The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Art voi tUluc Itnte. JYr I itch, i One Inch or los In Itolly II W Over two Incites nml mtder four lnchM 1 OO Over four Inches nml under twelve Inches. . T." , Over twelve Inchc 60 DAILY AND WKKKI.Y. One Inch or less, per Inch fJfli; Over one Inch nnd under four Inches - IM Over four Inches mnl uiuler twelve Inches . 1 to , Over twelve Inches 1 00 , SUHSlMtlt'TION I'KICK. I i One week $ 15 j One month 50 I One year 0 00 1 TTeoltl.v Uttililtlng Itnten. Chronicle iitul Oregonian Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle and Inter Ocean . .$'2 25 . 2 25 .. 1.85 , 1 75 Chronicle and Tribune. Chronicle ami N. Y. World 2 00 THURSDAY MAY 26, 1S0S flEPUBlilCflfl TIGPT STATE. For Governor, T. T. GEKR, of Marlon County. For Secretary of State, F. I. DUN BAH, of Olatson County. For State Treasurer, CHARLES S. MOORE, of Klamath County. For State Printer, V. H. LEEDS, of Jackson County. For Attcniev-Gencral, D. R. N. BLACKBURN, of Man County. For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. For Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. For Congressman, Stcontl District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Wasco County. For Circuit Judje. Seventh Llstrlct, II. S. WILSON. of Wasco County. For ProfCcntinR Attorney, Seventh District, A. A. JAYNE, of Wasco County. For Member State Hoard of Equalization, C. C. KUNEY, of Sherman County. For Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sherman Counties, A. S. ROBERTS ami J. W. MORTON, of Wasco County. COUNTY. For Sheriff, ROBERT KELLY. For Cleri:, A. M. KELSAY. For Treasurer, C. L. PHILLIPS, or School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. II, WHIPPLE. For Survevor, J. U. GOIT. For Coroner, W. H. BUTTS. For Commissioner, M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justico of the Peace, C. E. BAYARD. For Constable, W. C. CLARK. GL.l DSTOXIC'S CMlKEll. In the ninety years which spanned the life of Gladstone, the crown of England rested upon four heads. We gain a butter comprehension of i the rnnac of this long and useful life) by recalling the fact that Gladstone was n boy of 10 when George III, under whose reign the American col onies won their freedom, was gath ered to the tomb of English mon nrclis. He was 0 years old when Napoleon was routed nt Waterloo, nml his marvelous memory distinctly 4VW.tllt.VI hill; WIUMllli Ul JfiillBJJ 'iWJ" non in commemoration of that vic tory. "I heard the glass of the windows of the IJoyal hotel rattle to the "guns of the castle astlicyar nouncen one or tne great victories over Napoleon." During his lifetime, the premier thip bd twenty-one changes, begin ning with Portland, and ending with ffalilb'Hry, :ln the following order: Portland, Percival, Canning, Gode- rich, Wellington, Grey, Melbourne, Peel, Melbourne, Pool, Kusscll, Der by, Pnlnierstoii, Kussoll, Derby, Di. mjli, Gladstone, Disraeli, Gladstone, balisbury,Gladstone. Salisbury, Glad stone, Rosebery, Salisbury. While Gladstone was prime minis tcr for only thirteen years nil told, the pctiods of his premiership were fraught with momentous reforms and great movements. beginning his premiership in 1S09, he promptly forced the disestablishment of the Irish church. In 1870 the Irish ten ant act and the elementary educa tion acts became law. In 1S71 the purchase of commissions in the army was abolished ; and in 1S72 he set tled the Alabama claims with the United States and brought about the ballot net providing for secret vot ins Gladstone's government was de feated in the general election of 1874, and Disraeli was recalled as premier. In 1877 Gladstone visited Ireland, and there took on the im pressions and convictions which led to his aggressive struggle for land and government reforms for that un happy island. On the fall of the Disraeli minis try in 1S80, Gladstone formed a ministry, and in 18S1 passed the Irish land act. Four years later his