The Dalles Daily Chronicle, A(lvurtllnc llute. I JYr inch, ; One inch or te.s In Dolly ?1 M Over two Inches nnd under tour Inches. . . . 1 CO ' Over tour lnche nnd under twelve laches . . Ifi Over twelve inches l , DAILY ASI1 WEEKLY. One Inch or les, per Inch (Z M Over one Inch mm under four Inches - 00 Over four inches mid under twelve inches . 1 fo , Over twelve Inches 1 CO SlTltSCKH'TION 1'IilCH. One week 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 SUNDAY - - - MAY 22, 1S9S HEPUBMGflfl TICKET STATE. For Governor, T. T. GEE It, of Marlon County. For Secretary of State F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. For State TretiMirer, OHARLES S. MOORE of Kl.imtith County. For State Trlnter, W. H. LEEDS, of Jackson County. For A ttorney-Gcuernl, J). li. N. BLACKBURN: of I.itm County. For Supreme Judse, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. For superintendent iniblic Instruction J. II. ACKEUMAN, of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. J'or Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Wflieo County. For Circuit Judcc. Seventh LUtrict, II. S. WILSON, of Wasco County. For I'lOccaUng Attorney, Seventh District, A. A. JAYNE, of Waieo County. For Member State Board of Kqua!:ttion, C. C. KUNEY. of Scetman County. For Joint Kcpresentativcs. Wasco and Sherman Counties, A. S. ROBERTS and J. V. MORTON, of Wasco County. COUNTY. For Sheriff, ROBERT KELLY. For Clerk, A. M. KELSAY. For Treasurer, C. L. PHILLIPS, or School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Astessor, W. H. WHIPPLE. For Survcvor, J. B. GOIT. For Coroner, W. H. BUTTS. For Commissioner, M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, C. E, BAYARD. For Constable, W. C. CLARK. TREASONABLE JOURNALS. In the house on Wednesday Uep resentativc Belknap declared that a certain New York paper had "spread broadcast to the world the location of every mine in New York harbor." If that is true, the publisher and editor of that paper ought to be ar rested and tried for treason, says the Spokesman-Review. The constitu tion of the United States defies trea son ns "levying war against the United States, or in Adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." The aid which might be given by nn American citizen who shouldered a rifle for Spain would be infinitesi mal in comparison with the aid llJ,xla9'nnvkMAtltk'u' would derive from learning the locv tion of the mine. in our linrboit. ; In times like these it is prepostor- ous for any newspaper wishing to ' print information damaging to this ! government to seek shelter behind the provision of the constitution J which declares Hint "congress shall ( make no la- ubrideinsr the freedom I of epeech or of the press." As well might be claimed by some traitorous wiotch holding communication with l. ..i. ii.. .......,,. 1,.. opiuiisu iiuma iiuib unci luii-iiiu uj , our government wns an nl.ndgmcnt of his constitutional right of "free i speech." o self-respecting or patriotic journal will want to disscmumtc news which would aid and comfort the enemies of this country. .Jour nalistic 'enterprise" which goes to that length ought to be brought up with a sharp warning; and if the offense be repeated, the proprietor and his editor ought to be clapped in prison, and made lo answer to tlic, stem charge of treason. , It used to be Grant's idea that all personal misunderstandings would keep till the war wns over; but (Grant was an old-fashicned soldier , who entertained the silly notion that j what the country wanted him to do ; was to make things hot for the j enemy. One way to get even with Spain would be to charge up against her the expense involved in chasing her lleet around the globe. AVc should not forget the coal bills when the day of settlement arrives. The climate of the Philippines is remarkably salubiious at this season of the year. The rainy season has not as 3'ct set in, but days and nights arc quite Dewey at present. Let us then be up and Deweying, with a heart for any fate; still achiev ing, still pursoweyinc, learn to get there, not to wait. If the Spaniards were so anxious 1 .. , to avoid a sea fight why didn t they keen their lleot at home 5 ..Sheep for Sale.. AT Tin:- King Ranch NEAR RUTLEDGE, Sherman County, Oregon. About. 175n hcaiLiuiisIstiiit'Of MS ewe with about KO lambs. JCO 2-yvnr old wether." nnd 370 jearllnsv The sheep will be old before June 1, and Intending purcbaters should apply be fore that date fcr information in rvsard to price and terras of sale, or cull personally on MRS. EMMA KING, Rntledge,Sherman Co., Or. ullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. 1-AIIL MINNKAI'OI.I . 1JUI.UT1I KAUOI) flit AM) FOIt UltUOKSTON HIS.MfEO IIKI.KNA an lll'TTE TO Through Tiekets CHICAGO WAHIIINOTOX I'ltlLAtiKLI'lllA SBW YOICK liOHTOK AND ALL l'OI.NTH KAHT anil HOUTU W. C. ALLAWAY. Affent, The JJallcu, Oresou Ol: A. D. CHARLTON. Aeat. G. P. A., Mo"Uf,n Cof' M' 1'0ftU"a 0fW" . $50 IN PRIZES! "ftlCl Dy miML The St OOk men's Union For the beet fleeceB shorn frou your sheep this year. For particulars ad dress, enclosltii; etamp, E. M. Huley, Secretary. Antelope, Oregou. apr20 lrn ilORTHERN P PACIFIC RY. i 0 ! n ! S folCP SI . . --, - f I Hem Columbia Hotel 5 Z IS TIIU HKST fuw lMilt DAY J 1R &rpZ- y J HOUSE IN THE CITY I M&y S 2 mffl i), fF I J. M. TOOmEV, Prop. The Dalles, Or. 21 ',. I TfMS 4eVV War or No You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at i?dru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream ?oda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in an' style. C. J. STUBLiiriG Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mesh Whiskey. WTTT81CRY from 'J.7"i to iC 00 nor L-ullon. ; i IMP0KTED OOGNAO fron 7.00 to $12.00 pur pnllon. (11 to S!0 year? old.' 1 . i lALIFORNIA BEAKDILS from ?:,.2o to $0.00 per gallon. (! to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val lmporttd Ale and I'ortur, JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc Crandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies! 