The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 04, 1898, Image 3

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Values in Laces.
Point Applique Laces
We are showing a large variety In thi pop.
ular lace, in white and burr . .25c to 1 1 .25 yd.
Point Venice Laces
We have them in all widths., .from 20 to 45c
Chantilly Laces
We carry an immense line of black, cream
and butter, in al! widths and- quality, pure
eilk from inch to 9 Inches wide," at our
Popular Close Prices
Wash Laces
In TorchacB, Point de Paris, Normandy
Valenciennes. There goods we recommend
for durability and graceful designs, and. . . .
At the right prices
Special Sale to close out.
We offer an assortment of Wash Laces in all
wiilttiB nt. .Less than half the regular price
Fancy Bosom
Shirts for Men.
Just such shirts as overy man
wants half a dozen of, and for
which he'd usually pay as
many dollars. We'll sell them
to you for v
Fifty Cents
Or a better one
for Seventy-five' Cents
From the neatest little checks
to tasty plaids, with separate
cuffs. Thej''re are as good as
any dollar shirt we know of.
Oar Dalle lloya Will llavn
Company Hourly Soim.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 4. 1898 i
to stand the damage?, but it is hard'
to got good milch cows und the logs is a
eerious one (or this reason.
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Tillamook creamery butter 50 tents at
The Dalles Commission Go.'s.
Dr. Shackelford has removed his office
to room 14, Vogt block, over the post
office. ml7-2m
Or an pes and lemons direct from grow
ers at lowest prices at Dalles Commis
sion Co. 'a.
Leave orders for ice with the Stadel
miin Commission Co. Office cold storage
building. Fhone 49. tf
Extra choice, full weight, Tillamook
creamery butter at 50 cents per square
at Maier & Benton's.
"Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators are
superior to all. Agency at Hansen &
Thompson's planing mill. a2l-lui dw
For sale cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outside the city limits.
Inquire of G. II. Rowland. a212w.
The Dalles City arrived at 7 yesterday
evening with a large passenger list and
the usual amount of freight.
Dr. Bonham, dentist, Chapman block.
Gold fillings, crowns and bridge work
a specialty. All work warranted.
The Degree of Honor will give a social
tonight. All members are requested to
be present and bring a friend.
J. M. Hemphill, a sheepman of Birch
creek, Umatilla county, has 2500 sheep,
aud his lamb yield was 100 per cent.
A meeting of the Artisans will be held
at the usual place tonight. All members
are requested to be present as business
of importance will be considered.
A. B. Btahl, merchant tailor at 114,
Second street, has a complete line of do
mestic und foreign goods. A fit guaran
teed and prices to suit the times.
Monday night a carload of horses was
shipped to Walla Walla to be put to
work on the O. It. & X. track near that
city. 'The contract to furnish them was
held by Hugh Glenn, of this city.
Already the warehouses in Pendleton
are being filled with wool. At the Fur
nish warehouse there is 100 000 pounds, ,
and Saturday several heavily loaded
wagons drove up and were unloaded.
The manager at the storehouse says the
wool baa just begun to arrive, and that
large crop is expected.
The new ferry boat Is rapidly nearing
completion aud Is ready to receive the
machinery, which will be put in within
the next few days. The ferry which is
ran at present does not fill the bill as
well as U might and it will be a relief to
those who have to use the ferry when
the new boat is put into service.
Two valuable milch cows belonging
to N. Whealdon, were killed by the
train Monday above this eity. Tbey
were out with the herd and were feed
ing along the track when the train
struck them. The company will have
I Since January 1, one firm in Coquille
I has purchased and ehipped S800 dozen
eggs, an average of about 50( dozen per
week. The Coos county hens are doing
their part toward making good times.
Lieutenant Bartell came up on the
Spokane local yesterday evening and
will remain a-few days. He says that
he will, in all probability, hold his pres
ent position in Company L, in which
the Dalles boyB are at present. The boys
are elated over the Philippines, and will
feel disappointed if they are not Bent to
that post.
Yesterday Unas, btnbling received a
letter from bis son, Arthur, in which he
stateB that he has been appointed to the
rank of commissary sergeant. This is a
good appointment for a young man who
has so recently enlisted, and we trust
that if the war does not end sooner than
expected, he will receive etill higher
honors in his company.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Vernon Paul,
who now has charge of the Covington
place, near this city, bruught to this
office the first strawberries of the season,
and they were delicious. The first to
ripen on the place were picked last
Thursday. The strawberry season is
about two weeks earlier this year than
usual, aud from present indications we
are to have an abundance.
F. X. Schoonmaker, who was billed to
speak in Weinhard's ball at Oregon City
Saturday evening, did not arrive in the
state in time to meet the engagement.
He will speak here later in the campaign.
