The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 22, 1898, Image 3

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jOW becoming the new clothes arc when
they sec you in one of Hart, Schaffner
& Marx ready-tailored suits or top coats,
and you'll have the inward satisfaction of know'
ing you wear the best that money can buy. The
H, S. & M. suits arc guaranteed
that has neither style, shape nor good workman
ship to recommend it.
fWt.HtiAIHl- M-a fc
Th8 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tliu Maine.
Remember also the
Columbia Cuiuly Factory
llan the best. Ice C.cain in the city.
Weather Sun-lay ,occABionai rain.
Don't forget tlmt Kellar keeps tho
bent ice cream soda in the city. tf
Dr. Shackelford hut) removed liia oflice
to room 14, Vogt block, over tho post
cilice. mIT-Um
Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm.
Address, John Fredberg, Gorman post
olliee. 17-L4
A new lot of oranges and lemons di
rect from growers, at the Dalles Com
mission Co.
Leave ordera for ice with tho Stadel
umn Commission Co. Olliee cold storage
lituldint,'. I'hone -IS). tf
Furnished rooms to rent, also euite of
rooms suitnble for housekeeping. Apply
to 19 and 20, Chapman Block. 17
Goto Campbell & Wilaon'8 millinery
parlors for nil kinds of hair goods,
ewitehos, in all colors and ei.eB to suit
all classes of trade. my!2l-3t
A clianco of a lite time, county agentp,
either ladies or gentlemen to represent
us n Californlo.Oregon and Washington.
Address Dr Franeher Homo Remedy Co.,
I!7:i9 FoIboiu , Ban Francisco, Califor
nia. in'.l.m'J3
Yesterday G. D. Halvor, who lives
about four miles below the city, pre
sented tho Cmto.sicu: olliee with a box
of strawburiies. They worn almost ne
large as hen's eggs und as fine ll.ivored
as any wo huvo over tasted.
Yostorday afternoon a pleasant shower
of rain fell, which cooled the nir and
freshened tho growing crops. It was
not sulliciint, however, and we hope bo
fore tho overhanging clouds clear away
wo will have u good heavy rainfall.
Tho Congregational church having
been thoroughly cleanod und repaired,
will bo opi ned for services today. llev.
1'. S. Knight, of Sulem, will preach.
Mr. Knight is well known to nil old
residents of Tho Mullen, who will bo glad
ot this opportunity to hear him.
Tho Dalles City did not go through to
Portland yesterday. Freight and passen
gers were exchanged with tho Regulator
at tho Locks and tdio returned to this
eity last evening. The Regulator has to
have her boilers cleaned and some other
improvements made, which causos tho
A movement is on foot among some of
our poople who enjoy driving, to have
tho Clionowoth road put in first-class
shape, A great many people have al
ready contributed liberally toward the
project. It will certainly bo a fine drive,
QB it will be about eight miles long and
in flno condition. There are no good
drives in this vicinity nt prestnt, and we
hope this improvement will be Hindu in !
22, 18'JS! I
A very pretty custom the women of
the Relief Corps has is tho exchanging
of badges during their yearly sessions.
Mr.ny of the la lies have collected
a Rillicient number of these badges to
enable them to make them into sofa pil
low covers or banners to hang on the
wall. These make valued souvenirs,
Mud it is a happy idea.
Tiie hr6t Republican meeting ol the
campaign in Union was held at the
courthouse Thursday night, when S. C.
Spencer, of Portland, addressed a large
and enthusiastic nudience. Mr. Spen
cer's remarks were principally upon the
money question, and his arguments
were logical, sound and unanswerable.
He made a good impression.
At 10 o'clock yesterday about 75 mem
bers of the different Sunday schools,
by invitation of the M.E. Sunday
school of this city, left on a freight
train, which had two passenger
conches attached, to have a picnic at
Mosier. A nicer place could not be
chosen for such nn occasion and every-
one enjoyed the day immensely. They
returned on the 5 :20 trniu Inst evening.
The man who was nrrested Friday
by Mr. Spellmun for robbing the com
pany mess house, near this city, has
given his name as John May. Yester
day Marshal Lauer succeeded In locat
ing the other two men in the rocks west
of tho shops. May identified them as
his confederates in the crime and all
three have been placed in jjH. May
had his hearing already and has been
bound over under $200 bonds to appear
before the grand jury. The other two
men will have their hearing Monday.
