The Dalles Dally Chrtii cm; ia llks OIIEGOX Both the method and results when Syrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant sad refreshing to the taste, and acts aently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the mly remedy of its kind ever pre faced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in Its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most .feealthy and agreeable substances, its .many excellent qualities commend it "So jJl and have made it the most popnlar remedy known. syrup oi rigs is ior sate in ou cent bottles bv all leading' drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it. " Do not accept any substitute. CAUFORKIA HQ SYRUP CO. sam numaaco. cal iDvmiuz. a. mew roan. .r. "C. E. Meek, oi Condon, is in the city pn business. Henry Hodson was in the citv vester- ay from Dufnr. A. G. Hoerinz went to Fortland yes- ixcrUav on business. IRtcbard SigmEn was in from bis farm near UHlnr vesterdar. Louie Klincer and wife were in the city from Dafcr yesterday. 3iihard Griffith is in the city from bis jEiocKiarm on the John Day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry HilL'en are in I srost tb&ie home near Kiugsley. Miss Grace Allard, of Portland, spent .cjmiiay witn menus in llie city. ?Srs. William Mansfield went to Port land on (the Dalles City yesterday. Djn P. BagntIl, the pipular Spokane clothing man, was In the city Sunday. Bert Phelps spent Sunday in the city, Jeaving yeEterday morning for Portland. H.rf. Ktffer left on the morning train f ior AFiciland, where he will visit for a iiew iajn. , flkfrcTisb, c Oregon City, is in tbe .'city vlsitine her -son, Jndd Fish, at tbe Uioatiila House. Mrs. L. E. Crowe vill leave for Port kad fln the boat toda-v. She will bear .Jielba tonight. 9ft. V. M. Baamu3 was a through ,pesecger cn the east-bound flyer yes-H-day aftern0B, "I'ie'itn MntpViy company of ten per 'jsons ftrrtved-cm Scuday nigbt and played at tbe X'ogt lost night. "Mr. R. H. Lonsdale left on the boat yesterdav morning for a short basiness Jtnp to the city of Portland. SfweGnssie Lownsdale, who has befn -viwting relatives bere. left on the boat eaterdiy morning for Portland. L.TJIIerv, principal of tbe Prine vilie public scnoola, paeed through tbe city to the Willamette Valley Sunday. Mies "Georgia Sampson will leave this -morning for Portland, where she will tir the great singer, Melba, this evtn- Dr. Lannerbirg, who for some time bae been living at Ptndleton. returned to this place yesterday and will be bere Jar a short time. n&ist nigbt Engineer Nickell received -a telegram stating that bis wife Is seri ously ill in Portland, aud left for that lilacs on ibe esrly morning train. Mr. Burt Blodgett arrived in tbe city yeaterdav from Wisconsin. He is ou ;Ina way to vis't his son who has rich smnlug interests near Canyon City. Mr. li. Ii, Hood, who has spent the vpt week visiting with friend iu this ioty. will leave ijday for his home in 'Helena, Calif. Mr. Hood is always I ura're ef a hearty welcome to his old Ifaaie, and bis frietds regret to see him 5 lettve. Wbile be ia atiached to The Xtalles, he is much pleaved with his x musw home, nud ia loud in its pralate. BOKM. To this city, 00 Sunday, May let, to Mr. and Mr'f. bcliulte, dauitbter., tta. Cm behalf of mymU d wife, I tk fla lBere1y thBk U10 friend anil iri wh gave iw their fflapatby, hflf f --'-f -t-t. 4V. aB(j dMtb a(K Wtovfd boy. . John