Dalles 4 ''Is l' VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1898. NO 45- iRwriTiipew Ml Greatest fart of the City Destroyed by the United States Fleet. 3 Washington, May 6. The officials of the war de partment admit having received reliable, but unofficial, news from Commodore Dewey to the effect that he has taken Manila after the bombardment, in which a large part of the city was destroyed. Hong Kong, May 6. Up to this hour, 10:30, to night, nothing of an official, nature has been heard from Manila. SAMPSON TO SILENCE FORTS The Spanish Fleet Will Be Destroyed Full Information is Expected To morrow or Sunday. Washington, May 6. Admiral Samp eon has had ample time since he lelt Key West to have reached the. north bhore of Porto Rico. It in officially stated that the war de partment still maintains a strict silence as to the orders given to the admiral concerning his movements. The officers of the navy department docs not hesitate to say that Sampson is i-xpected to silence the forts near San Juan ns soon ns poesihle. Eeould the Spanish fleet or a portion of it reach Porto Rico, Sampson will de stroy it. This much is officially admit ted. It will be much easier to accom plish the object with the forts that pro tect the principal ports destroyed than it would be with them to support the fleet. The navy officers believe that if San Juan was not bombarded today it will ho tomorrow morning. Two cables run from Porto Kico to Jamaica, ono of them running from the north coast near San Juan and the other from the coast at Porte de Ponce. Should the American fleet be successful in she present movement the Spaniards would probably cut the northern cable, but Sampson would notify the navy de partment by means of the other soon after the victory. Secretary Long does not expect news of the bombardment until tomorrow night or Suuday morn lug. ENGLAND STILL OUR FRIEND Again She Refuses to7 Join a Movement Looking to the Intervention by the Powers. London, May C Certain powers, it has been definitely learned by the Asso ciated Press, have again made overtures to Great Britain, looking to intervention in the war between Spain and the United States, but Great Britain per sisted In ber refusal to toko part in such a move. It is significant fact that the British naval authorities have deolded to Imme diately commission two new battleships just completed. Nkw Yohk, May 0, A Rome special aayt that the pope has sent a telegram to the queen regent of Spain, earnestly ad vising an Immediate appeal to the Eu ropean powers (or Mediation in the war with America. UNCLE SAM MAY HOLD THE SPOILS The European Powers Will be Consulted as to Whether or not the Philip pines Shall be Retained. Washington, May 0. "The United States can retain soverignty over Phil ippine Islands, provided they have been captured; but will not bo per mitted to dispose of them without con sulting European powers." This state ment was made by one of the diplomatic attaches of the important European government. "France, Germany, Rus sia nnd England, " he continued, "have important interests in the Eaat. These interests might be seriously jeopardized if the United States should dispose of her spoils without consultation." "Has the diplomatic corps taken any steps to explain the position of foreign powers toward the government of the United States?" "Not yet. Europe hns no official knowledge that the Philippines have been acquired by the United States, and no protest can be filed until there is reason for protesting." NO MILITARY GOVERNORS Civil Instead of Military Government to Bp Inaugurated. ! ? ' Washington, May C While there has been a great deal of talk concerning the appointment of military governors for Cuba and the Philippine ielande, it is not likely that the president will estab lish a civil instead of a military govern ment in both cases, until the future management of affairs has been decided upou. TWENTY MILLIONS FROM DAWSON CITY A Klondiker Returns From the Noith Bringing Reports of the Fabulous Output of the Spring Clean-up. ' Skaguay, via Victoria, May 0. II. R. Miller, of Escsnaba, Mich., arrived from Dawson over the trail, having left Daw on City March 31 and reached Skaguay April 27. He eays that twenty million dollars Jn gold dust will leave Daweon ibis aummer, D.WUf Witch Hazel Salv Chtm PUi, Seals. Bursa. MAY LEAD TO COMPLICATIONS Trans-Atlantic Liner LaEaycttc, Disre garding a Warning Attempts to Run the Blockade at Havana and is Captured and Taken to Key West. Key West, May 0. On board Asso ciated Press diepatcu boat, Kate Spen cer.J The La Fayette, of the French General Transatlantic Company's line, a vessel of 3364 tons gross register, bound from Corunna, Spain, April 23J, for Havana, was captured yesterday even ing off the latter port by the gunboat Annapolis, Commander Hunker, while trying to ran the blockade, after having previously been warned off. She has on board a large number of passenger and a valuable cargo, possibly containing contraband of war. Her capture was eflectep shortly before sundown last night in the following manner: The LaFayettb was headed for Ha vana and was boarded by an officer of the Annapolis and warned 'not to'enter that port.