fitroaf Sill Iafn A ernml opportunity to secure n Bill: walm pat tern nt loon tlmn manufacturera tout. Wo havo placed on sale from fotty to fifty ltnrt Ifiipllia of Silk oiio half to oiirlit, yards each. All choice saleable t'oodfl. I'rioen conunoiio.iiR about 25 o tilt yard and riuiiilnv; up to 75b pur yurd. Come oarly, wo havo uomo bargains for you. HOLD UP YOUR SKIRT. HOLD DOWN YOUR WAIST KEEP YOUR PLACKET CLOSED liy tiHlric VA COHAN'S "I'atcnl" SKIItT BANDS. They prevent t lie Skirt from sapping, the waist from bupyiiiK mid thu Vent remiiuiB "Securely Closed." Ad vet lined in nil the leading magazines nt ."0 cents. OUR PRICE 20 cents. The 3 Shoe Virtues. STYLE, SERVICE and ECONOMY c.t.i.1!.(?''"o.I'!"ci1 "10Pl ""usual degree in this SI'LCIAL SI10K SALK. Search the state over with a microscope and you cannot find better shoe values tlmn arc offered here, 8 ? 00 Men's Tan Lace, new coin toe, have been 13.00, for this week are $: Men's Tan Lace, square toe, have been $3.00, lor this week are 1.75 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, vesting top, have been $3.00 and $3,50, this week arc 2.50 Ladies Tan Oxfords have been $3,00, for this week are 2.00 Misses' Tan Button, Spring heel, have been $2 00 for this week are 1.25 Misses' Patent Leather Button, Sprint; heel, havo been $2.50, for this week are 1 05 Misses' House Slippers, sizes 1, , 2, 2,'o, for this weeknre 50 The Storo of Cood Offerings. These Shoes will be displayed in our Furnishing Goods window. ALL GOODS MARKED PLAIN FIGURES. IN The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THl'Ili? DAY MAY 2(1, IBihS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Kuinumbur Thu Maine. Ilemomber also the Columbia Candy Factory Huh the best Ice C.-eam in the city. Don't forget that Kellar keeps the best ico cream soda in the city. tf Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm. Address, John Fredborg, Gorman post ollice. 17-24 H. M. Kyun, teacher of Mandolin, Uuitur and Banjo. Headquarters at JacoliHtiu's. tf A new lot of ornngea and lemons di rei:t from growers, at the Dalles Com mission Co. Leave orders for ico with the Stadel- uian Commission Co. Ollice cold utonipe I occasion building. Phone !!). Dewey keop ice cream soda? No, we fit it, tho best in the city, at the Co in in bin Candy Factory. Wanted, competent girl to do general housework. Applicant address "B," cire Ciiuoniom: ollice. Yesterday a carload of mutton sheep weie shinned bv Wm. Kotchum to the Paeilio Meat Co., iitTacoma. Furnished rooms to rent, also cults of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 YcHtorday morning nineteen carloads of cattle en route Iron) Amity, Oregon, to Cut Bank, Montana, were unloaded and fed at tho stockyards in this city. Tho Good Intent Society had a very pleasant mooting with Mrs. C. JC. Haigiit yesterday nftornoou. Tho busi uoms of tho society was transacted, after which n social time was enjoyed, ud a most delicious lunch was served. not put up nnv great nniount of fish so far, and tho celestials who nssist in the work havo have the easiest kind of a job with notliiiis' to do but hit their pipes J and wait lor the fish to come in. At present the employeee of tho ware houses are kept busy handling the large amount of wool that is coming in daily. Much of the wheat has already changed hands, and the market has virtually closed. Yesterday there were no sales made, eo that we aie unable to give the quotations for the day. Yesterday a man named George Ban ger was examined beforo Justico Filloon by Dr. Kshelman and pronounced in sane, lie seems to think that he has a large fortune coming to him. It is not known where he lives, but in all proba bility lie is a tramp. Constable HIP left with him this morning for the assylum at Salem. Dad Butts has just returned from an extended trip through Southern Oregou points. While on this trip he has taken to examine everything in the tf I way of business done, facilities lor mills and factories, real estate, etc., and today is more limit ever convinceu unit me Dalles is more prosperous than any town on tho const according to the population. It has more advantages and is on n firmer business foundation. He has the same lino bargains, and more than ever toduy, and as he makes real estuto dealings a speciality, you should call on him at the ollice of Dufur ft Dufur, and learn some thing to your interest, if your desiring to purchase or locate hero. No trouble to show you the list or drive you around and show you tho property. Final It c port of thu Cirnuil Jury, During the last three days Mr. Moots: lun iimdo in ton games scores of -1(15, 603 and -102, or an average of J8'-'a to tho g.imo, Mr. MikiIk is one of tho steadiest bowlers in the city, and is hard to beat when it comes to making high recorders tho nbovo shows. Tho Campbell ft Wilson millinery p.irlorB wish to call tho ladies' attention to their lino of novelty veilings, chiiToiiB and sailor sashes; also a largo line of hnir goods. Havo just received the latest novelties In millinery mid ribbons from Now York, tho center of fashion. Our young men graduate?!' of Saturday iiuxt will llml A. M. WJlliamfl it Co. prepared to furnish all Inn little neces sities for tho occasion. ispeoinl mention should bo made of tholf black clay wor sted suits, which cm ho had in round or straight cut, or any