Pashek. TROOPS MAY LEAVE FOR CUBA TOMORROW cm UUJCCtlC Matanzas to Be Made the Point of the Expedition NewYock, May 2. A special to the World froni Tampa, Fla., says : A rumor is in circulation here to the effect that 5000 troops and as many Cu-1 bans as :1m Cuban junta can gather here j will leave Tuesday n'.cht for Matanzas ! for the invasion o: Cuba. The World .correspondent's says that an ' army officer told him that he had seen an order, trom the secretary of war ordered the troops to move Tuesday, Matanzat being their objective point. The transports are expected Tuesday It is known that of the 30-day s' rations , given out ix few days ago, none is being. nsed.and the regimtntal officers have re-J c-ived word to have their commands ready to move at a moment's notice. It r ,.k C.T , U known served out with 300 rounds each, and all soldiers have fnll cartridge belts. General A. W. Greely, chief signal of ficeris expected here today. G. A. K. Annual Encampment. Krmnrtrnf tr Al T?M;n .j,.5 u'j . " .u .... j nfi... ,mr,,;..DDa -:m u .1 other committees will be m tbe store ,, . . . , room next door to the Snipes-Kmersly t.., n t. .1. . Drug Co. s until after tbe encampment. r.... w t J. Joax . Lewis. nh.Im. V p. Bncaueu'E arinca. salve. The best calve ia the wcrid for cute, bruises, sores, nicera, aait rhenm, iea sores, tetter, chapped hands, cuilblaine. corns, and all skin eruption, and posi tively cui H8 piiea, or no pay required tion. or mcuey refunded. Price 25 cents ' per box. For sale Dy Blateley and Honghtoc. druceists. The farmer, the mechanic and tbe bi - evele rider are liable to unexpected cnts and bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel i Salve is the best thing to keep on band It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Thousands of eofl'ererj from grippe have been restored to health by One .44.44U4V. W U ii UUICi - 4 UlLJklV VJU I C5 . coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,. . . l pat and lung diseases, onipes-kmersly Drag Co. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is bow long Adolpb Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Haz-1 Salve, Siiipee - Kinersly Drug Co. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and rnins your health. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con-! Btipation and all stomach and liver trouble, bnipes-ivmereiy xirug 00. 1 "IRONING STARC r REQUIRES NO COOKING n MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER ..ajiOfACTURED UCUBINGERBROaC? Mmmm. kwhavci wiuaanao 11 rvmiunm in law mnu 1 mm 1 1 1 md iaafairu a hMuUfal ad Urtiaaj ftntak Jt w Brialf ky iU wtolM-U'u raCaM frtcf. fltiW'a Tkibl ' We offer one hundred dollars' reward ; for anr case of Catarrh thru can not 1 J cured by IfnU'a Catarrh Cure. I F. J. Cheney & Co. Pro;., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 vear., and be- IhMhlm M.rrM.i.lrhnnMi.tMtn n i..t i new transactions 'and fioanriallv nhle to! carrv out any obligations'br their ' firm " ' I i i 041 .v- rnar iirtiocn i.i i ifm.ivicr d I .