Yesterday Nightwatchman Wiley re
ceived some views of Memaloose Island
and other points along the Columbia
from George A. Morcy and E. Allen, two
ttudents of the Field Columbia Museum
of Chicago. Mr. Wiley arrested them
last August for taking bones from the
island, and discharged them under con
dition that thoy would return the bones
of tho dead Indians. They appreciated
tho treatment eIiowii them by Mr.
Wiley, in spite of the fact that ho ar
rested them, and sent tho photographs
ti9 a remembrance.
Yesterday threo sheriffs 6ales were
held at the county courthouso in this
city. The tlrtt was a piojo of property
located near Hood River, which was
sold for if-10!) to satisfy the judgment in
1 tho caso of II. II. liailey vs. Frank 13ut
' ton et al. In tho caso of William Field
1 vj. William Iiirgfeld et al, a pieco of
property located near Antelope, was
sold to tho plaintifr for $1789.04, the
amount of tho judgineut. The last was
an action of The First National Bank vs.
William Birgfold et al. This sold to
Ihe plaintifr for 1255.40.
The church at St. Paul, Marlon coun
ty, Or., of which M. Faber is pastor, will
be consecrated next Wednesday, May
25th, by Archbishop Gross, who will be
assisted by Bishop X. J. Glorieux, of
Bolee, and by many priests. The
church is one of the oldest, if not the
ol lest, brick buildintr-e in Oregon. Jt
was built rarlv in 1840, and was finished
and blessed November 1, 1S4G, snd will
be the first church consecrated in the
whole province of Oregon, and the first
one ever consecrated by ArchbUhop
Colfax was lighted with electricity
Tuesday night, after being in darkness
for three weeks, during which time a
new engine ntid new machinery were
put in. The new plant is now fully
equipped with modem machinery, and
is one of the most complete in Eastern
It is nn assured fact that Hi Dallee
Steam Laundry is a success, eo far as tho
quality of the work is concerned, and we
are prepared to do any and all work in
our line from now on and guarantee sat
isfaction and quick delivery. Patronize
home industry and keep your money at
home. Telephone 341.
T. A. Coffey, n cattleman from North
western Nebraska, is in Pendleton. He
spent last January and February in Pen
dleton, and bought 1700 head of cattle
throughout Eastern Oregon. He will
now receive them and will load them for
his ranges, May 23 and 24. The cattle
will be loaded at Arlington and Baker
Strawberry pickerB are not yet plenti
ful in the Hood river valley. The Japs
will not be there this season, as they
have found work elsewhere. Many of
the Yakima Indian3, who in former
years went to pick berries," have gone
salmon fishing, but it is expected the
Warm Spring Indians will be there in
force by tho time pickers are most need
Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil
bum pastor At 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m,
regular services: Sunday school at 10 a.
m. ; young people's meeting at 0:30.
The pastor, Rev. O. D. Taylor, will
conduct the usual services at the First
Baptist church this morning nt 11
o'clock. Subject of the sermon, "How
to Cause General Prosperity."
Service in tho Lutheran church, cor
ner of Union and 7th streets, today as
follows: Morning servico and baptizing
of children at 11 o'clock. Sunday school
at 12:15. Classmceting at 7 in tho
evening nnd vespers at 8.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets, J. H. Wood pastor
Class meeting this morning at 10.
Seryices at 11 a.m. and 8 p. in.; Sun
day fchcol at 12:20; Junior league at -1
p. m.; Epworth League at 7.
Christian church, Rev. Boltz pastor
The subject for tho 11 a. m. service to
day will be in Acts iii chap. At 8 p, m.
a living object lesson. Text, "Train up
a child in tho way lie should go, und
when he is old he will not depart from
Word was received in this city yester
day afternoon for Hugh Jackson, stating
that his father is dangerously ill at Gob
dsndale. As Hugh la nt Wapinltia, tho
messago was sent to that place.
l'roRrnm ti Itn llriiiloinl Ity the Nnn
SI'llH Helmut.
The following piopratn has been p.o
pared by the teachers and pupils of the
Nanseno school?, to be given on Monday
May 30th, nt 1 :30 p. in. :
Address, "Our Nation's Heroes," C.
R. Deens.
Recitation, "Room at the Top." Ev
erett Wilson.
Recilntion, "Mustered Out," Hunhio
Recitation, "Our Flng," Pearl Wilson.
Music, "Scatter Flowere."
Recitation, "Decoration Day," Darwin
"Memory Gems" by tho School.
Recitation, "IUquiem," Daisy Hut
ler. E?eny, "Memorial Day," C. R. Dcens.
Music, "Tho Fairest Flower,"
Recitation, "Bringing Flowers," Ruby
Recitation, "To Somo Little Southern
Girl," Relic Adnms.
