The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 19, 1898, Image 3

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    i Welcome H In
lie Rii.
Our Great Wash Goods Sale
Will continue for another week. Wo will also offer our 'entire stock of
Ladies Jackets, Capes, Suits and Skirts at astonishingly low prices.
Skirts sold heretofore at $1.35 Special 90
Skirts sold heretofore at $1.50 Special 1 10
Skirts sold heretofore "at $2.50 , Special 1 98
Skirts sold heretofore at $3.00 ; Special 2 19
Hotter grades in proportion.
Ladies' Capes, $3.75 Values , Keduced to$2 93
Ladies' Capes, $5.00 Values. ..v Reduced to 3 98
Ladies' Capes, $0.50 Values Reduced to 4 97
Ladies' Capes, $8.50 Values Reduced to G 35
Ladies' Capes, $10.00 Values ..Reduced to 7 09
We carry a complete line of the better grades in Silk and fine clothe, trimmed very handsomely in braid and
cut jet beads.
Retailed at $0.50 Special$ 4 00
Retailed at $9.00 , Special 0 50
Retailed at $12.50 ?. Spocial 9 00
Retailed at $14.00 Special 10 00
Retailed at $15.00 Special 11 G9
The Dalles Daily Ghronicie.
MAY ll, 1S9S
The Maine.
Remember also the
Columbia Candy Factory
Has the best Ice C.-eam in the city.
The weather forecast for today is oc
cas'onal rain.
Djn't forget tint Keliar keop3 the
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Wanted, a man or woman to work in
kitchen. Inquire at this office. myl3 2t
Dr. Shackelford has removed his office
to room 14, Yogt block, over the post
office. rul"-2m
Special on new Waverley bicycles
Omy $30 while they last. Mays &
Crowe. m4 d&wtf
. Wanted Good housekeeper, on farm.
Address, John Fredberg, Gorman poet
ffllce. I"---1
A new lot of- oranges aud lemons di
rect from growers, at the Dalles Com
mission Co.
Lsave orders for ice with the Stadel
man Commission Co. Office cold storage
bnilding. Phone 4'J. tf
Furnished rooms to rnt, also euits of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 19 and 20, Chapman Block. 1"
' Yesterday two marriage licenses weie
issued, ot.o'to E. C. Mobany and Miss
Tetia Davie, and another to Frank L.
Pickens and Myrtle George.
Lady or gentleman with $23 cash can
earn $3 to $5 per day, guaranteed, either
at homo or traveling. Business pleas
ant, very easily learned; process limit
ed for two only. Address, J. S., care
Ciikokiclk office.
On Friday morning the Regulator will
leave her dock in this city at 7 o'clock
instead of 8 -.iiO, the regular time. This
change is madH to accommodate the
members of tnoG. A. R. who will return
that morning.
Leondor Brothers' circus gave two
performances yesterday which were fair
ly well attended, aud for the money a
better show cannot be seen anywhere.
There will bu performances this after
noon and evening.
Yesterday morning tno Regulator
pulled Peters' new scow off the ways
Into deep water. As there appeared to
bechances of the river going down, the
builders did not care to take any chances
of kuvin her ou the beach, Binee it was
an easy matter to launch it at the pres
ent stage of water.
The Methodist Sunday school will
have an excursion next Saturday by
train to Mosier. The .ground baa been
carefully examined, and decided to be
quite suitable. There is au Abundance
of fine water, grass and shade. A cor
dial invitation it extended to the other
Sunday schools of (Lis city to join this
excursion. Tno train will leave here at
9:45 a. rn. and return at 5:30 p.m.
Round trip, full fare, 40 cents; half fare,
20 cents.
Yesterday morning II. A. Elmer was
arrested by Deputy Marshal Connolly,
on suspicion of burglary from the house
of Peter Godfrey. Elmer had his hear
ing yesterday afternoon before Justice
Filloon, and was placed under bonds to
appear before the next grand jury. As
he has not yet found a bondsman he
will be placed in jail.
Yesterday the 7-year-old son of O.
Yates, of this city, fell from the top of
fence which encloses the fair crounds
and broke bis right arm. About a week
ago Mr. Yates' nine-year-old boy fell
and broke his right arm in almost the
same place. This is a strange coinci
dence that two such accidents should in the same family in the
same week.
S. P. Khntt. who recently sold th
Condon Globe, has concluded for a'
chance nnd rest, to run the bowling
alley at Heppner for a while, until he
aifain fee Is ike eterinK the held of journ
alism. He took charge this week and
is having the allyes plained off and the
nines imnroved eenerallv. and has or
dered new '.balls, pins, etc. Mr. Shutt
will move his family to this place from
Condon about June 1st.