- She afterward made an at tempt to do so, and was captured after an exciting chase. The Wilmington, Newport and Morrill took part in the capture of the Frenchman. After examination of the LaFayette's papers, a prize crew from the Annapolis was placed on board, and she was sent to Key West, escorted by the Wilming ton. Previous to this step being taken, Commander Hunker, temporarily flag officer, and Commander Todd, of the Wilmington, exchanged Eignals for over an hour. An international question was thought to be involved, but it was seemingly finally decided to send her to Key West. ThwJact that she left a Spanish 4port after the declaration of war seems to warrant holding the La Fayette. It is reported that the La Fayette, in addition to being a French mail steamer, is a French naval reserve vessel, mount ing guns and carrying a crew sufficient to make her ready for active service at short notice. This, it is said, adds con siderably to the gravity of the interna tional aspect of the case. Washington, May C. The seizure of the French liner La Fayette by the sun boat Annapolis caused a distinct senea tion in official and diplomatic circles here, as it is believed to involve the possibility of more serious complications than have arisen thus far' Taking the facts, as reported, the officials declare positively that there can be no question that Hip LaFayetteis a blockade runner, and as such a lawful prize. It is said France will lodge a protest with the state department immediately upon re ceipt of official information of the seizure. THE LA FAYETTE WAS RELEASED Having no Contraband of War oil Board, the Prize Crew Has Been Withdrawn. Key West, May 7. The big French liuor, LnFayette, which was brought to Key West yesterday morning by the gunboat Wilmington, was examined by the prize commission. No contraband of war was found on board, and under orders of the navy department, Commo dore Watson, of the. blockading squad ron has been ordered to release ber. FATE OF THE. , PHILIPPINES The United States and England Have Decided Concerning Them. - London, May 6. The Daily Chronicle's correspondent says : Arrangments between England and the United State ou the subject of the Philippines are looked upon in the best informed circles here as already settled. No other conference is considered neces sary until the war is brought to an end, either by force of events or by the amicable intervention of Europe. " London, May 6. A special dispatch from Shanghia says that Commodore Dewey, after crushing the Spanish fleet aKl disposed of Cavite, bombarded Manila, which was soon on fire. Great lots of life is reported. ' Madrid, May 6. Hong Kong advises says the Americans are reported to have landed at Cavise, after n fresh bombard ment. .Hong Kong, May 6. Cotnmun'cation with Manila has not been restored. London, May 6. It is officialy denied that the Manila cable is working. MURDERER . SHOT TO DEATH An Angry Mob Makes Short Work of an Assassin. New Ohleaxs, May 6. Dennis Bur rell, colored, was shot to death here to day by a mob, afier having killed Po licemen Anthony and Trimp. Burrell was recently released from the peniten tiary and was wanted for burglary. It was learned today that he waB here and he was arrested by Cleary and Offi cer Jacobs, Burrell broke away and shot Cleary, killing him instantly. He also shot at Jacobs wounding him ser iously. He then made and effort to skip and shot and killed Trimp, who at tempted to stop him. The crowd gave chase and the negro was cornered in a barn, where he was shot to deatn. MUCH INTEREST WAS AROUSED According to Previous Arrangement The LaFayette Had a Right to Touch at Havana. Washington, May 7. The seizure of the French steamship La Fayette, when attempting to run tho Havana blockade, excited the liveliest interest in diplo matic circles and the state department. Her release has been ordered, owing to previous arrangement with the French embassy that she be allowed to touch at Havana en route to Vera Cruz to land passengers and mail and take off the French citizens. This was allowed on the understanding that no goods be landed. VERY SEVERE STORM A Number of Fishing Vessels Wrecked Many Lives Lost. Noufalk, May 0. A fleet of fishing schooners