t &t)e Hitlks VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1898. NO'63 PORTO TO 1 TAKEN 'This Island Is IM'as a Base of Sun- plies for the Spaniards General Miles Favors the Move. THE PRESIDENT'S INTENTION A Sweeping Assault Will Soon Be Made The Island of Cuba will Not He Invaded for Some Time The Cli mate of Porto Rico Said Not to Be An Unhealthy One. everything in sight aa fast ns reached. This program will be helped by the de cision to besiege Santiago. The countv around that city is about n? high and noattliy aa Porto Rico, and a mild cam paign is expected to help the popular aesire for the invasion of Cuba. HAS SCHLEY BEEN DECEIVED The Vanishing Squadron is Probably Beyond His Reach Grave Doubts as to Cervcra's Present Condition Washington, May 27. Many people find it almost impossible to believe that the president has consented to abandon the reconcentrados in Cuba to their fate for some months to come, while Porto Rico and the Philippines receive the at tention of the United States army, yet the report is made repeatedly and ap parently on the beat of authority that this is the case. General Milos who has been opposed to nn immodiato advance upon Cuba is said to highly favor the invasion of l'orto llico. General Miles has urgod upon tiie president and secretary ol war, and he Las been supported by General Schofield that from a strategic view it ia imperii live that Porto Rico bo taken. He says that there the Spaniards have built their biggest forts und stored their larg est supplies of food and coal, for the pur pose of making that island a base of -operations against tho Uuited States To go aheud now and capture Cuba leaving Porto Rico in Spanish hands, would, in General Miles' opinion, be making the enemy a present of n base of operations from which they could continually threaten the army in Cuba and tho entire Atlautic coast of this country. In Miles opinion it would require many mora men and sjiips to conduct a war with Spain on that basis than v. wi go ahead and take Porto Uieo now. Tho president, it is k,i id by his por sonal friends, bus Ik'toned with .yor to General Miles' arguinmit, lie has a particular horror of li.;asi;3 that are liable to ravagu the Amuricuu army if it tries to operate in Cuba during tho rainy" season. He has all along feared that disaster would overtake the admin istration and the Republican pa.'v 'f tho army in Cuba should bo decimal 1 by pestilence, because ho believes ,t would take a very short time for vcllow fover in tho army to place mouurng upon at least one family in every to u ship in the United StateB. Porto Itico and the Philippines, on lht other baud, are deemed by the presi dent as comparatively healthy. In Porto Rico, according to Gen. Mile, tho deadly fevers of Cuba are unknown. The operations in Porto Rico nud the Philippines, it is explained by tho pres ident's friends, would occupy every man of the army tliat can be drilled and cqipped during the next two or three months. This would, lu a sense, Hie hoped, satisfy the couuiry. In tho meantime, if It does appear to satisfy the country, it is said to be the intention of the president to get every thing in shape for a grand sweeping three weeks' asiftult upon Cuba as soon as the rainy season is over, taking tr . .... . . , ahuington, iviay z. News ot im portance, understood to be from Schley wob received by the navy department late tonight. Contrary to tho custom Long went to the department at a late hour and was closeted with Assistant Secretary Allen and Lieut. Whittlsey tho cipher expert, in view of the ar rangements made for giving to the presB any advices from Schley that Cervera's fleet was still at Santiago. Ilia failure to make public anything about the mes sago would indicate that Cervera has escaped, hut this cannot be stated posi tively. Some dozen of projected military and naval operations was bad at tbe cabinet meeting today. The place of campaign was decided or was sketched to the cab met officers. If Cervera lias escaped, initiation of the plan will be postponed and the scheme will probably be re arranged. Meanwhile arrangements to carry out the plans are under way and won't be suspended unless definite as sarances that Cervera has escaped are received. The military and naval pro gram contemplates first the routing out of Cervera's ships in Santiago and if possible their capture, then an invasion of Cuba by a large army. After that, or simultaneous, will be the occupation of Porto Rico. MANILA'S NEXT EXPEDITION Will Comprise Four Ocean Liners, Car ryinu 5000 More Troops to tbe Philippines. SanFkancisco, May 27. Preparations for the next expedition to Manila will be hastened. It can be stated on good authority that the expedition will sail next week. General