Tbt Dalles 0i3y CtoI. Tit k i,vi.i.t:s, OICEOOK Botb the method and results 'when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yot promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys ten effectually, dispels colds, head aches nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Symp of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable Bubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy .known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it ipromptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM ntAHClSCO, CAL ,iouxviti. nr. mew rax. r.r. i'EI'.SOSAJ. StKNTXO.N D. A. Keisay, of Antelope, is in the city. A. E. Trask is up from the Cascade Locks. Atty. W. B. Presby is in the city from Goldehdale. Attorney X. B. Brooks is over from xuldeudaTe. Henry Yackel, of Centerville, was in ttte-.city last evening. Joseph Shernr, of Sherar'e Bridge, was 'in the city yesterday. Fred W. Wilson went to Moro vester- 'day on legal business. J. H. Spalding, of Goldendale, was at the Umatilla yesterday. Emereon Williams, of Kingsley, was n tuecity last evening. Hon. F. M. Jones, of Sherar's Bridge, is. in the city on business, J. D. Darneille is in tho.city from his itomeat OakEdale, Wash. Mr. Wood Gilnian is in from his home .tit Fossil on a business trip. Mrs. M. T. Nolan returned on the "Dalles City from a short visit to Port land. f Messrs. D. M. and Smith French left r for Klickitat county yesterday to pui V chose cattle. Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Salem, who has been visiting Mrs. Tom Driver, re clamed hpaie yesturday. BeU the Klondike- """Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., lias found a more valuable discovery than has vet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from -consumption, accompained by hemmor rhatres; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it coat a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and alUbroat nnd lane affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial battles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. .Regular ize 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 "Uncle Jimmy" Waltere, 87 years of aga, waskilled hy a bull two days ago, near Watervllle, Wash., but the fact was tiot known until yesterday. It was die covered that the bull had broken through & fence and overtaken Mr. Walters and crushed him to death, breaking several ribe on each side of his body. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and word iroin the wise should be suf ficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Tboao who know.' The oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy Dersons may be Mium for knowledge. Mr. W.M.Terry mja Chamberlain' Coutrfi Remedy afivM better satisfaction than any other ia tksnarket. He baa been in tbe drug Mmtkutm at Elktoa, ,Kjr for 'twelve ye raj htm told hundreds of bottles of OMaMwedy and nearly all other coagb maikHtm tuwtaeiund, which shows i alaslvsly tbat Chambtrlaln'a is the jaiwt KiHtfrnT''r to the people, and ia 4$sj' ;bt b7 Blakeley k ooffctaa. The End I ah Are Opposed to the Teaching of Srrvnnta. An American vtaiior to England who spends some little time in the country, says 3. S. Lnrnew, in the Atlantic, can hardly fail to become conscious of three serious facts: (1) That there is n strongclnss-feelingnfraliist much educa tion for those who are looked on ns tin tlcr'ings and servants a feelinp more prevalent and more pronounced than the shamefaced sentiment of like mean ness that is whispered in some snobbish American circles. (2) That the "school rate" seems to be the most begrudged. ui i.Liijimu t.i.xua. tin: uiuakntiaijn ti ur eised, the most grumbled at: and this to n degree for which thereseemsuoth- 1 ing comparable in America. (.") That I the opposition to secular schools, fos I tered by the church nnd ostensibly actuated oy a desire tor religious in struction in the schools, is largely sup ported in t entity by the two sentiments indicated above. looking, there fore, to the increasingly democratic conditions that are inevitable in Eng land, the reluctance and factiousness of disposition that appear among its citi zens touching