-4. - 1 ... ... ledo, O., Waldinc, Kinnnn A- -Marvin, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure re taken inter nally, actinc directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. IVicet T. iuif CM I... ..II .1 Testimonials free. t W)itMtlli; Couch. I had a little Ikv who whs nearly dead i from an attack of whuopine conch. Mv neighbors recommended CiiamWrlain's Conch Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would help him, but after givinc him a few doses of the remedy 1 jnotired an improvement, and one bottle i carwl him entirely. It Is the best cough nietlnrne I ever had in the house, F. Mnore, Sonth Burcettstown, For sale by Biakeler it Houghton. - P - 1a- for a bottle of 'Vet ! A little bov asked up in the morning as fast as vou can ," t v name for "De Witt's Little Earlv Risers" and gave him a battle of those famous j little pills for constipation, sick head- ache, liver and stomach troubles. j Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. I have betn a sufferer from chronic ! diarrhoea ever since the war and have fused all kinds of medicines for it. At , , . T , , .... last I found one remedv that has been a , . , success as a cure, and that is Chamber- : . . , . . . . Am 8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea , n . , ,. i Kemedy.-P. E. Gnsham, baars Mills, ia. tur eiie uy xnp.Kejey os nougnton. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Koller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoukle, Prop. mchl6-6in I Sheepmen, call at Clarke &. Talk's ; and get prices on tbe La Plata Sheep j ! stantly witb cold water, and it is an in- I 11 IB UUII-UUIPUIUJU. lUIXIff. Ill- : ,al ,t)le cure lor B:D noo rot nd 1-tf I At tbe at Eu.l Fred lard i Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thorouchbred Jersey bull, which ther will stand for tbe season at tbe feed yards. For terms apply to the U LXJ V C UVTiZ 1U1 vaan in a oar ucrcii. ... to March 12. 18&4. will he nairr at n.v i otnee, 189S. Interest ceases after April 10. C. L. PHiLi-jra, Countv Treasurer. Use Clarke Falk's Kosofoaro fur the :ieein - Schlitz's ! Bock ' -Beer. ' Fresh and the first of the season tbe Midway. DeWitt's Littt? Frlv Risti-s . The UmMS ,, tlr STIFF AND NICE AMD A HALT STARCH. OtILymy Militant Glvea Ai;l It is certainly grat'ilylng to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous tot lie needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. '". .... . . . ,n 8 ew vv ,0r DV ' wnciw ana ooliis. nave Riven away orer ?.,,lon boM,,e' f, V''". g"J 5 I,d ie satisfaction of k,,0W'nC il ",,s absolutely cured thous- nods nf limx-lef cne. Aathinn. Ttrnn- .... ., , .. . t ... - ) uiiiiis, tionrscHtai iuiu (meases ui uie , Throat, Chest and Luncs arc surely J eureu oy n. ijrtii on inaneiey r uongn- i ton, druggists, and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c. and fl. Every bottle i guaranteed, or price refunded. wiikn Niti:i:e needs j Xecds assistance it may be best toren-l der it promptly, bn. one should re-! member to use even the most perfect I remedies only when needed. The best and most vim pie and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the Califarnia Fig Svrup Co. Many old soldiers now feel the efft cts ot the hard service they endnred during (tne war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of j Rossville, York county, Penn., who saw ! the hardest kind of service at the front, is I "ow fre1nenll-r tronb,e rheumatism. 