tut wanes uqvlj oniT-i -i oitEOtix THE UALI.KS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is token; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently vet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrnp of Figs is -the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substancesits many excellent qualities commend' it to all and have made k the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not -have it on hand Trill pro cure it promptly for any one who Irishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STROP CO. SAM nUKOCO, CAL. IDlimVUlE. AT. KEW TOOK, M.X. PERSONAL MOTION- 1"W. L. Hendrix, of Ktngaley, is in the ity. H. C. Booper and wife, of Antelope. f are in tne c.ty. Doctor Frazer went to Portland on the morning train today. W. M. Rasmus returned to Portland on yesterday morning's train. Michael Morran and family of Center ville were in the city yesterday. Samnel Wilkinson and wife went to Portland yesterday for a few day's visit. f TTred W. Wilson returned yesterday I from a trip to Sherman county towns. Hon. A. S. Bennett returned last I evening troni the Willamette valley I where he has been on a campaigning v tour. r 'Attorney Pierce Maya, of Portland, "who has been 10 Sberamn couuty on a business trip, returned veaterday morn ing to this place. James Darnielle, formerly of this place, who has beeu running" a bowling sftHty at Aloro, has returned to to this -city and will reside here in the future, shaving sold out his interest at that TV, C. Rupert's room in the Farmers' Hold was broken into some time this morning e.nd a suit of clothes, an over-'j-o&i aud a clock taken. 'Tile ware of oiumrotx lur Catarrh that Coiitalu Mercurj. i&einercary will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole pystem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except ou prescript .tions fioin reputable physicians, as the dntnage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous eurfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made? in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. "Sold by Druggists. 4. Beat tbe KlooiSlac ) "Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., "has fouud a more valuable discovery j than has vet been made in the Klondike, j For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompained by hemmor rluges; and was absolutely cured by r T -r .. . I V. . ... n!.MinaM In. Vmanmn- tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares; that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, ven if it coat a hundred dollars battle, j Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and j lung affections are positively cured by Dr. Kiiig'a New Discovery for Conaump- j tiou. Trial battles free at Blakeley & j Hoiigbton'H drug store. Regular size' CO conts and $1,00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 k word to the wis is sufficient" and word -lrom the wise should be mu j fltirsnt, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repeated ex- fMrience of trustworthy persons nay be tafea for kaowMfle. Mr. W. M, Terry iya ChassWerlaii.'s Couh SeaMdjr (Ives better Mtisfaetioa than aay other ' in the market. He ha leen i'i the drag business nt F.Ikton, Ky., (or twelve ! years; has Bold hundred? of bottles pf this remedy and nearly ail other rough medicinos manafactnred, which shows ', conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfactory to the people, and is the best. For sale by Blakeley & flouchton. INSECTS AS OWNERS. t rhcr lovr Propprty Jlort Thn Tbrn- nelveai . I - That liees liavc a tense of property ' rights is shown through their actions j j in defending their scores from plunder- ; J ir.r swarms. Bee robbing ustuslly fftkes ' place when there is little nectar to be , taken from flowers, and probably hun- j per incites: ill-gotten pain. It is . I interesting to note that strong colonies ' are seldom attacked, the weaker ones i j being-the victims. The fury with which 1 the owners o the honey will fight for ( . its retention is sufficient, when once ' seen, to convince any doubter that bees, at least, have a sense of property. When the robbed swarm is overcome and the queen killed, the bees will de sert and join the robbers and help carry their own stores to the hire of the marauders. This sbows that It is a mat- icr ox property anjr noi mutvmuu am - mnOtv vh!iK insTMreK. thorn. nthpnrKi . . - they would ikrht to the death. Bee hunters say that when taking up a bee! jtree, or a "bee hire for that matter, th bees will firrht furiousdv until thei he eir comb is actually broken .i . . men wc pic up. ar.J. deeated and despairing, clus- ter on tiie broken comb, niakinir no further effort to save