H Mies My Ctarofelt. Advertising- Kates. per (MA, flMtMh or taw in Patty II M Ont two Inches and under (our inches. .... J Ob Ovar four Inche and under twelve inches . . 75 Orr twelve Inches... . CO DAILY AND WMXLY. One inch or lets, per inch ,12 ffl Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve Inches, . 1 SO Over twelve inches 1 00 REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE For Governor, T. T. GEER, of Marlon County. For Secretary of State, F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. For State Treasurer, CHARLES S. MOORE, of Klamath County. For State Printer, W. H. LEEDS, of Jackson County. For Attorney-General, D. R. N. BLACKBURN, of Linn County. For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE, of Columbia County. For Superintendent Public Instruction, J. H. ACKERMAN, , of Multnomah County. DISTRICT. For Congressman, Second District, MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Waeco County. For Ciicnlt Judge, Seventh Iistrict, H. S. WILSON, of Wasco County. For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh Distiict, A. A. JAYNE, of Wasco County. For Member State Board of Equalization, "Cl C. KUNEY, of Sherman County. Tor Joint Representatives, Waico and Shennnn Counties, A. 6. ROBERTS and J. W. MORTON, of Wasco Couaty. COUNTY. For Sheriff, ROBERT KELLY. For Clerk, , A. M. KELSAY. For Treasurer, C. L. PHILLIPS. For School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. H. WHIPPLE. For Surveyor, J. B. 60IT. For Coroner, W. H. BUTTS. For Commissioner, M. C. EVANS. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, C. E. BAYARD. For Constable, W. C. CLARK. SUNDAY MAY 15, 1898 WOEFULLY OUTCLASSED. Of the Spaniards Admiral kelson aid : uIn tiroes of peace tlicy are gnat braggadocios; in times of war cowards but great thieves all the tine." Official thievery is tLe tuberculo sis which has been eating at Spain's -vitals for centuries. It is the direct cause of Spain's present exhaustion ftBd bankruptcy. Official thievery in cited the Cuban revolution and brought on the war with the United SUtee. It incited the insurrection da .the Philippines, and it will make etty the downfall of Puerto Rico. There is reason to believe that through official thievery Spain's navy is a sham. Nothing about It was lHiilt on honor. Its ship? are plated with weak armor, equipped with iaferior machinery, and mounted with dangerous -guns. Its officers 'Mid men nre unpaid and discontent' L The money rightly theirs has jane to officials .rascals. It(is aig. Moant that the rallying cry of the :fiMBiih rioters U "down with the Htfev?." Tltroag b otBeial incapacity and ifcaft fiMiM Und liUelf bankrupt at tMt, bMd soW At .'Iti'TwdRy M 4af arowMl 82. Ja tUe face of ment seeks desperately for a war loan. Contrast this with the superb credit of the United States. Our i per cent b'onds command 122 A, and bond buyers are pressing the gov ernment for a $500,000,000 loan. There is reason to believe the proud boast that our warships arc the best in the world. They are manned by courageous crews who are well paid, well fed awl well cared for, and eager and impatient for sea fighting. Against Spanish dissensions and in trigues wc array a united and deter mined nation. If the war be prolonged, Spain will be ruined. The United States is hardly jarred by the struggle. WE HA YE SEEN OUR DEAD. It was doubtful judgment to srnd the Winslow and the Hudson against the land batteries and Spanish gun boat of Cardenas harbor, says the Spokane Review. They are mos quito crafts. The Hudson is a rev enue cutter of no fighting force to speak of. The "Winslow is a torpedo boat of ouly 142 tons, armed with' torpedo tubes and one-ppnnd guns. War craft of this description can fight only at short range, and .should not be sent against land batteries. It would have been wiser to have sent the Wilmirigton imo Cardenas harbor alone, had that been possible. It is a sheathed cruiser and carried a number of medium sized guns. It seems the Spaniards could not strike an effective blow against the Wil mington and centered their hot fire on the mosquito craft. They were keen enough to profit by the mistake of the American commander. It is not surprising that tbeWinslow was disabled and six of her men killed. The wonder is that either the Winslow or the Hudson escaped destruction. They were directly within range of the enemy's fire, and if that fire had been well directed both would have been demolished. It was a deed of the little Hudson disabled Winslow. A -number of superb daring for to stay with the reckless acts have been indulged in by members of the blockading squadron. Some of the officers seerd to have been incited by Dewey's brilliant achievement to take all sorts of senseless, daredevil risks. If the Cardenas engagement shall teach these reckless officers a lesson of .prudence, the death of six of our brave defenders will not have been in vain. In war times the results of bad judgment and reckless folly are not alwnys so light. In loss of life the sad affair was merely as kirmisb. If the war continue for a year or two, we must expect innumerable such losses. Through out the