The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 26, 1898, Image 1

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    Sty Daiks
NO 01
Dynamite Cruiser Vesuvius to Be Made
Use of in Destroying the Hidden
Mines in Santiago Harbor.
It Is Now Only a Matter of a Short
Time Until Ccrvcra Must Succumb
to the Inevitable.
Ki:v West, May So. The dispatch
boat Wanda has just returned here and
reports alio left Admiral Sampson's fleet
nt I.oIhih Koy light. Tho Wandu fol
lowed the fleet nwny when It left here
Saturday morning lust. Sampson's
(lent left Havana for Santiago Monday.
Admiral Corvera's fleet is bottled in
Santiago harbor, and Sampson and
Schley are outside preparing to destroy
the Spanish cruisers.
When Sampson starts the bombard
ment of the city, the beginning of tho
end will have come. His orders have
been to find the Spanish fleet and de
stroy it. Tho Spaniards will not have
an opportunity to outfit and make a
dash for the open sea at night.
Strategists give Sampson credit for
leaving Santiago harbor open to Cervera.
His chief object was to prevent the fleet
from entering Havana harbor by guard
ing Windward Passage, and ho accom
plished this. No orders have beon given
as to whether the fleet shall force an en
trance into the passage or shall take
some other means to get at Cervera.
Great faith ib placed in Sampson,
whoso knowledge of torpedoes, mines
and ordinance is second to that of no
other officer in the navy.
If it Is possible to reach the Spanish
ships they will be attacked almost im
mediately. Sampson will first demolish
the outer forte and then under Are of
the fleet, destroy tho mines in the chan
nel. The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius
can be usod to good advantage, as by
hurling huge masses of high explosives
into the chuunol all tho hidden mines
can bo exploded.
Strategists believe that Sampson will
waste nor more time than did Dewey at
Manila, nnd when he has finished
Spain's last weapon of defense on this
continont will be gone.
Commodore Schloy left Koy West last
Friday and with him wore the battlo
fillips Massachaotts and Texas, armored
cruiser Brooklyn and the auxiliary crui
ser Scorpion. The battleship Iowa fol
lowed Schloy on Friday and was over
taken by the torpedo boat Dupont ofF
Cape San Antonio.
San Franslsco Went Wild With Enthus
iasm on the Occasion.
San Fkanoisoo, May 24. San Fran
cisco gavo an exhibition of American
patriotism never before approached in
tho city's history when 2500 of Uncle
Sam's troops departed on the transports
the City of Pekln, the Australia and the
City of Sydney, to establish Amorican
wle In the Philippines.
Fully 100,000 people surrounded the
fleet for two hours before it weighed
anohor and steamed for the Golden Gate
Crafts of every description, from an or
dinary Whitehall to the big ocoan liner
Ronoko, were in the stream. Every ves
sel flew the start and stripes from every
mast. Each vessel carried a band of
intnie and the Intermingling of twenty
national airs, titer cheers front thous
ands of soldiers, the responses from tho
fluet of the excureionistp, and of the
thousands who had packed the dock for
four miles along the water front, made
a scene that will lie as long as the mem
ory of ttiosts who witnessed it. San
Francisco simply turned loono and gavo
tho soldier boys a Bend-on" befitting nn
epoch-mirking occasion in the history
of the nation.
Three o'clock was tho hour set for the
sailing of tho fleet, and for hours before
a stream of humanity moved toward the
water front with the intention of gain
ing some point ol vantago to watch tho
departure of tho troops. Ily two o'clock
it was estimated that 100,000 people oc
cupied the dockB nnd places from which
ngood view could be obtained. The
shipping along the front was gaily deco
rated with bunting and flags of every
nation except Spain.
Regulations Soon to he Issued This
Proclamation Calls for 75,000 Ad
ditional Volunteers.
Washington, May 25. The president
today sottled beyond doubt all specula
tion as to hiB intentions with reierence
to the Bending of armies of invasion from
the United States, by calling for an ad
ditional 75,000. Mr. MeKinley has
demonstrated that it is tho policy of the
United States to have an nrmy of about
300,000 men ready for business within n
month. This army will consist of 00,
000 regulars, 200,000 volunteers and
10,000 especially enlisted men who have
Buffered from contagious diseases likely
io be encountered in tropical climates,
and who are therefore considered im
pervious to such complaints, 35,000 cav
alry, known as rough riders, and about
as many more special men forming
engineer and signal corps of the volun
teer service.
