The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1898, Image 3

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    We Have
Decided to Move
as mucli of our stock as possible
Bargains such as wo call your at
tention to hero will not wait long
for purchasers.
5uo Bi Driues
.17 Uasf? Dress (Joods
Men's Tun Gulf Laco, Coin and Narrow Square toe
onr ?3,50 shoe for $2.00
Ladles' Kid Oxford Ties, Needle toe. Our $3.50
bIioo for. , 2.00
MiHHBB' Kid ttutton, square toe. Our $2.00 shoe. . . .75
Ladies' Ktd Oxford Ties for 50c
Ladies' house Hlippers, sizes 1 to 3 50c
Infants' shoes, Bines 1 to 3 10c
Lot No. 1
Organdies, Dimities, PercaleB and all high
class novelties, real worth, 15c, 20c and 25c per
yard. Special price for this week
John O'f.enry Gt Into a QnntrM Willi
Fred Walknr, nnd Receives a Sti
vers Wound.
'A serious shooting affair
9 Me.
Lot No. 2
Silk and Wool Challies, Silk Plaid Novelties
and Grass Linen Novielties; splendid values at
50c. Special price for thiB week
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 10, 1898
Tiie weather forecast for today is fair.
Baker City has Bix fire companies
witli a mamberships of 120.
A competent girl can find employment
by applying to Mrs. J. T. Peters. 0 !it
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
hem ice cream soda in the city. tf
To miss reading Pease & Mays nd to
day will bo to misB a good thing.
Dr. Shackelford iias removed liia office
to room 14, Vogt block, over the post
office. ml7-2m
Special on new Wnverley bicycles
Only $30 whilo they last. Mays &
Crowe. m4 d&wtf
W. M. liudio of Grant county, has
started for Klondike, with 100 head of
A new lot of oranges and lemons di
rect from growers, at the Dalles Com
mission Co. "
A girl is wanted to do general house
work. Must be a good cook, Apply
at this ofllce. .
Leave orders for ice with the Stadel
mau Commission Co. OfHce cold storage
building. Phone 41). tf
... i
lesterday over 200 sacks ot wool ar
rived at the Wneco Warehouse from
points in the interior.
Tonight Cyclone Davis, of 'Texas, will
deliver a political talk at the Baldwin
opera house in this city.
For sale cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outside the city limits.
Inquire of G. R. Kowland. a212w.
Dr. Bonham, dentist, Chapman block.
Gold fillings, crowns and bridgo work
a specialty. All work warranted.
R. H. Lonsdale has accepted a posi
tion as salesman in Mays & Crowe's,
and will begin work this morning.
Homer Barnett, of Wasco, was in
town yesterday and left last night for
Indiana where lie will make a short
It's juet like receiving a presont when
you make purchases at Pease & Mays'
special sale on dry goods and shoes this
A meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society
will be held Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. S. L. Brooks. All mem
bers are earnestly requestod to be pres
ont. Arthur Richardson, ono of Klickitat's
natlvo sons, and the oldest sou of Hon.
Jacob Richardson, of Goldeudale, has
enlisted in tho volunteer army ut Tort-land.
Yesterday the Dalles Commission Co.
shipped the first consignment of straw
berries, of the season. They were raised
on the Covington place near this city
and were sent to Montana.
Yesterday Filloon & Co.j received a
carload of wagons and another of farm
machinery, consisting of reapers, mow
ere, harvesters and rakes. The haying
season in fuat approaching and these
machines will be in demand by the
farmerB in the interior.
I Don't mlBS n good thing, but be on
hand early in the week and invest in
some of the speciulB Pen bo & Mays are
advertising' We know of no better way
to save money than an investment with
In anticipation of the institution of a
lodge of Elks of La Grande, the local
committee haB prepared a neat souvenir,
to be presented to those who will take
part. The souvenir will be a metallic
Mr. James White, tho east-end mer
chant, haa an addition on to his store.
In the new appartment he will carry a
stock of candies and confectionery, while
in the former store he will carry a stock
of fruits and bread.
Wo understand that Maude Obarr is
very sick with typLoid pneumonia at
her mother's hotel in this city. She is
receiving the very best of care and med
ical aid and it is expected that she will
recover iu a short time.
Yesterday Judge Mays and County
Commissioner Blowers went to the Cas- L
cades to view and accept a county road
which haB been recently built at that
place. They found the work very satis
iactory and accepted the same.
At tho club alleys last Week the hi
scores were as follows: Monday,
Ilollistcr 58: Tuesday. Schmidt
Wednesday, Ilonghton 47; Thursd
Alma Schanno 46; Friday, Stephens
Saturday, John Bonn 55; Sunday,
den 54.
The cattlobuyer8 in Harnev count;
have been notified by their Eastern em
ployers that, owing to a stringency iu
the money market, brought on by the
existing war with Spain, all future con
tracts must be made at a reduction of $2
per head for all grades.
The scores for ,the week ending Sun
day at tho Umatilla House alleys were
as follows: Monday, Wm Birgfeld 80;
Tuesday, Harry Esping 04 ; Wednesday,
Harry Esping 54; Thursday, W Birg
fold 00 ; Friday, Harry Esping 57 ; Sat
urday, Maetz 07; Sunday, Birgfeld 57.
