reat Silk Sale. A Ki-ninl opportunity to srcnro n silk unist pnt torn nt less tlmn manufacturera cost. Wo havo jilfiRPd on flnlo from foHy to fifty short k-iictlii of Silk, urio linlJ to I'iKlit yards o.icli. All clioice mloablo Roods. I'liccfl commoticmi; about 252 per ynnl and rumiing up to 75a pr yard. Como onrly, we havo stfmo bargains for you. HOLD UP YOUR SKIRT, HOLD DOWN YOUR WAIST KEEP YOUR PLACKET CLOSED ISy using VAUGIIAN'S "Patent" SKIRT BANDS. They prevent tho Shirt from popping, tlio waist from liat'jjini; and tilts Vent remains "Securely Closed." Advertised in all the leading magazines at !!0 cents. OUR PRICE 20 conts. The 3 Shoe Virtues. STYLE, SERVICE and ECONOMY At combined in a most unusual degree in this SPKOIAL SHOE SAKE. Search the stato over with a micropcopo and you cannot find better shoe values than arc offered here, Men's Tan Lace, new coin toe, have been $3.00, for this week are $2.00 Men's Tan Lace, square toe, have been $3.00, lor this week are , l."5 Ladies' Tan Oxforde, vesting top, have been $3.00 and $3,50, this week are 2.50 Ladies Tan Oxfords have been $3.00, for this week are 2.00 Misses' Tan Button, Spring heel, have been $2 00 for this week are 1.25 Misfes' Patent Leather Button, Spring heel, have been $2.50, for this week are 1.G5 Misses' House Slippers, sizes 1, 2, 2j, for this week are " 50 The Store of Good Offerings. These Shoes will be displayed in our Furnishing Goods window. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. A BAD ACCIDENT. Tito Lmllot Thrown tnt nf n llngirjr Willi Serious KcmiUa. ' About 1 o'clock yesterday a serious accident occurred on Third street near St. Mary's Academy. Mrs. Liudsey and Mrs. Plntler wero driving down Third street when tho horso became fright' ened at a bicyclo anil turned in Fitch a manner as to upset the rig and throw tho two ladies out in tho rocks and looso dirt with which Lincoln street i3 being filled with. They both wero rendered unconscious with the fall, and wero taken to the res idence of Mrs. Seufert near by, where with the assistance of Dr. Hollister, who was called in, they wero revived. Mrs. Lindsey had n severe cut on the mouth and serious bruises on the body. Mrs. Pintler also received serious bruises, but last night was feeling much better. Although tho accident was serious, still it is very lucky that the ladies escaped with their lives. The buggy was badly broken and tho harness was considerably damaged. The horse tore loose from the buggy at Moody's corner and ran to the cast end where he was stopped. C. L. Gilbert for School Superintendent I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'IT US DAY MAY 24, 1 80S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. He-member Tho Maine. Hemember also tho Columbiu Candy Factory Has the best Ico CVentu in the city. The forecast for today is fair. Don't forget that Kellar keeps tho best ice cream soda in tho city. If Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm. Address, John Fredberg, Gorman post ollice. 1 A new lot of oranges and lemons di rect from growers, at tho Dalles Com mission Co. A. Venator lias paid out about $45, 000 for cattle in Harney county within ttie last 00 days. Leavo orders for ico with tho Stadel iium Commission Co. Oflieo cold storage building. Phone 40. tf Furnished rooms to rent, aho suits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 IS. A burnetii', of Dora, iti Coos county, recently succeeded in killing a mother panther and capturing her two kittens alive. Go to Campbell & Wilson's millinery parlors for all kinds of hair goods, switches, in all colors und oizes to suit all classes of trade. iuy21-3t A chance of a lile time, county agents, either ladies or gentlemen to represent us n California,Oregonand Washington. Address Dr Francher Homo Remedy Co., '-'THO Folsom , San Francisco, Califor nia. m21-m23 'wo hundred and seventy-thiee crates ol strawberries wero shipped from Hood River last Saturday. Tho season is just opening, and there is a promieo of a oig crop and fair prices nt $0.G0 a eratu. pital. J. II, Parker, the banker; John G. Foster, tho groceryman, and Mrs. William Good and others who were more or Jess painfully bruised, are able to be up and about. E. Jacobsen and C. B. Martin, a rep resentitivd of Hibbard, Speucer & Co., returned last evening lrom aji extended trip to the interior. They Etato that en abnndance of rain has fallen in the southern part of the country, and that tho prospects are good for abundant crops. Mr. Herman Maetz, the champion bowler of the Umatilla House bowling alleys, in a contest for a wager with Jack Donohue and Jim Woods made the remarkable high average of 40.5 pin3 in ten consecutive gamcp, which, how ever, is not quite up to his regular standard. Tho following score was made at the Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club for the week ending Sunday : Monday, Houghton 54; Tuesday, Stephens 59; Wednesday, Bradshaw 54 ; Thursday, W. Ketchuin 53 ; Friday, Stephens 5G ; Saturday, F. A. Seufert 54; Sunday, John Bonn 54. The funeral of Maudie Obarr took placo from the Farmers' Hotel yester day morning at 9 o'clock. A phort eer vice was held, conducted by Rev. Wood. The