The Dalles Daily Ghrci&ite. THK DALLES, OltEOtIN It FBI Katate Sale. Tiie Lnughlin estate offers (or sale all tlioir land property in and noar The Dalles, consistinc of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned nt the office of the AVasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Lauoiiux. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF HGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes "known to the California. Fio Svrcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the 'true and original remedy. As the genuine Sj-rup of Figs is manufactured "by the California Fio Svbup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pt ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio SrKOP Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction "which the genuine Syrup of Figs has tffiven to millions of families, makes "the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is iar in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and "bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of "the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCIKCO, CaL XOnSTILLE. Ky. HEW YOKE, K. T. fEIiSONAL, MENTION I (on Tticbard Sisainn, of Duinr, ie in the city. Mrs. Stranahan ie visiting in the city. J. B. Horsford, the Moro attorney, is the city. C. L. Ireland, of Moro, is in the city on businees. Mrs. L. V. Moore 19 in from Moro for jcl short visit. T. H. Meades, of Moro is in the city on business. . H, SearB is in the city from his home near Hood River. S. D. Denis, ot the Raineer Keview, is I visiting in the city. 3. W. Phelps was visiting in this city yesterday, and left lafct evening for hie iiuuje at Heppner. Miss Allie Rowland returned ou the Regulator last evening from Portland, -where she had been visiting for several -.days. r Mr. Ed. Hill, and Misses Illda Beck, Nettie Fredden and Mabel iddell left yesterday morning for Goldendale, where they go to attend the District Epworth Xeague, which will convene in that, .place today. UNCLE SA3I TO VAX OKEGON BOYS Sheep marking paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be , cause the colors are gronnd thoroughly in pure linseed oil by finn machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing , or rubbing oh"; is much more economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our eheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been a succeBe aB a cure, and that is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Grisham, tiaars Mills, La. For sale br Blakeley & Houghton. A little boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast as you can," the druggist recognized a household name tor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little piils for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have a beautiful assortment of pansies which they are closing out at UOc per dozen. Bouquets delivered to any part of the city nt 25 2 and upwards. Carnations and roses in bud at 15c each, 0 for $1. Beautiful asters, verbenas aud canuas. o,d-w,2w La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous fluid dip in the world; guaranteed Ho cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Ciarke & Falk, agents, The Dulles. Thousands of snflererj from grippe have been restored to health by One ; Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, ; grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung ' diseases. anipes-Kinersly Drug Co. j Thirty-five years make a generation. I That is how long Adolph Fieuer, of Zanesville. O., suffered from piles. He j was cured by U9ing three boxes of De j Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipee-1 Kinersly Drug Co. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL, i At all times flour equal to the best for 1 sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mille, atj prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. ! W. M. McCokki.e, Prop. mchlG-Bm Dlftcorared by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, mid that too, by a lady In thin country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months sheconghed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of ua n bottle of Dr. King's New Discovory for consump tion, r.nd was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept alt night ; and with two bottles, has been ahsolutelv cured. Her nainu is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hnmmck., of Is. C. Trial bootlo fice at Blakley & Houghton Drugstore. Regular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 How'i ihu: We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. PROFESSIOHAli CARDS. A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllec over French A Vci.'k llnnfc ThunoR, Till. DAM.K8, OltKUON. J)AN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Liiw. Coltei'tloiiK Specialty. Second Street. THE HAI.l.1'5, OHKGON 0.R.