A 10-acro tract near La Grande sold
the other day for $2000, or at the rate of
$200 per acre. This is another illustra
tion of the beneficial ofTects of tho sugar
factory. A 30-acre tract, ot which the
10-acre tract was a part, was ofi'ered a
t-jw years ago for $1200.
Yesterday tho Stadelman Commis
sion Company shipped two carloads of
potatoes, one to Kansas City and the'
other to Chicago. A large amount ot
potatoes have been shipped from this
city to eastern points this spring, and in
consequence they aro getting scarce in
this vicinity.
Quite a lot.of excitement was caused
Sunday evening by a horse running
away with 12-year-old boy named
Dell Haywood, The boy got on the
horse on Fourth, street and some young
sters scared the animal by throwing
rocks at it. It took a spurt 'up the
Mothodlst lilll and from O. D. Taylor's
residence turned west as far as' the Bap
tist church, where it was Btopped.. Tho
boy was not hurt although badly scared,
and what might have been a serious ac
cident turned out lucky for all con
Workmen are busily engaged in the
construction of the arch for the G. A. ft.
encampment. It will extend across the
street from the Dalles Commission Co,
to Frenche'e bank, and when completed
it will have a very neat appearance,
This shows the intention of our towns
people to decorate for the encampment
and we hope this examplo will be fol
lowed by everyone in regard to their
homeB and places of business.
rercy teott, wuo was lormerlv wine
clerk in the Umatilla House, was among
the excursionists who were in the city
Sunday. While here he renewed his
acquaintance with Fen Batty and his
other friends, on whom he made short,
but appreciated calls. In spite of the
pleasure he took in meeting the Dalles
boys, he returned on the first division
of the excursion train, while it is unnec
essary to say that Fen was at his post as
night clerk promptly at G.
The ladies bowling team of this city
has decided to attend the tournament at
Portland Friday, and will consist of the
following ladies : Meedames T. J. Seu
fert, Bradsbaw, Houghton, George
Blakeiey, and Misses Alma Schanno
and Annie Lang. The ladies' as well as
the gentlcmeu's team will leave Friday
morning and will in all probability re
turn Saturday evening. We are not
certain as to whether all the ladies
named will be able to go, but in such an
event others will fill the vacancies.
Mrs. Hill, a niece of Mrs. C. F. Steph
ens, left on yesterday morning's boat for
her home in Portland after a short visit
in this city. Mrs. Hifl is probably the
only lady on the coast who holds a cap
tain's paperc. Since she has been mar
ried to Captain Hill she has taken a
great interest in navigation and while on
their little steamer, the Newhall, she
took a captain's license, since which
time she has served at tiie wheel while
Mr. Hill has acted as engineer. Mrs.
Hill is known all over the coast and has
received tributes from many of the
newspapers for her ability as a captain.
The Red Men's excursion is a thing of
the past, A very large crowd of people
was in our city yesterday, aud the visi
tors seemed beent strictly on pleasure,
As is the case on all such accaslons, a
number of tough characters were among
those who came, but there were were
also a number of the best people of Port
land among the excursionists. Fault
was found by some of our citizens for
not having n brass hand and other means
of receiving and entertaining tho gueBts.
However, the Portland people had all to
do with the preparations and our people
probably overlooked this matter. The
visitors were granted all necessary priv
ileges in order that they might enjoy
themselves, and no fault can be found
with the hospitality of the people of this
city. The two sections of the train
pulled out between 6 :30 and 0, and, on
leaving, everyone seemed satisfied with
the treatment they had received,
occurred at
Grass Valiev Sunday afternoon. Word
was sent in that John C. O'Leary had
been shot, but the seriousness of tho in
jury was not stated, and the evening pa
per wan misinformed as to CharlesPiiuo
having committed tho crime.
' The shooting was done by a ycung
itnan named Fred Walker, who is about
21 years old, but the cause of the shoot
line has not been lenrnnd more thnn that
kt was over some business transaction.
UWftlker used a Winchester rifle and
tho ball struck O'Leary in the teg, scat
tering tho bone badly. As he is a man
advanced in years and will in all proba
bility have to have tho leg amputated,
somewhere below tho knee joint, it
will go hard with him. He will be
taken to St. Vincent's hospital today for
After tho Bhooting Walker mounted
his horse and rode away, and, although
a rossee has been searching the country
for him, he has not yet been found.
Walker is about 21 years of age, five
feet ten'inches tall and weighs one hun
dred and fifty pounds. When last seen
he way riding a dapple grey horse, and,
probably under the impression that he
has killed O'Leary, he may make a des
perate fight before he will surrender.
Mrs. O'Leary, who lives in this city,
left for her husbands bedside Sunday
evening and will accompany him
to Portland todav.
an Iowa Lady Who Wan Cured of
Dyspepsia After Suffering for
Twenty-flve Years.