According to the best inside advices,
the president's intention is to dispose of
this vast body about as follows : Forty
or fifty thousand will be sent to the
Philippines for the purpose of occupy
ing those islands completely. One hun
dred thousand will be transported to the
islands of Cuba; twenty thousand more
are destined for Porto liico, which isl
and it is the intention of the United
States to capture and hold. The re
mainder will be held in reserve.
With the Buffalo and Marietta She Ar
rived at Jupiter Inlet, Fla. -
Washington, May 25. Secretary
Long has received au official dispatch
announcing the safe arrival at Jupiter
Inlet, Fla., last night, of the battleship
New Youk, May 25. A dispatch to
the Evening World from Jupiter, Flu.,
says that Lieut. Davis, of tho battleship
Oregon, came ashore there last night.
"Our raca," said Davis, "was a most
exciting one, nnd especially after we left
Bahia, for we knew then the possibility
of interception. Captain Clark, how
ever, kept the little fleet in constant
readiness, aud had we run into the
Spanish fleet we would have been heard
from. As it is, we are all happy. Our
ruco from San Francisco is ended and
we will hovo a chance to take part with
tho fleets now looking for the Spanish."
Tho MorietU and Buffalo are with the
Jui'itku, Fla., Moy 25.-Tho battle
ship Oregon, which arrived here at
10:80 last night, hoB left Jupiter.
Cleveland wheels are selling in spite
of all the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and see our '08 models. Maler &
DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salv
Cure PlUf. Scaldf , Hutu.
A Speofly Attack Will Be Made Her
ycra is ThongW to Be Securely
Caught in the Yankey Trap,
The Fleet Has Not Been Seen as the
View is Obscured By the Hills
Surrounding the Bay.
Washington, May 25. The plans of
the navy department for crushing the
Spanish fleet under Cervera, and thus
obviating the necessity of keeping
American Bhips to guard the entrance to
Santiago, has been matured. Samp
eon's views on that subject are awaited
witlt interest. A dispatch from Samp
son whs received this evening; but its
contents was not disclosed at a late hour.
Naval officers agree that the prospect of
crushing Cervera is not easy to accom
plish, and the main point involved is
whether it shall be attempted now or
not until other plans are carried out.
It is the deBire of the military author
ities to begin invasions of Cuba and
Porto Rico as soon as possible; but it
must depend largely on the resources of
tho navy. By keeping four armor-clads
before Santiago, only Boven would be
left for operations elsewhere. The
Cadi, reserve squadron has become a
fuctor in the situation, and while strate
gists hardly imagine it will be sent to
the West Indies, surprise must be
guarded against.
There is a desire on the part of the
naval authorities to inaugurate a speedy
attack on Cervera by the arinor-clade.
No matter what difficulties may be en
countered, it is considered preferable to
resorting to the slow process of starving
out the enemy while a second Spanish
squadron roams the seas.
A cipher dispatch from Commodore
Schley was received at the department
this evening. He is off Santiago guard
ing the entrance to prevent the escape of
the Spanish fleet. In his message
Schley gave some of the information
that came from him yesterday about
the presence of Cervera in Santiago bay,
but it is understood that the Spanish
ships are not visible from the position
occupied by Schley, on account of the
hills surrounding the harbor. It is said
that the statements from Schley that
Cervera had not left Santiago was based
on information furnished him by one of
the fast scout ships that have been
watching off that port for several days.
Disastrous Blaze Sweeps Out a Part of
That City Loss Estimated at
Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Abtokia. Or.. May 25. The most dis
astrous conflagration since 1883, visited
this citv today. It started in the box
factory of the Clatsop Mill, and fanned
by a strong westerly breeze the building
was ouicklv consumed. The flames
spread eastward with great rapidity and
in half au hour from the time that tue
alarm sounded everything between the
box factory aud Kopp'a brewery was
The Pacific Union Cannery building
followed the box factory, and in a few
minutes the Columbia Cannery caught.
In the former were a large number ot
nets, thirteen of which were lost, to
gether with several boats and personal
effects of the fishermen. The Columbia
Cannery was not in operation, but con
tained a large quantity of machinery.
When it was seen that the two can
neries could not be served, tho firemen
bent all their energies toward saving
Kopp's brewery, and succeeded. Mean
while the net racks for a quarter of a
mile eastward had caught from embers,
and both canneries were seriously
threatened, but a well organized force
under Manager Chuttar saved it.
The old Leinenweber cannery building
next caught on Are and was almost to
tally destroyed in half an hour. About
twenty fisherman lost their nets and a
few boats. There were no fatalities, al
though two employes of the box factory
were seriously burned.