the vital matter of popu lar education are ominous of evil to the nation, and gravely lessen its chancer, of holding, under the reign of democ racy, the high place to which it rose under the aristocratic regime. Honesty In the Empire City. The proprietor of one of Manhattan's most fashionable hostelries ordered So.000 worth of table silverware the other day. When the goods were de livered he refused to take them at any price, as tie name of the hou-l had been stamped upon them, fie explained his ntrsnge action by saying that people often dine at the house only to take away knives, forks und spoons as souvenirs. "If the name of the hotel i not on them." he said, "they leave them alone, for their only reason in dining here is to steal these stamped goods and show them to their friends to prove that, they are in the habit of patronizing fashionable hostclries." At the rait End Feed Vard. Harper Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jtreey hull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the above. aprl2 lm Beware of Oinuient lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions ftoni reputable physicians, as the damaze they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made fn Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. 4. DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. Gold Filling, Crown and Bridge Work a speciality. ' CHAPMAN BLOCK. Brought out sjso.ooo. Sas Fkancisco, April 27. The steam- er Discovery arrived this morning from Skaguay with three men from Dawson, j They made the trip out in thirty-one j days and brought with them foO.OOO in , nuggets and dust. WHEN TIIAVKLING Whether on pleasure bent or business, ! economical, because it is p.Iwayg ready take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of 1 for use- We guarantee our fcheep mark Fies, as it acts most pleasantly and ef- j '"K Pai"' Kve satisfaction. Try it fectu-Uly on the kidneys, liver and bow- jand be convinced. Clarke k Falk, els, preventing fevers, headaches, and j agents, The fMHep. Or. other forms of sickness. For sate in 50 HORSES .AND, MULES FOR SALE cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Thousands of uufTererj from gripiie have been restofed to health by One Minute Couzh Cure. It quickly cures cQugtif, coldi-, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, en I all throat and lung dlseasee, inipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Cub la Soar Caacka. All countv warrant registered prior to March ,12. m. will be paid at my office. Interest eeasee after April 20, 1806. CL.Phii.lip8, C&Mtr Treaaurer. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and mini your health. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers cleame tbe liver, cure cob- ilpatbn and all atoaaaeb aad -lirw tronblo. Snlpes-Kinerily Drug Co. What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a Strengthening: food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form-, ing; properties It contains Cod- Ltvcr Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- known and highly prized Hypo - phosphites of Lime and Soda, so1 that their potency is materially increased WhatWUIHOo? It will arrest loss of 'flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases. tit surejnu git SCOTT'S Emnliian. 5cc. ami $1.00, all druggist. SCOTT ti DOWNE, Chemiiti, New York. A FEW HINTS. The Eye I the Window of the houl l)e7rc Ilntr You line It. When should spectacles first be used, and those in use abandoned : First When you are obliged to move small objeots to a considerable distance from the eye in order to see them dis tinctly. Second If you find it necessary to pet mote light than formerly us for in stance, to place the light between the eyes and the object. Third If, on looking at and attentive ly considering a near object, it becomes confused and appears to have a kind of mist before it. Fourth When the letters of ti look or paper run together and appear to have doubled or trebled. Fifth If the eves are fatigued by a little exercise so that you are obliged to shut them from time to time, or relieve them by looking at other objects. Sixth If blick spots or flakes appear before