desired style. Only $7.50, and tho material of nil wool. So far this summer the fishermen und owners of wheels and traps on the upper liver have not caught sufficient fish to pay expenses. They tire not discouraged luwover, as their richest Imrvoatu como in Juno and July. The canneries lmvo OREGON EMERGENCY CORPS. An Orcunlznlliiii Will He Perfected In The I)allcn Hilt Afternoon. Iii tho circuit court of tho stato of Oregon, county of Wasco, May term, 18!)S: We, the grand jury for tho above named court und term, herewith submit the following report : We have been in session two days, and liavo returned into court one true and three not true bills of indictment, and have examined into several other matters that we havo not deemed of suf ficient importance to report. W't) have examined tho county oleikV, slieriir'fl and treasurer's oilicee, and tlnd nil of these ollicee, with tho books, rec ords and papers therein well and correct ly kept eo far as we are ablo to judge. " Wo have also examined tho county jail and find tho some in good condi tion. Wo havo inqiiltod into tho condition of tho county poor, and Und that they aie well cm oil for under tho direction of tho county court at the county poor farm. Wherefore, having finished our labors for this term of court, wo respectfully ask that wo may bo discharged from further attendance upon tho court. G. W. Miu.m:, Foreman, Tho Dallos, Oregon, May 21, 1898. Dr. Bonha'm, dentist, Chapman block. Gold flllinge, crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted. The following letter, which needs no explanation, was received by Mrs. T. S. Lang from Mrs. F. C. Lounsbury, secre tary of the Oregon Emergency Corps: Mrs. Young has just handed me your letter to answer. We are now at the Armory busily working like beeB. On account of so much to do and lack of time our by-laws are very imperfect. A committee will meet tomorrow to recon struct them. However, as you are all ready to organize, I am glad to give you what information is necessary. In tho first place, it has been decided that all membership fees and dues must come to these headquarters to make you an auxiliary corps to the Oregon Emer gency Corps. What is meant by mem bership dues is the regular admission fee of 10 centB per member. All mem bers must wear badges, and they cost 20 cents, thus making the total cost of membership, 30 cents. Organix.3 with as many members as possible, elect officers, nresident, vice-nresident. secretary and treasurer. Send all names here with the 30 cents for eacti name. All funds raised outside tho membership and badge fee can be retained by your own organization. Wo are deeply grateful for the interest you are manifesting in the good woik. There is no need of any one being idle who has the welfare of our soldier boys at heart. A letter from San Francisco vesterday appeals to the Oregon Emer gency Corps for help. They have ad vices from Manila that it is necessary for each man, upon reaching there, to be supplied with a flannel bandage and nightcap of eider-down, the latter to keep the wind, sand and insects from the earB. Thousands of volunteers un provided with these necessary articles are pouring into Frisco. The ladies there find, on account of tho vast num ber, they cannot supply all ; therefore thoir appeal to this corps. Tho ladies responded at ouce, and sent tho follow ing telegram : Red Cross Society, San Francisco, Cut., Giu:i;tino : Count on us; will send 1.000 batulairoH and 1.000 caps. Oui'.liO.V JijlUllGENCV COM'S, The Armory. Thev aro in need of largo numbers of tho above named articles. If vou ladies will go to work and make, say 50. 100 or as many as you will, we will take pleas ure in forwarding them with ours. Tho object of having these bandages is to maintain an even tempeniture, which in that climate, is necessary und prevents dysontury and bowel complaints, which almost universally prevail unless pre vented by these bandages. I havo been asked by those in differ ent portions of tho state if the Oregon Emergency Corps discriminated in favor of any particular company of volunteers. Most emphatically I answer, "No." We are organized to assist tho volunteers, no matter whother they be on land or sea or what portion of the state. All havo fared tho saino at the hands of the Ore- PEASE & MAYS. gon Emergency Corps. We feel we havo been doing a God-given work, and do it to tho best of our ability in every partlc-i ulnr. j As soon as our by-laws are completed , will send yon n copy, which you will j havo your executive committee, con- slating of tho first four olliccts and others you may designate to constitute your excculivo board, sign them. As soon as received hero we will, in turn, havo them filed with the state military board, thus constituting your organiza tion an auxiliary of thu Oregon Emer gency Corps I miring too convention, out as my son was going to the front just at that time, I could not leave; besides the women of the Oregon Emergency Corps havo hard ly taken time to eat or sleep during the past three weeks. Hoping to meet you in the near fu ture, I am Respectfully Yours, Mas. F. C. Lounsiiuky, Secretary O. E. O. The following ars the members of the executive committee in this city : Mee damesT. S. Lang, J. M. Patterson, Mary French, G. C. Blakeley, J. S. Fish, Alice Sheldon and Miss Hose Michel!. The above named