She Balk hh Chronicle. VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1898. NO 38 PTflflZflS BOMBARDED Sampson's Fleet Pour Projectiles Into the Fortifications. Key Wkst, April 27. Three ships of Captain Samp son's fleet are blockading the Cuban coast. The New York, Puritan and Cincinnati opened fire upon the for tifications at Matanzas this afternoon. Nothing definite is known as to the result of the attack upon the city, but it is believed the storm of projectiles into the fortifica tions for nearly twenty minutes must have caused great loss of life. On our ships no casualties have occurred. The attack began shortly before 1 o'clock and the bom bardment was over in less than twenty minutes after 1. The Spaniards had boon actively at work on the forti fications at Punta Gorda, and it was the knowledge of this fact that led Sampson to shell the place, his purpose being to prevent their completion. A small battery on the eastern side of the bay opened fire on the New York, and the flagship quickly respond ed with her heavy guns. Probably twenty-five 8-inch shells were sent from the battery at our ships, but all of them fell short. A few blank shells wore also fired from the incomplete battery. ( One or two of these whizzed ovor Sampson's flagship. After completing their work the ships put out to open sea, the flagship returning to its post off Havana, while the Cincinnati and Puritan remained on guard off Ma-tanzas. ON THE SPANISH FLEET The Object is the Capture of the Spanish Vessfels Compose the Flo tilla Now at Mauiia.- prop giving way, the log came down on ills liend, killing him instantly. Dougherty was a single man about 27 years old mid highly respected by all.. He wns n member of the Odd Fellows and Foresters lodges of Astoria, and of the Maccabees lodge of Knappton, Wn. IN.TUltlSD ItV A SI'AMHIl GU.NUOAT VIEWS OF SPANISH GOVERNMENT Their Ideas About the Condition of Af fairs Betiweon the Two Nations. Poiiti.axu, April 28. A die patch front Hong Kong says : The American eqad ron sailed from Mies Bay this afternoon for Manila. Thirty leaders of tiie insur rection in the Philippines wanted to accompany the American fleet to Ma nila, but only a qnietralado rebel chief woe taken us their representative. The primary object of the squadron is the capture of the Spanish fleet. Upon its arrival at Manila Commander Dewey will domand the capitulation! the city within thirty-eight minutes. The governor at Manila has issued a proclamation saying that the squadron, without instruction or discipline, wbb coming to the archipelago with the ruf fianly intention of robbing the country of all means of life, honor and liberty. He further nays : "The aggressora shall not gratify their lustful passions at the cost of your wives and daughters. They ahull not cover you with dishono.', be cause your valor and patriotism will suf fice to punish this miserable people." A FATAL ACCIDENT. Kit UoURharty Instantly Killeil Hi Uen on t Uu.'a Lugging (auii. Oak Point, AVn AprlN28,Edwnl Dougherty, employed in Benson & Co.'s Egging camp at this place, was accident ally killed yesterday. Dougherty was alone at the time, M. U U auppoMd his aw got atuck in a log which he was out ting nd had propped up. tie went un der the log to extract the saw end the On of Our Toruedu-llout UeHtrojers Hlghtly UlHBblrd. Havana, April 27. The 'Spanish gun boat Ligera, it is announced here, en countered near Cardenas, not far from Matanzis, an American torpedo-boat destroyer, which opened lire on tiie Spanish warship. The gunboat, it is added, answered with eleven shots. It is claimed that tho American vessel was damaged and retreated. The Spanis steamer Montserrat, from Cadiz for Havana, has arrived safely, it is announced, at Oienfuegol. She had on board $2,000,000 in silver and a good quantity of ammunition. It is an nounced that the insurgent brigadier general, MaBso, has beeu authorized 10 form a division of natives to tight with the United States troops. Spanish offiicils the well-known insurgent leader Juau del Gado and 17 followers have been killed hear Cano. The situation here today is one of ex pectation, and quiet, patriotic enthusi asm, combined with a desiro on tho part of the Spaniards for the opening ot real hostilities. The Spanish coasting steamer Cosine Herrera, which ran the blocknde, it appears, is not the only vessel which tins reuehod this port siuco tho blockade was established. The arrival of the steamer Avlles from Neuvu Vistas is reported. Dispatches from Matanzas say an American torpedo-boat destroyer has twice entered that port. The second time six shots were tired at her and she retired. Declined With Thank. Washington, April 27. The navy de partment )M declined to accept the Fuerst Bisnwok and tho Columbia, ten deied to the government as auxiliary cruisers, for the reason that the vessel e are said to