r, Great Silk Sale. A grand opportunity to sccuro n silk waist pat tern nt lees than manufacturers cost. Wo havo placed on onlo from foity to fifty short h-ngths of Silk onii half to eight yards o.ich. All choice Haleablo goods. Pilous commencing about L'o;; nor yard and riinnin,,' up to 75y pur yard. Como oarly, wo novo somo bargains for you. Jfl m The 3 Shoe Virtues. STYLE, SERVICE and ECONOMY SIM-jOlAL SHOE SA1.15. Search tho stntn over with ft microscope and you cannot find bettor shoe values than are offered here, 04 :i" HOLD-UP YOUR SKIRT, HOIiD DOWN YOUR WAIST KEEP YOUR PLACKET CLOSED Ity using VAUGIIAN'S "Patent" SKIUT HANDS. They prevent the Skirt from Slipping, the waist from bagging and tho Vint, remains "Securely Cloned." Advertised in all the leading magazines at .'!() cunts. OUR PRICE 20 cents. y 14 !j Men'e Tan Lace, new coin toe, have been $3.00, for tins week are $2.00 Men's Tan Lace, square toe, havo been $3.00, lor this week arc 1.75 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, vesting top, have been $3.00 and $3,50, this week arc 2.50 Ladies Tan Oxfords havo been $3.00, for this week nro 2. 00 Misses' Tan Hutton, Spring heel, have been $2 00 for this week are 1.25 Misses' Patent Leather Button, Spring heel, hnve been $2.50, for this week are 1.05 Misses' House Slippers, sizes 1, 2, 2Xm for this week are '. 50 Tho Store of Good Offerings. These Shoes will be displayed in our Furnishing Goods window. i all goods markcd in 1 plain figure;:;. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. lJomombcr Tim Maine. Itomombor also the Columbia Candy Factory Han tho best Ice Coam in the city. The weather forecast for today is fair and warmer. .Mrs. Frank Menefee returned from a visit to Portland last evening- Ion't forget that Kellar keep3 tho best ice crenm soda in the city. tf Wanted Good houeekeoper, on farm. Address, John Fredberg, Gorman post ullke. 17-2-1 A new lot of oranges and lemons di rect from growors, at tho Dalles Com mission Co. Lyavo orders for ica with tho Stadol mau Commission Co. Oflico cold storage building. Phono -lit. tf Wanted, competent girl to do general housework. Applicant addresB "Ji," care Cmto.vioi.K otlice. Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 19 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 Go to Campbell & Wilson's millinery parlors for all kinds of hair goods, switches, in all colors and sizes to suit all classes of trade. my21 tit Ladles anxious to see tho latest popu lar colored shoes will ho pleased to learn that a very attractive lino Iihb just been received at A. M. WlllianiH &. Co. Yesterday morning ntnoteen carloads of cattle on route trom Amity, Oregon, to Cut Bunk, Montana, were unloaded and fed at tho stockyards in this city. A ohnnuo of a lilo time, county agents, either ladies or gentlemen to represent us in California, Oregon and Washington. Address Dr FrnnuhorlloinelJeinedyCo., -7110 Folsom , San Frnncieco, Callfor- great merchant tailors, will exhibit his cuit court. The case was an action to ilia. ni21-m23 Yesterday tho Regulator took 500 sacks of wheat to Portland. Nearly every day more or less wheat is shipped from this place, as tho present high prices pro in Slicing tho producers to sell tho wheat they havo hold over. Tho report of the injuries sustained by I. Toomy in the Ollio Woodman mine, who was said to havo been fatally in jured, was much exaggerated. Mr. Toomy was only stunned by tho powdir oxploaion. Tho mine is in Baker cuunty. The remnants of tho old cannon that exploded at the depot in Baker City last week, with tuoli fatal results, is 011 x hlbitiou In that town. The cannon was of cast material and had been in use for long time, but to all appearances was perfectly safe. We'll not try to cducato you to wear mndo.to-ineasurekjlothes nerhans you'll bo Interested, though, in samples of line woolens samples in our Etore Thursday and Fri day of this week at The New York Cusll Store. At present tho river is beginning tq drop tlowly rn 1 from all indications there will not be nnv high water tbisV year. Much of tho Bnow has already melted in the mountains, and no matter how hot the weatiier is in June, the freshet will bo slight. The hop prospect in Yakima is bright. The full acreage ia being cultivated this year, and tho outlook for a good crop never was belter. A few contracts tor special lots havo already been made at ten cents, which is a very cheering fcin so early in the season. There isn't a more patriotic city in Washington than is Yakima, says tho Yakima B?public. One full company has gone from there to the Philippines! and forty more men and omeers nave formed a second. Here's a city of 4,000 with two companies already formed. Ouo of the finest pop corn and peanut' roasters that has ever been used in the' citv is that of Andrew Keller's, which he received yesterday. It is set ou wheels like a baby carriage so that it cau be moved