The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 12, 1898, Image 3

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We Have
Decided to Move
as much of our slock as possible
Bargains such as we call your at
tention to hero will not wait . long
for purchasers.
Men's Tan Calf Lace, Coin and Narrow Square toe
our ?3,00 ahoc for $2.00
Lmlies' Kid Oxford Ties, Neealo toe. Our $'3.50
shoe for 2 00
Missus' Kid Hut ton, square toe. Our $2.00 shoe.'. . .75
Ladies' Kid Oxford Ties for 50c
Ladies' house slippers, Btaes 1 to 3 60c
Infants' bIioob, sizes 1 to 3 10c
5uo Bi$ Driues
ip UasI? Dre$5 Qoods
Lot No. 1
OrgandicB, Dimities; Percales and all high
class novelties, real worth, 15c, 20c and 25c per
yard. Special price for this week
Lot No. 2
Silk and Wool Challies, Silk Plaid NoveltieB
and Grass Linen Novielties; splendid valueB at
50e. Special price for this week
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
THURSDAY - - MAY 12, 1898
Cord wood at Maier & Denton's.
Screen doora at Mnier it Denton's.
A competent girl can tind employment
by applying, to Mrs. J. T. Peters. 9 3t
Don't forget that Koliar keeps the
best ice cream .soda in the city. tf
Another shipment of Cleveland wheels
just received nt Maier & Denton's.
Dr. Shackelford has removed his office
to room 14, Vogt block, over tiie post
oflko. ml7-2m
Special on new Wnverley bicycles
Only fliO while they last. MayB &
Crowe. fc vai d&wtf
A girl is wanted to do general house
work. Must be a good cook. Apply
ut this ofiice.
At present the river is ut u standstill.
For two days it lias not moved from the
22-foot mark.
Leave orders for ice with the Stadol
man Commission Co. Office cold storage
building. Phone 49. tf
For sale cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outsido the city limits.
Inquire of G. II. Rowland. h212w.
Dr. Bouham,' dentist, Chapman block.
Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work
a specialty. All work warranted.
Cleveland wheels aro selling in spite
of all the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and see our '08 models. Maier &
Just call np central and ask thoi telo
phono girl who has No. 401, und hear
her smile and say so sweet, "There is a
new biz in town."
The citizens of Wasco aro making
elaborate preparations to celebrate the
great American naval victory next Sat
urdoy. Mr. N. J. Binnott, of The
Dalles, will be the orator of the day.
Jim Gee, a Pendleton Ohineso laun
dryman, proposed marriage to a pretty
whito girl named Ella Solsburg. His
suit being rejected, Gee threatend to kill
the young lady. He is under arrest.
Yesterday tho little eon of O. Yates,
who lives neur the fair grounds in this
city fell and sustained a fracture of the
right arm. Dr. O. O. Hollister attended
the injured boy, who at irasent is rest
ing easy.
Tho Hood River Emargency Corps
gave an entertainment Tuesday night
for the benefit of the boys in blue.
Twenty dollars was cleared and for
warded to Mrs. F. E. Lounsbury, secre
tary of the Portland organization.
Walter L. Toozs spoke to crowded
home In Watco Tuesday night. Repub
licanism ran high and enthusiasm was
unbounded. Mr. Tooze is a fluent
speaker, and a drawing card in Sherman
county. Hie labors bid fair to yield
abounded fruits.
The arch wtttou .U being constructed
on Second street is rapidly nearing com
pletion. The frame work, which will
serve ai pillars, is almost completed,
while the arch, which is well under wny
will soon be hoiBted into position. It
will bo a very pretty all'uir when com
pleted. We wish that persons putting ads in
tho CintoNKJLK would write. them cor
rectly and there would be no necessity
for them to go to another paper" to have
the error corrected. We pride ourselves
on doing correct work and do not wish
to be charged up with the mistakes of
Anyone wishing to engage rooms for
friends during the encampment next
week, can do so by applying to any one
of the following committee on accom
modations : Mesdames Mary O. Nich
ols, Eliza Kelsay, Lizzie' Ulrich, Mary
Learned, Ella Grimes, Belle Berger,
Mattie Barnett, Hix.
Lawrence Manning who intended to
give a musical in this city last evening
evidently feared that his venture would
not pay and left without ceremony. As
we have had a number of good shows re
cently it would have been almost an
utter impossibility for him to draw o
house and he seemed to have realized
that fact.
Miss Edith Baum, of Portland, the
accommodating and competent operator
of the Western Union Company came
up from Portland yesterday and took
the place of T. W. Bier, as manager of
of the office in this place. Mr. Bier has
received an appointment as quarter
master clork in the O. N. G. at Camp
Yesterday morning Mr. and Mrs.
John O'Leary arrived from Spokane
with the remains of Mrs. Thos. Johns.
The fune.-al will take place from the
Calvary Baptist church thia afternoon at
2 o'clock, the sermon being preached by
Rov. J. C. Baker, of Hartlund, Wash
ington. 'AH friouds of the family are
invited to attend.
