Tbt Dalles Dilly (Sbrzzdk i Tin: itALi.Ks, OliEOtlN' ORG BIVJOYa Xoth the method and results 'when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Semtlj yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tma effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual rastrpation. Syrap of Figs is the coly remedy of its kind ever pro 3aced, pleasing to the taste and ac--ccptable .to the stomach, prompt in .its action .and truly beneficial in its fccts, prepared only from the most isjslthy and agrecableBubstances, its Many excellent qualities commend it 6 all and have xaMc it the most, yipnlar remedy kftrrn. 'yrup of Figs is for Bale in 5 cast bottles by all leading drag. Spas. Any reliable, druggist who assay notiisve it on hand will pro oire it promptly for any one who -wishes to try ;it. Do notaccept any fiabstitute. CAUFOBMA FIB STBUP CO. sah numxxo, cal. ,tovmtU. nr. wr roar, .r. A. L. Phelps, of Hood Eiver, was in town yesterday. IL E. Haskinson, of Moro, is at the Umatilla .House. Htnry Phirman went to Portland on ta morning tram. E. E. Haskin, the Moro attorney, is la Cue city on business. Hon. B. S. Huntington left on last aught a tram for Canyon City. 11. T. Corn ni, the Wapiaiti inerch ant, was in the ciiy last evening. T. A. Hudsop .left on No. 3 this morn ixjg fur Portland fur a ebotl visit. Hubert Kelly returned last evening 'from a trip to points down the river. Theo. Codle, who ia in the employ of Sicbel & Co., of Prineville, ia in the city. Jehu Spangler, of Corvallis, is in the ry visiting lua halt-brother, Mark Xong. 'C. .M.Cartwrigbt has returned from -aur extended trip to hia ranch at Cross iSLvyt. Mrs. J. III. Patterson has returned Srcra a-niontbs visit with her motheriu W.15I. Kasmns, of Portland, who is well known to many Dalles people, is in Ctfae city. -Hrgra Gourlay, ditor of the Crook 'oTiiii'ty Journul, is ia the city from Piiiifiville. 3. O. Mack came down from Pendle rn yesterday morning und will spend a Jeur days in the city. 'William Hunter, of Kiogslny, is in the city. Like all all patriotic Americaai ite'ie anxious to shoulder a musket in -defense of the stars and stripes. Yesterday Hon. A. fit Bennett left for campaigning tour through the Wil lamette valley. He spoke to a large -aedifnee at Forest Grove yesterday and t Hillsboro last night. Jamee C. Johnston, of Happy Ridtte, was in the city yesterday evening. He informs as that t'le falt wheat is in Gne bpe and during the past two weeks The crops have come out wonderfully, 'die farmers are feeline elated and hope with an occasional shower to harvest n splendid .crop. 'Sheep marking paint; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you aucta'd use our sheep paint. First, be- eaase the colors are ground thoroughly j ia pure linseed oil by fin machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers atid-d to give it binding and lasting a.litiee, which prevent it from washing jr tabbing off; third, it is much mote acaaoniicai, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark mac paints to give satisfaction. Try it atad he convinced. Clarke & Falk, its, The Dalles, Or. ,44A word to the wise is sufficient" and at ward trout the wise should be aof aVaaat, bat you ask, who are the wiia? 'YImm aba know. The oft repeated ex a wince of trBsupartbr mmom way be -ClMjHLAi9wW(its9 fConxftt g, JBcstMl'jr I twwtsr artkaaatioa than say other Ha baa baaa ia the drag at mates, Ky for twdre jaaaai; mm aM ;aaru at wwatw lm, n miff " r "ir """ (bar toagb ! medicines manufactured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfactory to the people, nnd is the best. For sale by Blnkeley & flonghton. liewarr tif (llnnient lui Catarrh that Contain Mercury, ' As tnerenry will snrely destroy the sense 'of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fionv reputable physicians, ss the damage they will do is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney it Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, nnd is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you set the gen uine. It irtaker. internally, and made in Toledo.-Obio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. .CSSold by Drusgists. 