B 1, HP Chrcmklc VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1898. NO 38 WAITING FOR A SPANISH MOVE Official Washington Assumes an Expectant Attitude Pending Events. ' BATTLE NOW IMMINENT Dewey's Squadron Must Capture a Base of Operation's at Once or Sail For San Francisco No State to Be Al lowed to Increase Its Volunteers. Washington, April 26. Thore were no important developments announced at the department today. Official Wash itiRton iB in a state of expectancy. No further important naval or military movements are likely to be executed until the locations and plane of the Spanish fleet shall have been at least partially made known through the movements of some of the Spanish war ships. Naval officers say they expect the Grot big war newB from the Philippines, as Dewey must either capture a Philip pine port as a base of operations or sail for Sun Francisco. Secretary Long says be has no report of tho bombardment of Matanzas. The strategy board believes the only purpose of Bumpson was to draw the fire of the Motanztis batteries to learn their number and strength. If any batteries were building Sampson would prevent work on them. The hope of thousands of patriotic nion in all parts of , the conntry were dnghed to earth today, when General Corbin stated that no Btate's volunteer allotmoiit will bo increased, as every statu has signified that in would furnish its full quota. This means that no one outside of the militia of the various status will be allowed to enlist except to fill vacancies in companies existing or to tie created by nonfulfillment of phys ical requirements of the service on the part of members. Tile department lias .been assured by President Dias that Mexico will remain iu the strictest neutrality. The proclamation of Portugal's neu trality is expected tomorrow. A t'ltUViaiONAX OPVKKNMENT. The Junta Will Aquleoe With the Unltrd Htate. Washington, April 28. Tonight it is reliably reported that arrangements have been perfected for the creation of a provisional government In Cuba, with the capital at Mntanzas. From this paint it is intended to send out supplies and men to succor the starving Cubans, and it is probable that several ship loads of uroVislons, arms and ammuni tion will be. sent to Matanps. Junta representatives here today assured tho president that they .and the people tbey represent will acquiesce in any plans which the government of tho United States might frame for the betterment of the condition of the Cuban people. PORTUGAL SHOWS A DISPOSITION TO. Ill She Espouses Spain's Cause by Sup pressing News of the Movement of Spanish Warships in Portuguese Waters. London, April 28. The government of Portugal has prohibited the dispatch ( public, telegraphic Information re garding the movements of Spanish war ships In the harbors of that couutry and Hi colonies. This announcement was officially proolated fit Lisbon ,today d UltgrE)hl. Abroad. Daily bulla-, tins have bn received from -St. Vln c't by the AtmlaUd. PreH, but the ction of the Portuguese government to- day apparently closes this source of in formation regarding the movomunts and whereabouts of the Spanish fleet. This action on the part of Portugal has ciuscd a eensntlon here, and is in terpreted as belrn: proof positive that that government proposes doing all in its power to anl bp.un in tho present struggle. President McKinley is understood to have notified Portugal that unless the Spaniards were ordered to leave St. Vm cent, tho United States would regard Portugal as nn ally of Spain and treat her aceorningly. Public opinion here and throughout England continues universally favorable to the cuuse of the United States, and this fact is demonstrated in various ways at frequent intervals. The action of trie'Spanish ambassador in having opened a fund here to increase the strength of the Spanish fleet is re garded as a serious abuse of diplomatic prlvileees, and will be brought up in the house of commons. WHY SAMPSON BOMBARDED MATANZAS. He Did Not Violate His Orders In So Doing Other Like Engagements Will Follow. Washington, April 23. When Samp son directed fire off the big guns of the Ne"w York, Puritan and Cincinnati, against defenses of Matanzas yesterday, he did not exceed the instructions not to bombard tbe Cuban cities.' Tbeen gagemet of Matanzas batteries was a re sult ot tbe suggestions made to SampBon by the navy department several dayB ago. It was not intended that 'Sampson should