the eyes or seem floating around the eyes. Seventh If the eyes become inflamed or heated or any other exercise. If you observe any of the above signs or signals of distress, it should claim vour immediate attention. The eye, like the rest of the body, slowly but j surely reaches the acme the meridian of its strength and perfection then passes into a condition of weakness and decay. W hen this stage arrives, we should avail ourselves of the aids that (science nnd patient research has thrown in our way at eo small au expense. When yon find your old spectacles should be replaced by a new pair, it is always for a stronger pair, for our eyes never grow vounger until we reach the stage of "second sight" in the somber twilight of old tuge. Immediate atten tion to tha eyes when we And they need it, means many years of eight saved and belter vision. It is no more nor less than a duty you owe yourself, for care less delay results finally in vain regrets and useless complaints. Daut, the optician, knows just what you need in the line of glasses. Call on him. Sheep marking paint; readv for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly j pDre linseed oil by fine machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with tbe proper amount of drvers added to give it binding and laming ! qualities, which prevent it from washing ' or running off; third, it is much mote I iiave sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules (broke) lor sale, I also have horses, mares and veldings fur Hale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pound. Any. one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. Jameb Bkow.v, f231m.i Victor, Or. Dexter Hubert?, of Pendleton, baa bonght a (4000 threshing outfit of tbt lat est, improved pattern. A 20-hortepower trawburnlng, compound engine) furn ishes power for the outfit, which will be operated in the country north of Peadla ton during tbe coating eeaaon. The farmer, the mechanic and tbe bi cycle rider are llabfe tp 'unegpeited cuts and bru(eei. DeWlttV WHvh Haael Salve is the best thing to keep on band. U.beak qaieklyj anil I ;'n mQl'jkmw cure for pile. Bnipea-Kinerily Drag Co. A little boy naked lor u bottle ut "get up in the morning as fast as you ran' the drugitlst recognized n household namo lor "DeWltt's Little Early Itinera" and gave him a bottle of those famous I little pills for constipation, sick hend inche, liver nnd stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Good lambing1) nru reported from all A ron- I the ranges in Gilliam county. . servative estimate places the Ktuieritl uveruge of htn.bs saved in Gillam county at 80 per cent. At present values, this 'means H great ndditton to the county's wealth. ! TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. At all times flour equal 'to the best fur sale ut Tygli Valley Holler Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. MuCokkll-, Prop. nichlG-tim Sheepmen, call ut Clarke & Ftilk's and k:ut prices on the La Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisouous, mixes in stantly with cold water, and it ia an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and ticks. 1-tf Thirty-five years muke a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zunesville. 0., suffered from piles. Ho was cured hy using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Maier & Denton have just put in a 'lathe" in thoir repair shop, und are now better than ever prepared to do all kind of machine work. tf Anothershipment of Cleveland wheels just received. They are really the only high grade wheel on the market. Maier & Benton sole agents. tf A good lot 50x100 on Second street, with (irst-cluss two-story building, "--oil ui ranged for hotel, i!00 feet from O. it. & X. depot. For terms of sale see Jiutts, at the office of Dufur & Dulur. tf Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough skin. LEMP'S !! On draught at the White ST. LOUIS , house Saloon. Charles BEER. Michelbnch, Prop. Schilling's Best baking powder does the most work to the cent. Tea is the finest you can get for the money. Coffee is not strong but de licious. Extract is the strongest and finest no exception. Spice, like extract, Saves Money C37 Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fresh und the first nf the season at the Midway. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Th: t3 whnt It. made for. DeWitt's Lict. xCiy Risers, The f-f "ls. ..eO ONE FOR A OOtC rUmoTO PImpleo, Pmeot I!lliooine..Purilr thaUloori. PILLS L3rolle(chn(inilDripmii. for hit s: Th;,n.i.hS5aj?!." Bt"nr ..u.mvaj. Ill ion DO Weld l. bold b, drugfUw. OR. B0SAKK0 CO. "nSSL pZ J-JKS-GEISENUOKrrEK & 11VKOT, Physicians aiid Surueous, 6rIal attention K'.veu to aurgcry. Rooms 21 and 2i, Tel. KS Vogt Block Notice of Final Settlement Notice. Is hereby given that tljt-utiderslraied his tiled with the clerk of Hie county court of the Htnteof Oregon for Wand) County, his final account as executor of the last will of gliunn Mnsou. deceased, and nv an order of mlrt cminir court., made and entered on ,thu 7th day of Apiii. uruuy, iiil-iiiii uuy 01 juiy. Ihtn, was fixed as tlie.tlme. and the. countv courtroom of said court as the place lor Hie hearing of .ob jections to said final account nprj.il juur. t.w, i-.xecutor. Wasco Warehou se Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of in kinds. Headquarters for Boiled Grain, ail kind.. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- " ktfrn sFlOUT. Ti,U FIoor u BMfoct'ured exprw.ly for family HifhMt Priots Paid for Wht, Barley and Oati. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keciw on ilrnvik'ht the cvIchrntPil cui.i'.MitiA iu;t:a. iictiiowi- ttlsutt the best Icrr in The Pallet, nt tltriiMMl price 'Dim- In, try It mill he rni viucpiI. AIo the rimKt-bmiuU of W illi's IJ'inors nmlCiKurii. Sandrjuiches of nil KltitlM'.luuys on hand. east and south via ml , a xne snasta icoute or THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traliif leave and ute one to itrrlvc nt I'ortUi Lr..ve. OVEKLAX1) KX-1 uress. salem. Itinv ' 1 i . . . r 111 tr.rMi 1 Af i rnuil'liiijf iKit.-u,rMiii i o.TO 1 . 31. KriU1Cci) Mojiive, I I.os Allseleii.Et f'nso. i New Urlcmih uuu I ' I ""I J i !.-n v KnscburR mill way ftn 8.30 A.31. ., h ' r. y. rvtu WiHKllmrn fori. Iiullv i i .'ii.nnt;i, oiivcruiii, i unity """J. West fcfiln, llrowns. V exa)it timtlBVi vlUcdjirlngnelu niitl ' Suuuny. V.Muroii .... ) , 17:3) A. M. lOorviilll f station and way i .... 1 ;30 P. M IXUEl'JiXIJEN'rK I'AhK.vnKlt. Ksjiri-iMnilii Jnlly (e.xu-iit -lUiiiluy). UJOp. m. cl.v. I'n-ilctiiil Ar.) h:'Sn. m ":aj. ni. MfiUiuu-Ilk- .I.v. a;S0n, m S:a) p. in. Ar .Inilri fiidiiice..I.v ) -l:.'.0n. m Dully. fOanr. erpo-.it sunany. DIKING CAKs"u:"0GDEK KOUTE. I'ULUIAN RVn ET SLEBt'ERS a;;d beco.i-ci.ah hleei-inc- cam Attached to nil Through Trnlun. Direct connection nt .-mi j-rnnctaco with Occi dental mill Oriental mut l'.iclllc mall steniimtilp Hues (orJAl'AN anilCKINA. SnlllliR ilutes on a illcutton. Kates Mid tlckuts to Knrlorn ihiIiiI.s and En rniio. Also JAPAN, CHIN A, HOSOl.l'LU unc AUHTKAIJA, can U' iiliui'.ii.il Irom J. IJ. KtltKta.N'l), Ticket Asent. ThrouRh Ticket Otlirt', 13 1 Third street, whore through tickets to all point in the Kantcrn Bute, Canada and Uurnpv ran be obtained ut lowest ra ten Irani J. B. KIKiaA VP, Ticket ARent. All nbove trainx arrive nt tmil depart Irom Ciniiid Central Btailoii. I-I(ih mid Uviuk street YAMHII.I. MViSlON. l'ak.songcr Depot, !( i( Juderson street. leave lor OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, at 7:.t)a. m.; I2:S0, l:3S, 5:15, C:ii, : p. m. fatiit 11:20 p. m. on Katurdny only, and t:00 a. m and n-.'Ji) p. m. on bundays only). Arrive at i'ortlam! dally ut il:IO and n m.; mid US). l.lfl.firJOnudTtWp. m aud 10:06 n. in , 3-15 6:10 p. in. on Sundays only. 1-cnvo for Rheridan. week days, at 4:30 p. in arrive hi roruiinu, v.w a. m. Leave lor AIKI.IE on Jlondiiy, Wednesday and Krlnny ut!:40a. m. nnv at 40 it. m. Arrlvn ut ro ArrlVH at Portland, Tum- dar, Thuradiiy and Snturiliu it SM p. m. Except Btmdny. P.. KOEHLER, llaiiarer. Except Saturday. !, II. MAKK1IAM, Asst. U. K. Pan. Atft Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LUTE. Tlirouzh liv dnvllznt via Grass Vullev. ICeni and Cross Hollown. DOUOI.AH AI.L.EN, The Iallr. O. M. WttllELAW. Alitelopti. Ktases leave Tho Dalltit lrotn Unmtllln Hntisr nt 7 a. in., also from Autuloiie at 7. j0 n. in. -rcr Monday, Wedneulay nnd Friday. CoimecilouV m&dc nt Antelope lor JTiiiovillu, Jlltcheil nnd points Iwyona. Close o-iii,eci1ons mudo nt 'I he Ualiea with railways, trains and boats. HtflKes from Antelono reach The Dnlkn Tin. days, Thursdays and Haturdays a: 1:20 p. in. r.ATr.a or rjLBC. Dalles to Deschutes i no do Moro... .. in do lirass Vullcy a 25 j uu Iuill. ..... . . . 