The Dalles Daily QbmsxSsu OltEOON oros enjoys Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Iaver and IJowcls, cleanses the Bys tern effectually, dispelB colds, head aches nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in dts action and truly' beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most lealthynnd agreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 ent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who "wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. MUFDRNM FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FMKtSCO. CAL LOUISVILLE, nr. HEW YOUK, M.t. I'EKSOXAl, MENTION- ' Clyde Butler is in the city from Hinge ley. Charles Fraley, of Kingaley, is in the city. Attorney Tierce Mays is in the city on business. .1. A. Patterson is in the city from Heppuer. 11. E. Jackson, of Moro, is in the city on business. W. H. Heisler is in the city from his home nt Dufur. A. P. Bradbury, the popular traveling anarij is in this city. , X P. "Lucas and wife, of Arlington, are 'at the Umatilla House. J. C. Ward, the postmaster At Kings ley, was in the city last evening. Mies Dorothy F redden returned last evening from a visit to Portland. Mrs. E. Lytle left for Wasco last even ing, where she will remain a few days. A. S. Mac Alliafer and wife returned from Portland on the Sarah Dixon last evening. iJnnies Benton went to Arlington on night's train, to do some plumbing lot Lord & Co. James Knight is in the citv from Skinsaley today. He reportB crops look Sag well in that section. tCapt. John Booth arrived on the hoat last night and will accompany ms com mand to Portland this morning. C. H. Southern, of Boyd, made this office a pleasant call last evening and .-added his name to our list of subscribers. 'He is loud in his praises of Tub Morn iikg Chko.viclk. Mr. Ed Michell came uft from Port land on last nigbt'd train to rill the place made vacant in the Tunes-Mountaineer force by the departure of r.d Leuiison with the soldier boys. aicKinlry to Sherman. The following note was writtenTuesday by the president in reply to the letter from Mr. Bherrnan tendering his resig nation ae secretary of war: "Hon. John Sherman Dear Sin Tour letter of the 25th inst., tendering .yonr resignation of the office of secretary o' slate, has been received, and the res ignation is accepted. "I cannot let this occasion pass with out congratulating yon upon your use- ;fol and distinguished career, covering a period of nearly half a century in the public service and filled with exception ail honor and success. ' Your great labor has added luster to American statesmanship, and will al ways be uratefully remembered by your fellow countrymen. With cordial good wishes, very truly yours, Willi am McKinixy." Deputy County Assessor Riches Toes day morning discovered John Huffman dd, banging by the utck from a joist iH.tiia own home, twelve miles south Mtof Biiverton. Coroner dough, of 4ilm, held an inquest, and the verdict of Me jury was Micide, and that death Im4 eweewred several days ago. Huff- -wmrn'mm nboflt 45 years old, and bad jllMevillvertoa about eight yean. WU'hU a hmttV) mu a very religiose mui, ul WM.kaoirn as "John the Bap rMtiM 7wud a quarter wctloo of Dalles Pohllc School. Following 18 the report for the quar ter (4 weeks) ending Friday April 22,'OS. TKACHKltS. Rut Hill P.imriruj 511?sNii Cooircf lnmlart: ; Hi 4 41 13 0 31 SOU Mrs. l.oclic .3, 4 mid oil AcntSonij litt. Mlf rhltiimn 1 Mrs.HrtMwltii ... -n Jilts Fllim ( . Miss U Klutoill G iliss T. Illutoul 0 A nml T II Union Street JIl-s Itowo 1 I JIIjs K. Cooper .-. 2 Bi S rO) 77 13 411 35; 31 1 fiCK 4i 41I10 86 4 4tt 7 MHssnell , Hi .Miss Cticivc. A A and C 11 tll.ll .Mt JHHM 1 40, 57j 3 I I Miss Ball ." 