1 "ad tt 8vcre attack lately," he says. wwiy," iib says. j Pa5n, Bf.,m' II did 80 mnch that I would like to know what you would ' Mr. ! charge me for one dozen bottles." Anderson wanted it both for his own use : and to supply it to his frends and neigh-! bors, as every family thould have a , bottle of it in their home, not only for : ' rheumatism, bnt lame back, sprains, j .irul ni. m. Ionics. I. I : which it is unequalled. Blakeley & Houghton. For sale by i One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tbat Is what It was made 1 r. A bushel of notions doesn't weign half as much as one stubborn fact Garland's, sfr -Happy Thought Salve is a sure factor for the cure of Skin Troubles and Piles. 50c glass jars For sale at DONHELL'S, DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. Gold Filling, Crown and Bridge Work ... 1:... p a speciality CHAPMAN BLOCK. Dr.gunns; ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS nraT Plmpl., Pwect i iiiofn. nnlr the Blood, Can Headache sod Pnpemia. A ItlOT4TpcDt of th ImiraU etc II 1 T7. n"iT zritm noraiek r 5 ',3V . WUI m" R1 fm, or foil box for Os. bold bf dnwUtt. DR. .O&AJrabcO.PWu! pZ a cos p. fl. lap ffordep. Has a full Line of Watches that can be bought at reasonable prices. All Goods as represented. Nxt dooi to First Nations! Bonk, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain. u kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. ftffft'Sfc Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton Flour. !c Hiht Prioss Paid for What, Barlty and Oats. PKOFESSIOHRIi CARDS. JJ A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlce over French & Co.'s llnnk 'Phone C 1 Jin IMI.I.E3. OREGON. )AN ROBERTS, Attornev-.U-Law. Collection a ?j-cclalty. Second Street, THE IUM.K', OREGON; JUS'C.KISICNDOKKrKU Jt HfKDV, Physicians anil Surgeons, f jwclal attention Klvcn in mrgcry. Rooms El and C2, Tvi. S2- Vt Itlock B S HCSTl.SGTOS II W1LSOX Hl UNTtNGTON Jt W1I.MIN. ATTOhNK.- .X I I.VW. THE UALLEJi, OKtGO OfSre ovrr Flrt Nut. Jlank. TnXD.AV. WILSON. 1 ATTOitNEV AT LAW. T1IK DALU'OREGOK, uniccotci t int iotit. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traliu leave and are due to arrive at J'ortlai OVEKLASD EX- j pre, Blrm, Biw-1 I w burjr, AhhUntl, ao j ramikntt I Iff mti ' I rraenlo, Ogdrnan 1 6:00 I' M. 1 FrunclMft, Jinia ; i I Amk-1-..E1 r Sli.tavc. ritsn. 1 1 Nrw iirliiiiu and 1 1 llEit.t , J .4. vn 1 m .ItoilKirj; way 4ta-I 6.3U A. Jl.,ti(nig f Via Wo.tburn fori J ' ' Mt.AiiacLSIlertci, j ' r. i Illy suudart. IT:30 A. il. Corral I ! tatlous. way J :M V. ! IKDKI'EXUESCX VASiKSGZR. Zxpm trulu DallT (excrjit rianday). I;50p. m. (Lr. ..PotlaiHl . .Ar.) Sia. m 7:3J) ai Mc.Miiiut le. .Lv. i:a) p. m. f Ar . IudeiyiidnpcXr.) tjOa. m 'Dally. tlaily,cxc':it unflJ. DIXING CAItoN (X.OE.V KOOTE. PCLLMAN ifL'KfL-r SLHEl'EKS A.S'D fiECOSO-C'LA-s tJ:KI.SC- CARe Attached to all TUruuKb Tralna. Iilrect connection at urn r tuuH''n -with Ocrl- I : deutel and Oriental and i'ncllic nnLt Meamohip liuca tor JAl'A-S aud CHINA Muling- date on . a ullcalion. lute and tickets lo K-:crn jiliit andXu trot. AboJAi'AN, ClIt.N'A, H05OLt'i.n ant ' At'eTKALIA. can be obuined trom ' J. 11. KII1KLAND. Ticket Agent. 1 . Throagli Ticket Ottlce, 1S1 Third atmst, when i thrnngh tickets lo all tviiuu iu tbe aaterc ! MU-. Canada and Jiurujie can Ut obtained at loet rates irom ' J. B. KIKKLAND, Tlctft Asent. 1 All above trains arrive at and depart ituw Grand Central Station. Ktfth and lrmi strwu YAMHILL MVIHION. I'smcnRtr Pejit, lootoi Jeoernon flrcet. I Leave tor OSWEOO. dally, tctcwpl Sunday, at ;:J0 a. m.; 12.30, 1:05. 6.15, 6:Ji, :0S p. m. (and 11 :30 p. m. on haturday only, and 9:00 u. :n ! i.?s" i,m- VnhS,"dJu t!,u I'ortlund anlly at 6:I0 and 8:i iiyj. Arrii'e at m.: ana rn. ; M:15, 6: and 7;M p. m.. (and W.