funeral procession immediately afterward started for Dufur, arriving at about 2 o'clock, when the remains were interred by the side of those ol the little girl's father. Tho corouer's jury that inquired into the cause of the death of Melvin Green, in Umatilla county, decided that he came to his death from two gunshot wounds, one in the left side und tho other in the head ; that the wound in the left side was fired from a revolver in the hands of Sam MahafTy, without just cause, but that the wound in the head was causod by some person unknown tp tho jury. and tho exercises woro very inteies lug and well rendered. The Hcores lit the Umatilla IJotij ulW.l'Q f.t.. It... .......I. ... n...lnif ttrA -.....j iui VUII lllllllll UUII.I.J . Monday, II. Maetz 07; Tuesday, MaetV U7; Wednesday, Win. Birgfold 00; Thursday, Jell' Walton 05; Friday, MautzOO; Saturday, Maetz 00; Sunday, Maetz 03. The high school commencement exer 'ieos will bo held Saturday evening at the Vogt oporu house. Tho graduating elass numbera seventeen young ladles and gentlemen, mid the program will no doubt bo one of tho most interesting o' tho kind yet hold by Hint school, Curtis Spencer, tho boy who was in jured by tho bursting of tho caunon in Raker City last Turdday, died Friday morning, ISrnoet Worewiclc, whose leg was fractured bv n flying piece of iron, is listing easily nt tho St. Elizabeth's hos- They are quoted f c belwcen tl)is pnc0 aniJ Du. fur are looking fine considering tho dry- Tho coininenceuunt exercises of tho! noes of tho spring, and if rain comes grammar school nt Hood River were within tho next few weeks the harvest nold Saturday night at tho Methodisi will bo abundant. Tho writer finds tho ISpiscopal church. Nino graduate roads botweeu hero and that city in a bad condition, especially from this city to 8 Mile. Four, six and eight-horse teams can bo met nt every turn as they wind slowly to tho city with their loads of eolden lleccp. Yosterday morning, at 11 :30, a special consisting of threo coaches, tho Ono onta, Oneonla II, and a buffet car, car rying Colis P. Huntington, of tho South ern Pacific, President Moliler, of the O. R. & N. Co., and sevoral other railroad oillcials, passed through this city. They nro on a tour of inspection of the differ ont northern roads and are bound east. Their stay in this city was but brief, and perhaps of not much importance. TheAetorlau saya that, from reports received, it appears that moio salmon lias been packed this season than was put up at this date last year. The Col umbia river article will continue to niako Astoria's mimo famous. Fishermen say that they are gettinc more fish in a given time than thev did last year, and some of them, who thought they were short in their catches this season, have found that they were up to the average, within a very few pounds, of what was caught last year. Sunday a letter was received in this city from Fred Grunow, an old Dalles boy, who at present is serving in the regular army, and is stationed at Tam pa, FJa. After the breaking out of hos tilities, his regiment, the lOtli Infantry, stationed at Boise City, was sent to Chicamaugua and later to Tampa, where he was when lie wrote. At present there are about 35.0U0 troops stationed at that place, awaiting orders to move on to Cuba. He confirms the re ports in the newspapers concerning the attempts to poison tho water which the soldiers were using, and atld3 that it must have been tho work of Spanish spies. Circuit Couit rroceeritugg. Professor C. L. Gilbert, Republican candidate for county school superinten dent, is well known throughout the comity, having occupied that position for the past two years. His devotion to educational matters, together with tho marked interest he has manifested during his term to im prove the schools of Wasco county, will insure him a very large vote. Mr. Gilbert has the reputation, where ever known, of being "the right man in the right place," having performed his duties as superintendent justly and im partially to all. Mr. Gilbett has filled the position of principal of the public schools at Hood River for four years, having taken charge of these schools at a time wlitn they were perhaps not what they might have been, and, during his administration, brought them up to a standard ia ond to none in the county. Hia efficient work for the last two years throughout the county is manifest, and we can predict that if he is superin tendent for the next two years, Wasco county will be able to say proudly that her schools are second to none in the state. All who feel an interest, and every good citizen should, in the future welfare and education of ttie young, give him their hearty support in tho coining election. He has always been an earnest, con sistent Republican, but for all this he has never allowed his political views to influence him in tLo least in the dit- charge of his duties as superintend! nt. Vote for him and you will never regret it. Tho following cases were disposed of in the circuit court yesterday: LAW. G IS Bartell vs. Geo T Thompson, con tinued. M IS Sykes vs Win Turner, confirma tion granted. Tho Singer Manufacturing Co vs. IS M Husbands, settled and dismissed. Eastern