themselves. There is something touching- in the story of and home and their utter discaurape- 1 ment when they .see their treasure : broken and ruined. "Takinp up" bee j trees and bee hives is a barbarous per- j tormance and does not redound to the' honor of cm; and the thought -f it , quite reconciles one to all of the bee j stintrs inflicted upon the genus homo since Time beirsn Another sign of the sense of owner ship of stcred prevision": is the care given by the harvester ants of Texas and of India. These wise harvesters store their seeds in underground gran aries for whiter use. After the rains come, the crain. if let alone, would Th,. nnts onmnr.hpn,! rl.u fl whnn good weather comes again they bring the grain up to dry in the hot sun. and .hen return it to the granaries. Chau tauquan. Core tar Clorer Slcaeaa. Clover sickness, a common disease which often ruins clover crops, has caused German scientists to make, ex periments. They have r.uceeeded ir getting cultures of the bacteria that produce the disease. They expect that soon farmers willtbe able tOj'inoculate their land just ss a' human being may be treated. .Tree i'llU- Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box'of Dr. King's 2ew Life Pills. A trial will convince vou of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ions substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, bnt by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the pys tem. Regular size 25i:. per iwx. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 12) La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every test to be the best non-poisonous fluid dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure cab, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot. Clarke 6i Falk, agents, The Dalles. ituelc ttcer. Columbia Brewery Bock Beer on sale today at all my customers places of busi ness. At'GUKT BUCHLEK. A good lot 50x11)0 on Second street, with first-class two-Btory buildiuc, "'ell arranged lit hotel, 300 fret from O. R. & N. depot. For terms of sale see Butte, at the office of Dufur & Duiur. tf LEMP'S On draught at the White-! ST. LOUIS house Saloon. Charles Been- j .H.ciieiO'icti, rrop. Use Ciarke k Falk'a rough ekin. Floral L ition for Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fre&li and the first of the season ut the Midway. DeWitt' Little Early Risers, The tintou ii tlr olIU. A bushel of notions doesn't weigh half as much as one stubborn fact ' Gifiani's. Happy TttMNskt Salve is a sura factor for the cure of Skin Troubles and Piles. SOc glass jars For safe it MiWl The Guns Rre Booming, i And so is the circu ration of the jMORN ING CHRONICLE. Every days sub scriptions are received from all over the county and city. The MORNING CHRONICLE dves the latost tele- graph dispatches and reaches the people- j alone the stase line the Portland papeib Only 50c j Uheuuutuui Cured. i ! M-v wife U9ed Chamberlain's Pain t5a,,u ,or rheumatism with great relief, i and 1 can recommend it as a sp.endid i liniment for rheumatism I, and other i . . . . ... i nousebold use tar which we have found f it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, I N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading ruer- i chants ot this village and one of the i . . most promm nt men in this vicinity , W. G. Fhipnin, editor Red Creek Her-! aid. For sale by' Blakeley & Houghton. atu.' i , ... I m 108 worid 'or cut ' hrtuses. Bores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fcei ; aores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cuis pnes, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion. or money refonaea. Price 25 cenH per box. For sale dv Blakeley and Honghton. druezists. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to'write this. I can truthfully say I never used anv lemeuv equal to it lorcoiicanu aiar-) rhoea. I have never had to use more I than one or two doses to cure the worst ' case with myself or ehildren. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke "Citv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. WMtX TUAVELlMi Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a. bottle of Syrup of Fiea, as it acta most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drnggists. i Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. A little boy asked iot a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast ns you can," the druggist recognized a household name tor "DeWitt'e Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of tboe famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinergly Drug Co. At tU .t End feed 'rd. Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the above. aprl2 lm TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best fur sale at Tygh Valley Boiler Jlille, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCokklk, Prop. mchlO-fim Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in etantly with cold water, and it is an in fallible, cure for scab, hoof rot, lice aud ticks. 1-tf The farmer, the mechauic and the bi- cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts J and bruises. DeWitt'e Witch .Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Thousands of suflerer from grippe have been restoied to health by One ! Minute coughs, Conch Cure. It quickly cures colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat ahd lung j diseasee. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. I Thirty-five years make a generation, i That is how long Adolpb fisher, of Zanetville, 0., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel halve. buipet Kioersly Drug Co. Cuk tu a oar Ckatki. 11 eoBBtr warrants ratnstared prior to March 12, mi, will tejwid at my oftae. latereet ceases after April 20, im. C. L. Phillips, ComIv Treasurer, Use Clarke 4 Falk's KosofeasB tor tbe teetii. T 9 24 hours ahead of Subscribe at once. a JWIonth. FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14. Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. FCHBMAUY, 19-4w Box 17S, Goldendale, Wash. Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. tit l what It n6r lor Cigars. . t Why do we retail more Cigars than Joiners? W,)V do emoke c0 015t of tueIr W8y ! and pass cigRrs o the eame grade? 2fot canse we have better dears : or better brands, or any greater variety ; j no, not that. .... , , .. , j ny, uecause we nave tne nnesi ci ; gar case in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. , DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. Gold Filling, Crown and Bridge Work a speciality. CHAPMAN BLOCK. Patronize the All kind nf work. White Sblrti a Hpeclahy. Family work at reduced r.teo. Wanh collated aud deji TCI ed free. Telepboue hu. IK, H. D. Parkins, Agt, Dh.GUNN'S ONE PO A OOtC BH I O Bimora Jimp!, Pr-Tnt I'll I m Cure Uedch nd Ujipmu. j W fortilth. Thr nllhr-rtnTZLr.T?t! J-ltH-GEIHKMIOltrrKK Itt'KUY, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention ulveu to aurgcry. Koomt H and 2i, Tel, a Vt Block Troy LAUNDRY. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmlWilo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. Thl" Fl0Br w fctMd ezpnetly for faeallr : everr aack is Rsaraateed to gi ve satisfaetios. it Wj"!!i 0Br 00d leff than any honse is the trade, aad if yo don't tbtak as eall aad pjet oar prteeaaad beeoaTiseed. HighMt Pilots Paid for WhLt, Barlt j and Oats. ..GflAS. F-" Butchers and Farmers Exchange. . Keojwnn draueht the celebrated t:OI.lMHA ithKka iicfctinwl rdsed the bct b-vr In The lalle Ht tlio niuul prlre "rime in, try. -It uhd lie ro viiiee-!. Al-o tte'" Flmst brands (.1 WiatH, Uiuon laud CUats. Sanduiiehes of all Kind itluafi ou baud. i if " EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tim- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traltik leave and are aue to arrive at l'ortlai. r OVEKIaKIi EX.) i trik.. -.nlom. Iilv,v. I , I Lure Akhlnnd, .hc- n.sin I lave, ( 6:00 I' 1 1 rnmentn. Ocdrn t'rmicliwni. Moli 1J AIIRl!iV!l,t.I I I i f New orlians and lEnt ) mt..m i m 'nweburg and war -ta-i s.au A.M.,tJnnil I fVIn Wondburn for ' n.iir 1 ' Jlt.Anc0t, Silvertnii, ; i t. ' vv"" c,- Hrown. S hmSir 1 'tlle.sj.nugai-ld aud r. i Dallr fXlfit Suudrtfu. IT:30 A. il. ICorvallU itatlnn aud vnyt :50 1'.Jl IXDEl'ENDENrE PAsEM'.ER. Expre train Hullr (exi-rjit f iiiiduy). l;30p. ra. jl.v. . 1'irtr'rtiid ..Ar.i S:2ia. m T;a)u. m. Jaj. McMliimlllc I.V.J 5:M1 a, m &:3U ii. m. 'Ar . lndei-giidc nre..Lv i i-rt a. m -Daily. (Daily, ejuvi.tauxia.iy. DIKING CAUsTj.CcKiDEX ItOCTE. rCLLMAX 111 Kr ET ssLEEKEllS AND riECOXD-ClwVju bLEEl'I.NX- CAEs Attached to all Through T ruins. Direct connection nt .-mi Kr&nrlico with Occi dental aud Oriental and I'nctllc mall ntcamahlp line lor JAl'A.N and Clll.SA. Kallliu; date OU ai plication. ltut9 and ticket to KaMera potnu and En rol. AIko JAPAN. OtllNA, JIONOLCLU anc Al'HTKALIA. can I nbtitli.wl Itom J. B. KIKKLi.N'D. Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Olhi-o, 134 Third atreet. where through tickets to all puluu lu the Eauterc Stitei), Canada and turo ran be obtained at lowest rate Irom T J. B. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above train., arrive ul aud ilepart lroo Graud Central Htatlon. KUtli wnd If vine itreeta YAMUI1X. DIVl-jlON. PaaMrngcr Dejiot, ni d Jedenon alrcet. Late lor OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, al 7:10 a. rn.: 12:30, 1;55, 6:li, f.'St, h:0f. p. m. (and 11:3U p. m. ou Saturday only, aud 9:W) a. u and 3::i0 p. m. ou hulidaya nuly). Arrive at i'ortland aallv at C:W and b:M a m.: aud 1 :35. 