The Dalles Dally Chrcii&ft. THK IAL.I.i:$, OltKOtIN Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and JBowols, cleanses tho sys -lem effectually, disnels colds, head caches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the l t .1 ( V 1.LJ omy rcniuiiy vi lut kuiu uvei jut duced. nlcnsimr to the taste and ac rentable to the stomach, nromnt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the mo3t .healthy and agreeabloBiibstances, its many excellent qualities commend it , to all and have mode it the most nonular remedv known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in BO cent bottles bv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it Do not acceptany substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FXAKUCO, CAL. iOUISVIlLE. AT. MEW YORK. H.t. l'KKSONAi. MENTION- Hay C. Green, of Hood River, is in the city. Alex. Stewart, of Mo&ier, is in the (city. Vernon Roberte, of Bakeoven, is in the city. G. E. Hall mat), of Block House, Wn., is at the Umatilla. J. H. Oakes, the Mitchell merchant, is in toe city on easiness. Dr. Shackelford went to Portland yes terday for a short visit. Mrs. T. S. Lang left yesterday for a .aport visit to I'ortianu. A C. L. Ireland, of tho Moro Observer, (l j in the city on business. jj H. Smith, the Grass Vulley sheep utiu, ib ui uiu v;ii.v un uiisiuess. 7 John McAuley, the Antelope sheep an in, left or his Iiome yesterday. Mrs. G eo ILiebe leit on the RecFtilator yesterday to visit friends in Portland. J. L. Hollmgshead and wife, of Ante Jope, left for Portland this morning. JHon. E. B. Dufur went to Portland -yesterday to attend to legal business. H. Morgan, of the Equitable Life In furance Company, returned to bin home xn Portland vesterdav. J. S. Middleswart. a resident of Mo- eier. leit for Monkland last evening. where he goes on a business trip. v3Ire,Tiioinbiiry went to Portland yes Triliv in visit, her HaiiL'litf r who is 1111 :der(joing treatment at St. Vincent's hos pital. Yesterday Prof. P. T. Chandler, of Canyon City, passed through the city to Portland, and stepped off to visit hie friend, Will Crossen, of this place. Mr. J. T. Eshelmanof PortTownsewl, came up on the 5:20 train last evening, and will leave this morning for Klicki tat county to visit relatives. STRAYED. From the Chinese garden on Mill creek, one roan horse, 5 years old, branded P on right shoulder. Said horse was purchaeed on April 27th from B. T. Colling. Tho party finding and returning eaid horse will be suitably re warded. Wing Hai & Hong. rut) "Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son have a (beautiful assortment of pansies which i they are closing out at 20c per dozen. 'Bouquets delivered to any part of the city at 2oe and upwards. Carnationt nod roses in bud at 15c each, 0 for $1 Beautiful asters, verbenas and r?ntins, 5,d-w,2ff JJeWitt'a Little Early Risers, The famous llltlr pills. A bushel of notions doesn't weigh half as much as one stubborn t fact Garland's, Happy Thought Salve ia a lure factor for the cure of Skiu Troubles and Files. 50C glass Jar Fir UM DONNELL'S. DEPARTURE NOT MADE KNOWS The Cruiser May Leave Suntla) or Monday San Francisco Harbor Has Hcch Set With Torpedoes. Vallujo, May 12. No one nl Mure island pretend? to know just when the Charleston will sail for Manila. No orders have bien received by Captain Glass, and the best information obtain able is that the cruiser is expected to go tome time Sunday or Monday. Tho Charleston has a crew of 300 men, and this is to be augmented by the marine guards. Almost without the knowledge of peo ple around and about San Frnncbco, for two weeks past the harbor and Us ap proaches, have been set with torpedoes and mines. The work is not entirely completed, but nearly so. For 14 days the government tug boat, Unadila, has been placing submarine destroyers. Over S00 torpedoes are said to have beeu placed in position. TrncheiV xiuli)itlou. Notice Is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the courthouse in The Dalles, beginning Wednesday, May 11, 189S, at 1 p. m. Dated this 2d day of May, 189S. C. L. GiniEisT, School Supt., Wasco County, Or. At the I aat Eml Feed Varil. Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the ' above. nprl2 lni J How's Till'. I We offer one hundred dollar reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be j cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. i F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, 0. f We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lievo him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West it Truar, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, 0,, Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrit Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam for the teeth. Try Schilling's Best rea anil baking powfler "IRONING MADE ESY WliWll'iMHI.ttlffll' SSI STARCH TfclKT INVENT REQUIRES NO COOKING .MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS ONE POUND OP THIS STAUCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALT OF ANY OTHER STARCH aWlUTACTUIlED 0Hiya the i r uimiMfiro ww ! I uuiiiubn .KeokukJowa. newhavenjconn, Tliiiitareb U pre pa red on cIentuo priaefplea br wen wbo bare bad nan of pnet leal launder! rur. It rottorea old linen and iiUBiner d real SI to llielr natural wbitenns and linparta o beautiful aaanufaetured tbat is perfectly uarmlew, t tber luUtonce Injurloua to lineo ana eao xperieoco in laucjr For sale by all wholfttle'aitd retail grocen. Mny old soldiers now feel the effect ot the hard service they endured during tho war. Mr. Geo. S. Antlurson, of KofsvillB, York county, Penh., who saw tho hardest kind ot service attlielront.ia now frequently trouble with rheumatism. "1 had a suvero attack lately," he says, "niul procured n boitlvof Cluiuilrcrlniu'c Pain Balm. It did eo muiih'fcvuiii ihat 1 would like to know what you would charge mo for one down bottles. M Mr. Anderson wanted it both for Ills own ure and to supply it to his fronds mid neigh bors, as every family should have u botllo of It in their lion.e, not only for rheumatism, but lame back, sprnius, swelling, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled. For sal" by Blakuley it llouglfton. Wh'nil:i; Collfjli. I hai' a little buy who was neaily dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after giviue lilm a tew doses of the remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough mediciuu I ever had in tho house. P. E. Moore, South Burguttstnwn, Pa. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Bucklen'a Armca salve. The best aulve in the world for ciiis, bruises, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, level sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuius piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea over since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been a success ns a cure, and that is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Grisham, Gaars Mills, La. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton. Thousands of suflererj from grippe huve been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, mid all throat and lung diseases Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver troublo. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-po'uonous fluid dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rat. Clarke & Fulk, agents, The Dalles. FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. FumtMAitY, 10-4w Box 178, Goldcndale, Wash. LOST. One brown bay mare, branded B N on left shoulder and split in left ear. One brown any mare, branded L on left shoulder and hip. Will give $10 reward for return of same. Address Ja.mks English, a30-wlm Hood River. STIFF AND NICE Donc ro unww.v and laitingflnUb. It.tatbe only atarcn containing oaitber arienlc, alum or any bo wed eren for a baby vowmt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJt A. ST URDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over KrcncU Jk Co.'s Until; 'I'liollefl, THK I).l.t.K9,Oltl'.OON. )AN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Linv. Collection:) n Specialty. Second Street, THIS I.I.M J, OUK(iON JQ,SS" OKISENHOItt'PHIt .V lltlKUV, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Kooms 21 and 23, Tel. 32S Vogt Mock 11 8 IIUKTlNOTON 11 M WILSON HUNTINGTON WILSON, ATTOKNHYH AT LAW, T1IH DALLES, OHKOON Odlco ovor KJrst Nut. Hunk. F15KI). W. WIUSON. AT10KNKY AT LAW, TIIK ll.U.LKii, OltliHON, Ofllcc oci First Nat. llnik. ..GflAS. Bute hens and Farmerrs ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilraiicht the colebrntcd COLUM1IIA HKUIt, ucknmvl olKttl tliu best beer In The Dulles, ut tho usual price. Come In, try It nml be I'ouvlnreil. Ali the KlneM brands u( Wlnos, 1.1 piors mill C'Uarb. Sanduiiehes of all Kliuls ulivnyh on liaml. ELY'S CREAftl VATM fa a poiltlvncuro. Apply into the nwtrilf. It Is quickly alworbcil. 0 centa at DrutrsltM or by mall ; esmplea 10c. by mall. JtLY UnOTUKltS. M Warren St.. Hew York City. DB.GUNNS ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS nrmora Plmplw, ProTeat ;IIIIon.ass,I'urlflhoUloud, l'irolleadcheiiM.UT.itoii. A raoTPSirat of the InvrtU e.cll UT I nM-nun for1MltU. Thpriielth.rsrlpJnir.lJkAif T!m. Ic wl "ll oipT fri'v'or lull box fj lie. ilU b, drassl. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phila. pZ LOST. One brown bay mare branded J5N on left shoulder nnd split in left ear. One brown bay mare branded L on left shoulder and hip. Will give $10 for re turn of same. Address J.M1!H K.Nnl.IMI!, Hood River, Or. 6. f. lai? Jfordep 9 iia a full Line of Watches that can lie bought at reasonable prices. All Goods as represented. lext door to plpat National Bank, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain; u kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ITllSbbd Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- . tOn FlOUr. Thl? Flonr Tor We Mil our aooda Inner than Mil and gt our prices nd be wnvinc. Hig het Prios Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oatf. . Patronize the Troy IiAUpRY. All kliutof work. White 3lilrU n specialty. Kumlly work nt rwltioiil r. t-. Wnh enlleoted unililellrvieit Irec, Tilnilioiie N. 111. H. D. Parkins, Agt, DRS, BON HAM Dentists. Gold Filling, Crown nml Bridge Work n 8ieciulity. CHAPMAN BLOCK. AllllluiiN (Htoii Awayl It Is cortulnlv gratifying to the public to know of one concern In tho land who are not nfraid to Ins generous to the needy nnd aiifleriiig. The proprietors of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, CatisliB nut CoIiIh, luive given uwny ovor ten million trial Imttlea of thin great medicine; nml have the satisfaction of knowing it hits absolutely cured thous ands of hopeless case;. Aetlima, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and dleeupea of the Throat, Chest niul Limits are surely cured by it. Call mi lilnltoley A Houijli ton, druggists, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size fiOc. nnd $1. Kvory bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, hut there iB really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame buck and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right uwny by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole pystem, nets as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to iis natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and lm convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50o a bottle at Blakeley & Houghton'tidrug store. 3 Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of 'Zanesvllle, 0., suflered from piles. lie was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Snipes Kiuersly Drug Co. TYQH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Holler Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoitKLX, Prop. mchlO-Um Schlitz'e Bock Beer at the Midway. Use Clarke & Falk's Florul Lotion for rough skin. Everybody reads The Ciuioi.nick. pine Wateh Work a Specialty. THE DALLES, OE. 18 mfnnfuctqrad exprewly ,for family . ib KUHriwvvvu w give Mtiilaotion, """" "HW " you Bon 1 wa 90 0.R.&M. TO, THK EMSTI 0IVK8 THE OHOICK OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis JDenver St. Paul Omaha Ohioago Kansas City Low Rates to ill Eastern Cities - OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON GEO. Q. EliDEl( AND GITV Of TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five dayB for ALASKA POINTS. Occnn Btcninurn leave l'ortlnml every Five Days lor 3 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama ant! Hong Kong vm North crn Paelfie Steamship Co., in connection with O. It. & N. For full imrtlculiir.s rail on O. H. tit X. Co.' itficnt Tliu Hit lien, ur uililrcrix W. II. HUKMlNItT, Clou. I'm. Ant., l'lirtlaiul. Or. llODHON, CAItl.II.I, CO,, (inn. AKlt. Nortliurii 1'nclllc Uleumiililp Co. TIMK CAItlK No. I, tn Hpoknno nml (Ireiit Nortliem nrtlvoi at nri'i t. m leaveM at ftjso ii. m. Nn, 2, reiulle tun linker City nml Union 1'nclllc, urrlvcs 11:15 i. in., ilepnrt.i U:A0 )i. in. No a, t ruin Hpokmio nml (Ircnt Northern, ar-rlvc-M nt (160 . in., ilcpuru at U:r" 11. in. Noj, from lliikir City nml Unliin I'ltcMc, arrives t 3:'J) 11. in., ileimrm at n, in. Tliu follnwiiiit trelKht trnliiH curry scniten mi the tint nml muond districts, hut do uotilop at atntlou plutdiriiiM: No. .';) went, urrlvv nt 5 p. m,, departs At 9:4 n. 111. No. 21 cunt, arrives nt 12:20 p. tn., ilcpnrta at 1: II p. 111. W, It. UUItUiUKT, (leu. Haas. Agt l'orlland, Ortgoa N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Toxurist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AHI. MINNKAl'DM UVUVTH KAIIUO UKANII Flt UltOOKSTON WINNIl'KO UK I. UNA nu IIUTTK TO Through Tickets TO C'HItJAOO WAHIItNdTON ritlI,AllKL.ritlA fKW YOKK ItOHTON ANI A 1. 1. 1'OINTH KAHT ami HOUTI1 For Informntloii. tlnio cnl, rnHphHiid tlck. cnl on ur wrltu to W. C. ALLAWAV. AKOiit, TIioDallw, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. I A., 55. Morrlaon Cor, Third. I'urtliuul OM Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerlJewete All work promptly attouiliil to. aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wanted- Attha Diamond MiH Good million wheat. The P'1 paid. , , . , uc,,l0,"