Mre. Sarah A. Sfeeele; an estimable
lady residing at Lynnville, Jasper Co.,
Iowa, was for twenty-five years a sufferer
from dyspepsia, and her comp'ete res
toration to health is so remarkable that
we present the facts iu the case for the
benefit of our readers, many of whom
have doubtless suffered in the same
manner, and will, therefore, be inter
ested in learning how all stomach trou
bles may be avoided and cured. Mrs.
Skeelseaye: I used only one package
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets und I re
ceived such a great and unexpected ben
efit that I wish to express my sincere
gratitude. In fact, it lias been six
months since I took the medicine and I
have not had one particle of distress or
difficulty since. And all thiB in the face
of the fact that the best doctors I con
sulted told me my case was incurable as
I had suffered for tweuty-fivo years. I
want half a dozen packages to distribute
among my friends here, who are very
anxious to try this remedy.
Truly youre,
Mas. Saiuh A. Skeels.
The reason why Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are so successful in curing indi
gestion and stomach trouble and the
reason why it never disappoints those
who need it and use it iB because noth
ing is claimed for it except what it will
actually perform. It is not a cure-all
and no such claims are made for it. It
is prepared for the sole purpose of curing
Dyspepsia and the various forms of in
There is scarcely a patent medicine
made hut what is claimed to cure dys-
Ona thousand styles and s:zes,
For cooking and heating.
Price from $io to $70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
next In quality
pepsia as well as a hundred other trou
bles. When, as a matter of fact, a' rem
edy to cure dyspepsia must be prepared
especially for that nnd nothing else;
and among all the remedies, patent nos
trums, bitters, etc., so extensively ad
vertised you will find that Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets is the only one adver
tised as a cure for dyspepsia and nothiug
else. Tho remedy is prepared by tho
Stuart Co.. of Marshall, Mich., and for
sale by all druggists at 50 cents per
package, and if you suffer from any form
of stomach derangement or indigestion,
a trial will not dieappoint you.
A little book on stomach troubles
mailed free. Address Stuart Co., Mar
shall, Mich.
Wednesday Might's Concert.
On Wednesday (tomorrow) evening
Lawrence Manning, assisted by Billy
Tehune, the eccentric comedian, Prof.
Ryan, tho mandolin and guitar player,
and Prof.'Lundell, the vocal instructor,
will give an entertainment at the Vogt
Opera House. A select quartet will be
one of the features of the entertainment,
while Mr. Manning, who we have had
the pleasure of hearing, will certainly
delight all witti his beautiful voice. A
comic sketch will also be given by Mr,
Manning, Billy Tehune, Stanley Odair
and F. W. Edwards, and trnm beginning
to end the audience will be furnished
with a rich fund of amusement. An
other feature of the entertainment will
be that it is different in every way from
anything we have had heretofore and it
will certainly be well attended.
School lteport.
The foilbwing is the report of the Lib
erty school for the month commencing
April 4, and ending April 28:
Number enrolled, S3.
Average number belonging, 29.
Average daily attendance, 27.
Cases of tardiness, 20.
Those commendable for deportment
Lizzie Uunderwood, Maggie Hastings,
Ada Bell, Flossie AdkiBson. Estu Bol
ton, Mary Nicholson, Marcia Selleck,
Grace Mason, Myrtle Selleck, George
Haverly, Eli Adkisson, Sames Selleck,
Harvey Mason, Alfred Bell, Clarence
Bauer and Earnest Mason.
The visitors present during the month
Sir. J. Adkisson, Mr. M. Selleck, Roy
Selleck and Quintus Underwood.
Lizzie Nichols, Teacher.
Royal rnikts ths food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Tenohers' Kxantlnatlon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of malting an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county echool superin
tendent thereof, will hold a public exam
ination at the courthouses in The Dalles,
beginning Wednesday, May 11, 18118, at
1 p. m.
Dated this 2d day of May, 1893.
C. L. GiLiiEiiT, School Supt.,
Wasco County, Or.
From the Chinese garden on Mill
creek, one roan horse, 5 years old,
branded P on right shoulder. Said
horse was purchased on April 27th from
B. T. Colling. The party finding and
returning said horse will bo suitably re
warded. Wing Hong Hai & Hoxo.
' ni0-2v7
The 54-ton engine and three new pes
saneer coaches recently purchased by
President L. Gurlinger, of the Portland,
Vancouver & Yakima Railway Company,
for uee on the road, arrived here from
Tacoma Sunday, and were taken to tho
company's new roundhouse. Officials o
the road, and a few friends, made a
trial trip over the several miles of road
with the new engine, and are all highly
pleased with the engine, which will be a
valuable additiou to the rolling.stock of
the road.
The Good Templars of this city gavo
one of. their pleasant socials at their hall
last night. These evenings are always
looked forward to as being a time in
which all can enjoy themselves to the
fullest extent, and lust night was no ex
ception, the hall being crowded with a
lively party.
"very Much to the uooci."
.reseept Bieyeles.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.$! $
5 Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
"Wo havo strictly First-Glass
Fir, Oak and -Maple
To b9 gold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Cloudy Weather Preferred foit Sittings.
Chapman Blook. THE DALLES, OK.