5B Lourt street. Miss Mlphell...v T A nnd 8 111 .mi-s uui... i jnisn iouooi 8, u, 10. oir. uiuucrs 1 runilA illl'lCWlt) Totals No. days of school, HO. Per ceut of attendance on number be longing, 94. Jons- Gavi.v, Principal. llats thu Kloiitllice Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemmor rhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's 2ev Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's druif store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 "Uncle Jimmy" Walters, 87 years of ag, waskilled by a bull two days ago, near Waterville. Wash., but the fact was not known until yesierday. It was dis covered that the bull had broken through a fence and overtaken Mr. Walters and crushed him to death, breaking several ribs on each side of his body. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word trom the wise should be suf ficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repeated ex perience of trustworthy uersons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W.M.Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business nt Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manufactured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the moat satisfactory to the people, nnd is the best. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. At the l-at Eud Feed Yard. Harper, Bros., of the East End feed yard have a thorouahbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. Fur terms apply to the above. " apr!2 lm iteware of Olnuinnta lor Catarrh that Coutalii Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fiom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get ihe uen nine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. JEikSold by Druggists. 4. , Brought Out 1(50,000. Sax Fuascisco, April 27. The steam er Discovery arrived this morning from Skaguay with three men from Daweon. They made the trip out in thirty-one days and. brought with them f 50, 000 in nuggets and dust. AVUEN TUAVELING Whether on pleasure bent or buslnees, take on every trip a battle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by. all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Byrup Co. i n'y. Thousands of suflererj from grippe have hetn restored to health by One Minute Cough Core. It quickly cure soughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, end all throat and lung dltiMf(. Snipee-Klaerily Drug Co. A torpid liver robe you of anbitroa and ruins yoar health. DeWitt'e Little Early Riser cieanee the liver, care eoa- ttiaathn end all etomach aad liver troablo. SnipetKiRerily Drag Co. What is Scott's Emulsion? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh-form ing properties. It contains Cod Liver CHI 'emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well known and highly priied Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda so that their potency is materially increased. What Will H Do? It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a .normal condition the infant, the child and the adult It will enrich the blood of tfie anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of Cases. Be surejau git SCOTT'S Emulthn. jcc. and $1.00, all drugghts. SCOTT It BOWNE, ChtmUu, New York. A FEW HINTS. Tliti Kye I tho lVluilnw nT tlm Boul IteiTbre Unir "You Ue It. i When should spectacles first be used, jnnd those in use abandoned: I First When you are obliged to move I amntl ntiiunto t r o rtnnuiriurnlilu fltatiatlf'O from the eye in otder to eee them dis tinctly. Second If you find it necessary to pet moie light than formerly as for in-, stance, to place the light between the eyes and the object. Third If, on looking at and attentive ly considering a near object, it lieemueB confused and appears to have a kind of mist before it. Fourth When the letters of a book or paper run together and apiiear to have doubled or trebled. Fifth If the eves are fatigued by a j little exercise so that you are obliged to i shut them fruin tune to time, or relieve them by looking aT other objects. "Sixth If blick spots or flakes appear before the eyes or seen? floating around the eyes. Seventh If the eyes become inflamed or heated or any other exercise. If you observe any of the above signs or signals of distress, it should claim vour immediate attention. The eye, like the rest of the body, slowly but surely reaches the acme the meridian of its strength and perfection then passes into a condition, of weakness and decay. When this stage arrives, we should