Since the orders have been received to
recruit the cavalry companies at Forts
Walla Walla and Vancouver to a war
footing, only 30 recruits have passed the
examination. There have been, many
implications, but the applicants have
been unable to meet the requirements.
The main trouble had been in chest
measure and expansoin. A man must
be 30 inches around the chest and be
able to ospand three inches.
A Morrow county boy, J. F. Grable,
son of D. II. Grable, of lone, writes
Home to his parents that he had the
honor of being on the Concord, one of
the battle-ships in Admiral Dewey's
squadron, which participated in the
engagement in Manila harbor. Mr.
Gradle has been in tlio United States
navy nearly four years, having served
one enlistment of three yeare, and when
war was imminent with Spain reenlisted
and was assigned tq the cruiser Concord
aud was attached to the Asiatic trjuad
ron. The best lambing we have heard of to
date is that of Elmer Mathews of Fossil.
When ho markdd last week, there were
038 lambs fronl 802 ewes, and sinco then
about a hundred lambs have been bom
aud they are still coming at the rate of
two or three a day. Since he marked
the lambs the loss has been Jess than a
dozen. Mr. Mathews had exactly 1000
ewes when lambing started, and has
considerably over 1000 lambs now.
Three of the ewes gave birth to nine
lambs, and dne bunch of 29 ewes gave
birth to 45 lambs.
A number of residents of Pendleton
visited the racetrack of Frank Frazier
Sunday to witness the great ChehalU
work out a trial mile. Four tests were
made iu quick succession, and upon the
last half of the fourth mile the remark
able time of 1:02 2-5 was made,
i Chehalis now holds the world's reerrd
for'two miles and promises before the
coiainir season is lmst. to nWn t)m mr.
le record in a lower notch.
L. L. Hill, of this city, who is inter
ted with John Cradlebaueh in the
olden Eagle mine, received a letter
oin that place yesterday Btating that
e mine is developing splendidly. In a
rty-eieht-hour run thev made a clean-
g of $200, and the concentrates have
lot yet been worked. He also states
idt the deeper they sink into the ledge,
i richer it gets; and from this we
st infer that the owners of the Gold-
gle have a small Klondike.
OufM)alIes boys have decided to re
organize Co. G, in case that another
call be made in the near future for ad
ditional volunteers. Lieutenant G.
Bartell is superintending the organiza
tion, ai5d expects to have a full company
inside of a week. Thev have already
I forty-seven members in the company,
which is a very good start. Regular
company drill will be held on Saturday
fllt'i commencing next Saturday?) We
hope thatTJeToTBHfllUlh'Ur' company goes
from The Dalles those seekers for com
missioned offices in Portland will have
left for Manila or elsewhere, so that Co.
G may retain its rightful officers. Much
has been said by visitors to camp Mc
Kinley in regard to the showing our
boys made in drills, etc., and many
compliments were received by them.
The Killing or.Melvtn Green.
Somo additional paiticulars of the kill
ing of Melvin Green in the Blue Moun
tain Eagle are given by the Foseil Jour
nal. The Journal says (that Sam Maffy
fired three shots at Green, one of whicli
took effect in the arm and another in
the breast. One Bowman, who was with
Green, assisted him into the house and
left him there, at Green's request, to go
out after a horse. Green then was in no
apparent danger of dying soon. Before
going Bowman, who had Green's pistol,
handed it to the wounded man.
When Bowman returned half an hour
later, Green was lying outside of the
house dead, with his pistol by his side,
nnd a frtfch bullet hole through bin head.
This bullet entered over his right ear
and ranged downward, going out under
the lower jaw. The pistol hud been held
so close to the head that the powder had
burned bis hair. Maffy had gone to his
house, several hundred yards away, bo
fore Bowman left, and tint officials are
puzzled to know whether Green shot
himself or Maffy returned aud finished
his victim.
Hester Green, the father of Melvin
Green, is an old and respected citizen of
Umatilla county, who has lived 27 years
on Birch creek. Green was about 27
years old. He was always inclined to
be wild, and had been iu various kinds
of trouble.
Maffy, who has been held for investi
gation, is 53 years old. He Is a retired
printer, who once printed a paper in La
An ImnonInK Afrnlr -OI1 unit Young
Form In thin nnil March to
Mnrtlnl Mtulc.
The G. A. It. parade, which wai hold
at 10 a. in. yesterday, was one of the
grandest, turnouts wo have ever wit-
e8sedJiTne Dalles.
10 o'clock .everything was in ready
ness nnd a few moments later the
parade, which was led by Col. Patterson
as grand marshal and his aids, who were
mounted on horseback, presented a very
imposing appearance.