Wednesday afternoon, he will speak at
EagleCreek. Mr. Schoonmaker spoke in
this city in the campaign of S96,and we
hope he will speak iu our city again
before returning to his home iu New
The ecow which is being built for
Captain Donovan was launched yester
day and after the mast has been set in
place and some other fixtures arranged
it will be ready to go into service in
hauling wood from down river points.
In a short time Peter's new scow will be
ready to be put into service also. These
two will take the place of the Wasco und
Interstate in transporting wood from
points down the river.
The young men of Milton, in Umattlla
county, have organized theunelves into
a company, and are being drilled in mil
itary tactics by Marshal J. F. Campbell
and W. H. Bailey, the latter a veteran
of the civil war. The boys have nolther
arms nor mil forms, but, with the zeal of
sons of .1770, they are taking the best at
hand and present a very warlike appear
ance as tbey go through the various ma
neuvers, armed with a miscellaneous as
sortment of guns and with banners fly
ing. Lincoln county is preparing for .an
other big crop. Increased acreage In
wheat is noticed upon all sides. Most
of the farmers aro through seeding, and
those having wheat on hand are rushing
it to market to be disposed of at tho
present high prices. Local buyers are
doing active bidding in trying to secure
the remainder of last year's crop. The
Farmer's warehouse and Snrague roller
mills, in Sprague, are getting the bulk
of the present .delivery, with purchases
about even. The Sprague roller mills
are tunning day aud night, and from
present indications will continue double
time throughout the year, as the local
, A number of our bovs, th majority
of whom are under 21 years of age, are
at present organizing a militia catnpany
at this place.
Hal French, who' has spent four years
In military school and who holds the
rank of lieutenant Iu' tho regular army,
will act as trainer, while Adjutant Uid
deli, of the O. N. G., will also asalst In
the instructing tho boys.
A meeting was held at tho Vogt last
evening and tho above named
explained the duties and obligations
which would be imposed upon the boys
who join such a company, aid the fol
lowing petition to Governor Lord was
proposed and signed by those present:
" We, the undersigned, resident' of
the third military district, and sublet
to military duty, respectfully apply io
be organized into a military tonipanv
under the laws of Oregon and regulati ns
of the Oregon National Guard :
"Edward Baldwin, Roy Grimes, Clrns
Campbell, C WRiddell, Joseph W Mi:
Arthur, J B Pruyne, Alfred Huott,
Owen BrowiiClay C. Uren, Francis M
Sexton, Neal Bandy, Frank Sylvester,
Claude Kelsay, James Cooper, Charles
Schmidt, Eugene Moore, Carl Groeliler,
Garfield Moore, Rue Miller, Much
Hagan, Willie Michelbach, J L Fritz,
Ernest Hobleigh, Harold Thompson,
George Bills, Vernon Cooks, Roy Emer
son, Chris Schwabe, Carey Jenkins, Ed
Jenkins, Ivan Oakes, Irvine Parkins,
Rex Ward." .
A number of others who were not
present last night will sign, and the
company when complete will consist of
over 40 members.
This move on the part of our boys
shows the desire they have to serve
their country when it is in need.
Seurert 11 run. Will Mil lie a' Series
Experiment In Fruit Canning.
Tf la tho tnfantl'nn -nf Run fart Tlrna
during 1 he coming summer to experi
ment in canning fruit at their place near
this city, and if the experiment proves
satisfactory they will construct a fruit
cannery on a big scale.
Their exneriment will ha on the vnr-
time throughout tne vear, as the local i. ...... . , . . ,
trade is gaininff and the foreign demand! OU8k,nlof flrnit' the principal
nuib nuuu tiicv Mtii uan biiuuiu wicv
start up their establishment will be
v They raise a large quantity of the
above fruit annually, and before they
have time to ship the different varieties
to the eastern markets they are over
ripe and consequently many rot on the
ground. If their cannery scheme proves
successful they will not only be able to
use up their own fruit, but also much uf
that of other fruit raisers. This is a
commendable enterprise and we sin
cerely hope not only that it will be suc
cessful, but that like moves will he made
by other enterprising business men ol
this city.
for its product ib steadily on the in
Northport, Washington, is in ruins.
Of the entire business district nothing
remains but ashes. More than 40 build
ings went up in Emoke yesterday morn
ing, causing a loss of about $100,000.
Dozens of people are homeless today,
and EcoreB are pennileps. Of all the
buildings on the fiat, but two are left
standing the Spokane and Northern
depot and Kendrick's store. The fire is
supposed to have been caused by some
careless smoker casting aigar stump
on the carpet in a little barber shop
where the fire originated.
Docorate Your If ouiei.
In two weeks the G. A. R. encamp
ment will take place and we hope to Fee
our city clad in holiday attire. The
committee on decorations will do all in
their power to induce our people to dec
orata their homes and places of business
and a great many have signified their
willingness to decorate freely.
At present our lawn9 and residences
are beautiful, and a little decorating
would add. much to the appearance of
the city.
