inves
tigation proves it to be true, it is said
that Secretary Day has been advised by
ProfosEor Schoeufeldt, who occupies the
chair of ancient and tfl.od.ern. history In
the Columbian university, a naturalised
German-American, and formerly tutor
to DeLoite'fl children, that he has been
invited to act a Spanish spy. The
etory goes that a former atache of the
legation called upon ProfoESor Schoen
faldt with a proposition to secure infor
mation for the Spaniards. He is said to
have satisfied the professor that be was
sent by the ambassador above referred
to. Sehoenfeldt promised to consider
the proposition, but, although sympa
thizing with the Spanish side of the
Cuban question, he submitted the mat
ter to the state department. Secretary
Day is absent and no one else in the
department knows anything of the facts.
Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, of the
war department, who has charge of the
secret service, declares that be bas not
heard a word on the subject but this is
not surprising at all, as the state de
partment would naturally consider It a
diplomatic affair, and not such as need
be referred to the federal detective
force as yet.
The Caroline Islands Will be Seized
No Doubt About the Capture of the
Washington, May 28. The complete
capture of the Philippines by the army
and navy of the United States will be
followed by another important campaign
in the South Pacific Caroline islands.
The dependency of Spain, it is under
stood, will be seized. Some of Admiral
Dewey's ships and possibly the admiral
himself will undertake the conquest. It
is the opinion here that the islands will
fall an easy prey to our Pacific fleet un
less Spain should send naval reinforce
ments to the Pacific, which is consid
ered extremely probable. The Caroline
islands have given the American govern
ment a good deal of trouble during the
last few years because of the persecu
tion of American missionaries.
It is Thought Cervcra Has Left for That
IVtut The Whole Matter is a
Key West, May 28. Positive infor
mation by a dispatch boat trom Santi
ago says that no Spanish squadron was
there Tuesday. As far as could be seen
the American ships but not Schley's
squadron nre blockading that port.
The best authorities say that there is
no probability of the Spaniards going to
Santiago because when there they
would be unable to communicate with
Havana as the insurgents hold all the
country back of that city. Tho Span
iards could communicate with Havana
if they should go to Cionfuego, but it is
known Cervera was not at that port
Tuesday and it is absolutely certain he
cannot get there without fighting. The
scouts might try to find him in Porto
Rico ports boou with success as the
Spaniards must soon go to the port for
coal. Many think they nre returning
to Cape Verde and it is not impossible
that they wero off the north coast of
Cuba Wednesday but not likely. It Is
now certain they aro not on the shore
side of Cuba. This information comes
direct from high authority.
With Assistance of Italy She Will Qp
pose the Concession of the Philip
pine Islands,
Rome, May 28. It is certain that tho
government of Germany has demanded
the odherance of Ita'y to oppose any
possible cession of the Philippine Isl
ands by Spain to France or any other
country. The Italian government is in
perfect accord with Germany on this
question. t
General Saletta, chief of the Italian
general staff, is in Berlin on an import
ant mission, in view of probable Euro
pean complications.
Gladstone's Remains Eutorabed In West
minster Abbey,
London, May 28. In the Northern
transept of Westminster, where Eng
land's greatest dead rest, the remains of
William Ewart Gladstone were en
tombed today with the ceremonies of
the nation be had served and of the
church he bad seryed. His grave is be
side that of his life-long adversary, Ben
jamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield),
whoee marble effigy looks down upon it,
decked with the regalia which Gladstone
bad refused.
B. B. Ormsby Writes a Letter Express
ing Ills Views on the Subject.
Fred W. Wilson, secretary of the
Wool-Growers Association, received a
letter from the special forest agent and
supervisor, which is as follows :
Salem, May 23, 189S.