4:1.. 020 and 7:35 p. in., (and 1D:US a. ta , 3-14 5:10 p. ic. ou buuday onljj. Iavc (or Sheridan, weec day, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 11:30 a. ni. Leare (or AIP.UK ou Monday, Wedneidav and Priuar at 9:40 a.m. Artiv at Portland, Tuw dar, Thursday and Saturda) it 3;CA p. m. Except Euuday. "Except Saturday. P.. KOEHLEU, JIanaaer. Ii, 11. MAKKHAM, Aut. G. F. 4: toM. Axt Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LUTE. Through by daylignt and Croaa Hollotri. via Grn Valley, Kenl DOUGLAS AI.LKN, Tbrn Uallra. C. M. WH1TCLAW, Antelupa. Ktaee leave The Dalla Irom t'matllla Ilnue at 7 a. ra., alio (rom Antelope at a. ra. even .f . . 1. . I ' 1 .1 rl . . . . mule at Antelope (or Prlnevl .iwe, Mitebeil and pointa beyond. Close er iii.ecttona male at The uanea witb rallwayn, trains aud boat. filaite (rom Antelope reach The Dallea Tuea daya, TburMlayi and naturdayi at I'M p. m. UJLTU Or TXM. Dalle to DechuU.n $1 OU do Moro. 1 10 do GraM Valley 'J a do Kent. s 00 do CroM Hollow 4 SO Antelope to CrrwalJollowa 1 &0 do Kent . 2 on do GrAM Valley J w) do Moro ' do Deachueea. . do Dalle. 6 00 Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room 14, Vogt block, over the post office. tnlT-L'm O.R.&N TO THE EHSTI GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinmial ROUTES - ... , " T- tifoirmcfiNsV SHORT RAILWAY. LINE. -VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Denver ; Minneapolis (St. Paul i j Chicago Omaha Kansas City Low Rites to ill Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. CO. ELDER AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. Ocean Steamem leave I'ortland cverr Five Days lor SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Steamers monthly front Portland to Yokohamn and Hong Konc via North ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. A N. Fn- full particular rail on O. 11. & X. Co.' acent The Dalle, or address W. H. HPRLIlXItT, Gen. Pn. Ast.. Portland, Or. DODrOS, CAItlJLL (M., Oen. Act. Northern Pacific .eumiblp Co. TIME CAItI. Xo. t, to Hkane and Great Northern arrivm at & '25 l. m ieare ut !;!) p. ni. No 2, 1'endle tou Ilaker City ond ITnlnn J'aetllc, arrlvo ll.ti p. in., deports II .SO p. m. No 3. (rom iokate and Great Northern, ar riven at ft'St) a. m., dvparta at :W a. ra. Xo. 1. (rout llakir City and L'nlo. I'Meilic, arrives t 3:2D a. m., deart ut S:3D a. m. The (oUowtnc (reljfht tralnx carry patuvngm nn the flrt and avetnid dUtrlct, but do not tlup at Matlou plntlortnk: No. :.t et, arrive at a. in. P. in., deMtrt at:ti No. 2t eutt, arrive at 12:S0 j. in., depart! it i: i. ii. m. W. II. IICKLBUKT. Gen. PaiLARt Portland. Orecon FREE TRIAL TREATME1 TO EVERY MAN. This offer is made bv the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application bv made at onre, in order ttiNt lt inventions. appliance uud never fnlllnr rumedie may rcuv-lre tht- widest iiosflble pub' llrity, and prove their own uiurlts by artual u- a ixl iHriuairl.t rum, ' Monrjr wlisirvrr uill he rceiv-d by the llliuuls Mat hm.llariuui from un one under Its tret 101111 uutll brnrflrlul rrault arr rkni.nl nlKrii. Its remfdivh and ap.llauces hut e been eomtnended by the newpuier o( Two Coiiti nents and Midornl by the rroteit doetnrs in the world. Where development i dmlred, they aceomplUh it and never lull to Invigorate, up build and fortify. They iniuse new Me and encrcy. They per manently slop nil Iimmcs which underiniue tbe eotiktltutlon and rroonee deindency Thty re-tone, refresh aud restore to manhood, r Karstlrss r . They cure evil habits aud pu manently remove their etfuits, as well at those of excesses and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous cxhaustlou. No fail ure, iiu uubllrltr, no deception, wo dlsap putntinoul. H UITK IU'DAV. ILLIIOiS STATE 8AKITAEIUM. Ksanatun, 111. Harry Liebe. PRACTICAL All orlt promptly atteaded to, aud WMrrunted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wanted. Atthe Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat, puid. The hinbeet mchlO tl. NOTICE OFFILING PLATS. U. 6. Lash Oj kick. ( The Dai.lesI Ok. April 8. W.J Notice is hereby Riven that tne a proved plat of survey of , South, llanKe 20 Kaet pf the UlatneHte Meridian, Orecou, has hen received this office aiiT I1I be officially filed in tills office on Saturday, the 28th dsy oi May, 1606, at 10 o'clock a. Jah. F. Mooke, Kfg'8ter. W. H. Booe, Kecelver. a HL'MTIKOTOX " yllU0 Hl UNTIKGTOS 4 WILSON. OSee ovr First Nat. Sauk. TKKO, W. WIUON. ATTOHNKV AT un. 01,tGof, Otlec ovti first Nat. iu Watehmaker Jewell)