4. Oaxe at Thin. 1 Halt ! flight face ! These are orders I one hears on the street everv day as our I militia boys are preparing to meet the j Spanish soldiers, and yesterday was the I last day in town for them. The old reliable real estate dealer and broker. Dad Butts, is still in town and is going to stay here. He has just picked up a new scap. Here it is : A fiocd paring business on Se ont St. for sale cheap. Fine location and a good investment for anyone desiring to go into business. The party desiring to tell has good reasons fur so doing. Call at onceon W. H. Butts as this will not re main on hand long. LOST. One brown bay mare branded BX on left shoulder and split in left ear. One brown bay mare branded L on left shoulder and h'ip. Will give $10 for re turn of same. Address Jjlmes English, Hood River, Or. Salvation Arm y. Ensign Wilson, of the Women's Res cue' Home in Portland, will conduct meeting relative to the rescue work of the Salvation Army, in the Methodist cburcb Sunday at 2 p. m., and Saturday night and Monday afternoon and night at the new army barracks on Washing tan street. At the (-sat JCnd Ircl Vssrd. Harper Bros,, of ' the East End feed yard have a thoronshbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. Fur terms apply to the above. apr!2 lm TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the timee. Also mill feed. W. M. McCockle, Prop. mchl6-6m Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's and get prices on the .La Plata Sheep Dip. It is noo-poisouons, raises in stantly with cold water, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, boof rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. ' Gold Fdling, Crown and Bridge Work a speciality. CHAPMAN BLOCK. WUEX TKAVBXING Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by nil leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. A torpid liver robs you ofambitkn and rnius your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Soipes-Kinersly Drug Co. HORSES AND MULESFOR SALE J have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules (broki) lor sale. I also have horses, marcs nnd ueldings for safe, weighing from 8U to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to gel them cheap for eash. Jamks Bmow.v, 1231m-l Victor, Or. The fewer, the washanic and the bl evele riser are liable to unexpected cats e bra4es.. DeWitt's Wiah Hasel saire is taa beet aaiag to beep on bead. It heals quickly, and .is a well knows cure for pUea. JSnipee-KiRersly Drag Co. Ue Clarke k Falk'a Eloral Lotlos for roagh tkia. - . , r4- m. aBarLvMHW i Mr What is Scott's Emulsion ? It Is a streagtiieninp; food and to he perfectly free from every deleter tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form- ions substance nnd to ho purely vegeta ing properties. It contains Cod- ble. They do not weaken by their Liver CHI cmtikKtcd or partially action, but by giving tone to stomach digested, combined with the well. ttud l,owel 'rm,-v invigorate the sys fcnown and hiehly prized Hypo- tem' en,p sizo 25i:- PBr box- SM phosphites of Limi and Soda, Vo by Blakd UoQpUloa Drugsi8t8 (2) that their potency is materially increased. WhatWUIHDo? It will arrest loss of fksh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the aduh. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this Statement brcsiff tne experience of twenty-five Tears has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases. Bt turtjau gtt SCOTT'S Emtu. 50c. ami $1.00, 11 droggbts. SCOTT & BOWSE, ChmUt$, Nw Yocm. .SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Greenwich observatory claims that it hns little clear weather, sun and stars are wholly invisible every other day in winter, one day in four in fall, one in eight in spring and one in six- teen in summer, iu lu veans t.iu- iPfr with 1SDG there were only eight in- stances of sunlight for 14 continuous hours. The number of asteroids discovered -.:p to the present date is 423. A num ber of thes? small planet3 Jiave net been observed rinco their discovery and arc practically lost. Conu-quentl.r it is now a matter of do.'