The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 28, 1898, Image 3

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jill keep you coo! and comfortable through
(he hot weather. They can be washed
when soiled, and the h S. & M. kind will not
shrink or lose their fit or shape. We have them In
We also have stylish thin coats and vests of
worsted, silk and alpaca at very reasonable
$5.50 to $6.00 per suit.
A Crowd of Kmploye On Through the
Hoarding Card, Near Celllo, and
Help ThemelvM Liberally.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 28. 1898
A first class milch cow foi"sale. Apply
at tlits ollicu.
Don't forget that Kullnr keeps the
best ico cream sock In tho city. tf
Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm.
Address, John Fred burg, Gonnnn post
odice. 17-U4
Thu Jaeobson Book & Music Co., havo
eonio beautiful flower busketB. Call und
see them.
II. M. Kyan, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters ut
Jacobeen's. tf
Tho only stock in tho yards yesterday
was a band of choice beef cattle for
Wood Bros.
A now lot of oranges und lemons di
rect from growers, nt tho Dalles Com
mission Co.
Yesterday license was issued to Chas
(.uriiimtnr ntwl 1 mini 1) (!ii!la 1...
....v. A4l.ll. I, A, UllUtUV) V
County Clerk Kelsay.
Leave orders for ice with tho Stadol-
iiutn Coinmission Co. OHlce cold storace
building. Phone ID. tf
Dowey keep ico cream soda? No, we
ten it, tho best in tho city, ut the Co
luuibia Candy Factory.
Wanted, conipotent girl to do general
housework. Applicant address "B,"
ciiro Cuito.s'ioi.iJ olllce.
I'urnished rooms to rent, also suits of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 1!) and 20, Chapman Block. 17
Manhattan shirts. "Tho best kiulwn
known as the bent," are for sale exclu
sively by A. M. Williams & Co.
Yesterday morning tho Spokane flyer
passed through tho city ht 11 o'clock,
being delayed by a slide ut some point
p tho road.
Mrs. Gilnioro's restaurant, in the East
End, furnishes thebest lfi-cent meals
in the city. Thoyfostnuruut is opon day
and night. GIv it a trial.
Thursday evening at -1 o'clock Tero
Eugan and Georgia A. Hollett wero
united in tho bonds of matrimony by
Justice Filloon, in this city.
Just received at Campbell & Wilson's
milliuory parlors a largo assortment of
enilor hats. All the latest styles can bo
found thero in all kindB oi head wear.
Circuit court is in sossion in Burns.
The case ot tho State vs. Olivor, charged
with killing Peter French, la on trial.
Much mterefit is manifest iu tho out-
coino of the trial.
Tonight tho Salvation Army will have
an old-timo frco nnd easy ice cream
oclnl after meeting. Sunday, the 20th,
wiere will be a faiowell meatlnir for
Capt. Collins and Lieut. Staynos. Come
ftnd bid tliom good-bye and hear who la
w Bueceed them.
Invitations have been issued to the
Alumni of Tho Dalles High Sohtol to be
Present at a locial session to be given in J
the k. of P. hall Monduy evening. This
is the first meeting of the kind that has
been held by this society, and as great
preparations havo been made, it will no
doubt bo an occasion of much enjoy
The weather continues cloudv and
threatens rain, but to the disappoint
inent of everyone it still holds off. Grain
it is said, never looked better, aud it is a
calamity that with such bright pros
pects the crops should be marred on ac
count of ttie luck of sufficient rain to
mature them.
Last evening the Winqnatt Literary
Society of tho High School tield its last
meeting for the year in the Academy
park, which was lighted with Chinese
lanterns and otherwise urranged for the
comfort of the members. The evening
was pleasant, and the meeting, which
was of a social nature, was greatly en
joyed ; as were also the reiieshments
served by the young ladies.
The Union speaking at the Balwin
last night was very poorly attended in
spite of tiie characters who addroBsed
tne people, namely, win K. King, can
didates for governor, and J. li. Sover
eign, who, with Debs, figured eo strong
ly in the labor strikes a few years ago.
Little enthusiasm was shown and many
who wore present went only through
curiosity to see and hear the speakers.
Any ladies who care to assist in the
noblo work being done by tho Emer
gency corpB and enroll their names as
mom bora aro requosted to call at tho of
fice of tho Dalles National bank today,
between tho hours of 10 and 1 and 2 and
(i. Although there are a largo number
of ladies ulready engaged in this work,
still there are many more who havo not
yet joined tho Emergency Corps who
aro invited to do so. A large bos has
already been shipped aud it is the inten
tion of tho ladieB to ship another to
night. It is to be Doped that everyone
who can, will lend their aid in this way
immediately. The ladies wish to ex
press their appreciation to the firms of
Peaeo x Mays. A. M. Williams & Co.,
C. F. Stephens, H. Herbrlng, .1. P. Mc
Inerny and N. Harris, for the goods they
havo been kind euough to give.