-ftS-1 5:10 p. m. on tsanduys only). U'Rve lor Sheridan, week day, it 4:20 p. m Arrive at i'ortland, 9:30 n. m. Leave (or AlKLlK on Monday, Wcdnndar aud Xri'iov at 9:40 a.m. Arrlr at fortland, Tnr I dav, Thursday and Saturda) tt 3:05 p. in. txecjit Sunday. Except Saturday. It. KOEULEtt, Manacer. (i, il. UABKHAM, AsiU (. y. i raw. Art One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That U what It wo m"dc tor Fine Woteh Work m Spebialfcy. THE DALLES, OK. 0.R.&N. TO THE EHST! GIVKS THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -vja- Spokane Minneapolis Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City St. Paul Chicago Low Rites to ill Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. CD. ELDER AND CITY Of TOPEKfi Leave Portland every fire data for ALASKA POINTS. Octon Stcamern leave I'ortland errry five ly for SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via North ern Pacific Stfnuiehip Co., in connection with O. R. & X. Fo futl particular call on 0. It. is N. Co.' aircntTne lal)i-. or iiddmo w.n. HURLnxitT. Gen. I'm. ArL. I'ortland, Or. IKD?SCAKLll.LCO., Gen. Acts. Nortberu Pacific eteauit.bip Co. TIME CAIIO. No. , to Spokane and Great Northern arrirw at 5"iT t. ju.. leartM, at S:3a p. m. No 2. Pendle ton ISaker City trtid I'nlcm fncific, arrives 11:4:. p. ra., departs 11 :S0 p. tu. No 3, from fpokntio and Great Northern, ar riven at 6'50 a. 111., derMrta at f.:.V a. in. No. I, trom Ilaktr City and I'nioi Pacific, arri Ten at S:2u a. uu, drpart at Xi'Jl a. ru. Tbe lllowinl f rcicbt traln carry pawncer on the flrtiMl aecond districts, but do not ktup at ktatlun plittfonnii: No. 27 w eat, arrire at i !. in., depart t-.i a. m. No. 24 eat, arriTc at 12:30 p. m., depait at 1: 4.". p. nu W. H. HDKLBCKT, Gen. I'a. Act Portland. Orecoo FREE TRIAL TREATMEt TO EVERY MAN. This offer is made bv the LLINOfS STATE SANITARIUM provlfed aptliation be mode at once, iu ordt-r thnt it lnvvntiono, appliance und uerer failiti; riinttl-" may rwtrfve the widet Hlblf jHib licltj, uud prove tbetr own tnurit by artual u ana pnnalirot carta. No Moliry whulitrr wilt be rwlvl by the IIIIhoU Hta( Manllarluin I rum anyone under lt treat' merit until hrneOrlal rrult arrarbaowl dliNi. It iL-iunllca und aiiitliHiirtm bare Un commended by tbe newipniien o( Twot'outl- sent anu enaontea uy tuv ttrcteM aocvm iu the vrorbL Where derelopment l dtlrl. they mttmji.'ih It und never tail to iuricerate. up build and fortify. Tlwy Inf uk nevr life ond enenry. Tbeyir mniieatly atop all lonnen wlilt h undermine tbe conatltnilon and j roOuce dondviiry. They tv-tooe, iefreh and retore to manhood, r arardlraa of mgm. They cure vril hub! t and pe manently remove their eaVt, a well at tbiBie of vxceoMr and ver.ted brain work, tieuraatbeulu or nervoun exhautiou. No fail ure, iiu uubllriiy, no deception, no tlliap pilntairni. M11IT1C TU-DAV. ILLH0I3 STATE SAIITAEIUM. Kvaiistou, III. Harry Liebe, PKACTJCaL Watchmakerf Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK 1 ..CHAS. FRAM- Bute hers and Farmers ..Exchonge.. Keep 011 drauxbt the cc Icbratejl COl'UMBiA BKKK, Wkj"'' edged the beat beer In The JMlIe, ut tho uuul price Coinu ln, uy Hand t cocvlnced. A? H' Wnt brand of Wlltc. LI Uir. aud Clean. Sanduiiehes of all KIWU alwayn ou band. i Dt. ShMkl(ord has reoed IiU ofice toroea 14, Vogt block, over tbe poK 00,. sb17'2w