43 IJO do Cross Hollows 4 fin Antelope to Cross Hollows l fio do Kent K, . u) do Grass Valley . 3 uu do Morn. . . do Declinees , do Dalles . , 5 fX) Dr. Shackelford has removed his office to room H, Vogt block, over I he poet office. nil72m sill kinds MILL FEED 0.R.&M. TO THE 'EHST! GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Salt Lake DenTer Omaha ; St. Paul I Chicago ! Kansas City Low Rites to ail Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, CEO. III. EhDElt AND CITY OF TOPEKfl Leave Portland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. Ocean Stuatnen K-nve I'ortluud every Five Duy for SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Stenmera monthly from Portland to Yokohunia und Hoiik Kone via North em PrtclDc Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. & N. for lull particulars fall on O. K. & X, Cu.'s iigent The Dalles, or niUlres W. II. Hl'KI.KXltT, Gen. l'livAgt. I'ortUud. Or. POnSON", C.vni.11.1, CO., (Sen. Acta. .Northern 1'adllc H:fainlili Co. TIME CAltll. No. I, to Spokane nnd Great Northern arrives nt 5:'i p. in., leaven nt 3;:5) p. m. No 2, l'endle ton linker City ond IMiIon hiciHc, nrrlve.i ll.lj p. m., departs 11:50 p, m. No 3, 1mm 6okane mid Great Northern, ar rives nt Ci'Su a. m., dfpHMs nt fi;M n. in. No. 1, Irom linker City and Unioi I'uclllc, arrives at 3:'JU n. in., depart! at :i:l u. m. The foliowiuR (refutit trains carry pactiKers on the tint nnd second districts, but do not slop at station platforms; No. i'3 west, iirilve ut 3 p. in., departs nt9:W a. m. No. 24 east, arrives at 12:Z0 p. in., depurtt at 1: 15 p. m. W, U. UUBU1UUT, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland. Orejon FREE TRIAL TREITMEN TO EVERY MAN. Thin offer in made bv the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided application be made nt oue.o, in order that Its Inventions, nppllniicc nud never fsl llnj remedies may receive the widest )olble pul-. llelty, and prove their own inurlls by ar.tusl usit unci riiiHiint currn. No .Mimry whatever will be rcccivtd by tlw) lllluuls KtMte HHiilturliim Irom anyone under Its treat ment uutlt lieneflclnl result are ackniml eiiced. Its remedies mid appliances have been commended by the newspapers of Two Conti nents mid endorsed by the greatest doctors in the world. 'Where development is desired, they arcornplMi it and never lull to Invigorate, up build nud tortlfy. They Infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop nit losses which undermine tbe constitution nnd rrouuee despondency. Tlicy re-tone, refresh and restore to niuubix-d, re srardlusaaif mgr. They cum evil hiibttsiind im mnnuntly remove their ell'ects, us well s those of excesses and over-taxed brnlii work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. .No ftdl ii re, no publicity, no deception, uo Ulsap liulututnui. MltlTE 1(I-I),VV. ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM. Kvatistun, HI, Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatchmakerlJewelcr All work promptly attended to, apu warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wanted- At the Diamond Mills, Good imlliiifcT wheat. The liirl-f t price paid. ' tnchlfl tf- NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. U. S. Lanij OrncE. I Tub Dai.i.kh, Oit, April 8, '(b.f Notice ia iiercby Riven that the ap proved plat of fwrvuy of TownMilp -tiouth, Kango 20 East of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon. ho been received this office oiiT will be officially filed in thin office on Saturday, the i-'Sth day oi May, 1898, at 10 o'clock n, m. Jah. F. Mookb, Register. W. H. Bioos, Receiver. a hiwiwoto 8 WIM0" HUKT1N0TON WILSON, t ATOMKftft OREGON Ofllce over rint Nat, iik. FRED. W. WILBOK, ', .... Uftleo ovct first Nt. Unu.