i The Dalles Daily Chrc&'jift. vim: IIAI.MIS, - OKKOON Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and .acts .gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Xiver and IJowcls,. cleanses the sys "tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ae--ceptablo to the stomach, prompt in its notion and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most leal thy and agrocablosubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all 'and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading .drug gists. Any -reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for.ony one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM nunaxo. CAL IOOBVUI, KX. MEW TOSX, M.Y. fEKBONAL MKNTION- E. B. Hinton of Bakeoven is in the itv. Mardoc McLeod of Kinzslay ia in the iity. T. H. Johnson is in the citv from Dufor. Dr. Hollister was called un to Wasco last night. Judge Fulton is in tbe'eity from bis home on the Deschutes. ' ' ' E. Jacobsen returned from a business trip to Portland on last night's train. H. M. Opden. the genial insurance agent, arrived from Portland last uight. Geo. Dufur, left on the delayed train resterday motninj; for a short stay in Portland. fB. Carlisle ex marshal of Arlington was In the city yesterday and returned home last evening. Dr. Brosius left last night for Pendle ton and La Grande, where he will ex--amine the militia boys of those towns. H. S. Wilson went to the Cat cade TLoeke yesterday morning on a business trip and returned on the Spokane train last night. Prank Merrltt, husinecs nianiger of the "Tim Murphy" Company, isvin the city making arrangements fur that show, ' .which will be here in the near future. "RotcGnmes left on the overland tram lMast evening for Idaho, where he joes to purchapo larae consignments of cattle for thi Union Moat Co. Last evening Rev. Father O'Reill, of Portland, Rev. Crawley; of San Fran cifco, and Rev. Yosean, late of India, vcaine up on the boat and remained over Mill the night train, when the latter left . "for the East, fathers O'Reill and Craw- iloy will return to Portland this morning. TO IRRIGATE CROPS. 0. It. N. Experiment to Ite Slarte at lllaluct. A deal was completed Monday where by the 0. It. & K. Co. will have land for an agricultural experiment station this .year, at Blalock, Umatilla county. Presidant C. R. Sweat), of the fjmead iFrutt'Farm Associatiun, was in Portland and completed arrangements with the O. R. & N. officials for tho experiment 'work, anil Industrial Agent Judson will go to elect the eoll and settle the wotk ing details of the transaction. Every if a :ility for thoroughly testing the variott crops the railroad company is expert tmonthii.' with will be afforded on the Ulalock lands, including irrigation dur ing the growing scifon and proper cu -iug after harvest iu the fall. The new crops for the Inland Empire which will be tried at this experiment autionare cotton, tobacco, sweet pohv ,or 0nute, amber cane, sweet corn nd Mereer corn, .The last named is a wear varhity of corn that is laid to yield .100 btwbthi to the acre, and lobe ready tot iirvi 75 days after planting. It aaakwi rxMllMt guhmI lor bread., and is alias . ,f(Brior faad for livestock, the U)fcM wl 'Mtbe ,Krain being used' itfar atU. ''loa af the varieties of ,'mmml mm tMito make heUhful, ttrntriiimtt, jaalftable food wbeo tad, ,aad ;taf be tubjaetad to Am to taa ,U U sot ton Umb- 4 plated xthat facilities for manufacture ahall'b provided nt th experiment station any mora than tobacco. If the atapto vrown shall be found satisfactory, tho object sought will have been ob tained. The chief purpo.u in all this industrial movement' on the part of the O. It. & N. Company 'is to demon strate whether tlieso products cuu be grown in its territory and put in mar ketable shape. If they can the manu factories necessary to handle them will follow in due season. Sweet potatoes and peanuts are ready fur the market when harvested. Coin will need be canned or dried for domestic use; for stock it can be used sib taken from the field, or ground. Amber cano will need a mill to crush it, and a boiler or evap orator to reduce the juice to syrup. This plant will he provided befort harvest