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIOJI DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., THE DALLES, OR uxho Subscribe for The Chroniele War and Retail ;4 to lo rears old.) Bint 7. and Hop Gold Beer in bottles, S Budget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Just ttlhat You ttlant. Now Mens in Wnll Paper hero. Such wide variety as wo uro showing novor be fori; craned n uinclu Htoek. Koal imita tion urutnn eilVetH at ordinary prieus. Good papers at cheap papur jiriei'H. Kli'pint dosiKiia, taatufni eolorinj,', yours for a email prici1, at our Htore on Third Btreut. Aao a full line of liouee paintH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. The Spring Chicken. i There ii" no need ol Ppeoip.l remedieb for the yoniijr and healthy purdi u. Tlio sprinp uhiuktiii liaH lie;n notoil for ita miwindom. If you would have health and keep it, vou musL ho w ise and pru dent. When you havo a nyinplom, co alturit. Prevent itu devclopiui:. When von are well, keep well. Tim oniy nay you may is ly having tlio hest dniya at hand at all tiinua. KELIA1JLE I'lIAU.MACISTS. 115 Secoiifl Street. THE DALLES. Regulator Line The Dalles. Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator (S Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE Tlic l)lle, HikkI lilver.Ca.iciidu Uiek mid Purl, lulid dully, (."' hiiuilay. DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going ( EASTERN OREGON ? If m, , nave money mid enjoy n tjeuutllul trip on the (jOluiiiWii. 'itii!Uit.Aiuiid toiln arrivt-Hiit Iho Udllei In mil pit tlmo fur lmveiiKurmn take the. uteariier, nrrivliiK I" I'urtlmid In tlmu lor the jmlKii lie hdilthern mid Northern trains; Kant Uiiind paiwjiiKutK arilvliiK la 'i hc lhw in time to take tliu l.iwt-bound train. tut Inrther Inforinatlmi apply to J. N. HAItNKV, AKent, Dak atreut l)o;k. I'ortlaml. Orcffon, Or W U. ALU WAY, ficii: AKt 'I ho Dallin, Oiemm rne columDia PaGkjngCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUltKKU OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Gurersof fr BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIKD 11EEF, ETC. SEEDS A Pi'lemllil nsnorliiiciit of Vvrk Etnblo, (Inrdon mnl (inus Seeds in Hulk. Peert Wlient, Seed 0iH, Heed Hurley, Seed Seed ttj-o. Oil Meiil Cnku nnd Kortlllcrf, Elleo HttmdleK, Kiirly ltoo I'm,,. toes. I.levun klndi or llrt ohiss beed Cora. I'oultry mid Klmis K boiiRilt mid Mild lit hb U J. H. CROSS' n Clieup firneery mid Feed "" Htoio, Heeoml mid I'nlim E E B S Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass iSoipes-taly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri:ANtiACl'.VClKNi.ltAl.l!ANKIN(l Hl'elNES I-ttcrH of Credit isHOt'd uvailuulu in the Kimlcrii Statt'B. Sl'lit Exuhnno and Toh'Krnpluc TntiitifcrH Hold on Now York. Chiuu'O, St. J.miin, San I'rancicco, I'ortland tirc t'on, Scattlo WiibIi,, and vnrioiiE p iliitD in Oruuon and Waahintiton. Colluctionu ma:lii at n point? on fav orable torniH. J, K, HmiKS'K, l'rexldunt. !l. Ji IIimj. , ClHlllv) First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BiiHint'HE traiiHututd Dopouite received, subject to Siyht Draft or Check. ColloctlonB made and proveods promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San FranciHco an; "orl '.and. DIRKOTOKS D. P. Thomi'ho.n. Jno. 8. HciiEScn. En. M. Wii,i.iAMB, Geo, A. Lann. II. M. Buai.i.. Cigars. Why do wo retail more Cigiire than others? Why do Binokere go out of their way and pane cigarH of the euine grade? Not hecauHo wo hnvo heller cfgara or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, hucaueo we havo the finest ci gar CH80 in the otate and keep our cigars In bettor condition. Snlpes-Kinorsly Drug Co. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. This odor ia made In the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided appllratlou bo made at '""''J1,; g I,.., It. I. (..,. u ......II., nr-, h 1111(1 ll'WT llUIH K. reiiRiliea may leeelve the widest p" M llclty.and provo their own niufib "j ii ami permanent iirr. f 1 -J ' uhul..vr,wlll he reeelvid hy t ; Htiito Irom anniieiui!eriw m liieiit until Lnimlliilnl miela MlKiiil. It K'inwIleH and appllaiKi lr ' 1 . iMiiiiiiiended hy the. iiuHpari:i id ( nentN and eml.Wd hy the Krei eit i w the. world. Where, development U I ' iiceompllMh It mid never (all to IiiUK'T'"1-' Imlld mat (ortlfy. , ...,.. They p' 'I'hey Indue new IHo and ewtisi- l3'lbe inanently Hloj. all li.i.eH Wlilol " vy (.oiiHiUiiiloa and iroanec tleijl"' J U. re-tone, relrenh am I re ore n ' J nu,i "o immently reinovfthelr J '"?V mi work, thow ol nm and avcr-tiiHJ n"; (. iienrmitlienla or iiurvoiiH c. lia t on. , mu, nn iMUll.iy. no 'lliti'"'! ILLINOIS STATE SANITAKIUB. EvHiutno, mi