The total loss is estimated at $50,000,
which was only partially covered by in
surance. ZELANDIA TO
Coal for Our Ships Steamer Ning
Chow Arrives at San Francisco.
San Francisco, May 25. The steamer
Zelandia will be prepared to sail for
Manila with troops. Under act of con
gress she is admitted to American char
ter, and when Ehe sails next it will be
with the stars and Btripes at her mast
head. Captain Howard will lose no
time in discharging the vessel and pre
paring for the accommodation of troops.
It is expected that she will be ready to
sail in a week.
The steamer Ning Chow has arrived
with a cargo of coal from Puget Bound.
The government has been negotiating
for the charter of the collier for several
days, and it is possible that she and her
cargo may be sent to the assistance of
Dewey's fleet. A big cargo of coal al
ready purchased by the government has
arrived here on tho Peter Jensen, which
may also go to Manila.
The Oceanic Steamship Company has
been wiped out of steamers by the gov
ernment, and as every other vessel in
port is engaged, it is expected that the
passengers booked for Honolulu will be
turned over to the Occidental & Oriental
Company for passage on the Doric. An
effort was made to charter the new
steamer Senator, but owing to the enor
mous accumulation of grain at Tacoma
she could not be spared by her owners.
They Attempt to Induce the Cubans to
Bear Arms Against the United
States With Promises of Freedom.
Pakib, May 25. Senor N. De Cande
nas, financial delegate of the insurgent
Cuban government, who is now in Paris
to raise funds for the insurgents, said
today :
"Eight days ago I was vieited by a
friend who informed me he was charged
in the interests of Spain to approach me
and other Cubans in Paris before going
with proposals to Cuba to ask the Cuban
Insurgents if they would range them
selves on the side of Spain and against
America if Spain agreed to grant Cuba
independence. I refused to eutertain
any proposal of the kind,
"Castillo's movements are connected
with those attempts to alienate Cuban
insurgent sympathies, and the Spanieh
embassy here is cognizant of, if not di
recting what is going on."
At all times flour equal to the best for
salo at Tygh Valley Holier Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed,
W. M. McCokklk, Prop.
To Cure Cold io Due Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tie money if
it fails to cure, 25c,
The Ojection to Patriotic Utterances on
the Part of a Foreman Causes
the Trouble
Ashland, Or., May 24. Frank Joseph
Ego, foreman of the peach orchard force
of the large orchard belonging to Banke
of Ashland, is a sympathiser with Spain.
Ego objected to the patriotic demonstra
tions and utterances of the young Amer
ican workers, and today the growing
trouble with the Spaniard culminated
in a strike by the thirty boye, who
walked out leaving Ego alone.
A Kegro'8 Desperate Effort.
Key West, May 25. Two sailors were
attacked by a negro named Kitchen last
night and one of them will probably die
of his injuries. One of the sailors is
William Carue, from the gunboat Mor
r:l. He was sitting in front of a saloon
when the negro came up and fired at
him with a Winchester rifle inflicting a
severe scalp wound. Carne'a companion
who belongs on the Hudson, came up
and the negro struck him with the gun,
inflicting a seriorJ wound. The attack
was unprovoked. The sheriff and posse
are after the negro.
Clones to
Black Clay Worsted Frock
Suits; neat hairline Cassi
nters; modest, genteel patterns
lu worsteds ; for the stout man,
for the man who's hard tu fit.
There's reason in buying
serge suits; one of the coolest,
one of the stoutest of summer
stuffs; the most becomiug
suita to the most men. Our
line of blue serges are the best
for the least money.
$16 a Suit.
No matter how big a man
you are. The style, the finish
is there too.
A. Wash
care in making.
wash goods
sort, still
higher than olsowhoro.
Today uie also announce
New shipment
women. Justoponod. Come and soo.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome ami delicious.
Absolute! Pure
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be supplied
with every means possible for its relief.
It is with pleasure we publish the follow
ing: "This is to certify that I was a
terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice
for over six months, and was treated by
some of the best physicians in our city
and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug
gist, recommended Electric Bitters;
and after taking two bottles, I waB en
tirely cured. I now take great pleasure
in recommending them to any person
suffering from this terrible malady. I
am gratefully yours, M. A. Hargity,
Lexington, Ky." Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist. 4
tXr. Pickwick il
Pickwick 6tout,
Suit has double wear tho
careless laundry's wear and tho boy's
rough wear so should havo doublo
Careful sowing and tho hotter class of
cost more- than tho othor
our prices aro found no
to $2.00
Fino Colored Shoos for