and dories off this coast suf fered greatly in a storm last Monday. Dories Mary and Carrie were swamped and five men drowned. The schooner Empire fouled tho tchooncr Eli Johnson in trying to get clear of the fleet, and four men of the crew of the former and three of tho latter were knocked overboard and drowned, It is feared that the echooner mystery, with ten men aboard, has been lost. "Cheap" baking powder is mostly nice white clay plus alum. The alum is there to raise the dough. The clay is there to fill up the can. The alum is bad for the insides. The clay is merely your " peck of dirt." 640 GUNBOAT LEAVES BUENOS AYRES Spanish Vessel With Troops En Route for Barcelona. BCknos Aykes, May 6 via Galveston. The Spanish torpedo gunboat Temer ario, which has been, it is alleged,, un dergoing repairs at Ensenado, 35 miles from here, and which was said to be without a crew and disabled, sailed to day, presumable going northward. Port Said, May 6. The Spanish steamer Leo XIII, with troops from Manila, has sailed for Barcelona. EX-MAYOR SUTRO KIDNAPPED Peculiar Action of His Favorite Daugh ter, Pending the Litigations. San Francisco, May 0. Ex -Mayor Adolph Sutro has been kidnapped by his favorite daughter, Mrs. Merritt, and taken to her residence and held there on the grounds that she has a right as his daughter to do so. This is only another step in the litigations to secure Sutro's millions. A. Ml. WILLIAMS & CO. "EVIDENCE IS BETTER THAN TALK" A peca of the Things Passers-by tOindouds Percale Shirts for men. at 50 These shirts are made with collar i'ercale, and are sliown in a large Summer Underwear for Men 50 cents a full suit. To see is to buy. Men's spring snlts of an all suits! such style! such patterns! to fit, as well as to wear. Made with terial: finished with a wide satin piping. Trousers cut in the prevailing style, nothing lacking to make them Susnenders for Mon'a flno twice aB much. People wonder why did wo wouldn't be selling cheaper by actual doings our superiority in to realize the fact. It navs them. elastic web, have round elastic sliding colors; uieoin neat plaids. Unly lo Neck Ties for Men in tecks at 25 cents. Our price on nearly a Men's Hosiery. Be it for best grades at the lowest prices. A Bundle Socks, trrev mixed, seamless, Bundle Sot-ks, grey mixed, seamless, Hlaek fast black socks, well i-lmped, Black, also tan and brown, mmuiiIcbs We think there's none in town like . . i .ii f.-ii t la and still more so when you sue ti.o ribbed neck and Bvnni collar. Colors heretofore been OUR piice on similar There area few dozen other mention here, but will gladly show q tjuys u i isi i kizh, iiiii wejgm, uuuuu awuuiur iur men, hub win 30G easilv be recounted as an extremely low figure on these goods, A. M.WILLIAMS & GO. JEFFRIES WINS THE FIGHT The Sailor Beaten in Twenty Rounds Decision Made on Points Tea Thousand Witnesses Present. San Francisco, May, 6. Tonight at Mechanics pavilion two. of the moat formidable-looking figters of the Queens berry school entered the ring and fonght twentv rounds to decide the question of supremacy. The contest was tho moet important ring event that has been ar ranged siii co the Corbett-Fitzairomone The principals were Tom Sharkey and. Jim Jeffries. tTen thousand people witnessed the fight; but the battle was tame. The decision was given Jeffries on points by Referee Greggains. No knock-out. Jeffries is now regarded as the coming champion of the world. Honors ror Two FathTH' Soon. Chicago, May 6. John A. Logan, son of General Logan, and Russell Har rison, son of ex-Pre?ident Harrison, will bo appointed colonels in the volun teer army and assigned to duty on the volunteer corps staffs. A grand sacred concert will be given at Camp McKinley Sunday. See In Out this CUeek. cents, form one of the attractions. and cuffs attached, of a good quality variety ot neat patterns. at 25 cents a garment. That's only Colors cream and brown mixed. wool material for $7:50. And such such perfect fitting suits! Tailored wide inside coat facing of same ma right unless it be part of the price. wear at 15 cents pair. Easily worth we don't ask it; iust because if we than any other storo. We demonstrate close selling, and people are beginning These suspenders are maiio with non- ends and can no nan in plain light cents a pair. and band bows; silk ties, usually sold hundred dozen 15c each, fcasy picking. farm or town wear, we have them in the few numbers now In our window. ribbed lam, per dozen .... , 50c ribbed tups, uer dozen , ,..,t'.0c rlnued topn, ei dozen wo foot, last colom, per pair 10c tnem. n . ipul .tll garments. We show them in both navy and iiiuroou. ol) cents has sweaters, things whL'h we cannot find room to you. 'I iE I