The First battalion of the Washington
volunteers, 350 strong, under command
of Lieutenant-Colonal Fife, will leave
Tacoma tomorrow on the steamer
Senator for San Francisco. It includes
company A, Captain Otis; company B,
Captain Forstor; company D, Captain
Adams, and company E, Captain Scud
der. The next battalion is expected to
leave Saturday.
Two traveling acrobats arrived in the
city yesterday and last evening gave a
pertormanco on the square on Second
and Court streets. The performance
wob very good and a largo crowd was en
tertained. The only recompense -received
was what they got when tho hat
was passed around, which we daresay
was sufficient to keep them until they
reach another station.
All arrangements have been com
pleted for the ladies' and gentlemen's
teams of The Dalles Commercial and
Athletic club to attend the tournament
In .Portland Friday. The names of the
ladles' in the team have been given
while the eight gentlemen who attend
will be as follows : Judge Bradshavv,
Victor 8ampson, A. J. Tolmle, II. M.
Ogden, Fred Houghton, J. C. Hostettler,
Peter Stadelman and Victor Schmidt, j
An Unknown Alan Jumps From the
rittminnr Narali Dixon and Makes
the Klver Ills Urnve.
Among the passengers who boarded
the Sarah Dixon yesterday morning at
Portland was a man who evidently had
become tired of this life, and soon made
up his mind to end his struggles by
drowning himself in the seething waters
of the Columbia river.
He was a middle-aged man, about 5
feet, 8 inches in height, dark grey eyes',
dark hair, sprinkled with grey; he wore
about u week's growth of whiskers, and
his muBtache wob inclined to be dark.
He appeared to be a laboring man, but
was very slim and sickly looking, and
certainly not able to work very hard.
Those who noticed him particularly
say that he acted 6trangely, and moved
about the boat as if eomewhat dazed.
About midway between Warrendale
und McGowan's cannery he was noticed
to go att, descend the ladder, and before
his intention was surmised by the few
who saw him, jumped overboard.
The water seemed to revive him, and
he appeared to start for shore, as if re
gretting the rash act and still clinging
to life; but his efforts were vain.
As soon as the cry of "Man over
board!" was heard, boats were lowered
and every effort made to rescue him ;
but Le sank before aid could reach him,
and liia body was carried away by the
His hat was left on the step, and in it
was found a ticket to The Dalles ; but
no clew to his name nor anything re
garding tho man could be found.
I'utrlotlo KzereUes at Uo;l.
Wo hull thee, O Mug of our nation !
Emblem of liberty!
A voice- from lands where tyrants rulo
Ib pleading for help from thee.
Loved emblem of our native land,
Wo pray that victory
May add fresh laurels to thy glory, won
lu tho nniuo of humanity.
A flag will be raised on the Liberty
schoolhouse on Saturday afternoon,
May 28th. Brief addresses will be
given by Fred W, Wilson und Bernie E.
Sellick'on "The Flag of Our Country,"
which will bo followed by a short pro
gram of patriotic songs and recitations
by tho school children, after which the
flag will bo raised. ,
All persons who may wisli to attend
aro cordially invited.
Yesterdav afternoon Mrs. S. L. Brooks
entertained tho members of the ladies'
Aid Society of the Congregational
church, and with them a number of the
Indies of the Good Intent Society of the
Methodist church. A most pleasant
time was spent in social converse, and
an interesting game had been arranged
by the hostess, which the guests seemed
to enjoy to the fullest exterSt. Ice
cream and cake were served, and alto
gether the afiermon was one of the
pleusantest imaginable.
"Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators aro
superior to all. Agency at Hansen &
Thompson's planing mill. a21-lm dw
HI1U Allowed.
