,11 I W (III Our Great Wash Goods Sale Will continue for another week. We will also offer our entire stock of Ladies' Jackets, Capes, Suits and Skirts at astonishingly low prices. SKIRTS. Skirts sold heretofore at $1.35 Special 90 Skirts sold heretofore at $1.50 , Special 1 10 Skirts sold heretofore at $2.50 ;:. Special 1 98 Skirts sold heretofore at $3.00 ', Special 2 19 Bettor grades in proportion. ' LADIES' CAPES. Ladies' Capes, $3.75 Values i Reduced to$2 93 Ladies' Capes, $5.00 Values Reduced to 3 98 Ladies' Capes, $0.50 Values Reduced to 4 97 Ladies' Capes, $8.50 Values Reduced to G 35 Ladies' Capes, $10.00 Values Reduced to 7 69 We carry u complete lino of the better grades in Silk and fine clothe, trimmed very handsomely in braid and cut jet beads. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS. Retailed at $G.50 Special$ 4 00 Retailod at $9.00 ! Special 6 50 Rotailed at $12.50 Spocial 9 00 Retailed at $14.00 Special 10 00 Rotailed at $15.00 , Special 11 G9 ALL GOODS MARKED IN KLftIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY MAT 17, 181)8 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Forecast for today, occa: Blonal rain. The Dalles steam laundry put on a new delivery wagon today. Don't forget that Kellar k eepa the best ice cream Bofla in the city. tf Wanted, a man or woman to work in kitchen. Inquire at this office. mylS 2t New ehoCB for ladies' summer wear. Just received at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office. ml7-2m Special on new Waverley bicycleB Only $30 while they last. Mays & Crowe. m4 d&wtf Wanted Good houekeeper, on farm. Address, John Fredberg, Gorman post office. 17-'-'4 A new lot of oranges and lemons di rect from growers, at the Dalles Com mission Co. Leave orders for ice with the- Stadel inan.CommiEslon Co. Office cold storage bnllding. Phone 40. tf Famished rooms to rent, also euits of roouiB suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 The river is coming up rapidly. Yes terday it stood at 25.4, having come up .C of a foot in twenty-four hours. Dr. fionham, dentist, Chapman block. Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted. Yesterday fifteen carloads of cattle en route from the Willamette valley to Montana wore unloaded and fed at Salt marsh A Co'a yards. They've come t A. M. Williams & Co. received a part shipment of thoir sum mer line of ladies' colored shoes, includ ing some of the season's very latest. Call and see them. The Columbia Candy Factory has opened 'under the new management, and will be run in a first-class manner. A fair i share of the public patronage is solicited. Notice the add in another column. The Campbell & Wilson millinery par lors will be open for business Tuesday, May 17th, with a full line of up-to-date millinery. It is located in the rooms for mcrly occupied by the Elite millinery parlors, on Second street. u14-3t Some of the members of the reception commit toe for the G. A. It. encampment have received an invitation from the 1. V. & A. N. Co., to go down the river today and meet tho visitors who will come on the Regulator and return with hem. It li unnecessary to state that the Invitation will be accepted. Sunday .Lam Burgess and wile, of Bakeovtn, aerlvad in the olty. Be tales that on. Saturday night they had plaadid rain la the oeantry south pf lure. At Salt he says that, it wet thegroaad Jw,4iMlh of two inches. H Aw i lie This will certainly do a great deal of good to grain of all kinds, and as the fields were very dry, it came at a good time. The high ecoreB at the clnb alleys lost week were: Monday, Stephens CO; Tuesday, Tolmle 03; Wednesday, Og den 50; Thursday, Mrs. Seufert 50; Fri day, fionn 50; Saturday, Laughlin CO; Sunday, Bonn 43. LttBt evening the Regulator returned to Portland to bring up the G. A. R. to day, and will arrive at about 4 o'clock. The Dalles City left Portland for The Dalles last night and will not leave on the return trip until 10 o'clock today. The county court of Umatilla county in Bession last week at Pendleton opened bids for the repairing and keeping in repair of the Long Creek road, extending from Ukiah to the Grant county line, R. H. Patton'e bid of $500 being the lowest, the contract wrs awarded him for two years. Among the names of the soldier boys who left last night for the Philippines, wo notice thirty-one from The Dalles. Among them as a sergeant was Max J. Bartell, and as a corporal TIiob. Smiley. Our best wishes go with the boys, and we hope to see them nil return when they have served their country well. The high dally bowling ecoreB at the Umatilla House alleys for the week end ing Sunday, were unusually high, the average being 67.3. The scores were: Monday, Wm. Birgfed 03 ; Tuesday, H. Maetss 05; Wednesday, Maelz 68; Thursday, Maetz GO: Friday, Maetr. 