.bt. until the ele ments have been computed, whether rhe supposed new planet is really new or only an old one rediscovered. Oil can be automatically fed to rap itJy rivplring' shafts and pulleys by a new attachment for ordinary oil cups, consisting of a tube curved the way the shaft runs, with a screw cap nt the in ner erd, hc outer end being left open to receive air as" the wheel turns, thus forcing the oil through the cup instead of letting it run to the top of the cup from centrifugal force. It is supposed that a Centauri, one oi the brightest stars of the southern hemisphere, is the nearest of the fixed stars to the cart':. The researches on its parallax "by 2Ienderson nnd Maclear gave, for its distance from the earth, in round numbers, twenty bilittms of miles. At the inconceivable rar;id rate at whioh light is propagated through space, it would require more than four years' to reach the earth from this star. The pra,idrnt of the AgaKsiz a: se dation. Mr. 31. H. Ral!r.r:i, vcnitly caught nn ant near its hill, shut it up in a box, carried it 130 feet away, and set it free ip the middle of a shru'y road. What follow-d he thus describe:" "It j seemed at first bewildered. Then it j climbed to the top of a ridge of sand, erected its body na high' as posihle, ! waved its antennae for several seconds, and then started in a straight line for home." Last ycai Dr. Abbott, of Philadel phia; published samo researches which tended to hhow that m!-;robes which could not accomplish the death of healthy animals proved fctat to ani mals under the influence of alcohol. A French investigator has gone n step further, and has succeeded in demon strating on 'irrefragable evidence that alcohol not only destroys what we mny call natural immunity, hut trads to prevent the acquisition of the immu nity conferred by the various serums. Stories of the ravages of termites, or "white nnti:," come from ihy curator f the Australian museum ut Sydney. Some time ngo they destroyed the roof of the museum building, end it had to bo replaced' with ,n covering composed largely of steel and copper. Their work, being carried on in the interior of the timber, docs not reveal i .nelf un til the structure is about rcndytofall to pieces, nnd so it was only recently that the fact came out that the ants had a'so destroyed the underpinning of one of the important floors of the museum, j A Fine Point la lianktnK, Bankr. do not usually accept check? which cull for on; dollar more then the amount of deposit, unless the customer is well laiov.n, ninl the ofTlcert nr-j con fident that he will promptly malic tip the balance. Thus, i( a check fort2if0 is presented and the maker hzi only 510 to hin credit, tin-paper will usually go luck otnmped "no fund.." Kut one attomey recently fiot around that. He had, after long dunning, secured a check from a slaw-pay tlebtor. When it was presented for collection he found that the deport lacked eight dol lars at the ninount the paper called for, and payment was rcfiined. Thereupon he promptly deposited eight dollars to amount of the creditor and gained $102 by -the operation, or the check wa cashed-Wornhester (Maa.) Gaxette. rr riiu Send your address to H. E. Bncklen & Co., Chicaso, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. -A ' trial will convince 7011 of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective In the euro o.'.Con stipntion nnd Sick Headache. For Mn t larin and Liver troubles they have beon nrovod invaluable. Thev are KnarantcHd A little boy asked far a bottle of "get i up in the morning as fast ns you can,," the drngsist recognized n lioUBehold name for "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head nche, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Good lambing? are reported from all the ranges in Gilliam county. A con servative estimate places the general average of lambs saved in Gillam county at SO per cent. At present values, this 1 means a great addition to the county's weilth. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Ailolph Fisher, of Zanesville. 0., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipes Kincrsly Drug Co. Maier & Benton have just put in 11 "lathe" in their repair shop, ami are new better than ever prepared to do nil kind of machine work. tf A good lot oOslDO on Second street, 1 .;,i. . !.. ... u. ..1.11 , airarn.ed for hotel. 