The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 30, 1898, Image 1

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NO 39
I) c D n 1 1 co gt
General Shaftner Will Lead the Expedition
to Supply the
the Munitions of War.
Portland, April 30. A
ceived late last night, says : .
The regular arm' force which will land in Cuba will be
mobilizod at Tampa and start as soon as transportation is
at hand.
It can be said on the highest authority that its func
tion is to land supplies, ammunition and ordinance for the
insurgents and that it will be withdrawn as soon as that du
ty is performed.
The navy will convej' transports to the landing point,
which will probably be Matanzas or Cardenas arid will pro
tect the troops until they are established in camp.
As soon as the insurgents have received arms, ammu
nition and supplies the troops will return to the United
States in order to leave.the navy free id deal with the Span
ish fleet.
None of the volunteers will go with the expedition which
is to be commanded bv General Shaftner.
The American Vesccls Now Being Held
in Readiness.
Washington, April 20. News that
the Spanish fleet has stilled from St.
Vincent today, brought to a head the
pluiiB of tiie nuvy department for meet
ing Bueh on emergency. Every arrange
ment lias been made for n treat naval
engagement. Fast cruisers will scour
the seas for the appearance of the ene
my, Hnd when sighted will rueh to the
nearest port to give notice. Captain
Sampson will concentrate six armor
cliul vessels in anticipation, of orders to
move from Cuban waters to some cen
tral point where he can quickly reach
the northern or southern seaboard.
Work on the patrol squadron will be
rushed. The flying; squadron it nn un
certain quantity. The Columbia and
Minneapolis will act as scouts, Accord
ing to an official dispatch from the
consul tv St. Vincent four armored
cruisers and three torpedo boat destroy
ers sailed west and othfers north. To
the west lie the West Indies and United
States, and to the north the Canaries
and Spain. The atrength of the Spanish
fleet is evidently headed this way and
their every possible move has been an
ticipated. The Oregon and Marietta are
coming up the South American coast
may be objects of Spanish attack. It is
extremely probable that they will be
joined at Ilio by the Brooklyn, Massa
chusetts end Texas, which combination
could whip the enemy without eny
great difficulty.'
Miuitor Ttrvor and Gunboat Machias
Shell Cardenas, Silencing the Bat
tciics and Killing Many Spanish
New York, April 29.-A dispatch
printed by a Wall-street news agency
ays :
The monitor Terror and the gunboat
Machias have losnbarded Cardenas,
killing many Spaniards. After , an
lioui'a firing tbt batteries of the enemy
Insurgents With
Special from Washington re
were silenced.
An Evening Post special from Key
West confirms the report received from
the blockading fleet this morning,
to the effect that the bombardment of
MatanzaB on Monday was followed op
yesterday by the bombardment of Car
denas. At that station were the moni
tor Terror and the gunboat Machias,
and a shot from tuti shore batteries pro
voked them to fire back.
For two hours, the reports say, Car
denas withstood the bombardment.
Then the ancient guns, which did no
damage to the ships, suddenly rew
Washington, April 20. Secretary
Long has received u brief dispatch from
Admiral Sampson, reporting the firing
on Matanzas. The admiral says a few
shots were thrown at the defenses. He
gives no details of the affair or its re
sults. It was officially announced at Madrid
to-day that the fortifications of Matan
zas have not suffered, iu spite of 300
shells lired by the American fleet, and
that not one man was killed or wounded
The stories of the bombardment re
ceived from the United Stales are re
ceived with shouts of derision.
Blanco, in bis report ot the Matanzas
bombardment, eays the French and
English counsels have entered protests
ou the ground that no previous notice
was given.
Sympathizers Supposed to Have Been
the Case or the Explosion.
Santa Cruz, April SO. The work of
the secret service uetectives strengthens
the theorv that the explosion at the Cal
ifornia Powder Mills, . near this city, was
due to Spanish sympathisers and not to
The detectives found that three sue.
picious Spaniards were seen in Santa
Cruz on the day of the explosion, talk
ing excitedly, They had blankets on
their backs and , looked like traveling
farm hands.
Later they appeared at the powder
mill aud applied for work but-were not
employed. Afterward they were wen
loitering about the gates of the works,
and after tie debris of the explosion was
cleared away three rolls of blankets nd
three deed bodies were found thai could
not be ricoasized.VAi bo visitors were
! about the werks at the time, .the detec-
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
f ...
lives think these must have been the
bodies of the three Spaniards, who prob
ably threw fiomn heavj article in the
nitro-glvcerine or gun coston room and
this caused the explosion. Their own
deaths were due to their lack of knowl
edge of the deseructive force of' the ex
Auxiliary Cruisers Will Be Fitted Out
as Soon as Possible.