Merritt will not go until all his forces have been dispatched to the islands. It is probable, however, that General Otis will sail with the next fleet, which will comprise the troop ships Zsalandi, Centennial, China and the Ohio. The two last named vessels were chartered by the government today. The four tvwls will carry five thous and men. jJ'd China arrived this noon from Hong i "ng, twenty-four hours abend ,' t'tno. It is alii out certain that the Pennsyl vania and Minnesota regiments will go. Possibl tl Seventh regiment of this state will i' 'co be sent. In addition two regiments of regulars, the Eighteenth and Twenty-third, now en route from New Orleans, will go with this expedi tion. Tho cruiser Philadelphia will in all probability carry General Merritt and hid staff to Manila. Repairs on the vessvl are being rushed and it is a mat ter of only a few days before she will be utady to sail. WAS KILLED BY THE TRAIN One of Montana's Soldier Boys Meets a Sudden and Violent Death. Buttk, Mont., May 27. W. H. Bowen while attempting to bid his brother good-bye, on his departure for San Fran cisco with the troops, fell beneath the train and was killed, mm IAS VANISHED A Dispatch Boat Brings the News That Cervera Is Not in SfeM ScM?? . at Present is Looting for Himi PATIENCE AVAILED BUT LITTLE The Wary Commander of the Spanish Squadron Has Once More Given the Americans the Slip Cervera's Whereabouts a Mystery. Kingston, Jamaica, Aboard tho Dis patch Boat Premier, May 27. Schley's squadron sailed out of Cienfuegos Tues day night. For three days they bad watched the entrance of the harbor of Cienfuegos, with every gun shotted and manned, almost positive that the Span lards were inside. Not until duek Tues day, when the Marblehead and Eagle returned from a scouting expedition, in the course of which they connected with the insurgents ashore, was it learned positively that the SpaniBh fleet waB not inside. Nothing was left them then but to start out and hunt again, and this was done within an hour. A dispatch boat followed the fleet for a while; but on account of storms and the shortness of coal and water, put in here. On the way she was fired on by the Scorpion. Tho latter, thinking it had a prize, sent a boarding party aboard. They said the Spanish fleet was not at Santiago, and had not been seen, and started to rejoin Schley. THINKS A PRIZE IS IN SIGHT Spanish Steamer Thought to Be a Scouting Cruiser Being Pursued Off Key West. Key West, May 27. A Spanish steamship, thought to be an auxiliary cruiser, was sighted by the warships Wilmington and Bancroft fifteen miles off Key West last night, and at last ac counts ehe was being chased by the Bancroft. The ship pursued by the Bancroft was a three-masted steamer, and a merchantman of large tonnage. She has one smokestack. No doubt whatever is entertained of her being a Spaniard, because when the Bancroft put after her she steamed away at full speed, The chase was a most exciting one when the Wilmington last saw the two vessels. Cupt. Todd, of the Wilmington, has no doubt the Ban croft will catch the Spaniard, and is confident the vessel being chased is a Spanish auxiliary cruiser on ecout duty. The Wilmington came in from the blockade and reports all quiet there. Merely ralie Kuiuor. Halifax, May 27. There is absolute ly no truth in the story of Spanteh und French warships being off this port and the forts having been manned. rired Upon bjr Bjianlardi. Key West, May 27. Charles W. Richards, sergeant of artillery, on duty at a mortar battery near Fort Taylor, was fired upon last night by three un known men, whom he Bays he knows to be Spaniards. Tho fire was promptly returned, but the men escaped. He says tho three men carried a package containing dynamite, with which they intended to destroy the batteries. WHERE IS CERVERA'S FLEET Doubt Is Expressed as to, the Spanish Fleet Being Bottled Up A Mis take Has Evidently Been Made. Key West, May 27. Although Wash ington dispatches indicate that Ceye ra's fleet is bottled up at Santiago, no information is obtained here looking to the corroboration of this impression. Washington is in possession of the official news from both Sampson and Schley later than anything that has come in here; but still that does not carry a belief with everyone. Bulletins were received here Wednesday stating that the government officials were pos itive Tuesday night that Schley had the Spanish fleet bard and fast in Santiago, and yet Schley's fleet on Tuesday night was off Cienfuegos. Tbe torpedo boat Dupont left that night for Key West, arriving here yesterday. Sirco then no dispatch boat has come to this port from Schley's fleet, and if the government has been communicated with it is through other cables. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CASE A New York Lawyer and Others Ac cused by Senor Jiminy The Dis covery an Important One. Key West, May 27. In connection with the case of Senor Jiminy, who was seized as a spy ou the prize steamship Panama on Wednesday, it is said that two men ou the New York and another inWasbington are to be arrested at once. One of these men is n lawyer, formerly in the employ of the Cuban colonial gov ernment. The others are said to be bus iness men. These men are supposed to be at tbe head of the Spanish secret service in the United Stetes. It is claimed that the Washington man has sent daily letters to his asso ciate in New York, and that the latter cabled the contents in cipher to France to be finally transmitted from there to the authorities in Madrid. There are several men suspected here and they may be arrested at any mo ment. It is said that ono of these men paid $750 for cable message to Havana in which he asked that $10 be put to the credit of one Senorita Maria. Tbe mes sage of course was a blind. Tile ltnwau'8 Com In if Trial. Seattle, May 27.- Tho official trial trip ot the torpedo-boat Rowan will probably take place Monday or Tuesday. Lieutenant-Commander Chas. P. Per kins commanding the Monadnock, haa been designated as preeidont of the tial board. Hlz 1'roDably Druwued. Pottsvim-e, Pa., May 28. While miners were working in tbe Red Ash vein of Caska William colliery, about ten miles east of here, a large body of water was struck and six men are sup posed to have been drowned. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds. Uurns. A. S. Roberts, of The Dalles, and J. W. Morton, of Hood River, candidates for joint representatives for Wasco and Sherman counties, accompanied by M. P. Isenberg, of Hood River, spoke at Wasco Thursday, A large audience greeted them. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam tor the teeth. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tbat Is what it was taidc tor. Advertised Latter. ' Following is tho list of letters remain ing in tho poslofTice nt Tho Dalles un called for May 27, 1898. Persons calling for tho same will give date on which they were advertised : Adar, Wanley Ashley, .Tas Brain, W H Blank. Grace Brant, E Bortlains, Albert Bingman, Mrs A T Carr, Mrs Clara J Christensen, Auton Crow, Grace Cooper, Russel Collins, Bertha Clyde, G B 2 Davis, Wm G Davidson, Albert Donnellv, Harry. England, Aug towler, Cora Gillasphy, Thoa Harding, Etta Hazen, Sadie Horye, W D Huteson, Martha Keeny, Tom Lang, Geo W Miller, JtS Mulligan. Chita Olfield,' H Redwood, .Tas Shelton, Mrs L Smith, Chas Smith, Sherman Thomas, A B White. E K Vickers, Sam Fox. M S Geiser, Fred II Gordon, H F Hall, N N Henriques, M. M, Hubbard, Ollie Johnston, H Lankins, Susie Muthews, A H Moran, Ben Myers, -Henry Oman, G W Srykens, John) Stuo, Mrs AC Smith, Ed Thomas, L A Wheeler, Johnnv 2 Wilson, Airs W G Vania finoin Van Delnster, L M Vandervort, Minnie J. A. Ckohskn. Cleveland wheels are sellim? in snite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '98 models. Maier & Benton. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough Ekin. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, . The famous ll'tlc pills. Royal makes the lood pure, wholesome and delicto. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POOtR CO., NEW YORK. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING. MILL At all times flour equal to tbe best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mille, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCokkle, Prop. mchl6-0m Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipes Kinersly Drug Co. LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER- On draught at the White house Saloon. Charles Michelbich, Prop. Glomes 10 Fit nil Sizes ALL TASTES, ALL PURSES, Black Clay Worsted Frock Suits; neat hairline Cassi niers ; modest, genteel patterns In worsteds ; for the stout man, for the man who's hard to fit. SEHGE SUITS. There's reason in. buying serge suits; one of the coolest, one of the stoutest of summer stuffs; the most becoming suits to tbe most men. Our line of blue serges are the best for the least money. $16 a Suit. No matter how big a man you are. The style, tho finish ia there too. UtejPicRw'icr; Pickwick "Stou.TI A. "Wash Suit 1ms double wear tho careless laundry's wear and tho boy's rough wear so should have double caro in making. Careful sowing and tho better class of wash goods cost moro than tho other sort, still our prices are found no higher than elsewhere. 75e to $2.00 Today w also announce Now shipment Fine Colored Shoos for women. Just opened. Como and soo, A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. m m wni'i in ii i inn MiitwaMi i