300 feet from O. R. A X. depot. For terms of sale see Butts, at the office of Dufur & Duiur. tf LEMP'S On dniutrht at the White ST. LOUIS ,, house Saloon. Charles BEER- : Michelbich, I'rop. Schilling's Best baking powder does the most work to the cent. Tea is the finest you can get for the money. Coffee is not strong but de licious. Extract is the strongest and finest-no exception. Spice, like extract, Saves Money 637 Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fresh ami the first of the Btianoii ut the Midway- One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thi: Iz what It was made far. DeWitt's Litt.w- early Risers, The fTtiftM ' Mf oill. Db.gunn-s; ONE FOR ADOSC nil A RmT P(mpl. VmnA I nilloiMOMn.PnrHrthcH mxl, ILL I- ? 'H i ""a" amp frw, or rati box fo t. butd bg dranuvi. Oft. B0SANK0 X&. PWUu fZ pjus-fiEiSBNUuurrKu ft uiEiiy, Physicians and Surgeons, Bpecia! attention given lo surgery. Rooms SI and Tel. Z Vogt Block Notice of Final Settlement Nntioc It hereby given that the underalgned hU filed with the clerk of the county court of tne Htntcof Oreifnn (or Wacu County, hi final account as executor of the Inst will of Klmon Mnon, deceaxd, and by an order of mid county court, made and entered on the "tli day of April. JisW.'TuwdMy, ihe.'ith day of July, WM, vtut fixed o the time, and the county courtroom of tatd court as the place for the hearing of Ob jectioiik to kald final account. prl31 JOHN KND, Executor. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of aii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kind. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TrnTiL Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. m F,oor w wBft"rxl exprwily tor fnaillv u i very t luaranUtxl to give VticUoa. HishMt PrioM Paid for Wh-jat, Barltj and Oats. .GHflS. F-W.. Bute hens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kveimin ilratiplit tiie eeletirntwl OOl.l'MISiA IlKi: ncUliiml. nlKCil itie ttest b'i'r lu The Hullo, ut lliMiuiiI price, ''niacin, try It und Itc rtv vltirml. Al-o tin FliMkt briimU ut Wiu, Ll.iuorK und ClKur.i. Sandwiches . of all Klhils nhviiys on linnet. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai I UCAVK. I f OVEltl.AN'1) KX-1 1 firms. Sulem. Himi. ' burs. Ashland. Sac :1 I rnmcnto, OKdcn.tian JloJuvc, I U) AllKOlos.Kl rami, 1 1 New urlvana aim I lKat S:30 A. M. ",at B,ld tu- 'fVlu WiHidliurii iorl iiuii I Mt.AniroI, hllvurlon, ..r.lJ.t 'Ovt Hrowun-j Diillj- 'Ttf'tll vIUt'.aiirliiKlleld nnd ' Sutidiiya. 1, Natron J biimJuyj I7:3n a. it. (CorvnllU )Btlltll)ll and wayj iW I'.M IXUEl'EXUENTE I'A-HKNUEIt. Ksprcaa train Pally (L-.xit j't funduy). . liGOp. m. I.v. ...! il.n:d ...Ar.) 8:2a. m 7:30 p. m. Ai .JlcJIInm llU' .l.v. fiiMtn, in 8:30 p. m. f Ar. Inrteifiirtciiff-.l.v h. m 'Dally, (Ilnliy, cxrt-pt .inna.iy. DIKING CARSONOGllKS UOUTE. I'DUJIAN 11I KKET BUEEHEISS AND fiECOND-CLA.ji SLEEI'INC5 CAKo Attached to nil Tlirnuch TratUK. lilrect connection ut (-mi rrancivo with Orel dental and Oriental und 1'nQltic mall aleaninlip Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing date on at plication. Kutcn (nd llckeUt to Kntcrn polntt and F.u roj. A1mJAI'AN. OH1.VA. HONOLULU anc AUBTUALIA.can t ulitnlnvd (mm J. II. KIKK1.AND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Oth', 13; Third street, when through, ticket tii all wlnu In the Jtaaten: BtxteM. Canada and Kuroje t un be obtained at loweHt ratea from J. . KIUk'.'.A N'Ii. Ticket Agent. All above train nrrlvv xt ninl le)Hirt lrotn Grand Central Station. Filth nnd living atrceU YAMIU1.1. liiVlSION. I'atucnRcr Depot, I'xii ( Jedenon alrcct. U'nvc for OSWEGO, dally, except Hunday, al 1-.JD a. m.: 12:, 1:M, 6:1A, 6:ai, p. m. (and 11:30 c. m. ou Haiurdav only, and V:U) a. m ana n;m p. m. on nuuauvi miyj. Arrive at Portland aallr at 'CMOand 8:3U a ra. and 1:33. ra , 3'15 1:15, 6:'J0 und 7:M p. m., (and 10:05 5:10 p. m. on Huudays onlyj. Invc (or Sherldnn, week dnyk, ' Arrive u. 1'ortUud, 9:: n. ra. it 4:30 p. m U'avc (or AIP.LIK on Momlny,' Wednesday nnd Frioay nt9:K)a. m. Arrive at I'nrtUnid, T Ut. dav, Thursday and Kuturdnj it 3:05 p. m. a. Except Buuday. Kxceil Saturday. It. KOF.HLKII, Manager. U, II. MAUKIIAM, Ant. O. F. J: l'UM. Agt