Essay, "The National Ensign," Pora
Recitation, "The Bluo and the Gray,"
Minnie Wilson.
Rending, "Memorial Day," Mrs. Ada
Music, "Memorial Song,"
Recitation, "Decoration Day," Clara
Recitation, "The Silent March," Rho
d:i Adnms.
Addrees, "Our Soldiers," Nathan My
ere. Recitation "Columbia's Heroes," Hat
tie Adams.
Class Dril). "Memorial D-y," Eleven
Addresses by Patron?.
Music, "Oh! There's M:.ny a Battle."
All aro cordially invited to be pics-ent.
Afii'r Threo WeoJiS Illness 1 netimonla
Cause? Her Dentil.
Last night about 8 o'clock little
Maude Obarr, daughter of Mrs. Smith,
of the Farmers' Hotel, died of typhoid
ALout three weeks ago Maude was
taken with a severe attack of croup,
which, in spite of the remedies used to
check it, developed into typhoid pneu
monia. However, hoping till tho very
last, her life was not despaired of until
yesterday afternoon, w hen it was evident
she could not recover.
She was born on their iarm, near this
city, about ten years ago, nnd wne an
exceptionally bright and attractive
child; one whom it would be impossi
ble not to notice among any number of
children. It has been remarked often
during her illness by those attending
her of the absence of peevishness or
complaint, so patient was she, and yet
it was known her suffering was intense.
Maudie will be greatly missed by her
little playmates, in school, Sunday
school, and the many places where they
were accustomed to meet her. How
much she will bo missed in tho home
circle, where she was like a sunbeam,
none but those who have had a like
sorrow can conjecture.
Curd of Thanks,
On behalf of J. W. Nesmith W. R. C,
we wish to publicly express our sincere
thanks to all who so kindly aided us in
making theG. A. R. encampment tho
0.12 thousand styles and ihcs.
For cooking and heating.
Price from gioto 70.
Oftsn imitated. Never equalled.
6 '
nest liKiuallty
to "Garlnmlc."
succcbs It was. Especially do wo thank
tho teachers and pupils of tho public
schools for so generously and beautifully
aiding us In our parade; also In our en
tertainment Thursday evening.
To the Knights of Pythias we wish to
express our heart-felt thanks for tho u?o
of their beautiful hall, which was thor
oughly appreciated by all present.
Thanks aro alto due the O. R. it N. Co.
for favors received.
To the D. P. & A. N. Company we
feel under great obligations for their tin
par.dulled generosity on this occasion,
and for the many nets show to our de
partment ollicers during tho pnst three
Again, one and all, we thank you.
Mauy Scott Myi:ks,
Dr. Bonhnm, dentist, Chapman block.
Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work
n specialty. All woik warranted.
Cleveland wheels are selling in spite
of all the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and sec our '98 models. Maier &
"Pligle" Acetylene Gas Generators nro
superior to all. Agency nt Hansen &
Thompson's planing mill. a21-lm dw
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Plies. ScaMu. tJuriis.
Take Youp
JWeals at the
lio riurcmlnn is the bf.t K'-stnunint
111 '1 110 1)11110.-.
jVleals at
All Hours.
Second St. The Dalles, Or
Royal makes the loort pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Thousands of Mifleier.) from grippo
have- been rcstmed to health by Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures?
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonhi,
grippe, asthma, and a'l throat and hint?
diseases. .Sniper-Kiriersly Drug Co.
About 1200 cattle were shipped from
Arlington Fiiaiiy and Saturday, briny
irg the stockman about s-SO.COO. Nearly
$75,000 worth of cattle have left thia
point within two weeks.
A torpid liver robs yon of ambitii n
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation nnd all stomach nnd liver
trouble. Snipes-Kincri-ly Drug Co.
The farmer, the mechanic and the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts
and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazt-I
Salve is tho best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly, nnd U n well known
cure for piles. Snip"3-Kincrsly Drug Co.
ltpmnvo rimplen, Trovcnt
J I llun jness, I'nri fy t ho Mood,
ouro lle.idacho and Uvodi!ii-
A inuvi-mcnt of tho liowilg pcU day la ncfossara
IrS iM VV w? "I" "!U Haniplo fro(,, ur (qU i)ox for
JSc.lioldbj-ilrnesisu. dr. B0SANK0 C0.Phila.Pa.
Attho Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat. Tho highest price
paid. mchlG-tf.
"very Much to tho uooa."
.reseept Bieyeles.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
AVo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at the Lowest Market Eates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Cloudy Weather Ppefevved fott Sittings.
Chapman Block.