presprve dignified silence against the barking of coast defense guns. Yes terday's little -engagement was the se quel to the suggestion, and from now on there will be other engagements similar to that of Matanzas every time a Eliot iB fired at a U. S. vessel. Official dispatches from Cuba Bay American warships were compelled to withdraw from Matanzas after half an hour's flshting with batteries. Spanish authorities admit that several Spanish lives were destroyed in the engagment. THE TERROR TAKES ONE MORE PRIZE Spnish Steamer Guido, With a Valuable Cargo and Money. Kkv West, Fia., April 28, 7:40 a m. The latge Spanish steamer Guido, bound from Carunna for Havaua with a large cargo of provisions and money for the Spanish troops, whs captured earley yesterday by the United States moniter Terror. Tbe capture took place 10 miles off Cardenas, after a departed chase, during whicn the monitor Terrior and the gun boat Machias fired several shots, almost blowing the Spainlard'a pilot-houte into the water. One man in the pilot-house was seriously injured. The captured money ie in an Iron safe, and tho amount is not known. The Guido is one of tbe richest prizes yet captured. It is estimated that with her cargo she ie worth nearly $500,Q0O. Tbe treasury department has ordered the Saturna, a Spanish vessel Beized in Biloxi barber, released. THE M CARTY-CHIFFO FIGHT fatal Nockoutat Haoraineuto, California, April 7 lb. Sachamb.nto, Cal., April 28. McCarty, who was kuocked out iu the twentieth round .by GritTo last night, died at the hospital here tonight. Officers have ar rived from San Francisco to arrest Urif fo and .the xeat-of .the gang on charges ot murder, but they had disappeared, "oijjri&Ver tow. Ban Vbancibcojl iprU 28,. T.he inil Itonalre 'sugar kiig iijylng at the point of death at bii daughter's home In this city. GENERAL MILES ADVOCATES CAUTION He is Opposed to the Sending of a Small Force to the Island of Cuba. CONSIDERED NOT GOOD The Administration, However, Expects Great Things of the Insurgent General, Antonio Gomez and His Forces, on the Island. Washington, April 28. Gen. Miles is opposed lo eending any force into Cuba unless it is so large as to insure the suc cess of such an expedition. The reports which have been received at army headquarters indicate that thereti are at least 150,000 Spanish saldiers in Cuba, and the commanding general of the American forces is not one of those who underestimates the valor or, courage of tbe Spaniards. General Miles is ready to lead an army of invasion, but believes if any forces are sent to the island they should be strong enough to insure success from the out set. He has very little canfidence in the insurgents as fighters, and is not dis posed to regard tbem as able allies in the event of an invasion ; not that he be lieves they lack courage, but does be lieve they lack discipline and other fighting qualities. For this reason be thinks the United States ought to refrain from sending men to Cuba until we are ready to trans port to tbe island a force which will be effective without refference to any, aid from the Cubans. It is learned upon good authority that the administration expects great things from Gomez and his forces, and unless other counsel prevails a force of 5,000 will be landed in Matanzas within a week, for the purpose of' manning the fortifications which Gen. Wilson will be instructed to construct there, and his force will be instructed to co-operate with the Cubans. Of course the Cubans will be under command of officers com missioned by the president. Representatives of the. junta have as sured .the president of the support ot Gomez. MASSACRE IN A CHINESE TILLAGE Family of Fifteen People Murdered By ' a'Band of Robbers. Vancouveu, B. C. April 28. Oriental advices received by steamer tell of a shocking massacre which occurred early iu the morning of March 31 at a hamlet same 20 miles south of Tuipoh, China, tit the bouse of Yang Kinshang. It wouldippear according to the infor mation of one of the unfortunate family's neighbors, that a partv of over 20 rob bers entered the house and murdered Yang, his wife, his mother and children and servents, 15 persons In all, who re sisted tbem in their attempt to loot the houso and attack the daughters. When tbe raiders had butchered all the inmates tbey set tbe house on fire. Voluutvera KulHlttd Today. Washington, April 28. In all proba bility the first recruits in the proposed volunteer army of 125,000 will be enlist ed Into the service of the United States totnoirow, the militiamen of New Yotk and Pennsylvania being first to be en rolled. Mistakes of the administration and eagerness of state authorities have delayed matters somewhat, but the tan gle ie being straightened, out. Reports from all over the couutry indicate no difficulty In filling, up vacancies in mili tary organizations. Iu New York alone over 200,000 have been recruited. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome arid delicious. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POwbtR CO., NEW YORK. SPANISH SPIES ARE AT WORK Governor Atkinson Warned of Their Intention Reported Captured at New Orleans and Will Be Shot. Atlanta, Ga., April 28. Gov. Atkin son today received a letter from Dr. Long, of Good Hope, Ga., warning bim that yesterday two Spanish spies passed through that place, having arranged with Negroes to blow up the bridges along the route to Key West and em employ some method to destroy U. S. troops en route to various rendezvous. Similar reports come from Adel, so Gov ernor Atkinson will take precautionary action. Lateh SpAnieh Spy captured at New Orleans. Will be court martialed and shot. THE IOWA TO BE SENT TO TOItTO KICO Will Aveogo the Destruction of a Bugnr riantatiou. Washington, April 28. It is report ed tonight the administration lias de cided to send tbe war ship Iowa to Porto Rico to revenge the destruction of the sugar plantation owned by Americans, which was reported to have been de stroyed today. Jitck Oaltou'k Project. Tacoma, April 28. Jack Dalton, the Alaska pioneer, and C. W. Thebo of this place are preparing to ship 1300 head of cattle to Pyramid Harbor and drive them over the trail to Dawson, The cattle will be divided into bands of 100 with six Montana cowboys in charge of each baud, and will cost $200,000. The projectors expect to clear $300,000 if they can get the animals over the trails suc cessfully. The Hheuuiitloah I Hate. Cokk, April 27. The eteainer Killar- ney from Bristol, reports that she spoke the American ehip Shenandoah yester day evening. All on board were well. This is the ship reported last week hb having fallen into the bands of the Span iards. I'ltEl'AUINO TO LEAVE. Will Depart from Tuuiu to Matanzaa, Cuba uh Soon iia l'omtlule. Tami'A, Fla., April 28. The army now encamped here will leave at once for Cuba. The entire force will be sent to Matanzas within twenty-four hours. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve Cure Piles, Scalds, Uurns. A bushel of notions doesn't weigh half us much as one stubborn fact Garland's, .Happy Thought Salve Is a sure factor for the cure of Skin Troubles ami Piles. 50o glass Jars For sale at DONNELL'S. May m Ffom 9 a. SPEGIMi SAItE Separate Dress Skirts Thtee Iiots. Navy Blue Serge, Black Serge and Noyelly Goods, Our Regular $250 SATURDAY Specialties in Black A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. Free I'll) Send your address to H. . Uucklen & Co., Chicago, and get u free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will couvince you of their merits. These Pills are easy iu action and are particularly effective iu the cure ofCon stipation and Sick Headache, For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists, (2) FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos; 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned, M. E. Fuiiiimauv, 19-4 w Uox 178, Goldendale, Wash. I waa reading nn advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this.. I can truthfully say I uevrr used any remedy equal to It for colic and diar rhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doeea to cure the worst case with myself or children. W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, One Minute Cough 'Cure cure. Tbat U what It wu sanO for. SaHg m. to 7 p. m. and $3.00 Skirts Sateen Underskirts. Cigars. Wiiy do wo retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pass cigars of the same grade? Not because we have better cigars or better brands, or any greator variety ; no, not that. Why, because wo have the finest ci gar cuso in the statu and keep our cigars in better condition, Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. Patronize the All kind of work. White Blilrts a specialty. Family work at reduool ' r tei. Wanh col looted and dellveied free, Tlapttoua Mo. 11V, H. D. Parkins, Agt, Use Clark & Falk'a Rosofoam forth teeth. If Troy - MUNDM.