time, and it will beof the most improved type. Tobacco and cotton will be pre pared for the market in the usual way. A Pleasant Surprise. Last Saturday evening n pleasant sur prise party was siveu at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Green, ou 3-Mile, by the young folks of the neighborhood. The uuests assembled at the residence of Mr. Miller, and proceeded in a body to the house, which they took possession of by storm. A iiht-of-way was gladly given them. The evening was taken up with social Karnes, charades, etc., and nuts, candy and oranges were served at intervals. When tbe pleasantries of the evening came to a close refreshments were served and the guests retired. The universal expression was that the had spent a very enjoyable evening. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Green, Mr. ami Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kconlz, Mr. and Mrs. E. Koontz, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Sharp, Misses Etta Green, Minnie Miller, Nora Miller, Ella Koontz, Bertha Koontz, Maud Koontz, Florence Koontz, and Messrs. Otto Green, Ray Green, Henry Ryan, John Ryan, Bob Ryan, Charles Connolly, Tom Bennett, Walter Ryan, James Simonson, Morris Much more, Elton Koonts and Vernon Paul. M. lieau the Klondike1 Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accom pained by hemmor rbages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 At the I-ant End Fecit Yard. Harper Bros., of tho East End feed yard have a thoroughbred Jersey bull, which they will stand for the season at the feed yards. For terms apply to the above. aprl2 lm ' "IRONING MADE EASY m!mm STARCH K r Dpm iidpc wa rnnvthir. ' MAKES COLLIRS AND GUFFS AMP DnilND OP THI STARCH WILL HOI AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER STARCH ' thei r uiiDiurD DDAcro WtVtUUDinHbntBIWifiVi . fiaafMMMlMMVilaMf4MW"raMM i fnir UniwWritf It , mlom old II m I ii wmmmm awl iMMtwa pMauiai BhrtMMTaTaitBBi taJiaai aaaaia For sale fry all whoisssU fsUil swar. A FEW HINTS. Tli Eyn I tho Window if tltn Snul ltTTrn How l'uit l)e It. When should spccticles llrat hu used, and those in use abandoned : First When you are obliged to "move small objeots to ii considerable distance from the eye in older to see them dis tinctly. Second If you find it necepary to get more liht than formerly as fur In stance, to place the light between the eyes and the object. ThirdIf, on looking at mid attentive ly considering u near object, it htciJtnes confused anil appears to have a kind of mist before it. Fourth When the letters of a book or paper run together mid appear to have doubled or trebled. Fifth If the eves are fatigued by a little exercise to that yon.are obliged to shut them from time to time, or relieve them by looking at other objects. Sixth If blick spots or flakes appear before the eyes or seen" floating around the eyes. Seventh If the eyes become inflamed or heated or any other exercise. If you obfce've any of the above signs or signals of distress, it should claim vour immediate attention. The eye, like the rest of the body, slowly but surely reaches tbe acme the meridian of its strangth and perfection then passes into a condition of weakness and decay. When this stage arrives, we should aval! ourselves of the aids that science and patient research has thrown in our way at so small an expense When you find your old spectacles should be replaced by a new pair, it is always for a stronger pair, for our eyes never grow younger until wo reach the stage of "second sight" in the somber twilight of old age. . Immediate atten tion to tha eyes when we find they need it, means many years of sight saved and better vision. It is no more nor less than a duty you owe yourself, for care less delay results finally in vain regrets and useless complaints. ' Daut, the optician, knows just what you need m the line of glasses. Call on him. Sheep marking paint ; ready for use. Two colors, black and red. Why you should use our sheep paint. First, be cause the colors. are ground thoroughly in pure linseed oil by finn machinery; second, because it is made of high grade color, with the proper amount of dryers added to give it binding and lasting qualities, which prevent it from washing or rubbing off; third, it is much mote economical, because it is p.! ways ready for use. We guarantee our f-heep mark ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it and be convinced. Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles, Or. HORSES AND MULES FOR 4 SALE I have sixteen head of 3 and 4-year mules ,( broke) tor sale. I also have horses, mares and geldings for sale, weighing from huh to HUU pound?. Anv one wanttnir work stock or stock for Klondike, here is the place to get them cheap for cash. James Bkown, f23-lm.i Victor, Or. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Thit ts what it was made lor. STIFF AND NICE i AND A HALT I aaauu a atai STRICT BOARDING SCHOOL. Three Cnllor.t n Venr nt Twenty Min ute u Cnll for (llrl stutfuntu. Tho young ladles u7 tliu normal school In Winona were lately thrown into n Ilurry of excitement. s,va the St. Paul (.Minii.) Dispatch. They were called Into one of the rccltutlon-ronms and put throtiffh rifihl o.sur.ilmitlon about the number of cnllcrn each had and a description of each caller. They wore told that it was highly Improper to receive n culler from out of the city, nnd that many of the young men of tho city wore not proper persona with whom to associate. It was nlso considered highly Im proper to receive a call which was of more than 20 minutes' duration. In all over n do.en questions were required to be answered, nil of which were In regard to the subject of gentlemen callers. A number of rules wen: given to the young ladies, which they were told they must obey. Among them was one for bidding the same young men to call upon them more than three times a year, nnd then the cnll must be purely formal and not exceed J5 or -() minutes. The young ladies were nlso requested to furnish n list of their callers nnd their characters, nnd as to the general subjects of conversation when calling or riding, nnd if the landlady whero they boarded approved of the young men. Some of the young Indies are indig nnnt. nnd nay thr:y will not submit to such rules, while others believe they nre all right, nnd proprve to follow them. IN THE NATURAL GAD DISTRICT. A Very t'nnttri'eJlvo PIritv- Where 3!nnr." Accident Oce-.jr. Passing through u gas-bull one will see near the readable. In n furm lot. u mud-bcspattercd. weather-beaten der rick, with the apparently rickety ne co::ii:nniment of crude appliances nuidc familiar years ago in the oil regions a small rcverning engine, n rusty loco motive boiler, usually without n Rtnek nnd leaking nt every seam: tbe pon derous wooden walking beam slowly oscillating night nnd day. stopping only to give plnce to tbe use of the bull wheel when the drill is raised nnd the sand pump is lowered, or n newly-dressed hit is put in service. Crude as the rig nnd all its detail:-, may seem at first glnncc, every part is soon seen to have its use, nnd the journey of the bit from tho surface to the unknown, nnd perhaps barren, depths, is always accompanied by interesting nnd ever-varying devel opments, says Cnssier's Magazine. At nicht the measured beat and clat ter of the rig in the dim light of n few flickering torches of gns, piped from some neighboring well; the trembling derrick, its lofty top lost in the dark ness: the driller carefully manipulat ing .the temper screw after each stroke, controlling the hit nt the end of a rope perhaps half a mile below tho surface, all form a weird sight. Accidents nro frequent, nnd the slightst carelessness mny result in dropping the tools, the recovery of which requires patience and often greatngenuity. DeWitt a tritwii ttuAcl Salve Cu res wiles. Sci-lrfi- llnrnt. DeWitt's L itii-f iy Risers, The fiwixiM tl M illU. Ilnwira of OlmiiBiit lor Catarrh that Contain .Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when, entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fiom reputable physicians, as theJ damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0 contains no mercury, and is taken. internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall'e Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chenev A Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. 