Luckily o Serloui Damage1 TVur Done
In Auy Way.
A lively rnnaway occurred in tho East
End yesterday morning, but in this in
stance luck seemed to favor those con
cerned, and no serious injury resulted
to anyone.
Ed Mann, who lives on the hill, start
ed to drive out to 12-Mile, accompanied
by Frankie Bunch, the little son of Lee
Bunch, the engineer at the breweiy.
When they were about a mile out of
town the crossbar on which the single
tree is lastened broke and they tied it
up temporarily and started for town to
have it repaired. When they were
coming down the brewery hill it broke
again and the horses became frightened
and started to run. The vehicle was up
set in front of Moody's warehouse and
uoui occupants oi tne ouggy were
thrown out.
Frankie Bunch, however, got caught
in the wagon and was dractrinc when
the. horse was stopped. Outsido of a
bad scare and torn clothing he was not
injured, while Mann escaped uninjured.
The horse was none the worse for the
run, while the buggy will need
some repairs.
(on. II. 8. Wilson for Circuit Judge.
Hon. H. S. Wilson, Republican can
didate for circuit judge, is a native of
Vermont, in which state he received his
ducation and resided up to the time of
is removal to The Dalles. Ho was
raduated from the University of Yer-
uont, at Burlington, iu 1881, and soon
lifter commenced the Btudy of law. He
ivas admitted to the bar of Vermont.
,'here ho early won an enviable position.
iuai hf" became a resident of Wasco
county he has established for himself
a reputation as an exceptionally accu-
rnto, clear and learned lawyer. His
opinions upon legal questions are
promptly formed and remarkably accu
rate. Ho is a man of greut independ
ence, industry and mtegrity.
Yesterday eight men, who hod been
employed at Pendleton by the superin
tendent of tho 0. B. & N. to work with
the steel gang at Colilo, arrived at the
scene of their labors and took breakfast
on tho boarding train, after which they
were put to work.
When tho men came in to dinner they
noticed that the new hands were not
present, w hich caueed somo suspicion to
be aroused, and an investigation dis
closed the fact that they had gone
through the boarding cars and taken
everything they could find in the way of
money, razors, clothing, and in fact any
thing that was not too heavy to carry
After the robbery they started toward
The Dalles, and late in the afternoon
were seen passing Tnmwater and after
Seufert's fishery. The authorities were
advised of the robbery, and although
they kept a sharp look-out they have
not yet discovered any of the gang.
The individual who proved to bo the
ringleader of the party was a tall, slen
der built, smooth shaved man, who
would weigh about 1G0 pounds. His
completion was dark and he was dressed
in light pants, a light colored hat, black
shirt and new suspenders. He had sore
eyes and carried a bundle tied up in a
canvas covering.
Another of the gang was a short, heavy
set man weighing about 180 pounds, and
was dresEed in a red Bweater and dark
clothes. The descriptions of the others
could not be learned.
Nightwatchman Wiley has instituted
a thorough search, but had found no
trace up to midnight.
' Spring Medicines," "Blood Purifiers," and "Tonics,"
an Old-Fashioned Idea.
Pure blood, strong nerves nnd mus
cles, firm, healthy flesh, can only come
from wholesome food well digested.
"Blood purifiers'' and "nerve tonic" do
not reach the cause of the mischief.
Thettomanh In Mm nnint rnlin Innkpil nfl.r
The safest and surest way to cure any
iorm oi indigestion is to take after each
meal some harmless preparation of this
kind r.omnospfl nf vpaptnlitn nasnnnnn
pure Depsin, golden seal and fruit salts,
sold by druggists under name of Stuart's
Lfyspepeia xaoiets, anu mese taoietB
tahon after meals assist digestion won
derfully because they will digest the
food promptly before it has time to fer
ment and sour, nnd tho weak stomach
relieved and asel'ted in this way soon
becomes strong and vigorous again.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro super
ior to any secret patent medicines be
cause vou know what yon are taking
into your stomach.
They are sold by druggists every
where nt 50 cuts per package. Write
F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for
book on stomach diseases, mailed free.
A Fine Program Last Night and an En
joyable Time.
A pleasant social was given last even
ing by Cedar Circle in honor of some of
the members who are going away.
