JNEN CRASH SUITS 1 Q2 W fifllA nl! $5.50 ALL GOODS MARKED PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY MAY 27, J8a WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. This weather forecast for today is fair. A first-class milch cow for mile. Apply at tli Ib ollieo. Don't forgot that Kollar keeps tho beat ico cream Boda in the city. tf Cunt your vote for Robt. Kully for sheriff nnd you will never regret it. Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm. Address, .John Eredberg, Gorman post ollice. 17-24 The rivor it) slightly on tho decline, being ut present about 28 feet abovo low water. II. M. Uyan, tcaclier of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. lloadquartorB at Jacobson's. tf A now lot of oranges and lemons di rect from growors, at thu Dulles Com mission Co. Leave ordorB for ico with the Stadol nmn Commission Co. Ollice cold storage building. Phone 41). tf Dewey keep ice cream soda? No, we ell it, tho beat in the city, at the Co lumbia Candy Factory. Wanted, com potent girl to do general housework. Applicant address "B," care Ciihonioi.k ollice. Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to II) and 20, Ohapmun Block. 17 A social will bo given by Cedar Circle tonight to some of its members who aro" uoing away. It will bo ol a private nat ure. In A. M. Koleuy ns county clerk the people ol Wusco county have a man they "lay well fell proud of. Give hitu your vote on Juno Oth. Yesterday quite a largo number of In diana left for Hood Rivet, to engage in Htrawberrv piching. Dfckors aro very scarce in that viciuityUnd for tho time being there is employment for all who apply. The eagle will scream in Oregon this yoar as it novor screamed before. Near ly every city in tho state la arranging for u Fourtli of July colobration, and we hope Tho Dalles will make as goojl n lowing aa any. Yesterday morning we cilled atten tion to young men's bhick clay suits; tliis morning it's suitable footwear for tlio youuglndy graduates of Saturday ixt. A. M. Williams & Co. ore show ing a numbor of very piotty new styles in colored or black tie?, snmlala or lacod boots. You should see them. The Republicans of Wtisoo county will show excellent judgment n reelecting A. M, Keltay for olerk, His past record ie sufficient reojuimendation. s Yesterday was exceptionally breezy, especially on the river, so that for a time it was impossible for the ferry to O'oss. In a little while, liowover, the Wiclunory will bo placod in tho non- ill keep the to $6.00 per suit. IN ferry atid no further trouble will be ex perienced in this regard. It did not look safe when the waves were breaking over the side of the scow which is used for transporting the wagons and live stock across. A better friend of education or a more suitable man for county superintendent.; Iibb never filled this position than C. L.rl uiioert. tie ueserves the tieertv suij port of tho people of Wasco county. Yesterday one of Johnnie Hampshire's friends huw that something was wrong with his tavorite dog, Billy McKinley, who had gono out for a morning stroll." The friend informed Johnnie of Billy's condition, and he Immediately repaired to where his pet was aud found that he was suffering from some kind of a fit. The dogs wants were admiuisterod to and he has almost recovered, to hie mas tor's great satisfaction. During his term aa deputy sheriff Robt. Kelly lias proven his capability to (ill the ollice of sheriil, and we hope to see him go in w ith a rousing majority on June Ulh. A disastrous blaze started in the Com mercial club room iu Moro yesterday morning and it waa through sheer good luck that tho entire city was not de Rtroyed. Along with the club room the building in which Attorney Hoeford's ollice is located, as well as his residence, was destroyed, a'so his entire law li brary. Tho flames spread so quickly that scarcely anything could be saved from the burning buildings. Yesterday Douglas Allon