The following are the amounts ordered
paid at the last mceAng of the commis
sioner's court :
J F Haworth, legal blanks 1 20
School district No. 12, special
school lax collected 70 70
Glass & Prushotnme, stationery
and supplies 24 GO
A Sandrock, road scraper 4 00
H C Hooper, lumber for country
road 5 00
Alex Frazior, tervice as road su
pervisor 20 00
Davenport Bros.lumber for coun
ty road.- 40 SO
Harbison Bros, lumber for coun
ty road 06 34
R Brookhonse, work on county
road 25 50
Remington, work on county
road , . . . . 1 50
Lane Bros, repairing of road
tools 2 00
J P Goit, snrvey.lng 7 40
E L Smith, road viewer 2 00
H H Bailey, road viewer - 2 00
Chas Chandler, road viewer 2 00
H H Bailey, jr, chainman 2 00
G F Stranahan, chainman 2 00
S L Stranahan, marker 2 00
J B Goit, surveyor 10 70
J M Elliott, road viewer 4 00
Lee Evans, road viewer 4 00
L Lamb, road viewer 4 00
R P Peterson, chainman 4 00
A Roberts, chainman 4 00
Frank Roberts, marker 4 00
J B Goit, surveyor 8 00
O L Stranahan, viewing road. . . . 2 00
Frank Noble, Viewing road 2 00
W J Baker, viewing road 2 00
W H Hefferman, chainman 2 00
Dave Everhart, chainman 2 00
A L Phelps, marker 2 00
H H Smith, road viewer 2 00
J M Hamilton, road viewer ..... 2 00
W J Ashby, road viewer 2 00
D Hill, chainman 2 00
C Lowry, chainman 2 00
N W Wallace, marker 2 00
H H Smith, hauling stove 2 00
E F Sharp, surveying (J 00
G A Liebe, appraiser 2 00
M Randall, appraiser 2 00
W A Taplor, appraiser 2 00
W A Taylor, use of team 2 00
C L Schmidt, clerical services. . . 52 00
C L Gilbert, making school re
port 155 00
Jbb T Paten & Co, lumber 19 30
Bell C Rinehart, medical attend
ance pauper 8 00
Johnston Bros, supplies for. pau
pers 9 30
Johnston Bros, supplies for Co
road and bridges 12 G3
J A Douthit, printing 30 50
Gunning & Hockmai., supplies
for county road 10 75
A M Kelsay, expenses clerks of
fice, stamps, etc 9 35
Oregon T & T Co, rent to June
and messages 11 70
Dalles City waterworks, water
rent 3 00
John Trana, constable fees 13 75
J II Aldrich, justice fees 0 70
Thos King, constable fees 4 95
J H Aldrich, justice fees 11 '80
Thos King, constable fees .. . . 1G 45
G T Beckstrum, witness fees. ... 1 50
J II Aldrich, justice fees 6 75
John Trana, constable fees 0 40
R Block, juror fees 2 00
R Miller, juror fees 2 00
A Wilson, juror fees 2 00
A new lot of oranges .ami lemons di
rect from growers, at the Dalles Com
mission Co.
I ill i ill m sssBSSsssaaassssssssssasMSSMM
I 0.13 thousand styles and faizes.
I J For cooking and heating.
I Price from $io to $70.
1 Of ten imitated. Never equalled.
or an Iowa lMy Who Wan Cared of
Dyprla After BoffVrlng for
Twenty-flve Yearn.
Mrs. Sarah A. Skte'.e, an estimable
lady residing at Lynnville, Jasper Co.,
Iowa, was for twenty-five years a sufferer
from dyspepsia, and her comp'ete res
toration to health is so remarkable that
we present tho facts in the case for the
benefit of our readers, many of whom
have doubtless suffered in the samu
manner, and will, therefore, be inter
ested in learning how all stomach trou
bles may be avoided and cured. Mrs.
Skeelssays: I used only one package
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I re
ceived such a great and unexpected ben
efit that I wish to express my sincere
gratitude. In fact, it has been six
months Bince I took the medicine and I
have not had one particle of distress or
difficulty since. And all this in tho face
of the fact that the best doctors I con
sulted told me my case was incurable as
I had suffered for twenty-five years. I
want half a dozen packages to distribute
among my friends here, who are very
anxious to try this remedy.
Truly yours,
Mns. Saiiah A. Skeels.
The reason why Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are so successful in curing'indi
gestion and stomach trouble and the
reason why it never disappoints those
who need it and use it is because noth
ing is cjaiiued for it except what it will
actually perform. It is not a cure-all
and no such claims are made for it. It
is prepared for tho Bole purpose of curing
Dyspepsia and the various forms of in
digestion. There is scarcely a patent medicine
made but what is claimed to cure dys
pepsia as well as a hundred other trou
bles. When, as a matter of fact, a rem
edy to cure dyspepsia must bo prepared
especially for that and nothing else;
and among all the remedies, patent nos
trums, bitters, etc.. so extensively ad
vertised you will find that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets is the only one adver
tised as u cure for dyspepsia and nothing
else. Tiio remedy is prepared by the
Stuart Co.. of Marshall, Mich., and for
sale by all druggists at 50 cents per
package, and if you suffer from any form
of stomach derangement or indigestion,
a trial will not disappoint you.
A little book on stomach .troubles
mailed free. Address Stuart Co., Mar
shall, Mich.
DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles, Scalds. Hums.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
, Absolutely Pure
Notion to Water C'oiiuiiierft.
On and after May 1, 1898, those below
the bluff will be allowed to irrigate on
the even days in the month, and those
on the bluff on the odd days, from G to 8
o'clock a. in. and 0 to 8 p. in., and at no
other time. These ruins will be strictly
enforced. The rate for irrigation will
be $1.50 per month for each lot 60x100'
feet, and a proportionate amour t for
less space. J. B. Crosses,
my4 2w Superintendent.
J Take Voup Z
Z JVIcals at the f
2 Clarendon 2
9 Restaurant.
9 The Clarendon is the best Restaurant m
h in The 1m11cs.
5 JVIeals at P
2 All Houvs.- 9
2 Second St. The Dalles, Or. 9.
"Very Much to tho Good."
.reseei?t Bieyeles.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
We havo strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be 'sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25,
J. T. Peters & Co,
Cloudy Weather ppefepped fot Sittings.
Chapman Blook.