lie unsuitable for aervice. Ita full War Strength. Washington, April 27. Ordors were issued today to recruit the army to ita full war tnmgtb.of 01,000. SPANIARDS READY TO ENTER FIGHT. Cape Verde Fleet to X'nt toSea Today Battle Imminent Between Spanlfth- I'hllllpptne and Atncrlcan-Aslatto (Squadron. London, April 27. There are indica tions today that the inactivity of the Spanish naval fleets in various parts of the world is about to be, if indeed it has not already been, changed into activity, and that of an order most pronounced A dispatch from Madrid says that the Spanish fleet has been at sea some days, and news of the bombardment of Amer ictm coast towns is expected at the Span ish capital befora long. This, it seems, refers to the warships supposed to be still off the Spanish coast, as a dispatch from St. Vincent, Cape Verde islands, says the Spanish torpedo fleet is still there. The Spanish minister of marine this morning received a cipher dispatch from Admiral Montejo, commanding the fleet at Manila, Pulllippine islands, annouiic ing that he was about to sail with hie tquadroin to take up a position where he can await the coming American fleet and capture it. This was followed by a later dispatch announcing that the Spanish fleet had actually sailed, and n still later one, from the government at Manila, saying that a naval engagement between the Spanish and American squadron le hourly expected. The dispatch added that the Spanish fleet had just captured tho American bark Saranac, coal laden, off Manila. Following closely after these important advices came a dispatch from Lisbon, saying that the state council meets there tomorrow to proclaim neutrality, imme diately after which the Spanish squad ron will he ordered to leave the Cape Verdes. Whether or not the vessels will proceed to Cuban waters is not known, bnt Jt is considered certain they will bead for western waters. To give color to reports of a Spanish fleet being already abroad upon the At lantic, a dispatch from Southampton states that a Guernsey pilot reports hav ing sighted two Spanish torpedo-boats northeast o? Caskets, and a large armed ship between Douvres rock and Usliant, evidently on the lookout tor American vessels, and a Dover dispatch says a Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer passed there this morning t ten ruing west. MONITOR TERROR SECURES A PRIZE 'The HjmuUli Coattlng Steamer Ambroid Hollver With Sixty Thouaaud Dol lars In Silver ou Board Capured OH' the Cuban Coast. Key Wkht, April 27. The monitor Terror made a capture off the Coast of Cardenas, Cuba, last night, which, while not as rich as that made by the little Mangrove yesterday, is still valua ble enough to bring joy to the hearts of the officers and crew of the Terror. The prise is the Spanish coasting eteamer Ambroso Bolivar. The cruiser Detroit came into port this morning towing the Spaniard, which had been turned over to her by the terror. Upon being searched after arriving here the Ambroso Bolivar was found to have on board $60,000 in silver, which, of course, greatly increased the vaue of the capture. Particulars of the cap ture have not yet been given out. TO BUY TUB HOLLAND BOAT. bubtuarlue Craft JLlkely to Be Used in Blowing Up Alorro Castle. Washington, April 27. Secretary Long has, announced his iuttntloi of purchasing the Holland sub-marine torpedo-boat, ou Assistant Secretary Roosevelt's recommendation, notwith standing an adverse report of three na yaf officers who were delegated to make an examination of the vessel. The de partment is convinced that if the boat were allowed to go the French govern ment would purchase It. Mr. Holland proposes to put the toat in immediate aervloe at Havana. He has offered his services to the govern ment as commander, and says he can hive a picked crew on board and be in Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. It namBBBaMHsml PUWDEH Absolutely Pure ROYAL SAKINO POWDER CO., MEW YORK. Havana in ten days. His proposition is to utilize the boat in blowing up Morro Castle. Owing to the construction of the fortress he says his boat can do this without difficulty. The boat can also be used to great advantage in destroying submarine mines in Cuban waters. Mr. Holland's ofler is unde-, advise ment at the department. It is highly probable the boat will be sent to Havana to join Captain Sampson's fleet. It can be placed on one of the battleships or cruisers and carried without difficulty to Havana harbor, can be jut into active service. OEGANIZINGr THE ARMY Information Concerning: the Organiza tion of Volunteers. Pobtlakd, April 28. A Washington special received last night says : Information was given the senators who called at the White House this af ternoon of the president's intention to organize the volunteer army into one hundred and four regiments, four brig ades, eleven divisions, and