&N TO THE EMST! OIVE9 T1IK CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES JJatlUE From The Time of Enlistment. Oregon volunteers are to be paid. Uncle Sam says so. Information by Adjutant-General Tuttle today advising the adjutant that the troops would be .paid by the United States dating from 'the time of enlistment. Officers will be jpaid from the time of mustering. The rejected men will be allowed their subsistence and transportation, nothing more. This will prove pleasant news to the eoldiers. They probably would have re received pay from the state, in time, but legislatures are uncertain and time is .fleeting, and now, by Uncle Sam assum ing the duty of paymaster, there is no doubt about the result. The state will have to recompense the rejected men for their service. Adjutant -General Tuttle believes the state will .gladly do thie. But for the liberality of -the government, the state would have to assume the entire burden of paying off the regiment, which would be quite different from paying off the few men rejected, the adjutant-general took no pains to conceal his plnrtre and the.-t.ier officers are equally pleased. LOST. One brown bay mare branded BN on left shoulder and split in left ear. One brown bay mare branded L on left boulder and hip. Will give $10 for re turn of same. Address Jaheh English, Hood River, Or. A torpid liver robs you of ambition 'sd mine your health. DeWitt's Little arly Risers cleanse the liver, core con tijMtion and all stomach and liver trosblo. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Omm Mlmrte Cuth Cure, cure. That to ytwK H wu m'ic lor. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough skin. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and jt is always the same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion iB caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00a bottle. tus- cii:isKM)oi:rrKu & hiikiiv, ! VJ Schlitz'S Fresh and the first ! PllJ'SiciailS 4111(1 SuI'SCOHS, n . . . ... .i... , " DOCK j -O oi me season hi uic , Beer. i Midway. i flags and Banting. j Special intention given In MirRcry. i Koomh 21 mid 22, Tel. 323 Vottt ItlocU i I s n (i iic.vri.NfiToi it s witsos HUNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKSEYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON) Office ovn First Nut. limit. One Minute Cough Cure, cares. Tht Is what It was mads far. Many old soldiers now feel the effects ot the hard service they endured during Uie war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville. York county, I'enn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently trouble with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," he says, "and procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottU-E.'' Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use and to supply it to his freiids and neigh bors, as every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, sprains, swelling, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. WHEN NATt'lSE Needs assistance it may be best to ren der it promptly, bin. one should re member to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Fige, manufactured by the Califarnia Fig Svrup Co. To Cure a Colrt In Clue Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. '2m: . Maps of Cuba. 1 TIRED. W. WILSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tills DALLES, OREGON, Otllcc oci First Nut. Iltiik. j Patronize the Latest Illustrated Heuispapers. AT I. C. Mdsen Book & CQusie Company, Troy IiAUJlDRY. All kind of work. Wliltc Khlrti n Mvcclnltr, Famllv work at reduced r.ites, WnMi collected I und dellveieil tree. TMepnone io. i iw. H. D. Parkins, Agt, DRS. BON HAM t ..cflK. mu- butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COI.l'MRIA IfEEK, ncknmrl edged the bent bver In Tho Uullcs, nt the umiiiI price. Come In, try it mid lie convinced. Alo the Flnvht brands ol Wines, Lliuor und ClRart,. Sandwiches ot all Kinds uhvayh on hand. DENTISTS. j Gold Filling, Crown and Bridgu Work j a Hiieciuhty. I Dr. lion ham cives every Wednesday I from 10 to 1" a. m. for free extractine. I ahsolutelv painless. Gold fillings $1.60 and upwards. CHAPMAN BLOCK. I'or Kale Climp. A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of the fair grounds. A 'desirable residence location. A. S. Mac Ai.i.imtek. Chronicle Oflice. PALACE OF SWEETS. LEMP'S i On draught at the White ST. LOUIS , house Saloon. Charles BEER- Michelbich, Prop. iu Vnur Check. All couutv warrant? registered prior to .March 12, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceahes after April iiO, IS98. C. L. Pim.ui'8, Conntv Treasurer. Try Schilling'!. IJe 'ua ann lakin uowaor Schlitz's Bock Beer at the MidwaY. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies. Scalds, Uu rns. "IRONING MADE ESSY SFARC Terxew invent MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE ONE POUND OP THIS STARCH WILL GO IAS FAR AS A POUND AND A flAlX OF ANY OTHER STARCH OfACTUREDOHILy UC.HUBINGER BROSC? BkKCOKUKjO. NEW HAVE Hm Th U irtarch li preparad on sclentlAe principle by men who have bad 7???Pra"1V , xperieoea in fancy laBoderioc. It restores old Jinan and (atamof areeaei to tujir n.ll7,..l tm,wiHZ t.,itlfnl an.l Uln lnlaln. It tmtha OBIT atarCD nanutactared that it parfeetly Urniloi, contulnln Bjithar "??"'' 5'" ither aubatasca iajuriow to liaes and caa bo uaed even for a wmef imtr. For sale fcy all wfioUsalf 'and rstail grsctrs. G0ItUH6lA GflflDY fftGTOHV FRESH CANDIES, NUTS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Ice Cream Parlor m Connection. CAEEY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street. 5. f. lap Jfordep Has a full Line or Watches that can he bought at reasonable (trices All Goods as represented. Next doof to ' Fleet Nationnl Bank, pine Woteh Work Specialty. THE DALLES, OR. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of u kinu. Headquarters for Feed Grain of u kinu. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmltvil Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Fldur. Thie Floor la manufactured expreaaly for family um: every Mok ii Kaaranteod to give ettiiftctioo. We Mil our goodi lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think M eall and get our pncea and be convinced. Highest Prioe Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oati. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago Salt Lake - -1 Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to ill Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. m. EIiDEt) AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days (er ALASKA POINTS. Occnti Bti'MTH-m leave rnrtlntid every five Iuy for SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Steamers monthly frohi Portland to Yokohama and Hone Koni via North ern Pacific Steamahin Co., in connection Willi O. It. & X. I'or full nirtlriilur cull on O. II. .V Jf. Co.'n iicent Tlie lmlk'H. or nddretiH W. II. IK'KUINKT, Gen. I'ns. Agt, I'ortlttnd, Or. DOIoO:,CAitl.U.l.(:o., Gen. Act. Northern l'nclllc 8lenmhlilii Co. TIME CAItll. No. I, to Bioknno mill Grent Northern orrlvin nt fr.'J.") i. in,, leuve tit filHOp. in. No 2, l'tndle ton linker t.'lty ond t'nloii i'uclflc, urricnll:r l. m., ilumrlfi ll :M , m. No S, from Bokiiiie mid Greiit Northern, ar rives nt i;-.'iO n. in., leinrt ut C,.Vi it. tn. No. 1, from llular City mid Unloi. l'liclllc, urrlvinat 3:1X1 ii. in., ilepurlh tit H:SQ it. m. The followlin; freight trnlim onrry ininc!ii:er on the liritmut mtoiid district!', hut do not stoji nt Ktatlon ilutformi: No. "'J went, arrive ut D . m dejmrtu utl':i) a. m. No. 21 eiiht, nrrlveN nt 12:20 n. :n., dcjmrtpt 1; 15 ii. m. W, U. HUHLBUKT, Gen. IW.Airt' l'orllmid. Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and nre due to arrive nt i'ortlM. OVE11I.ANH KX Uiresti, halem, How iurK, Ahhhind, Hue- I rinueuto, Oi;deu,Uii!i I I FtunciKeo, .Moluve, ir. AiiKi'leH.r.i i'Hho, . 1 1 New urleiuiK mid 1 I I Eum . . . . j n-ii a i lltoehutB nd wy Ktii a. Ml a. l-.ttoTi f Via Wnodburu for , I Mt.AiiKel, Hllvertou, Weht tielo, Jlrowiik- vllUtiirltiglleld mid (.Natron ... I C:W) J'. M. Dally except Buii'Juyj 17:30 A. il. ICorviilllH HtHtlOIIIH und way) I l'.M Dully exee)t riuudaji. :50 P.M. INI)El'KNDi:N(.'K PAHSENGEH. Kxprwi train l;S0 p. m. (Lv.. . . .Portland Ar.i :ip. in. ai McJiinnviiie i.v fAr. .lnflejieiidence..i.v ; 8::w p. in. ..iQ a. in. " i 'Daily. tDuiiy, except Hundny. DIKING CARS ON OGDEN H0UTK. PuttMAN Bumrr bleepkrs AND HECOND-CLA66 HLEKPIN0 CARS Attached to all Tlirougli Trillin. Direct conncctlott at fcau jtiiucIwo with Owl dental nnd Oriental nnd Pacific mall 1nl,"J Hue (or JAPAN and CUINA. SnlHns dat on itriillcutlou. , , . v. Rate (.nd ticket to Eautcm ikiIiiU nl M hiik;. Alo JAPAN, OHINA, HONOLl'tO na ACJBTKAI.IA,cbii lie obtained from J. b. K1KKLAND, Ticket Agent Tbroufb Ticket Onicc,Tl Third "trwt.wtiwj through tickets to ull ik.IiiU Iu the iw Htate. Canada and Juroje call ho obtaluea w .owe, rate. ! K1KKLANI)i a,t.kct Agent All above traina arrive at mid depart iron1 Grand Central Btation. Fifth and Irvine YAMII1I.I. DIVISION. Paaacngcr Deiait, Knit of Jedemoii ulrwi. Leave for OHWEGO, dnlly, 'll'm. 7:J0a. m.i H!:30. 1:55, 6:16, 6"JS, s.:, 5 rand ll::io n. in. on Buturday only, awl and 3:30 n. m. on HundayB only) " l-ortlund dallv ut CM0 and KM ' ' a '.S M:15, Oi-jo and 7:55 p. in., (and 10:w a. w i - &:iu p. in, oil BUliuayn oiuj;. Iave for Bherldan. week days, t 1:30 p. Arrive at Portlaud, t:30 a. m. U-ave (or AIKLIE ou Monday, WSf dav, Thuraday aud Saturdal it 8;0j p. ui. Kxccpt Bunduy. Except buiuruuj H. KOEIIIJCK, Mananer. . .. . 4 Ill'lllU. AaatG.E.iVPii"- Harry Liebe, WatcUer PRACTICAL Jewel 174 VOGT BLOC