We Have Decided ,to Move as much of our stock as possible THIS WEEK. Bargains such as wo call your at tention to here will not wait long for purchasers. Men's Tnn Culf Lace, Coin and Narrow Square toe f"? our if 3.50 shoe for . jf2.00 Ladies' Kid Oxford Tien, Needle toe. Our $3.50 Btaoe for 2 00 Misses' Kid Button, square toe. Our $2.00 shoe. . . .75 THIS WILL INTERE3T YOU. Ladles Kid Oxford Ties for 50c Liuliea' house slippers, bIzcb 1 to 3 60c Infants' shoos, sizes 1 to 3 10c 5uo Big Driues T) UasI? Dre$5 Qood5 ' FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Lot No. 1 Organdies, Dimities, Percales and all high class novelties, rent worth, 15c, 20c and 25c per yard. Special price for this week 9 Kg. Lot No. 2 Silk and Wool Challies, Silk Plaid Novelties and Grass Linen Novielties; splendid values at 50c. Special price for this week 25c. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. INTERESTING EXPERIENCE Of Iowa tudjr Who Wan Cared of DytpepftU After Htiffertog for Twenty-five Years. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MAY 14. 1808 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Cord wood at Mid it & Benton's. Screen doora nt Muier & Benton's. Tlio weather forecast for today iB fair. Don't forget tlmt Kellar keeps the bsst ice cream soda in the city. tf Another shipment of Cleveland wheels just received at Maier & Benton'u. Wanted, a man or woman to work in kitchen. Inquire at this office, my 13 2t Dr. Shackelford haa removed Ii'ib office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office. ml7-2ru Special on new Waverley bicycles Only $30 while they last. Mays & Crowe. m4 d&wtf A new lot of oranges and lemons di rect from growers, at tho Dalles Com mission Co. A ifirl is wanted to do general house work. Must be a good cook. Apply at this office. The river is slowly coming up the last tew days and stand at present close to the 23foot mark. Leave orders for ice with the Stadel nuui Commission Co, Office cold storage building. Phone 40. tf Situation wanted by an earnest Jap anese boy to do cooking and house work. Inquire nt this office. 12 3t For sule cheap. Twenty-eight acres of good land, just outsido the city limits. Inquire of G. It. Kowland. u212w. Dr. Bonlmm, dentist, Chapman block. Gold tilling", crowns and bridge work a specialty. All work warranted. The Columbia Candy Factory has" opened under the new management, and will be run in a first-class manner. A fair share of the public patronage is. solicited. Notice the add in another column. The Campbell & Wilson millinery par lors will be open for business Tuesday, May 17th, with a full lino of up-to-aate millinery. It is located in the rooms re cently occupied by the Elite millinery parlors, on Second Btreet. inl4-8t Mrs. W. G. Wilson and daughter.Miss Myrtle Smith, of the Campbell & Wil son millinery establishment, of Pendle ton, have come to The Dalles to reside permanently, and will open millinery parlors In'the .room formerly accuplod by Mrs. Brigga. Yesterday men wore put to work rak ing the rocks and trash oil' the princi pal streets and hauling tho same away. This is a good in6ve, and the clean streets, with neatly decorated houses, will add much to the appearance of the city during the encampment, Walter L. Too its spoke Thursday at Moro to the largest crowd that haa itathered during the campaign, Tbe Wasco silver cornet band furnished patriotic music, end the enthusiasm was unbounded. Mr. Toojse Is doing wnch for tbe Republican ticket In Sher man county. His arguments in favor of the single gold standard is masterly, and he does not find any one able to refute itv Yesterday evening N. J. Sinnott, of his place, left for Wasco where he will deliver an oration at tbe patriotic cele brntion which will be held at that place today. Tho exercises promise to be very entertaining and will be attended by eoplo frdoa all parts ot the country. Three carloads of hogs were unloaded and led at Saltmarsh x Uo.'a yardB yes terday. They were shipped by Mr, McCullv, of LaGrande, to tbe Union Meat Co. They were in good shape, be ing large and well fattened and will bring 5 cents per pound in the Portland markets at present. Word has been received from F. X. Scboomaker, who Was obliged to return East some time ago. on account of tbe snriouB illness of one of bia daughters, that he will likely return to Oregon next week. Webster Davie, assistant secre tary of the interor department, will reach Oregon next week, and speak at Silvertan, Marion county, on Saturday evening, May 21. These,, will probably be other Eastern speakers provided within the next few days. The women's edition of the Times Mountaineer will be out about next Tuesday, and will be placed on sale at all the drugstores,' at tbe women's head quarters in Mrs. Briggs' old stand, and at the Times-Mountaineer office and at the different .bookstores. The Indies have labored hard with this edi tion,nd we hope the public patronage will be ne readily given in the matter of purchasing papers as .it haa been in advertuieuts, etc., so that the ladles can procure more books and make of the li brary what they wish. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon a fire alarm was turned in and in a very short time the entire department turned out. The fire started in the roof of the steam laundrv. in tbe west end, and was dis covered before it had gained much.hend way. Aa there was a hose in the build- intr. the workmen immediately turned on a stream, and before the firemen ar rived, had the flames under con trol. Slight damage waa done to the. roof and the carts were injured by being drawu over the rough at roots so rapidly. Aa everything is aa dry as tinder at nresent. everyone should endeavor to guard against Areas much as possible. A 1.. w.a nrniril nf vniitur mnn of North n v. w v j - - - - - - - - Yakima met Tuesday evening at the armory. Forty signed me enuatmeut rolls and organized another company (or service. A petition to Governor Rogers asked that tbe members be at once mustered into the Washington National Guard, as infantry, cavalry or ar- tillerv. as desired, and requested that If another call for volunteers be made that they be given the preference. Dr. E. E. Hesnt was elected captalu. F. K. Hlicook first lieutenant, and F. T. IggeUteeoadJieWMftRt. The mem bers think tha comiMny can easily be recruited to the maximum, as North Yakima, li very enthusiastic, Teacher' Educational MeetlD. The teachers' educational meeting which was held at Tygh Valley last Sat urday, .under the auspices of Superin tendent C. L. Gilbert, waa a marked success in every respect. The day was an exceptionally fine one. The attendance, including many teach ers from far and near, waa even greater than expected. Tne following are the names of the teachers who were present: John Gavin, Miss Roberts, Harry W. Kelly, Mamie A. Driver, The Dalles ; Aaron Frazier, Dufurj W. H. Walker, Lelah Driver, Rojinia Campbell, Mrs. Wheeler, F. A. Beaty. Roy Decker, Wamic; P. P. Un derwood, Hattie Sternweis, Boyd ; Miss Gardner, Agnes Laduc, Kingsley, and Emma Bonney, Tygh Valley. Theprogram waB aa follows: Song, "America." Essay on Penmanship, by Mamie Driver. General discussion on penmanship. Song, "May-Day Morn," by Pine Grove school. Essay on "Labor," by Harry Kelly. General discussion on labor. The next number on the program was an elegant spread wbicb had been pre pared by the many ladies who brought lunch baskets. This was indulged in by one and all, but most especially by tho teachers. Song, "Flag ot tho Free," Pine Grove school. Recitation by Lena Drirer. "Child Study," Aaron Frazier. Discussion on the above. "Duties of Directors," W. H. Walker. Discussion on the above. "Appreciation of Education," W. II. Walker. "Shortcomings of Directors," C. L. Gilbert. Three cheers for Old Glory, Three cheers for the boys in blue. Institutes or educational meetings are to the teacher what school is to the child, and in order that a teacher may keejj up with the new and improved methods of teaching, or in other words, keep the moss off their backs, or have removed what is already there, he cau not attend too many of tliese meetings. They bring teachers iuto contact with each other, hew ideas and methods are advanced and discussed and the result is the old methods by which many teachers were taught twenty or. thirty years ago are displaced by tho newer or better ones. These meetings are not only for the interests of teachera but parents also, and all parents who have children to .send to school i hculd not only attend but should take nu active part in them. Mr. Gilbert haa always fostered these meetings., and parents and fellow teach ers; if you appreciate bis efforts you will have a chance to prove it in the near future. M. A. D. ' Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering, pall and see our '08 models. Maler & tfentou. Mrs. Sarah A. S keels, an estimable lady residing at Lynnville, Jasper Co., lows, waa for twenty-five years a sufferer from dyspepsia, and her comp'eto res toration to health is so remarkable that we present the facts in the case for the benefit of our readers, many of whom have doubtlees suffered tn the same manner, and will, therefore, be inter ested in learning how all stomach trou bles may be avoided and cured. Mrs. Skeelssaye: I used only one package of Stuart'e Dyspepsia Tablets and I re ceived such a great and unexpected ben efit that I wish to express my sincere gratitude. In fact', it haa been six month8 since I took the medicine and I have not had ono particle of distress or difficulty since. And all this in the face of tbe fact that the best doctora I con sulted told me my case waa incurable as I had suffered for twenty-five years. I want half a dozen packages to distribute among my friends here, who are very anxions to try this remedy. Truly yours, Mrs. Sabah A. Skekls. The reason why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are so successful in curing indi gestion and etotnach trouble and the reason why it never disappoints those who need it and use It is because noth ing is claimed for it except what it will actually perform. It is not a cure-all and no such claims are made for it. It is prepared for the sole purpose of curing Dyspepsia and the various forms of in digestion. There is scarcely a patent medicine made ( but