easily and on tho whole it is the best in every regard wo have ever seen. In a few days J. II. Cross will move his place of busiuess from the present location to tho corner store in the Vogt block. On account of tho increase of business and the additional etock which he is forced to carry he finds it necei- s.iry to move to more comaiodious quar ters. List evening A. B. listebonet arrived ill this city from Skaguay, where ho has been for Buverul months. Although we did not get an opportunity to interview him, we presume that sinco the bottom has dropped out of business in that bjom town, ho has concluded that The Dalles ia to bo preferred to Skaguay. Strawberry pickers aro reported very ecarco in tho Hood River country. The berries are ripening fast and as they are selling for a good price, pickois aro iii demand and receive a good recompense for their work. Auyone desiring to pick berries should go to Hood Hlver at once, and they will have no trouble in fcecur iug employment. Piof. P. G. Dout, tho scientific opti- cian, wilt no in jJimir on mommy, iuw day and Wednesday of next week. Any one troubled with weal; eyes, defective vision, or, iu fact, anything in this line, should consult him, as ho comes here from tho East with tho best of recom mendation, and will make Tho Dalles his headquarters in the future. Mr. Herman Maelz crowned himself with fresh laurels yesterday afternoon at tho Umatilla Uousu bowling alleys by muklng tho remarkable high score of C03 pins in ten consecutivo gtuneB, or an average of 50.3, which, lie claims, not only entitles him to tho championship of The Dalles, but of tho Pacific North west, as well as tho wager nmdo by Mr. JJouohoe. Yesterday the caeo of W. L. Wheal- recover money on a promissory note. The following is a list of jurors on the case: O. L. Paquet, R. J. Butler, C. V. Champ lin, C. A. Stewart, W. H. Davis, A. G. Stogsdill, Chas. Adame, R. A. Laughlin, Geo. W. Fligg, A. G. Bolton, J. D. Whit- 4 1 11? A TT I-.. Lieu nuu n . a. ij inner. Two men, giving their uames as Geo. Button and F. W. Nye, are confined in the city jail, pending investigation as to their connection with the killing of a saloon-keeper in Tacoma. Tfie men were arreEted at the fair grounds in Salem, where they had beeu hanging around the Adventist campmeeting, begging. A delegate from Tacoma fur nished tho oflicers with information that led to their ariest. At tho commencement exercises at the Vogt Saturday night the following young ladies and gentlemen will be graduated: Alice Ball, May bell Cross, Charles Campbell, Ann Mann, Josephine Jen kins, Pllizabeth Bonn, Edythe Randall, Sybil Cusbing, Bert' Prnyne, Violet Kent, Bertha Hill Bessie Bowland, Georgia Sampson, 'l)ayid Johns, Rudy Cradlebaugh. Two of their number, Max Bartell and .Walter Dickey, dropped their studies id fight for their country, Ijand by Saturday night will no doubt be mi ttinii wnv fn tt TMllirri nno V v n v. ii mm f '"' rr1 v SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. Select I'rugraui Which Will lie ren dered lly tho Uo)'(t bcliuol. tr m nnM.M. Bitlln 'I'lin wi.il.) tentative of M. Bom & Co., Chlcago'eg don vs. R. G. Brooks was beforo tho cir- An entertainment will be given at the Boyd scliooi ou Saturday, Mav 2Sth. There will be no admission fee, but a contribution will bo taken up at the conclusion of tho program and tho money obtained will bo used for the pur chase of articles for the school room. ISveryone is invited. The program will be as follows: Greeting song by tho school. Recitation, "'Our Flag," by Truman Brooks, Recitation, "The Luk and Rook," by Edna Moigan. Tableau, "TirodJOut." Rocittttiou, "I Ceii't," Amy Biooks. Composition, ".Mental Training," Ra chel Morgan. Song, "Golden Rulo," School. Recitation, "Wo Little- Boys," Kddie Plummer. Heeltation, "Historical Review," Ell gene Elton, Recitation, "Little Foxes," Florence Cook. , Dialogue, "Echo," Thrco Characters. Recitation, "Tho Queer Scholars," Dan Z.ichary. Song, "Llttlo Mothers," Five Girls. Recitation, Virgil Bowson. Recitation, "Book Agent," Albert El ton. Tableau, "Suuehino or Showers." Dilll by 7 girls and 42 boys. Song, "Whon the School Wus Begin ning," School. it 01c . In this city, on 'luesday, May 24, 1808, to Mr. und Mrs. Earltnan, n daughter. A NARROW ESCAPE. Two I'lonKUrr-Hrnkcm Alinimc Their Liven In (he Kniilili A hovo Town. I.nsn It was only by sheer good luck that tlto names of two more victims were not added to the list of those who havo lost their lives in tho treacherous Columbia. Yesterday morning tho 15-year-old son of Mr. Kohler, the section foreman at tho second section abovo (his city, and Mr. Roach, tho niglitwatchman on the section, went out boat riding abovo tho Tenino rapids. At that point the rivor is very smooth and a person not accustomed to tho current would not suspect any danger until they were al most in the rapids. The boy was rowing and was coming too