government resigned, and he declined the queen's offer of an earldom. Sal isbury succeeded him as prime min ister, but a year later he came back into power, and pressed his Irish home rule bill on the commons. It was quickly defeated, and in 1887 Salisbury came back into power and held ofllcc until 1892, when Glad stone formed another ministry and drove his Irish home rule bill through the house of commons. The reform was rejected by the house of lords, and Gladstone was not strong enough with the country to force the lords to terms. In 189-1 he resigned the formal leadership of the liberal party, placed the reins of government m the hands of Lord Iiosebery, and letired to private life. His great work was ended, and thenceforth until the end he passed the few remaining years in well-earned "repose, though main taining to the Inst a keen and advis ory interest in the great affairs of England and the world. The money spent in arming and armorplattng the Spanish fleet wasp so much money thrown away if the i ships composing it were intended ; solely for sprinting purposes. ' Spanish warships that have put into Jamaica for supplies complain that they have met with rum treat ment. 1 The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cute and bruises. DeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It henls quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. For Sitlo Cheap. A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of the fair ground;. A desirable residence location. A. S. Mac Am.ihtkic. Chronicle OHice. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That I what It Wis mdf lor ,.Sheep for Sale,. AT THE King Ranch NEAR RUTLEDGE, Sherman County, Oregon. About 1700 head, oonMttlnt,' of CfiS ewes with 1 Hbout Atol'iinbv; XH '.'-year-old welhciK iiwiy'O yearJImts. Thee thtep will b'j told hcfoiu June 1,tui! intending purcJinu-rH vhould apply be-i (ore that ditto Ur Infuimntloti In rewind to prJeo ! Jiml terms of fettle1, or call pertonally on MRS. EMMA KING, Rutledge,Sherman Co., Or. ONE FOR A DOSI. ems RrmoTo Pinplm, PreTtnt C'uroD8dtbniHrp)i. A moveuifct of lb buwtl etc! will uwll mpl frt-H, or fu I bo tvr Hum b, druj,el:t j. DR. B0SANK0 CO. l-blla. Fl fieva Columbia Hotel IS Tlili HEST $.m PEK DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY d. JVT. TOOOIEV, Prop. C. J. STUBlilfiG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY fr m -t-'.To to $0.00 per trillion. ( I to 15 venrs old.) IMPORTED U0GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 pur trillion. (11 to L0 yearn old.' 0ALIF0RNIA BRANDIES from $:i.L'5 ONLY THE PUBEST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, nml Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low 1 'rices at fiydrqw feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Jco Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Crandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMEALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESClPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. iQpp. A. M. Williams it Co.. uxho C. F. Cloudy Weatherr Ptrefcrfed for Sittings. MY WORK MY Chapman Blook. The Dalles, Of. T Mash Whiskey. to JG.C0 per eallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Hints and Hop Gold 15eer in bottles & Bar get THE DALLES, Oil Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. GUCCCSS. THE DALLES, OR. Just IXlhat Yoa UUant. New idene in Wttll Paper horo. Such wide variety uh we iiru hIiowIiik never he fore uruned ti bIiicIu Htuclc. Itoul imita tion creton elloctB ut ortllmtry jtrlceB. Good pnpurH tit cheap paiier prlceu. KkMiit deai'ciiH, tiiBtuftti colorinwH, votirH for it small price, at our More on 1'hiril street. Also a full line of Iiouro pitintH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. The Spring Chicken. There ib no neetl of Hpi'cial remedies for the young and liealtliy person. The spriiii chicken Iiiih huen noted for its unwisdom. If von would have health and keep it, you in tint ho wise antl pro dent. When you have a symptom, go alter it. Prevent ttu devtiloplnif. When you are well, keep well. J ho oniy -vay you may is ly having lliu beet tlrugB at hand at all timcH. KKLIAHLR PIIAIIMACISTK. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portad anil Astoria Navigation Co.' L-- strs. Regulator (6 Dalles City FREIGHT AMD PA8SENUER LINE iii:twj:i:h Tlie DiiUch, Hood Ulver, Cut-cmlc Uxika nml 1'ort land dally, fcii hiiliilay. DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going OH TO EASTERN OREGON ? If . avu money nml enjoy it tointlfnl trip on tliiK-'nlumblii. 'llii) train arrlvt-Hat I lie Dalles la auililu tlniu fur paksuiiL-urK to tiiku tlio Moamur, arrlvliiKln Portland In tlmo for tliu oiltKOltiK houtlicril and Nortlivrii tralliHj Kant- .uuu l'wiKvin IKIIVIIIK 1M 'Mil) UMWX III 1 1 1110 to (alio tlio hait-ljoiiiid train, i ui iiinui.T iniotniation apply to J. N. HAHKKV, .,jcnt, Oak Hlrtct I)o3k. Portland. Orcvon, Or W (.. AI.I.AWAV, (kn. Ai!t 'I III! JMIIUH.OfCKOII Tne CoiumDia ackingco.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUHKHH OK Pine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIED UKKF, KTO, BEDS A njilondld asnnrtmcnt of Vcrc tahlu.Oatdon and (Uusk Hccdi'ln , Unlit. Kwd Wheat, Heed Onto, JE2 Heed llnrloy, Seed Heeil liyo. Oil Meal Cal:c and PurllltoctH, lieu Hnm.lleM , Kaily llo.o I't. tow, lilevun of t,HirnfH "KW Heed Com. I'ou try and j.v JLM boiiHlitamlHoldat m K E J. H. CROSS' (lieap rnh (Iroeery and Feed ouiil'i rvuuiui ami union His, E E D S Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass ipes-Kmersly Drag Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. rilANHACTA OKKKKAl.HAXKINO IIUE1NK.S LetterH of Gretlit iuHtietl nvailablu iu the Eaatent States. Kinht Exelinni;e and 'J'o1ci,thi1iic Tranafurs Hold on New York. ChiciiKO, St. LnttiH, Snn Frnncirco, l'orthinil Ore Hon, Seattle WmhIi,, and varimiE jiointa in Oregon ami WiiHliinuton. ColleefiDiia inii'ie at nil points on fav uraiile turitiH. J. H. Hciikkk. I'reildcnt. II. il, U:.l. , LHibli.7 First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking liuslnesB transacted UupoHttB received, aubject to Ki'lit Draft or Oheuk. Collection niadt; and irocetda pniinptlT remitted on tluv of collection, flight and T olegrnphie EschuiiKO sold on New York, Sun Frnjielaco nnJ porl- DIKBCTOKS D. 1. TlIOMI'HOS. J.NO. f!. SCHBHCSi El). M. Wll.l.IAMR, Gko. A. LlSHK. II. M. Hkai.i.. Cigars. Why do wo retail more Ciura than otiiers? Why do smokers to out of their way nnd pass ciKurn of the huiiiu grade? Not hoeiuiHO we have better drs or hotter brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Wliv. linemifi! we have the finest cl- uar ciiho in tho statu and keep our clears in hotter ennditinn. SnlpoB-Klnotsly Drug o- FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. This oiler is made by lh LLINOIS STATE SANITAHP provided n i iiieatiou m inim- ' " tall ni luuiedlcs may itwtvc tin- tvnlet Pf cu provided upplleatlou bo liiadi- at ""''v;.r'j11iij null) , uini piovu uii-'ii "' s' ,HoHy ut mill iiiuinitiK'iit ,;?, nilau" wliiuovtir will bo itcolvfd I; " !.' ,rf4. Hl.uo HiiiiUiirllim Irolil anyolli ' " I1'"' w. meut until lioimlKdnl hihiiH J" u,.ii mIkmI . I to roiiieillw and n p I M I ' Vwo tvitti coniineniled hy tho 1",'l"ll,,r Zot I" nentrtiiiideuilorK'd ly tho k y ' ,i,.sirci, tliey tho world. Whero doveloiaaei t H ueeomplliih It ami never lull m inMK"""1' 'I'hey Indue nuw llfu mid f t'KJ; ' "gw innneiitly nlop all lowex whh l 1 ,f.V" THe eoiiKtltutloa and rodiiee dei o li ) , . ill unit i urinyy i ..ihowi '"i vlrckh mnl ptoro w"W ucj ut if. ''" !;' ; J, , t ell ro'ione, reiresiii UHrilltum or . ... Ill ... lu.ltll. mono ot oxcckWM mm "l V": " ,, , .Vn neunmtlieiila or nervouH e-vl" '"!; auj nr.. .... ihiiitiiv. no deee rlloiJi " IK of "JSWiS iu.i ivr;t.. lioliitmmit. IIIIK 'lu',!':,Vm a PTTItf. ILLINOIS STATE 8ANITARIB' Kvuimtoii, HI