Oregon Laud Co vs. S. R. Brooks, continued. KQU1TV. C C English vs Mary English, taken under advisement. J C Baldwin vs Dalles City, taken un der advisement. B A Osgood vs Ida Dunn et nl, con firmation grunted. G F Showater et al vs W R Winans ct nl, continuation granted. W Landers vs Wm Kennedy ct al, confirmation granted, Eastern Oregon Land Co vs P IS Fin ally, continued. A WORN-OUT FAD ''Spring Medicines," "Blood Purifiers," and "Tonics," an Old-Fashioned Idea. Puro blood, Btrong nerves and mus cles, firm, healthy llesh, can only como from wiiolesoma food well digested. "Blood purifiers" and "nerve tonic" do not reacli tho cause of the mischief. The stomach is tlio point to be looked nftr Tho safest and surest way to euro any form of indigestion is to take after each meal some harmless preparation of this kind composed of vegetablu essences puro pepsin, golden seal and fruit salts, sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and these tableta taken after meals assist digestion won derfully because they will digest tho food promptly before it has time to fer ment and sour, ninl tho weak stomacli relieved and assi'ted in this way soon becomes strung mid vittoroui again. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are super ior to any secret patent medicines be cause von know what you aro taking into your stomach. They are sold by druggists every where at 50 cents per package. Write F. A. Stuart Co., Marthall, Mich., lor book on stomacli diseases, mailed free. Ileal Kstato Suit). The Laughlin estate offers for sale all their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and ncieage. Terms reasonable. Apply to tho undersigned at the office of the Wasco Watehouso Co. tf B. F. Laughmn. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should uso our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors aro ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by line machinery; second, because It Is inado of high grade color, with tho proper amount of dryers added to give it binding nnd lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing oil'; third, it is much moio economical, because it is p.lwaya ready for use. Wo guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to givo satisfaction. Try it and bo convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, Tho Dalles, Or. Notice. Anyone having claims against the G A. R. encampment should present the same to Charles Doitzel for payment ns soon as possible. Dr. Bonhani, dentist, Chapman block. Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted. Cleveland wheels are selling in spito of all the cheap wheels that aro offering. Call and see our '93 models. Maier & Benton. Schlitz's Bock Beer nt tho Midway. On 3 thousand styles and bizes. For cooking and heating. Price from gio to $70. Often imitated. Never equalled. 18 next In iuallty to "Garlands." "ISaglo" Acetylene Gas Generators Rro superior to all. Agency at Hansen & Thompson's planing mill. oSJl-lni dw MAIER & BENTON JAMES BURNS, Ex-Collector of the Port of Kansas City. Ol the men who luive occupied positions of public trust iu Kansas City, either n' Pif t of the people or by appointment; note has 11 more enviable rcputatanil for ability, honesty and elticieucy than James Burns, Collector of the Port of Kansas City, under Clrover Cleveland, He livcii to the letter of the maxlm"a public olllie is a public trust,' ' and when, he retired he carried with him the respect of everyone in tho community Democrats and Republicans alike. James Hums has used Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets and he does not hesiuto to say they have ac complished wonders. "I suffered with dyspepsia for twenty years, said Mr. Hums yciterJay. "Never know what it was to enjoy life In fact living seemed 11 burden, as it does to ail who stiller severely with dys pepsia. A few weeks ago I bagan taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. From the first I felt relief, and now. although I am still taking them, I feel entirely cured. Tor tho Hist time in twenty years I can cat anything I want and suffer no ill ell'ects from it. You can't imagiue thopleasure of this unless you have been a sufferer from dyspepsia. 'I never gave a testimonial for any modiolus before, but I foul as if everybody ought to know of this remedy, and while it is persoanily distasteful to me to appear in print in this connection, I feel as if I had no right to shirk the opportunity to, perhaps help some other sufferers from dys pepsia I have been recommending the tablets to all my friends. Only recently I toot Jameo U Mills, tho father of Father I.illU, down to get some, und I understand he also is being wonderfully benefitted. I can't recommend It too nightly. "Very Much to the uooci." 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. g New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. MAYS & CROWE. qi 5fc4fc Bicyclos Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. AVo havo strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Hates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co, Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR. ill f"JJ f.t. n ..I 'i nraM i ill" MlllhiWil