and William .'Cantrell, ol Dufur, were in the city to make arrangements with the Dalles baud to play at the picnic which will bo hold at Dufur on Saturday, June 4th. -.Trfo'peopTb"df"Dnfnr nroeavlngntf ex pense or trouble to make the picnic a grand success and desire to have every one present who can possibly atttnd. There is no reason why a largo number of our towna poople should not be pres ent, for there is not a better place to have an anjoyable time than at Dufur. Yesterday afternoon tho Emergency Corps began with a membership of fifty persons. The meeting held at tho ar mory last night was well attended and much enthusiasm was slown in the pro- f.i.tt.til ti'trlr AM InfHnQ ll'lin liaVi rnL'un " "V worK irom me armory win P1ease re-j tuin tho finished articles to the otlice j formerly occupied by the Dalles Nation al Bank beforo six o'clock p. m. today. The prompt action on the part of the Dalles ladies is certainly praiseworthy and a sufficient proof of what patriotic American women will do in a time of need. Although the attention of our people is greatly taken up with .the present war they should not neglect to have a fitting cjlebratiqn of July 4()i. These are times when Americans should show their pa triotism, and thero is no. more fitting way to do so than by a proper colobra tion of our nation's birthday, Much smaller towns than this have a very creditable observance vof the day and why cannot Tho'Dalies have the same, It is not bocauao our people do uot want you cool and comfortable through hot weather. They can be washed when soiled, and the H, S. & M. Kind will not shrink or lose their fit or shape. We have them In WHITE, CREAM, BLUE, BROWN AND TAN, CHECKS, STRIPES. MIXTURES, LIGHT OR DARK SHADES, AND THE COLORS WILL NOT FADE Wc also have stylish thin coats and vests of worsted, silk and alpaca at very reasonable prices. HART, 8CHAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. PEASE & MAYS. a celebration, but because no one cares to act as leader in this move. We sug gest that the matter be taken in hand and properly attended to by the Com mercial Club, We are informed by a correspondent that the new grado from Wamic to Tygh Valley is about finished and heavv tfiam.a.are beginning to travel over it. The action of the Wamic people in build ing thiB very much needed grado is commendable. They have set an ex ample which every settlement should follow. When a road is needed, let the settlement benefitted by it go to work as theso Wamic people have done and build it. This new grade is nearly one and a half mile long, from ten to fifteen feet wide and would cost about $1000. The combined energy and labor of these determined and progressive farmers lias opened up this public highway without the use of any red tape whatsoever. "Industry aud self-reliance is the surest guarantee to success." Geueral Orders Mo. 1. II. Comrades: Again memorial day calls us to assemble to pay our tribute of respect and veneration to the memory of our fallen comrades, and garland their graves with flowers.' Better than all monuments; better than all triumphal arches, ia the beautiful tribute. II. Pursuant to this order and that of our commander-in-chief, you will as semble at post headquarters on Monday, May 30th, at 1 o'clock p. in., and march to the G. A. 11. cemetery, where services appropriate to tho day will be held James W. Nesmlth W. K. C. No. 17, and James A. Varney camp No. 4, S. of V. are expected to join us in this service. III. Members of the G. A. R., W. R. O. and S. of V. are expected to be pres ent at tho above headquarters on Sun day evening, May 29, at 7 o'clock Bharp, and march to the methodist church in a body, to attend divine services. IV. The children of our public schools and all patriotic citizens are earnestly requested to attend our servi ces on memorial day. Official. By order of W. H. Lkakxeu, Post Com. W. S. Myers. Adjutant. f.p Sale Clump A ,ot imm im Qn th() b,uff(. 