0G; Saturday, Chas. Schmidt, Jr., 72 ; Sun" day,Schmidt 08. A runaway occurred yesterday morn ing, but fortunately no serious damage was done. A freight team started from Pease & Mays' warehouse and ran as far aB the Columbia Feed Yard. In mak ing the turn on Second street they came near running iuto Mays & Crow's glass front, but fortunately missed it and con tinued their way down the street until tbey were stopped at the feed yard. People from all over Sherman county were presont at the patriotic moeting to celebrate Dewey's victory which was held at Wacco Saturday. The meeting was opened by an address of welcome by Mayor Crossfieid. Rev. Spalding fol lowed with a patriotic talk, after which ,N. J. Sinnott delivered the oration, and as is always the case, he held his au dience spell-bound during the entire time that he was on the platform. Sunday evening the victorious Dalles teams returned from the bowling tourn ament In Portland. In the first games tbey played in Portland they did ad mirably well, but Saturday evening the majority of those in our teams were tired out from bowling so much and did not come up to their usual records. In apeaklag af , the tournament our teams are tBtaatkiitlo in their praise of the aatwaw of the Road Olub who tea dared them every courtesy while they were at .their club rooati. DaWltf Witch Hazel Slv CwM fMf'i BaM Sura. II. PEASE & MAYS. A Hundred Ileanong Can be given why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.are the best and moBt effectual cure for every form of indigestion. They are in Tablet form, which retain their good qualities indefinitely, while liquid preparations become stale and useless with age. They are convenient, can be carried in the pocket and taken when needed. They are pleasent to the taste. After each meal dissolve one or two of them in the month and, mingling Vi'th the food, they constitute a perfect diges tive, absolutely safe for the most sensi tive Btomach. They digest the food before it has time to ferment, thus preventing the for mation of gas and keeping the blood pure and free from the poisonous pro duct of fermented, half digested food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make the complexion clear by keeping the blood pure. They increase flesh by digesting flesh forming foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the only remedy designed especially for the cure of stomach trouble and nothing else. One disease, and remedy, the success ful physician of today is the specialist, the successful medicine is the medicine prepared especially for one disease. A whole package taken at one time would not hurt you, but would simply be a waste of good material. Over six thousand men and wotntn in the state of Michigan alone have been cured of indigestion and dyspepsia by the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents per package. G. A. It. Order of Parade. Parade will form on Third street, with front resting opposite entrance to opera bouse; other organizations will form on Third street in the order named on pub lished program, except school children, who will form on Union street, front resting on Third. The march will be up Third three blocks to Jefferson; north on Jefferson one block to Second ; west on Second five blocks to Union ; south on Union one block to Third; west on Third two blocks to Lincoln; south on Lincoln one block to Fourth ; east on Fourth four blocks to Washington; north on Washington one block to Third ; east oil Third tc; opera house. Parade will move promptly at 10 o'clock, a. m., Weduerday, not at 10:30, nor 10:10; 10 o'clock means 10 o'clock and not any uncertain lime thereafter. R. Mays, Chief Marshal. A Itequtikt. It is respectfully requested by the ex ecutive committee for the entertainment of the G. A. R. and kindred societies on the 17th,18th and 19th Inst., that bus! aeae houses be closed between the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. on Wednesday for all to view the parade. John W. Lkwis, Chairman Ex. Com. On Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was ateat for. FROM AN OLD SOLDIER. Extracts Fiotn a Littler Written By Thomii Tongue. The following are a few extracts from a letter received by Capt. John W. Lew is, from Thomas Tongue.of Washington, D. C, which, on account of its length, we can on! publish In part : "Your kind letter inviting me to le present at the 17th annual stateencamp ment of the G. A. R.. W. R. C. ani Sons of Veterans, to be h,eld at The Dalles, May 17tb, 18th ami 19th, was duly received. "J regret much that the discharge of other duties compel me to deny my self the pleasure of accepting the invita tion so cordially given. I have met with your comrades at their annua gath erings on numerous occasions, and from their courageous defence of right and liberty, have sought to instil lessons of patriotism into the hearts of the pres ent and coming generations. "At no meeting since the close of'the war, have the eyes of the country rest ed upon you so intently as now. The lessons taught by your life, your devo tion to country and flag, your patience under suffering, your courage in danger, your willingness to yield life, and limb it needed, to defend your country and her flag, and to preserve the blessings of liberty and union for y ourselves and your children, were never so needed and so inspiring as now. "Our country so long at peace with all the world has been assailed, her flag in sulted, 'the lives of her people destroyed, and the ill-fated Maine, with her wealth of American manhood, upon a friendly mission in a friendly harbor, has been