Washington, April 29. Senator Per
kins does not propose to take any
chances of having any American mer
chant vessels on the Pacific coast cap
tured by the Spanish privateers which
may be fitted out in South American
republics, lie will have a conference
to-morrow with the board of strategy
of the navy department in regard to the
purchase of auilliary cruisers to patrol
the coast from San Pedro to the Puget
Sound. These vessels will be swift and
well-armed imd able to take care of any
Spanish unarmed vessel that may he
sent to the Pacific coast. It is probable
that two fust steamers, recently com
pleted for the Alaska Commercial Com
pany at the Union Iron Work, will be
purchased for this purpose and fitted
with rapid firing guns,
The Spanish Fleet Sailed From the Cape
Verde Islands This Morning For a
Destination Not Yet Known.
Washington April 29. The navy de
partment toiltiy received official advice
from St. Vincent, Cape Me Verde
islands, to the effect that the Spanish
squadron sailed from there at 8:30 a m
today, going in a westerly direction.
Its destination was unknown, even to the
officers of the warships, who sailed un
der sealed orders.
The squadron conlsts of the cruieirs
Maria Teresa, Oquendo, Viscaya Cristo
bal Colon and the torpedo-boat destroy
ers Pluton, Terror and Furor.
At the same time the torpedo-boat
Azore, Kayo and Ariet aud two trans
ports sailed in a northerly drection,
presumably for the Canaries.
The nival authorities regard this long
delayed movement as most sigificent,
being practically Spain's first move.
A later dispatch from St. Vineent says
there has been a collision among the war
ships of the Spanish fleet, and that seme
of them havH have returned to port.
Company 11 to Uove Tomorrow.
McMinnvili.u, Or., April 29. -Separate
Company B will start for Portland
in the morning. The greatest enthu
siasm and farewells Is shown here to
night. The company will be break
fasted in the morning by the citizens.
DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
. Ceres Plies. Salei, tUirae.
Havana May Be Capinrei Without De
1 MroM Mora Castle AH Small
Forts Will Be AMisbefl.
Regiments of Men Who Have Passed
Through a Siege of Yellow Fever
Will Be Raised A Call for Such
Troops May Be Sent in.
Washington, April 29.
General Miles believes Ha
vana can be captured without
destroying Morro Castle and
Cabanas. The guns in these
fortifications are very expen
sive and with their mounts
would be invaluable in estab
lishing defenses after Havana
This is the reason that Ad
miral Sampson has avoided
an attack on the Jbrts near
Havana, and it is this policy
which is to be maintained, at
least until the army invasion
is ready.
The plan of enlisting the
number of regiments of men
in the southern states who
have passed through the siege
of yellow fever, and are con
sequentty immune, meets with
the warm approval of the mil-
ltary authorities. It is said
that tho re can be raised at
least ten such regiments in
Florida, Georgia, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas and that
any extra call for such troops
may be sent within a few
days. Meantime, it is under
stood, Admiral Sampson has
been ordered to demolish all
small forts along the northern
coast of Cuba which might
impede the plan for the land
ing of artillery men who are
to man the points selected for
the "base of supplies and are at
a point of union with tho Cu
ban army.
A Naval Engagement Probable Near
Manila Tomorrow Gunboat New
port Takes a Prize.
Wabhinoton, April 20. No import
ant fleet movements were reported nt
the navy department today from any
quarter of the world. Interest, which
has centered principally uoon Dewey's
squadron because of the possibility that
the'first real naval engagement of the
war will occur at the Philippines, was
in some degree transferred to Sampson's
fleet, iu Cuban waters, upon the receipt
of the news that he Spanish fleet had
left the Cape Verde. It Is still retard
ed as posiiblo, howi ver, that the thea
ter of the first sea fight will be the wa
ters la the neighborhood of Manila,
jSalHag Saiufi
2 (9 5
Fom 9 a.
Separate Dress Skirts
Thiee liots.
Navy Blue Serge, Black Serge and Novelty Goods,
Our Regular $2.50
Specialties in Black
where the Asiatic squadron is due to ar
rive tomorrow.
From Key West comes the report that
the gunboat Newport captured the small
Spanish sloop Eniiracia offCubanas yes
terday, an I sent her capture into port
in charge of the prize crew.
War Ilevenue Bill Passed.'
Wakiiijcotos, April 29. The war rev
enue bill passed tho house late this
afternoon by a vote of 1S1 tu 1'2'J.
Two lots, No9. 11 and 12, in block 14,
Gates Addition, The Dallea, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned,
M. K. FtiiuiMAiiv,
UMw Box 178, Goldmdale, Wash.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That I what It was mide lor.
A bushel of notions
ilocni't Meltrh half us
much as ono si unborn
. fact
Happy IhouRlit Salve
is a sure lector fur the
cure of Sk'u TrutililtB
and Piles. -60o
glass Jars
For sale at DHL'S.
m. to 7 p. m.
arid $3.00 Skirts
Sateen Underskirts.
Why do wo retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and pass clears of the same grade?
Not because we have betler cigars
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not that.
Why, becauso we havo the finest ci
gar case in the state and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snlpos-Klnersly Drug Co.
Patronize the
All kind nf work. White Blilrts a Mlally.
Family work at reduoi'ii Men, Wutli coliectwl
mid dell veitJ freo, Tlihou a, lie.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
Use Clarke & Falk's Kosofoam for the
teeth. .
Ji nil