0fl8t Qf tho fair Brounde. A desirable residence location. S. Mao Am.istku. Chronicle Office. To Cure u Cold lu One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinipo Tab lets. All druggists refund tlo money if it fails to cure. 25c. A . torpid liver robB you of ambition and ruins your health. DaWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach , and liver trouble, Snlpes-Kjnersly Drug .Co. Dr. Bonham, dentist, Chapman block. Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work a specialty, All work warranted, "Eagle" .Acetylene Gas.Generatore are superior to all. Agency at Hansen & Thompson's planing mill, a2Moi dw i n ii 1 1 a I it 1 1 ii laaaiiit I I " Hr CLOSING EXERCISES. ProRrnmn to Itn Itonclercit nt the DIAVr- L-lit School Itoiimn Tolny. The following aro the program's which will bo rendered by the different grades of the public schools at 2 p. m. today, which occasion will mark the closing of tho school year in The Dalles public schools: KAST HIM. riUMAKY 2 P. M. Teachers Miss N. Cooper and Mr?, Katio Roche. Flag Salute Song America. .School Rec My Schoolroom. . . Winnie Frazier Song May Seven Girls Rec A Boyin the Park.Jenno Mullikcn Costume Drill Class of Boys Kec-L.ittle lommy's J-irst bmoke. . Dallea McCartney Song Ask the Children School Rec Jim's Fourth of July. Hugo Hoylo Owl's Song.. Seven Little Boys Kec True btorv of Little Boy Blue. Zepporah Harris Rec A Boy's Dilemma. . . .Maurice Goit Dialogue Little Red Riding Hood. Song Dear Birdies Teach Me to Sing Florence Simon Rec A Beautiful Soul Clvde Hovle Legend of Tommv Tompkins Four Boys Rec One of His Names. James Furlong Kec babies and Kittens. ttnma McNiel The Story of the Apple Tree. .Nine Girls Rec Wish I Were a Boy Thursday Kent Song Summer Time . ." "School ACADEMY PAUK 2 P. Jt. Teachers Misses Phirman, Tena and Louise Rintoul. "America" and Flag Salute School Chorus Greeting Glee. Grammar Grade Station Master's Story. . . . Lilith Curtis Rec Sieter's Cake Hugh Frazier Song Leo Baughmai Dorothv's Philosophy Edna Sanders Rec Bald-Headed Man . Eldridce Rorick Apple Blossom Song. Twelve Little Girls' Rec Light House Lamp.. .Anna Harris Little Nan and Sequel . . . .Anita Uennett and iuntna lielat Rec Tho Little Cook. Mossie Spracklen Rec Miltiades Peterkin Paul Ray Bunnell The Lesson of the Flowers Twenty-Five Pupils. Duet. .Madge Varnev, Bertha Robinson The Raggedy Man and Liz'beth Ann iOva Dawson What Constitutes a State Roy Hill Rec Three Little Chums Roy Johnston, Lester Eaton, Willie Kc-ontz SODC : Trudie Rowland Rec-Kentucky Phiiosophv.Mark Rorick Chorus' " Primary Pupils UXIOX STKEET 2 P. M. Teachers Misses E. Rowe and E. Cooper. Chorus America, Our Home School Rec The King of Candy Land Clinton Bradshaw Rec Vacation Voices... Twenty Pupils Song Little Dandelion Ten Gi'ls Rec Little Violet's Experience. . . . Gladys Swain Rec North, South, East and We6t. Four Girls Chorus The Alder By the River . . Concert Rec The Man in the Moon. Eleven Boys Rec My Neighbor Maud Sego SongDaisy Fair Nine Girls Rec Rhyme of the Digits. Eleven Pupils Chorus-'The Orchard School Concert Rec Little Orphan Annie. Twelve Girls Rec How Betsy Cut the Star Bessie Uobbin? Rec- Why There Are No Colurn buses Now-a-Days Seven Boys Rec The New" Doll Edna Harding Song I'm Uncle Sam, the Yankee. . .' Twentv Boys DrillThe Little Faries Ten Girls Chorus Vacation Time School COUKT STKEKT 2 P. M. Teachers Misees Cheese, Ball and Snell. Vacation Song School Rec The World Dorothy Deane Song Before All Lands. . .Twenty Boys Rec Bicycle and the Pup. George Eaton me Cleveland Has tae-Burwell del uchah'f Tire, Tjio best thing y t. Hasn't li'singln draw brick The weight of tho BURWELL TIRE Is lees than that of any oth er detachable tire now on the market. Ladies' and Gents' Olheels fop Rent. OJheels Repaired. t -.