avail ourselves of the aids that science and patient research has thrown in our way lit so small an expense. When you find your old spectacles should lie renlaced hv a new nair. it is always for a stronger pair, for our eves ! "- . : 1 I . I. never grow yuuoKcr uiuu we reuuu mc stage of "second sight" in the somber twilight of old .age. Immediate atten tion 10 tha eyes when we find they need it, means many years of eight saved nnd better 'ision. It is no more nor less than aPduty you owe yourself, for care less delay results finally in vain regrets and useless complaints. Daut, the optician, knows just what you need in the line of glasses. Call on him. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use, Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by iin- machinery ; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, fit is much moie economical, because it is always ready for use. We guarantee our sheep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and he convinced. Clarke &. Falk, agents, The Dalles. Or. HOR8E6 AND MULES FOR 8ALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4 year mules (broke) tor sale. I also have horses, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from 900 to 1400 pounds. Any one wanting work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. Jameh Jlnow.v, f23-lro-l Victor, Or. Dexter Roberts, of Pendleton, has bbuj"t a'$4000 threshing outfit of tht Idl est, improved pattern. A 20-horsepower trawburning, compound engine, furn ishes power for the outfit, which will be operated la the country Wrtb of Pendle ton during thecominireon. The farmer, the meebanieand the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cute and braises. DeWitt'e Witch Hasel Salve ie the beet thing to keep on bead. It beali quickly, Rd is .a well kaowa eure, for piles. Saipee-Kiaerily Drag Co; A little boy asked lor a bottle ot "get up in the morning as fast as you can,' the druggist recognised n household name ior 'DeWitt's Little Early Rlsors" and gave him n lnttle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick bend- I ache, liver and stomach., troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drue Co, Good lambing nro reported from nil the ranges In Gilliam county. A con servative estimntu places the general , average of saved In Uillnm comity at SO pur cent. At present values, this mentis a great addition to the county's wealth. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL. I At all times flour equal to the best for 1 -p.... 1. -..n.... i..ii 7.1111,, .., emu at 1311 . nuuj litiuci 4,1111:3, 111. prices to eui: the times. Also mill feed, W. M. McCoiiki.u, Prop. mchltvfmi Sheepmen, cull at Clarke & Folk's and get prices on the l.a Plata Sheep Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in stantly with colli water, and it is an in fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lien and ticks. 1-tf Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Ailolph Fisher, of Zanesville. O., suffered from pileS. He was cured by using three boxes of Do Witt 'a Witch Hazsl Salve. Si.ipes Kinersly Drug Co. Maier & Benton have just put in a 'lathe" in their repair sliop, and are now better than ever prepared to do all kind of machine work. tf Another shipment of Cleveland wheels ju received. They are really the only high grade wheel on the market. Maier & Benton sole ngents. tf A good lot oOxlOO on Second street, with first-class two storv building, "ell arranged for hotel, 'MO frut from O. II. & a. depot, rur terms of sale see Butts, at the ollice ot Uulur & Uutur. tl Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough Ekin. LEMP'S , On draught at the While ST. LOUIS I, house Saloon. Charles BEER- j! MichelbHch, Prop. Schilling's Best baking powder does the most work to the cent. Tea is the finest you can get for the monev. Coffee is not strong but de licious. Extract is the strongest and finest no exception. .Spice, like extract, j Saves Money C.T7 Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fresh and the first of the season at the Midway. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Curea Pg. Scalds. Hnrns. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It w made (jr. DeWitt's Lilt. The 1 ! uuny Risers, -'IU. ONE iOH A DOSE. PILLS KrarTO Pimple. Pr-rrat i'."'"i:'KV Tu"'r ineBIood. C'arod.ebandliMiMi. l for health. Th-r nlthCTrliiT.,i7i.0 '"il J-yH-(iKISKNDOUr-rKK & KUEDV, Physicians and Surgeons, hjcll attention Riven lo aii-gciy. Roonul and '. Tel.SH Vogt Iilock Notice of Final Settlement J.otloe is hereby Riven tlmt the iiinlcrniKntd his filed with thu clerk of ihe county court of toe Htateof Orecron fur Watco Ciiiiuty. Ills Until account uit executor of the lust will of Hlnion ln mil, decerned, nnd hy an order of nld enumy court, made and entered on the 7th day of Ai-ill, 1W, Tuwdiiy, tho nth duy of JuH 1S, whs lixed as Ujc time, nnd theeounty courtroom of mid court flu :hu iiIhcu lor thu iuitriiiK of oh leetloiiH to mid Html account rJ3 1 JOHN END, Executor. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of u kinds.- Headquarters for Feed Grain onn kindi. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Sta.kas!t Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- lOn X lOUr. xma mr n mpnatMtnwd expr.? for family u: wery mcIc ii RtwrantMd to give Mtittlou. W Mil Otlr ffooda llisvav ihan mu kiuiu t it.- . i. . .. . Mil aatJ nt our piim .nd Ita wn7M.'" " mw " yon G0D 1 HichMt Priots Paid for Wa-t, Barlsy and Oats. ..CHflS. FPANK- and Fattmcffs ..Exchange.. Kcoi on drniiL-ht thu eulebrntwl COM7M1II.V HKKU, neknoHl. tdiKMl the best titer In The HhIIoi, nt tho usual prlfe. oniti In, try It mid be cm vlured. Aln tho Kluint brnlidii of WIiim, Ll'juors mid (JlRiirs. Sondrjuiches of nil Kinds nluitys on hmid. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnliih Icnvc and tire due to arrive nt I'ortUi LT.AXT., OVKItLAND EX--) Iircufi, hnleiu, lime-' mm, Abblmid, Hhc- I mmetito, ORden.Snu 1 r'ninclm-n, Mojuve, f Ia AliKulea.Kl 1'hmi, j New urk'Hiis mm 6:oi) P. SI. i I Emit J Kmehurg mid wny tll tlons fVIrt Wiiodburu lorl I .Mt.AtiBul, mivurtnn, West Bclo, llrnwns- vlllc,rirliigilcldnnd f (.Natron j 8130 A. M. P. M Dully vxeupl Huuduys. Dnlly except i-.n i ' JCnrvnlllH and wnyl l,.sn A.M., jHtBtlonH ' :50 1. Jl INDEPENDENCE PAS-HKNRKIt. Express tmln imuy (exefpt rtuuuiiyj, I;50p. m. l.v. .. Pn tbiiid Ar.) 8:25 h. i 7:3) p. m. Al . . Mc.Ullim IIU . I.V.J n;fj0 it. 1 at.iup. m. tAr.lndei f iidence..I.v. -l:.iQ iu i H;V. h. m m m "Dully. fUuity, exfcjit mninrtr: DINING CARS N (KJDEN ItOUTE. PULLMAN liL'UKT KLEEPEKS AND HECOND-CI.ASs BLEEPING CAKo attached to nil Through Trulim. Direct connection Ht r-mt rntneisen with Occl deiitul'uud Orieutul mid I'ncllic mull steamship lines for JAPAJ4 and CHINA. Hailing dates on aniiieauon. Kntes mid tickets to Entcni iioliits and Eu roic. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU mib AubTKALIA, can lie olitnlinnl from J. II. KIKKLaND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Oltlrt , la I Third street, where inrougu iicxeu to nil poinis in mc taaiero Htte, Canada and hurnpe nu be obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KII1KLA S'D, Ticket Agent. -Ml above trains arrive nl unit ilumri Irom Grand Central Htatlon. Hflli witil Irving streets YAMHILL ItlVInlON. Passenger Depot, hhu .if uederson street. Leave for OSWEGO, tmlly, except Sunday, at :ju 11. m.; V2-.M, 1:, 5:1.'j, 6:'r, S:U' p. m. mid 1 1 : : 3J p. m. on Haturday only, mid 0:U0 a. in and .'!:: j. m. on buudays only). Arrive at Portland nully at d:W and H:Zu it ro.:uudl:a5. 