Dab, 'Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through by daylight via Grns Valley, Kent aud croa Hollows. DOUOLAB ALLEN, The Iallia. V. M. WBHDLAW, Antelupe. Ktagea leave The Dalle Irom fninlillH Houk at 7 a. m., alio from Auu.loi at 7:30 it. m. ever) Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Connection made at Antelope for 1'rlnevillc, Mitchell and Klutt beyond. Clone crni.ectlons made at The Ilea with railways, trains and boats. Stages Irom Anlelope reach The Dallea Tues days, Thursdays and Haturdnys at 1:30 p.'tn. RATES Or fAKJC. Dallea to Deschutes f 1 00 do Moru 1 jo do Gra Valley i 23 do Kent 3 00 do Cross Hollows 4T0 Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 SO do Kent. , r 2 IV do Grass Valley 3 W do Moro...., do Deachuees , do Dallea 6 Of Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room J4, V'ogt block, over the pout, office. uil7-2m TO THE EAST! QIVS THE CHOICE OF TWO Trinscontineitil ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA- Spokane Salt Lake Denver Omaha 1 - I Minneapolis St. PfcYll Chicago Kansas City ' Low Bites to all Eastern Cities STEAMERS OREGON GEO. CO. EliDElj AN I) CITY OF TOPEP ' Leave Portland every five dnvs for ALASKA POINTS. Ocean Steamers leave l'nrtlnnd every Five Daya lor SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Stenmere montlily Irotn Ponlantl to Yokotmniu and Honj: Kontr m Ifortli. orn Pacific StfiuiiBhlp Co., in connection with O. K. & N. Fo' full pnrtlculiirHcnllon O. I!. A- N. Co.' agent The Jmlltn. nr nddrenD W. II. HCRMISKT, Gen. l'ut. Act., forttaud. Or. DODrfOS.rAUUl.bCO.. Gen. Atrtit. Northern l'aelllc elieuuiihip Co. TIME CARD. 'N. -i, to Mpoknue nnd Great Northern arrives at !):- p. nn. ieaven at f::s) p. ut. No. 2. 1'endle ton linker City ond Union 11101(10, arrives 11:U p. ru., departs p. in. No 3, irom 8Kkaue and Great Northern, ar rive at 6'&0 a. m rdoparta at r.)i" a. m. No. 1, from liakcr City and U11I01 Faclllc, arrives at 3:1V a. m., deiuirta at 2:30 n. in. The (ollowlng (relght tnilna carry lmnDciiireni 011 the tlrnt mid aecimd dUtrictx, but do not atop t nation platform; 'n. :'S wiKt, arrive at 1" . 111., depurtn at 9:U a. m. Nn. 21 eakt, arrive at 12:30 p. m., dcpnru at 1:4. p. ni. W. 11. ilDKLBUKT, Gen. 1'aM.Agt Portland. Oregon FREE TRIAL TREftTMEN TO EVERY MAN. Tliie offer is umde bv the HINDIS STATE SANITARIUM provided HppHrutinii be lniioV.' nt once, in order ihit its iiiveiitlous.HpiiliiiuciVniid never (nlllat remedien may m-elve the widest jKwjltile pub licity, nnd prove their own murlts by actual UM) atml riuanriit cures. ' Money wliatevrr will he received by the UllnoU Mtntn (tHiilinrliiiu Irom iinyniieunderits trest ment uutll bMiieilclail result urn aekiiiiwl cilBKrt, Its remedies mid uppliiiuces have been couimetided by the newspuiiera 11 1 Two Conti nent nnd cndnred by the cretet dnctnrs In the world. Where development Is desired, thoy iirciiniplish it nnd never lull to Invigorate, up build mid (ortlfy. They infuse new Hfo and energy. They iier miinently slop uH looses which undermlue the constitution aud r'oOuce dcsijondviiey. They re-tone, refresh and restore to manhixid, r sardlrss ut mgi. They cure evil hubilnand kj umncntly remotw their erTccti, 11s well those of execssea nnd over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No dill' lire, mi publicity, nn deception, u Ulssp- Jllllllt itcnMuu HHITKIO-UAV. ILLINOIS STATE BAHITABIUM. Kvwustun, 111. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r Jeweler All work piomptly attended to, ana warrmited. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wanted At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat, paid. The hinheet price uicbltitf NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. U. 8, Land Owim. ) Tub Dalles. 0, April 8, OS.) Notice is hereby given that the ap proved olat of Burvey of Townrtilp . tiouth, KaiiKe 20 Eaft.of th V Il.on'?"e. Meridian, Orfgon, Iiiih been rfrelv-ed tliiaofficH miiT will be oincially filed hi thie oUc 011 8aturdny, the '-'8tn day May, 1898, at 10 o'clock p. m. Jah. F. Moone, Kfgieteri W. H. Uiu8, Receiver. ,1 WIU0 a II IIUKTIKOTOH HUNTIN0TOX & WILSON, , .... omeo ov First Nat. Hank. Oilee ovat rirst Nat. aak. Watchmake 1 1