-.t V 1 V 1 1'j 1','st- Olaier & Benion Rec Drafted George Vause Song God Bless Our Bravo Young Volunteers Twenty Girls Rec The American Soldier .". . Martha Uartell Rec Chickens Kdna Campbell Song I'll Take Care of You, Grand ma . l'ona Moore Song Mammy's Lullaby.. ..Two Girls1 Rec Our Hired Man . . ..Ktiiel Huark Rec Remember tho Maine. Beps Riddell i Song Bonnv Flng Three Girls Ins. Duet. . Una Wilson and Hazel Wand Drill Indians . . . .Ten Boys, Ten Girls WAR RELIEF FUND. Ono Million Itiillnrft Nniileil In Thirty DiijrK Tor Keller of Sick, Wounded mid Miii-ving. The Red Cross Society and the Central Cuban Rolief Committee, winch has been appointed by President McKinley, aro making strenuous efforts to rake .$1,000,000 as soon aB possible for tho re lief of the sick and wounded nnd our soldiers boys who have gone to the front to defend our flag and fight in the cause of humanity nnd right. Everyone who can afford should subscribe to this most worthy cauBO. Every subscriber who gives at least $1.00 will be presented with a copy of the beautiful picture, "The Accolade," now on exhibition nt Nickleson's tnujic store. Call and see it. This picture will be a beautiful historical souvenir of this great uprising of thu American people to defend and set free outraged Cuba. Every patriotic American should subscribe at once! Your help is need ed! Our boys are at tho front ! Let us stand by them ! No commissions of any kind are reserved, and no profit is made by any person from this fund. 1 ERSONAL MENTION, H. D. Ferguson, of Goldendale. is in the city on business. Charles Phillips went to the Locks on a business trip yesterday. Mr. and Mra. J. S. Fish went to Port land yesterday morning where they will visit tor a lew clays. The Misses Lawrence who have been visiting Mrs. Sclienck, in this city, re turned to Portland yesterday. Henry Bolton came up from Portland ast evening and will spend a short time visiting relatives in the vicinity of Kings- ley. Yesterday Capt. Fred Sherman took the helm on the Dalles City. Captain Sherman is an old rijfer man who form erly served in tlionme capacity on the Regulator, amLJfas many friends and ac quaintancesWn The Dalles. John II. Cradlebaugh, who has been at his mine in the Greenhorn district in Baker county, arrived in the city yester day to be present at the graduation of his son, Rudy, who will take his degree in the High school on Saturday evening. Rev. W. C. Curtis left on the 5:20 train for Williamsport, Mass., to join his wifo and son, Win. Mr. Curtis has been pastor of the Congregational church in this city for ten years, and has a host of warm friends here, who regret to see him leave. t00$ and S c R R C S Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER Wo Fir, Maple To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. J' Phone 25. Subscribe for The Chronicle - -jx jAZJTI Royal makes the lood pure, wholesome and delicious. iw Ifil POWDER Absolutcl Puro ROYAL OAKINO POWDtR CO., NEW YORK. Yellow JriiiiMllcn Cured. Suffering hnm.tiiity should bo supplied with every means poniblo for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish tho follow ing: "This is to certify that I was a terrible sull'erer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was troited by some of the best phyeicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug gist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was en tirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to nny person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours. M. A. Hargity, Lexington, Ky?' Sold by Blakeley'& Houghton, Druggist. " 4 TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCouKiiB, Prop. mchlGOm BROS GKNKRAL Horso Shoeing a Specialty. 4 l Seeond Stfeefc. ir -jkf A r,V A itUj&jtisJ&z&titidB LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER. On draught at the White house Saloon. Charles. Michelb'ich, Prop. OJIDOLU S N E E N s MAYS & CROWE. havo strictly First-Class BlacKsmiifis ...AND... a WagonmaKers Oak and Wood. J. T. Peters & Co, I If at