three army corps. This will give the ptesident an opportunity to appoint forty-eight gen eral officers, besides their staff 4. MAIL SERVICE SEVERED. San Fkancisco, April 27. Commenc ing today the American mail will no longer be sent to Spanish possessions in the Orient. Instructions from Wash ington hare been received by the postal officials ordering all mail destined for the Phillippine, Ladrone and Caroline islands to he returned to tenders if pos sible. Otherwise it is to be sent to the dead letter office. A lart'e number of sacks of mail are now laying at the postoflice here which Wi'l be affected by these instructions. The reason for discontinuance of thedis patch of mail to these' points is that of preventing importoutlnformation reach ing the enemy. Jack Paltou'a project. Tacoma, April 28. Jack Dalton.-tbe Alaska pioneer, and G. W. Thebo of this place are preparing to ship 1300 head ot cattle to Pyramid Harbor and drive them over the trail to Dawson. The cattle will be divided into bauds of 100 with six Montana cowboys in charge of each band, and will con $200,000. The projectors expect to clear $300,000 if they can get the animals over the trails successfully. The Sheuaudoah Is Safe. Cork, April 27. The steamer Killar- ney from Bristol, reports that she spoke the American ship Shenandoah yester day-evening. All on board were well. This is the ship reported last week ae having fallen in to the hands of the Span iards. Caah lu Vuur checks. All countv warrants registered prior to March 12, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April i0, C. It, vmhuvs, Countv Treasurer. A bushel of notions doefn't weigh half as much as one stubborn fact Garland's, Happy Thought Salv? is a sure factor for the cure of Skin Troubles and Piles. 50o glass Jars For sale at DONNELU DRY GOODS BARGAINS A demonstration in staple Wash Goods is now going on Innur Wash Good Department. We are selling well known staples of recognized value at extremely low prices. Come and profit by It. There' more thanenough for everybody. A 30-inch PERCALE In Claret, Turkey Red, China and Indigo Blue. Gray and Black ground;, with a large range of new patterns. The re gular selling price of tills Peic.tle is 12)6 cents per yard. We usk but. 8 1-3 oents. 32-inch PERCALE. Soft finish and full regular weight. Two styles only BUck ground with Gold or Purple poka dots. A wrapper or shirt waist made of this material would be very much nd mired. The value is l'Js cents per yard. We ask you but 7 oents. 32-inch PERCALE. White ground with Red. Pink, Blue nr Black Stripes or small Check. You have always, and willingly paid 10 cents ner yard, the regular value. Our special price por yard 8c. CHALLIES. . Large range of patterns on Pink, Lavender or Bnff ground. Special por yard 2c. CALICOES. "Lombard" fancies 100 piece just opened, offering anal most endless variety of choices patterns Special Price 4 cents per yard. A specialty in Bleached Muslins..- 36-inch the regular price 8 cents. Onr special at pr yard 5 cents Towel Bargains Blenched Cotton Towels, red border, fringed. Per doztn 36 cents. Bleached honeycomb Cotton Towel, fringed, red border. Full 38-iueh long. Per dozen 60 cents. Hosiery Call for the following special brands if you want a good Hose for Childrens School Wear. "Puritan" all sizes, pr pair.... 8c "Burlington" ' " .... 10c "Rebel ' ...A2 "Corduroy" " .... 17c lletttr Hi a n these there art none See our Women's Tan or Black Hose ut 6 cents per pair. Parasols Steel Rod Par.isol, fast, black twill, natural wood handle 5o cents. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. Free Fills' Send your address to H. . Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits, These Pjlls are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of .Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggiste. (2) FOR SALE. Two lots, Noe. 11 and 12, in b'ock 14 Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned, ,M. E. Fuiihmauv, 194w 'Brx 178, Gold.ndale, Waeli. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can tiuthfully say I never used any remedy tquul to it for colic and diar rhoea. I have never had o use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. W, A. Stroud, Popomoke Cilv, Md. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. . On Minute Caugli Cur, cures. That It what It w ard for. SmoK Cigaps. Why do wo retail more Cigars than others? Why do Emokers go out of their way and pass cigars of tho same grade? Not because we have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar case in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. Snipos-Klneraly Drug Co. Patronize the Troy MUpRY. All klmt of work. Wblto fthlrtu a specialty. Family work at reduoed r ten. Wauli cotiertett and dellvticd tree, Telephone Ho, 119, H, D. Parkins, Agt, Use Clarke & Falk'u Rosofoaui for tit teeth. V,