civil war skirmishes of this magnitude were so frequent that they hardly received a paragraph in the newspaper reports of the day. The Cardenas engagement is memorable because the nation suffered there its first loss of the war. Spain will be the chief looser from that cngaga ment. To quote Kipling, we have seen our dead, and the sight thereof has put the stern thought of ven geance behind every rifle and every cannon beneath the stars and stripes. For Sale Cheap. A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of the fair grounds. A desirable residence location. A.6. Mac Allihtbr. Chronicle Office. Wanted. A milch cow. Must be a Jersey and a freeh milker. Apply at this offlice. Extra choice, full weight, Tillamook creamory butter at 60 cen'tB per square at Maier & Benton's, LEMP'8 ST. LOUIS BEER. On draught at the White honte Saloon. Charles Michelbach, Prop, On Minute Cough tCurc, curM, TMt Is what It was auda, for. J ,Atth Dlamonti Mills; . 4 ' Good milling wh'eat. paid. The highest "rise - 'awiiWtf. Jiem Columbia Hotel IS THE BEST HOUSE IN THE J. J&. TOOGQEY, Prop. War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fi)drzw feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. C. J. STUBLtlfiG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to ?6.00 per irnllon. IMP0BTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 0ALIP0EHIA BRANDIES from $3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEEB on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGkARS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RbCH, Pioneer Groc Gran (!&Barget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS if EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplied 71. Z. DONNELL PtyESCSlPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR has SubMrlbe for mho ji.oo PER DAY CITY, t (4 to 15 years old.) per gallon. (11 to 20 yearn old. to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) BlaU and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. the best Dress Goods The Dalles, Op. jfi has the best Shoes has everything to he fonn in a firet-olas Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Chronicle Just ttlhat You ttlant. New Ideas in Wnll Paper here. Such wide variety as we are allowing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full lino of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. The- Spring hieken. There is no need of special remedies for the young and healthy person. The spring chicken has been noted for its unwisdom. If you would have health and keep it, von must be wise and pru dent. When you have a symptom, go attor it. Prevent its developing. When you are well, keep well. The oniy way vnn may i rv having the best drugs at band at all times. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Stic , TEE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles. . Astoria Navigation Co.' Regulator i Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA88ENQER LINE BBTWKXN The Dalles, Hood Ilivcr, Carcadc Locks and Port land dally, "CHnr Huuday. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going OR TO EASTERN OREGON? .J'.lPi "J5."10":?,? Bn(1 tnJy txMtitirul trip on lno Dalle In amnio time for pauenKr to take outgoing Southern and Northern trains; Kuat- fcVi'b. ??tei'cVZ?"ll!nK.in Tlw Oal0 t bno to take tlio Kt bound train. for further Information apply to J. N. IIAUNKY, Agent, Oak Htreet Dock. 1'ortland. Or won , Or Wj C Al.LAWAV, (Jen. Agt., . The Dalle, uiegon me caiisjua mm Co, ' PACKERS OF PORK and BEEP MAMDVAOTOHJCIU OJT Fint Lard and SauitCM. Ciiwif -Jr HANI j '"Cl HAMS & BACON x)RIED BEEF, ETC. EDS A iplondtrt aaaorlmont of Vege table, (lanlen and Oram seeds in w Bulk. Beed Wheat, Becd Oata, JC Heec llailoy, Beed Heed llye. Oil Meal Cako and Kcrtlllsorn, neo Bnppllea, Karly Rom Vota. SSr Jfovenklndj of linitelaM X? 8ccd Corn. Poultry and Katu Mm Dougui ana ioia hi tj J. H. CROSS' n Cheap Cah Grocery and Feed Btortf, Second and Union 8I, SEEDS Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kmersly Ont Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON J. 8. BCHINK, President. II. M. ilnxi. , C'ashle First 5ational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of rtollection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Mew York, Ban Francisco and port land. D1KXOTORS D. P. Thompson. Jmo. 8. BcnxNcx. Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Lixbx. H.M. Bkaix. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANSACTAOKNEUALDANKINU HU61NK8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in Oregon and Washington. Collections tna-Je at all points on fav orable terms. Smol Cigars. Why do wo retail more Clgnrstbsn others? Why do smokers go out of their wsy and pass cigars of the sume grade? Not because we have bettor ciasri or better brands, or any grcitter variety; no, not that. Why, because we havo the finest ci gar cuse in the state and keep our ciar in better condition. Snlpes-Klnerely Drug Co. ,.Sheep for Sale.. -at tub King Ranch NEAR RUTLEDCE, Sherman-County, Oregon- t .i.. r t,r. cwt ww I.L and twins el aaie, or sail, penoaully on MRS. EMMA KING, Hiutiedg,Slitrmn Co., Or,