At such a time as this a splendid op
portunity is offered to impress a number
of people from other places with the
city's appearance, aud we sincerely hope
that for the sake of a trivial expense, it
will not be left without suitable decorations.
Hon. I. T. beer was given a rousing
reception at Toledo Monday night, when
he delivered his initial speech of the
campaign in the courthouse, which was
beautifully decorated with American
flags, bunting and ev.ergreens. The
crowd was equal in number to half the
voters in Lincoln county, and gave earn
est attention to the speaker. People
from Elk City and the county began
arriving early In the day, and at 8 o'clock
Notice to Water Connumern.
On and after May 1, 1898, those below
the bluff will b'e allowed to irrigate on
the even days in the month, and those
on the bluff on the odd days, from 5 to 8
o'clock a. m. and 0 to 8 p. iu., and at no
other time. These rules will be strictly
enforced. The, rate for irrigation will
ba $1.50 per month for each lot 50x100
ieet, and a proportionate amourt for
less space. J, B. Ckoshkk,
my42w Superintendent,
llejiort at Summit Uld(t School.
Following is the report of Summit
Kidge school for the month beginning
April 4th and ending April 20th :
Those who have bem neither trniy
nor absent and are excellent in deport
ment are : James Clausen, Cora Clau
sen, Rose Turner, Ednah Clausen, Otto
Clausen, Anna Ramus and Arnold Clau
sen. E, Maud Pkahodv,
To Kent.
Seven-room , house below the bluff,
Eij qui re of A. S. Mao Allliter, Chronicle
OeWitt's Little Early Risers,
Tile jmgu l!ltl.jlll.
0.13 thousand styles and bizes.
For cooking and heating.
Price from $io to $jo.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
T. M. Rlchsrdson brought a wagon load
from Newport and Yaquina City. There
were some present from the Valley. W.
R. King, fusion i-ondidate for governor,
was not pref nt. This was a disappoint
ment to others as well ns to Mr. Geer.
The speaker expressed regret at IiIb
opponent's absence. Reference to the
Spanish war and the patriotism ol the
American navy met with storms of
applause. Free Cuba and T. T. Geer
songs, composed for tho orc.ision by
Wesley Daels, were sung. The meeting
was the biggest political demonstration
in tho history of Lincoln county. The
Rosebrook band furnished music.
In an interview yesterday, General
H. G. Merrinra, commanding tho de
partment of the Columbia, confirmed
tho news that Colonel Thomas M. An
derson and companies A and G, now
staticned at Uvea, Alaska, would bo re
called. The order was issued yesterday,
and the troops are expected to arrive in
Portland within twenty days. He alio
confirmed the report of the receipt of
orders to recruit the Fourteenth infan
try to a war footing. Seven hundred
and forty-eight men will be added to the
regiment. Besides these, forty men
will be added to troop E, Fourth cav
alry, stationed at Portland.
II. C. Rooper and wife, of Ridgeway,
arrived on the boat from Portland last
night, They were accompanied Mr.
Hooper's brother and his wife and
daughter, of London, England, who will
visit here for a few days.
Edward Lage, formerly of this place,
passed through this city on last night's
train, on his way to Chicago to vieit
Xachvllle aud ltoncburc, 1808.
The attention ot the Christian En
deavorers of the World is being directed
to Nashville as it was a year ago to San
Francisco, and one of the greatest meet
ings in the history of this great move
ment is) assured. Oregon endeavorers
are looking especially toward Roseburg
at this lime, where their annual Hate
convention will be held May 12ih to
loth Preparations are now being made
in that lively burg for the reception and
care of all the delegates who may find
it possible to attend. Such a reception
is promised as has never been attempted
by any entertaining city in Oregon. The
program as outlined is one of the best
thpy have ever been able to offer, and as
no limit is placed on the number who
may attend, a successful meeting is al
ready assured.
Royal mrm tka food pure,
' wholMom and dtllclwM.
Absolutely Pure
A Clevrr Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has liitne hack and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We
mean he can curb himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine
tones up the whole system, acts as
stimulant-to tho Liver and Kidneys, is a
blood purifier anil nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be con vi need
that they are a miracle worker. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3
At tho taut End Feed Yard.
Harper Bros., of the East End feed
yard have a thoronchbred Jersey bn.ll,
which they will stand for the season at
the feed yards. For terms apply to the
above. - aprlS-lm
Thousands of sullererj from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Couuh Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseasee. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
The farmer, the mechanic and the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts
and bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly, and is a well known
cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co.
To Curo u Colli iu One Day.
Take Laxiitive Broino Quinine Tab
lets. All druugiots refund tie money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
"very wiucn to tne uooa.
.reseept Bieyeles.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel.that sells at an honest price. J S
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Wo havo strictly First-Glass
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To ba sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
CloudyWathei Pnefanned for Sittings.
Chapman Blook. THE DALLES,. OR,