what is claimed to cure dys pepsia' as well as a hundred other trou bles. When, as a matter of fact, a rem edy to cure dyspepsia must be prepared especially for that and nothing else; and among all the remedies, patent nos trums, biltere, etc., so extensively ad vertised you will find that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets is the only one adver tised as a cure for dyspepsia and nothing else. The remedy is prepared by the Stuart Co.. of Marshall, Mich., and for sale by all druggists at 50 cents per package, and if you suffer from any form of stomach derangement or indigestion, a trial will not disappoint you. A little book on stomach troubles mailed free. Address Stuart Cp., Mar shall, Mich. Birthday 1'arty. Yesterday afternoon the members of Miss Taylor's primary school had a de lightful little party at their school room in honor of the tenth anniversary of the birth of Naomi Vause. The children played games, Bang, and bad a good time until about 3:30. Like tbe grown folks, they would not have thought the afternoon complete without having something good to eat, bo light refresh ments were served and greatly enjoyed. The following little ones showed by their happy faces and good natured manner that they wished "Bebe" many more happy birthdays : Geraldine and Gilbert Kelly, Carmell and Non Erie Bolton, Roger, Edward and Willie Birg feld, Edna and Lois Thompson, Martin and Eleanor Taylor, Clinton Neilsen, Bernice Moore, Jessie Hostetler, Mar maduke and Naomi Vause. Another Victory for The Dalles. About 10 o'clock laBt nit lit Judge Blakeley received a telephone meesage from his wife, announcing the good One thousand styles and t:zes. For cooking and heating. Price from $io to 70. Often Imitated. Never equalled. WW MAIER & BENTON, newa that the Dalles ladies' team had beaten the Portland Road Club team In tbe bowling tournament. The games were played last night, instead ot in tho morning as intended, and Mrs. Blakeley, accompanied by Miss Lang, hastened to inform her husband nf the wetcome news that four games had been won by them, with 114 pins to their credit. Tho ladies felt somewhat timid about playing on a strange alley and with such good bowlers aa the ladies of the Road Club. Tliis morning they are to play the Astoria team, and it is hoped they will have as good luck as they had last night. Another victory was won by The Dalles yesterday afternoon when tbe Commercial Club team played the Multnomah Club team. Two games were won by each, with 15 pins to the credit of the Dalles team. The Dalles is hard to beat. Hang Out the Flag-. The members of the Woman's Relief Corps of The Dalles wish to urge the citizens to tbe use of a liberal display of flags and bunting next week In honor ot the gathering of old soldiers at this place, There is nothing dearer to these veterans than the star apangled banner our own "Old Glory." Let an effort be put forth for such a display of tbe red, white and blue as was never seen in our city before. The work of the Woman's Relief Corps is patriotic, because it is practical. It would emplant great truths by object lessons, which alone are enduring. They take hold of the imagination and excite the enthusiasm. Tbe best object lesson so far found for the young American is the flag. This is the true symbol to be used in inculcating in an elementary form, the principles of representative government. Then, let us endeavor to bang out the flag in every conspicuous and available space. B. So far this season there has not been enough fish caught in the Columbia to pay for tbe expense of running tbe traps. Reports from the lower river state that the outlook iB more cheerful than it was a week ago, but as yet there is nothing particularly encouraging for the fishermen and cannery operatrso. They hope, however, to do better dur ing June and July, which months are usually tbe best for fishing in the Columbia. Royal stakes tha lood pars, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL (AKINO POWDCR CO., NEW VOflK. Word come from Cannon City that Jack McDonald, a prisoner in the county jail, committed suicide Tuesday night, by taking carbolic acid. McDonald was arrested several months ago for assault ing a Chinaman with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced Tuesday to two years in the penitentiary, and immediately after, on being taken to his cell, he Bwallowed a half-ounce of carbolic acid, expiring ten minutes later. Take You luteals at the Clarendon l$estaaiant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. The Clnreudon is the beet Restaurant in The Dalles. JVTeals at fill Host's, Second St. The Dalles, Or. "Very Much to the Good." .reseept Bieyeles. 1 1898 Models are now ready for inspection. J Prices from $27.50 to $50.00. New Ideas at every point. The Wheel that sells at an honest price. Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired. MAYS & CROWE. Wo have strictly First-Glass Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Hates. Phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co. Cloudy Weather Preferred foir Sittings. 'm-i r -ssi esjlsWr - Ik MV WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.