close to be enfe. when Fred Whilan,one of Seufert Bros.' employees, noticed tho danger into which they were running and imme diately cnlled to them to turn back and to make for the Washington side, where tho water was less rapid. At this Roach took the oars and did as directed, but it was almost too late, and the boat kept going down faster than he could pull it ahead. Fortunately lor tho two, a rock was projecting out of tho water directly be low where they were and when tho boat struck it they succeeded in jumping on it, where they remained for several hours until Mr. Jones Campbell and another good oarsman pulled down to the rock and rescued them from their perilous position. Had they not ran tho boat against the rock it would have certainly went over the falls, and to havo done so would have meant almost inetant death to both. l'KHSONAt, MKNTIUN' Coming our way. Just to make it convenient for you to give you nn opportuni ty to be measured by a representative of tho Croat Chicago Tailors, M. Born & Co., tliere'n me coining nur way. On Thursday and Friday, May 20 and 27, you will tind him it our Btore with a complete line of materials" for iipting and Summer of '08. If you've ever had nny trouble with your clothes there's n better way offered you now an easy, dressy way. Come in and have your measure tnkm, It's nn interesting matter, anyhow, to all careful dressers, to ktep iu closetoucli with stylo and to see just what is new. May 26th. and 27th. New York Cash Store. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause tho colors aro ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by fine machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with tho proper amount of dryers added to givo it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, it is much moie economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and bo convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, Tho Dilies, Or. ft LlAflE jj GK.VKI'.AIi 1 Bttmitts A tin .ifiniiii Ex-Gov. Moody, of Salem, is in the city on business. V. C. Brock, the Sherman county Ranker, is in the city. Taylor Hill, the Prineville stockman. is in tile citv on busiuess. Attorney J. M. Lone is in tho citv from Portland, attending to legal business. Miss Jeannettc Williams came ud from Portland yesterday, and is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. J. E. McCornack is in the citv from Palouse visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Delluff. Rev. W. C. Curtis returned on the boat last evening froui Portland, where he has spent Eeveral davs visiting friends. Mis. A. Slusher, of Dufur, who has jbeen visiting friends in Portland for tsome weeks past, returned last evening. Dr. Adams, of Hood River, formerly editor of the Oregon City Argus, was in the city yesterday and called at this office. Mr. Lawrence Lakin, foimerly of this city, who is now traveling for the Ros-enfeld-Smith Co., was in the city yes terday on business. Tho Misses Lytle, of Wasco, who have been visiting friends in the city for sev eral days, left on the 5:30 train last evening for their home at Wasco. Misses Effie and Minnie Crooks, who are visiting Mrs. J. M. Filloon, made a trip to the locks yesterday in company with Mrs. Filloon and "returned last evening. Professor Konsh, who has been teach ing the Goldendale schools for the past year, was in the city yesterdav and last evening left to visit his old home in Illinois. Last evening Mrs. Fred Wilson re ceived word from her husband, who is in Asheville, N. C, telling her to join him us soon ns possible, and she will leave at once for that place. Notice. At 8 o'clock tonight drill of Co. G, O. N. G., will be held at the armory. The date has been changed for the regular drill from Saturday night, on account of the graduating exercises on that occa sion, and will be held at 2 p. in. Sunday. All members of the company are re quested to be on time. By order of Lieut. G. E. B.uitei.i,. WagonmeRers f Horso Shooing $ a Specialty. Dr. Bonham, dentist, Chapman block. Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillir;ery Parlor$ Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Bricss' Old Stand. Specialty Second Street. r ft i 1 i i i 4 i Take Vout IVIeals at the Clarendon festautrsmt. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. lie Clnienilnu is tho best Itcstaurunt in Tho Dalles. JVIeais at All Houps.. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Ono thousand styles and sizes. For cooking and heating'. Price from gio to 70. Often imitated. Never equalled. -Dentin quality to "Garlands." f MAIER & BENTON. "very Much to tho Good." .reseerjt Bieyeles. 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. AVo havo strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To he sold at the Lowest Market Hates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. My WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.