ladies are requested to meet in the directors' room at the Commercial Ciub this afterncoi at 3 o'clock to perfect organizition.'appoint sub-committees and arrange other busi ness. BROUGHT TO JUSTICE- A WORN-OUT FAD ' Spring Medicines,'' "Blood Purifiers," and "Tonics,"1 an Old-Fashioned Idea. Pure blood, strong nerves and mus cles, firm, healthy flesh, can only come from wholesome food well digested. "Blood purifiers'' and "nerve tonic" do not reach tho causo of tho mischief. Tho ttonirtch is the point to bo looked aftr The safest and surest way to cure any , , , . . ,r.i i. f jrm of indigestion is to takeafter each fully intended being nt fho D.illos ; ,nPaj 8omG hnrinlesa prennrntion of this kind composed of vegetable essences nine nensin, irolden seal and fruit salts, sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets, and these tablets taken after mea's derfultv because I. u. Nugent Who Is Wanted In Van. corner haft been Capturi'il. Tuesday evening the officers in this city received orders to arrest a man named J. D. Nugent, who was wanted In Clarke county, Washington, for the crime of incest. The man's deeciiption was sent, and although they made a dil igent search they could not locate him during the night. Yesterday morning Marshal Lauer found Ins man as lie was about to board ! the boat. At first he denied tiiat he was the man, but as there was party a from Vancouver present who was acquainted with him and identified him as the right person, there could be no doubt as to him being the person they were koking for. He was placed in jail to await the coming of the sheriff1 of Clarke county who will take him below. It is to be hoped that n man who is icsist digestion won thev will digest tho food promptly before it has time to fer ment and sour, and iho weak stomach relieved and aBsi.-tcd in this way soon becomes strong ami vigorous again". Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets iiro super ior to any secret patent medicines be cause vou know what you aro taking into your stomach, They oro Fold by drnirgiBtq every where nt CO cents per package. Writo F. A. Stuart Co,, Martliall, Mich., for book on stomach diseases, mailed free.. JAMES BURNS, i Ex-Collector of the Port of Kansas City. j Of tl.e men who hnve occupied positions of public trust in Kansas City, cither qy gift of tho people or by appointment; none bis a more enviable reputatand for ability, honesty nnd ellieiency than James llurns, Collector of the Tort of Kansas City, under Grovcr Cleveland, He 11 veil to the lsttsr of the maxim"a public ollbc is a public trust," and when ho retired he curried with him the rncminl ct avnrvnwtx It. thn nnnt .11 .1 n 1 1 ! nnm ntr.i td nn.l llnniilillnnti iilltn guilty of such a crime will be punished I jamts Huriis has used Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and lie does not hesitate to say they have lie- 4i. r..n .1... 1 11.!. . m me mil u&iem 01 wiu jaw, itii'j jjj line , cjinpnsiieu wonuers. "I sull'ered with dyspepsia for twenty years, said Mr. Burns yesterday. "Never know what it was to enjoy life In fnet living seemed a burden, us It does to nil who sull'er severely with dys pepsia. A few weeks ago I b;gan taUintj Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. From the llrst I felt relief, and now. although I am still taking them, I teal entirely cured. For the Hist time in twenty years 1 can eat anything I want and tufler no ill ell'eets from it. You can't iinaglue thu pleasure of this unless you have been a sull'erer from dyspepsia. "I never gave a testimonial for any medicine b jfure, but 1 fe-1 as if everybody oucht to know j of this remedy, and while it is pcr.soonlly distasteful to me to appear in print in tills connection, t j feel as if I had no right to shirk tho opportunity to, perhaps help some other sulTerors from dys . pepsin I have been leconimcmllng tho tablets to all my friends. Only recently 1 took James h. Lillle, the father of Father I.illi, down to get some, and I understand he also is being wonderfully way be put in company with that clasp ot people to which he belongs, that is with like criminals in the state's prison. Dave Weaver, while irrigating his place, about nine miles below Prineville, on Urookeu river, in Urook countv, picked up in one of the small ditches an old Missouri catfish about twelve inches long, proving that the stocking of the river with this kind of fish about four years ago was not entirely unsuccessful. Ileal Kstutt) Sale. i benefitted. I can't recommend It too hlghtly. The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their laud property in and near The Dallep, consistintf of city lots', blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the ofiico of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. LAUfiin.iN-. "Eagle" Acetylene Jas Generators are superior to all. Agency at Hansen ft. Thompson's planing mill. a21-m dw "Very Much to tho Good." .reseet Bieyeles. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. SCSlSiSESEi U Onjj thousand styles and bizes. i-ut cuujwjjjjj auu ntiiiiijfj. Price from gioto 70. A mm Often imitated. Never equalled. next In finality (o "Gorlnmls." Bicycles Cleaned and Ropaired. MAYS &IGR0W! Wo havo strictly First-Class Fir. Oak and MAIER & BENTON, Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co- Subscribe for The Chronicle