the victim of the most stupendous crime of the nineteenth century. In this ex tremity she calls upon her sons to de fend her honor and her flag, with strong right arms. From the example of their sires, we know full well how the sons will respond. Your past will be the in spiration for the future. We know what we can do by what you have dune. When we recall your heroic struggles, and those of your comrades, we enter this contest with full assurance of glo rious victory. That in the coming con test, Americans on land, and on sea, will bear themselves bravely in the face of danger, will yield up life rather than honor, will defend country and flag until the heart ceases to beat, and the right arm falls ; we know and all the world, knows, because you and your comrades Lave done all this. Gettysburg and Shiloh will be repeated on the plains of Cuba. The fall of Vicksburg foretells the fate of Havana. The hero who achieved a glorious victory at Manila, waB your comrade, trained in your school, and went into battle with your old time courage. Before every battle our commanders will inspire their men to noble efforts by recalling your glorious deeds. "The work begun by vou to cement the Union under one flag, will be com pleted now. In this content we shall not be arrayed against each other in fra ternal or eectional strife. Breckenridge, Fitzhue Lee and "Fighting" Joe Wheel er will wear the blue, and as they "rally round the flag, boys, rally once again" it will be by the sides of your sous, and under the stars and stripes. Tho only contention between the North and South will be as to whocan render most valiant service to our common country, and do most honor to the one flag we all cher ish. Iu this new fervor of patriotism, of which we are all pa'rtaklng, eectional tsma One thousand styles and bizes. r- i l t . r or cooumg nnu ncaiing. Price from $io to $70. Often Imitated. Never equalled. TBBeBaar nextlnnuajlty L BapBT . to "Garlands." MAIER & BENTON, linee will be alt obliterated ; the bitter ness that has lingered so long will be effaced, old hatreds forgotten, And we shall bo united us one man, under one flag, in defense of one country, and all Americans. "This is no time to discuss our differ ences, eectional, religious or political, least of all to create or Increase them. The croaking craven, who at a time like this seeks to ferment sectional strife, engender religious bitterness, intensify partisan feeling, or who would slander his country or its leaders in the face of an armed enemy, will be swfept from public llfo, and trampled under foot by an earnest and indignant people, march ing on to speedy and glorious victory. "This is a contest trctween American freedom and old world tyranny, be tween civilization and barbarism, be tween the enlightened christian man hood of the nineteenth century, and the cruel, iron-handed oppression of thn dark ages. The result Is not in doubt, and when by our victorious army and navy, we have given the blessing t)f lib erty to a down-trodden and oppressed people, we shall have enhanced its value, and established it more firmly for our selves. Our own nation will have re ceived a new baptism of freedom. We shall have acquired new heroism and new heroes for future and higher inspi ration. We shall have placed patriot ism above business, and valued liberty more than wealth. "That your meeting may be a happy one that you may renew again the fircB of patriotism in your breasts, as you re count the trials, sufferings and dangers of old times, again sing the old songs, and in spirit and in Imagination drink from the old canteens, and that you may live long and by your lives and your history continue to inspire the hearts of young Americans with patriot ism, fervid and earnest devotion to flag and country, is my earnest and sincere wish. Grnnd Marshal of the Day. Hon. Robert Mays has accepted the position of grand marshal for the parade on Wednesday next and has announced as his aids the following gentleman, who will be obeyed and respected according ly : James Kelly, John Cooper, Chas. Haight, Lewis Porter, Frank French, John Taylor, Charles Clark, Frank Chrisman, Elmer Ward, James Blake ney, Horace Rice, Max Vogt, Will Cros sen, H. H. Rlddell, Ralph Rowland and Vic Marden. Jonjj W. Lewis, Chairman Executive Com. "Very Much to the Good." .reseei?t Bieyeles. 1898 Models are now" ready for inspection. j Prices from $27.50 to New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. i Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. REMEMBER. Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Hates. Phone 25. Cloudy Weather Ppefartped foi Sittings. MY WORK Chapman Blook. Royal Makes th toad par, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure OVl MKINd POWOf It CO., KEW YOKK. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillipery Parlor Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. v Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. GENERAL R Horso Shoeing 9 a Specialty. Second Street. $50.00. MAYS & CROWE. Biactsitos ...AND... & Wagonmakers Wo have, strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co. MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OB 4