The entertainment began with a piano
solo by Miss Drew, which was followed
by a recitation by Nova Dawson. Loto
Kelsay won the applause of all at the
close of her song, which waB well ren
dered ; while the reading by Mrs. Chas,
Stephens, in wmcu ane introduced nu
merous local hits that were highly
amusing, brought down the house. A
number of startling revelations were
made in this, but the jokes were well
chosen and equally well received.
The number which followed this was
certainlv the most enjovable of the
evening, since the Alpha Mandolin and
Guitar Club appeared in it for the first
time. The club not only plased all by
their playing, but showed how much
talent, which has heretofore been latent,
our city has in this line. Tho club has
been organized but a few weeks, and the
progress it has made speaks highly for
our young people who compose it. as
well aa for their instructor, Professor
Two well-rendered recitations by
Rachel Morgan and Mrs. Hunsaker fol
lowed, which concluded the program.
Refreshments were served, and dune-
ng followed. The manner which all
enjoyed themselves was ample proof of
the ability of Cedar Circle to make an
evening pleasant lor the members and
Everybody reads The Chkolnice.
Tne Cleveland
If eleottu, his services will certainly
Tho different school rooms of the pub- Prve of great value to the people of
lie sthools of our city were each well
filled with the parents and friends of
the pupils at an early hour yesterday
afternoon, tho occasion being tiie cloa
ing exercises of tho school year. We re
gret very much that a com pleto report
cannot bo given, for on all sides do we
hear of their excellence. Indeed, it
would bo difficult to .11 1 id a city whore, so
much genuine talent is displayed among
the littlo folks, and whore aro found so
many teachers competent to train them
along this line, Tho genuine pride
which ia (elt in our public schools was
plainly shown when, upon tho appear
ance of the pupils In the G. A. R, parade
recently, cheer upon cheer was given aa
they marched along. A remark that
was passed by one of our veteran visit
ors at the close of the entertainment
given in the opera house in their honor,
ia proof that oar pride la not unfounded.
He said : "I have heard many exer
cises given by school children, but nevor
have I aesu such prollcienoy displayed
by children as has been shown tonight."
mis district, ana hk uiihonicle is
pleased to endorse him for this import
ant office.
Continuation ut tho Lutliuiuu Church,
A class of fifteen will conuect them
selves with the Lutheran church bv the
solemn riteoi confirmation next Sunday
Confirmation, as conducted by the Luth
eran church, is a continuation of that
solemn and improasivo rite,, instituted
for tho purposo of receiving members
into full communion, by the Christian
church in the first century of her life,
commonly known as the Apostolic age.
The Lutherans herewith invite all
their friends to bo present at the con
firmation service tomorrow at 11 a. in.
Tho farmer, the mechanic nnd the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cute
and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on band.
It heals quickly, and ia a well known
cure for piles, Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'
Ex-Collector of the Port of Kansas City.
Of the men who have occupied positions of public trust in Kansas City, either nv cift of the
people or by appointment; none his a more euviable rcputatand for ability, honesty nnd eflicieticy
than James Burns, Collector of the Port of Kafisas City, under Grover Cleveland, Ho lived to the
letter of the maxim"(i public ollise is a public trust," and when ho retired he carried with him tho
respect of everyone in the community Democrats and Republicans nllke.
James Hums has used Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and he does not hesitate to sav thev have no.
complished wonders.
"I suffered with dyspepsia for twenty years, said Mr. Burns yesterday. "Never knaw what it
was to enjoy llfe-in fact living seemed a burden, ns it does to nil who (.ulfer severely with dys
pepsia. A few weeks ago I began taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. From the first I felt relief,
and now. although lam still taking them, I feel entirely cured. For thu first time In twenty
years 1 can eat anything 1 want and puffer no ili effects from it. You can't imagine tho piensuro
of this unless you have been a sufferer from dyspepsia.
"I never gave a testimonial for any medicina before, but I feel as If everybody- oueht to know
of this remedy, and while it is persoanlly distasteful to mo to appear In print in this connection, I
feel as If I had no right to shirk the opportunity to, perhaps help somo other sufferers from dys
pepsia I have been recommending tho tablets to all my friends. Only recently I took James L.
Lillis, the futher of Father Mills, down to get some, aud I understand he also Is being wonderfully
benefitted. I can't recommend It too nightly.
1DOOH and WlfUDOUl
Has tae Burwell detuchable
Tire, The best thing vet.
Hasn't a simile, drawback,
Tho weight of tho
Is less than that of any oth
er detachable tiro now on
the market.
Ladles' and Gents' (ilheels for Rent.
Wheels Repaired.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo havo strictly First-Class
rir, Uak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rate
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
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