4:l.i, Ci'.Diiih) 7:&i. tn., (and 10:06 u. m , 3'IS 6:10 p. tn. on Huuduys only. U-nvf for Sheridan, week days, at 1:30 p. ni Arrive at Portland, 0::a) a. m. Ixavc for AIUI.IE on .Monday, Wednesday nnd Krinoy at 0:10 a.m. Arrlv nt Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Suturiliu it 3:05 p. m. Except Huudoy. Except Saturduy. K. KOEIILElt, Maiiagur, (i, II. MAKKHAM, Asst. U. V. ii Pass. Agt Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Viv il.vllf.rif vtu R,m,u VfMllm L.m, and Cross Hollons. IOVOLAH ALLKN, The Dalles. ' V. U. WU1TELAW, Alitnlupe. Stages leave The Dalles lrom Umatilla House at 7 n. m also from Atiti'Inix) at 7:) it. in. t verj Monday, Wednesday nnd rrlduy. Cuiinwlloui rniaie nt Antelope ior I'rinuvllle, Mltcheil itud points beyond. Close cdiliecilons miidoatThc Dalles with railways, trains and boats,, Stsses from AntclOM) reach The Dallea Tncs. days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:30 p. m. UATSH or FAltE. Dulles lo Deschutes l 00 do Moro l 60 do Grass Valloy '2 25 do Kent 4 3 oo. (In cross Hollows 4 An Antelope to dross Hollows 1 50 do Kent v 00 do Grass Vultcy... am do Mon do Deschtlecs do Dulles ... ft 00 Dr. StincktiHord haa removed IiIh office to room H, Vogt block, over tlio post- office. ml7-2in 0.R.&N TO THli EKSTI j . GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES I GREAT 1 NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Salt Lake Denver St. Paxil Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates (o all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. CO. EliDElJ AND CITY Of TOPEP Leave Portland every five diives for ALASKA POINTS. Ocean Steamers Ichvc I'nrtlund every Five Dnys lor SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SteamerB monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Honit Kona via North ern Piiclflc BtfnniBliii) Co., in connection with O. R. & N. To- full tmrtlculnrs roll on O. It. i X. Co.'s Hfiuiu itiu t'tiiii:a. ur iiiiuit'-n y. ii. iiuiti.iis'i'.T, Gen. Hu-. Agt., I'ortldml, Or. IIAIKAV. (Mltl.ll.l.i'.l Ul, Nurttiern 1'ueilic 8leuiiihlii) Co. TIMK CAKII. No. 1, to H)okiiiie mid (.rent Nortliern arrives at 5:2.) j. ni,. leaves nt 6:3) ji. in. No 2, Pendle ton linker :tty nml Union fncilic, arrives na; p. m., ileimrts It:A0 i. m. No :t, Irom Spokunu and Orent Northern, ar rives at C'OO a. m di'psrts at f:.V n. m. No. 1, Irom linker City utid Unlo l'nelllc, arrives at 3-;m ii, in., (IciiHrls nt n. in. Tlio followtnr; freight trains curry i'uenircr on the llrst nnd second districts, but do not stop ut station jiltttlorms: No. XI west, iinive nt f i. m.,denart.i nt D:t a. in. No. 24 east, arrives tit l'JiSO p. m., dciutrts at 1:45 1. in. W, II. IIUKUIUKT, Gen. !". Agt Portland. Orean FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. Tills oflttr i made hv the 1LIN0IS STATE SANITARIUM lirovideil iiiullriition be made nt once, in order Hist It invention, iiilluiicci and never fnilins; remedies nmy receive the widest ponnlblc pub licity, nnd prove tlielr onn merits by weiusl UKt mill iirntniiriit r.urrs. No Minify whatrivnr will lie reccivrd by tbe IllluuU HiMtB HHiiliHrliim trmii iniyoiic muter Its trvst- llieilt tlUtll ll'll-llolll"frlllt Brr IKlklliml- nlar-n. Its remedies nnd iipillunres lmve been commended by tbe neivspmiers nl Two Conti nents and endorsed by tlio Rretteat doctors In the world. Where development is denlreil, they accomplish it nnd never full to invigorate, up build nnd fortify. They Infuse new lite nnd eueriry. Theyi3r manently stop nil losses which undermine the constitution and roiluce desiHindeney. They re-tone, refresh uud restore to lnmihood, rs Knrillnss ir uk. Tlioy cure evil )ntblt una o uiniieutly remove tlielr cllleis, n well m those of excesses nnd nver-tuxed brnlii work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No Mi me, n iubllnliy, no deception, uo illsap litiliitmnlii. Willi' K TO-ll.W. ILLH0I8 STATE 8ANITAEIUM, Kvwustuli, 111. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL r ii T All work promptly attended to, am) vrrirrnitted. 174 VOGT fciLOCK Wanted. At the Diamond Mills, Good milling wheat, paid. The htehes't price incl.lO-tf. NOTICE OF FILING PLATS. U. S. Land Ornvr., I Tue, Ok, April 8, W.j Notice ii hereby Riven that the ap proved plat ol survey of TovynHliip u Ufa, Range 20 Ea-t of the Willamette rldlan, Oregon, haa been received at i office ami will be officially fiN Houtn Mer iLI. inn uiuce hiiii win w uiiiwkhj - -, this office on fjaturday, the li8tU dnj ol May, 1808, At 10 o'clock a. m. Jah. F. Mookk, Keglflter. W. II. Bioos, Receiver. B MDtfTINOTON . H W"30 HUNTINGTON & WH-80N, Ofltce ovor Flrat Nat. Sank. , Tlir. (MUw ov rirtt Nat. . Jewelc TTUiiiimaai