Fred W. Wilson, Secy. O. W. G. A.:
Dear Sin: I am informed that cer
tain parties (sheep-owners) have con
cluded that they do not care to obtain a
permit to graze their sheep on the Cas
cade range forest reserve the coming
season, and also propose to enter the
reserve when they please and go where
they please. It is not to bo denied that
the matter of government control of the
grazing lambs of the reserve will be in a
large measure experimental the present
season and based on the good faith and
desire of harmony of the sheep owners
themselves. Neither is it claimed that
the few who have made this threat will
not be able to carry out their present
intentions in the absence of a sufficient
force to guard the reserve; but of one
thing be assured, that there will be a
final settlement of the matter in thu
near future. And if it will require a
great deal to keep sheep off the reserve
before the alloted time and control their
movements sufficiently, the same guard
may be used to exclude them from the
reserve entirely next season. I am
aware that these remarks do not
apply to ninety-nine per cent of sheep
owners who have evinced a desire to be
fair and honorable in this matter, but It
must bo evident to eyery member of
your association that tho lawless acts
of a few cannot fall to injure t'ie many.
As icgards my own action I can only
obey instructions and enforce the re
quirements of the department the best
1 can with the foice at my disposal.
1 have ordered an officer of the depart
ment to the Fish Lake region and shall
do what I can to protect those who show
a disposition to observe the require
ments, in their rights cu the range.
Regarding the assignment of territory it
will bo plain to every one that from the
descriptions given me one may overlap
another or the same location hediller
ently described and therefor assigned to
different parties. For this reason no
one should throw up his range of last
season and apply for that of another,
nor should one seek to dispossess another
of the range he has formerly occupied
with the idea that he will he permitted
to hold it permanently. It may be
stated I think as a certainty that a new
assignment of territory will be made
next season.
Respectfully yours.
S. B. Ohmsiiv,
Special Forest Agent and Supv'r.
The political pot Ib beginning to boil
and every day ecos groups of candidates
ou the street extending their periodical
hand shake to the farmer who at this
particular time Is made to think that he
is as good as anybody and a little bit
better if the concession will induce him
to vote for any particular aspirant. 10
to 1 is the cry on ono hand and money
that will be good in Europe Is tho cry on
the other, but tho opposing candidates
on either side will concede anything if
it is necessary to get that which they
are after votes. Wo have a natural
born haddshaker and all around genial
fellow in this town, who nt the present
time, while he is a candidate, never
allows politics to take the place of busi
ness and while he shakes hands and
whispers sweet music In the ears of the
voter he Is also on the lookout for busi
ness and is selling veal estate right
along at such figures that put to Bhame
any 1Q to 1 or gold standard propositions
being, agitated on the public rostrums
today. This man received In his early
childhood the name of William Henry
Harrison Butte, See him.
for Sale Cheap.
A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of
the fair grounds. A desirable residence
location. A. S. Mac Allister.
Chronicle Office,
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tie money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
"Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators are
Buperlor to all. Agency at Hansen &
Thompson's planing mill. a21-lm dw
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Thnt is what it was made for.
Clothes (o
Black Clay Worsted Frock
Suits; neat hairline Cassi
mers; modest, genteel patterns
In worsteds ; for the stout man,
for the man who's hard to fit.
There's reason in buying
serge suits j one of the coolest,
one of tho stoutest of summer
stuffs; the most becoming
suits to the most men. Our
line of blue serges are the best
for the least money.
$16 a Suit.
No matter how big a man
yon are. ilie style, the nnisu
is there too.
Today uie also announce
Now shipmont Fine Colored Shoos for
women. Just oponed. Come and soo.
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
At all times flour equal to the beBt for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to euit the times. Also mill feed.
W, M. McCorkle, Prop.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three boxes of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
On draught at tho White
house Saloon. Charles
Michelbich, Prop.
Fit lilt Sizes
Pickwick Stout!
A. AVash Suit has double wear tho
careless laundry's wear and the boy's
rough wear so should have doublo
care in making.
Careful sowing and tho hotter class of
wash goods cost moro than the other
sort, still our prices are found no
higher than elsewhere.
75e to $2.00