The Dalles band fol!owed,nnd by tl eir
patriotic selections added much tb the
effect of the turnout. The newly or
ganized coinp3nyof the O. X. G. camo
next in lino and were followed by tlio
members of tlio G. A. "R., and as the
grey-bearded veterans passed between
the lines of people, with their banners
waving in the refreshing brerzss, they
were greeted with loud cheers all alone
the line of march. The Sons of Veter
ans came next and the reception they
received along tlio line was also warm
aud betrayed the regard felt towards the
sons of our heroic soldiers. At this
point tho ladies of the Woman's Relief
Corps and the women of the Grand
Army kept step with the martial music
of the band.
The carriages containing the depart
ment commander, Frank Riesner, and
tne department president of the Wom
an's Relief Corps, Mrs. Gwilt, Mayor
Nolsn and President George Blakcley
of the Commercial Qiub, followed.
The carriages presented a ary pretty
appearance, especially the one of Ward
& Robertson, which was drawn by their
four beautiful blacks.
One of the most impressive features of
the parade was the column oi school
children, who were headed by Master
Linden Garretson, bedecked in. an im
posing colonial uniform and mounted on
a ccal black charger. Immediately fol
lowing came Professors Landers and
Gavin, Superintendent Gilbert and Mr.
Ghmus. Each grade followed in order
and was accompanied by the respective
Everything in the parade passed off
like clockwork, there being no confusion
whatever or nothing to mar the success
of the entire affair.
At 1 p. m. the seventeenth formal
opening of the Grand Army of the Re
public was held in the Vogt opera house,
that of the Woman's Relief Corps in the
large Knights of Pythias hall, while that
of the Sons of Veterans was held in the
Email K. of P. hall.
At 8 p. m. business sessions oi the G.
A. R., S. of V., and W. R. C. were held,
and two other busmees meetings will be
held at 9 a. m. and 1 p. in. today. The
evening session will be of a social char
acter, however, and everyone is ex
tended a cordial invitation to attend.
A well selected program will be ren
dered and everyone can feel assured a
good time.
A Hundred Ilcuson
Cf.ii be given why Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are the best and moEt effectual
cure for every form of indigestion.
They are in Tablet form, which retain
their good qualities indefinitely, while
liquid preparations become stale and
useless witii age.
They are convenient, can be carried in
the pocket and taken when needed.
They are pleasant to the taste.
After each meal dissolve one or two of
them in the mouth and, mingling with
the food, they constitute a perfect diges
tive, absolutely safe (or the most sensi
tive stomach.
They digest the food before it has time
to ferment, thus preventing the for
mation of gas nnd keeping the blood
pure and free from the poisonous pro
duct of fermented, half digested food.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the
complexion clear by keeping the blood
They increase flesh by digesting flesh
forming foods.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho only
remedy designed especially for tho cure
of stomach trouble and nothing else.
One disease, nnd remedy, tho success
ful physician of today is the specialist,
the successful medicine is tho medicine
prepared especially for one disease.
A whole package taken at one time
would not hurt you, but would simply be
a waste of good material.
Over six thousand men and women In
tho state of Michigan alone have been
cured of indigestion and dyspepsia by
the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Sold by nil druggists at 50 cents per
Attention. . A, It.
A list of ex-prisoners of war is being
made at headquarters of the executive
committee, on Second street, between
Court and Washington, next door to
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Ex-pris
oners can sign the register at any time.
John W. Lewis,
Chairman Ex. Com.
One brown bay mare branded BN on
left shoulder and split in left ear. One
brown bay mare branded L on left
shoulder and hip. Will give iflO for re
turn of same. Address
James English,
, Hood River, Or.
Cleveland wheels are selling in spite
of all the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and see our '93 models. Maier &
Dr. Bonham, dentist, Chapman block.
Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work
a specialty. All work warranted.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famous IWtltr pills.
One brown bav mare, branded B N
on left shoulder and split, in left ear.
One brown oay mare, branded L on left
shoulder and hip. Will give $10 reward
for return of same. Address
James Exni.ieir,
a30-wlm Hood River.
Royal make the load pure,
wholesome and dellclou.
. gjf
Absolutely Pure
Take Your
JVIeals at the
Vic Clarendon Is tlio best Kestnurnnt
In The Dalles.
JVTeals at
All Hours.
Second St.
The Dalles, Or.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and rpins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
One Minute Cough Cure.icures.
ThBt ii what wis raie lor.
Use Clarke & Falk's .Floral Lotion for
rough skin.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the
"Very Much to the Good."
On? thousand styles and bizc3.
For cooking and heating.
Price from gio to S70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
.reseept Bieyeles.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly Fivst-Glasa
Fir, Oak and ;
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Katos.
phone 25. J T. Peters & Co,
Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.