4. Db.CUNN'$ ONE FOR A DOSI. r,fcn Plmpjis. rf.nt Pll I S cou. lor Pa. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, sjffiSSk Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- WU J J.UUT. wwnr W Mil nnr annAm ln. i mil udt on'niil$r ,B ,w ,rww' B " J doa't think m mghmt Priots Paid for Whoat, Barlty and Oats. ..CflAS. m- and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on ilrnii(.'lit the rclobritteil COU'Mlll.V IIKIIIt. ackimwl ciIkinI the host birr In Tliu llnllci, nt tin- (imiiiI iticu. i'uimu In, try li ntnl be roi.vltirnt. At-n tho KlntKt timtulf of Wines, l.l.Uom tmilClKiirt. Sandwiches of all Kinds ninny on limul. i EAST nnd SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlm LKAVK. OVKULAN1) KX-"! press, Salem, Hose-1 burn, Anhlaml, Sac-1 rnmeiito, Ogilen.Sun I Krmicixeo, Molove, ( fl:00 I'.M, i.os uiReies.r.i rnn. i New iimi I Ent J d:so A. M. Hoscburg and wny Mil lions .. fVia Wondbiirn fori I .Mt.AnxuI, Bllvurton, t West feclo, Ilrnwim- vlllv,riirlngllel( anil I Natron j Dally except Buii'Jnyj Dally excupt HiiiiJayn. 17:30 A. M, ICorvallla ata! way rayj :60 I'.M (stations INUIil'KNDHSCE l'AHKNGKIt. Kxjiress troll) Unlly (vxci'l'i rtuaUny). l;0p.ra. rl.v. .. l'iiMl'iiiit....Ar.) fi:2'n. in ii, ia. ai..jicjiiiiihiiio..i.v, o;ooii,ui 8:ai p. m. JAr. lii(1e einleiice..I.v I 4:.'i0n.m 'Daily. (Daily, except Umidny. DIKING CAUS)n7kI)EN UOUTK. PULLMAN 11UFHJT ril.EHI'EUS AND 8ECOND-C1.ASB BLKEI'INO CAKb Atnu:hcd,tonlt TlirougbTratua. Direct connection at f-Hi rranelico with Occi dental and Oriental anil i'acltlc mall uteamshlp lines for JAl'AN and CHINA. Halllnif dates ou a; plication. lute and tickets to KaMcm mints nnd Eu roitc. Aim) JAl'AN, LilllNA, HUNOI.U1.U MtC Al.'bTKALIA.cnn U-iibtuliicd from J.U. K1UKI.VND, Ticket ARCnt. Through Ticket Office, lai Third street, where through tickets to all olilU iu tho Hasten) Htatex, Canada and huroe i an be obtained at lowest rate from J. 11. K1UK1.A Ml, Ticket Airent. All above trnln arrive nt nnd depart Iroir Orand Centralisation. HHIi mid living itreeU YAM1UI.I. HIVIHION. PassenKcr Dein, iit ( Jeaersou street, I-eavc for OSWKGO, dally, except Hnnday, at 7-M u. m.; 12:30, l:M, 6:16, fl:, 8:a) p. m. fund ll:ao p. in. on Hatnrday only, nnd U:U0 a. m and :i:sn . m. on Hundaya only). Arrive at Portland nally nt fl:l0 and H:3u a m.: and 1:3S, l:lj, 0:20 ntid 7:M il m., (and I0:0i a. m , 3'U 5:10 p. tn. on Hutidays only). U-avc for Bherlilnu, week days, ut 1:30 p. tu Arrive at 1'ortlnnd, u:30 u. m, lAjavc for AIKI.IE on Monday, Wi-dnesdnv nnd Krii'aj- nt 0:40 a. in. Arrive at I'ortlnnd, ' I'un, dav, Thunday and Hnturdnj it 3:05 p. in. Except Bundny. ExcepLSatiirday. it. KOEHI.EK, Manaser. (I, II. MAHKIIAM, Asst. U. K. .W fats. Ant Dalies, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. Throush by ilnyllgnt via Urnsi Valley, Kent and cross Hollows. niUIOI.AH AI.IiBN, Till- Dulli-d. C. St. WIIITKLAW. Alitel.n.r. HtHKi-M leave The Dalles Irom Dmatllln Hnuo at 7 a. in., alto from Auti-lotx; at M u, in. i ven Monday, Wednesday and Krldny. C.innrtlon' mkdo at Antelope for I'rlnovllle, Mllchell mid IK)l:its beyond. Clote c .ni.cctloris made at The Miles with railways, trains uud bouts. BIbkcii from AiitelO reach The Dalle Tue days, Thurndnyx and Haturdays u. 1:0) p. in, KAtKx or KAHK. Dal lei, to Deschutes II ou do Moro l oo uo urass vaney IS 2S do Kent oo do Cross JlolUnvs , ,4 10 Antelope to Cross Hollows l fio do Kent a no do Onus Valley a yj do Moro do Descliiiecs do Dalles s 00 Dr. Klmckelford has removed his ofllco to room M, Vogt block, over the post office. ml7-2m u BjanreturJ exprly (or family i . . ... 0.R.&N. TO THK EKST! OIVK8 THK CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul . Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. 01. EhDEl) AND CITV OF TOPEKR I.enve I'ortland every five days for ALASKA POINTS. Occnti Htcnmurs leiivo 1'ortluiul every Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. StoiimerR monthly from Portland to Yokohama nnd Hone Konu vm North, urn Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. & N. Kn full particulars mil nu o. H. A N. C'o.'i iigcnt Tim Dulles, or uddreni W. II. IIUKUIN-UT, Cien. I'iih. AKt.i l'ortUnd, Or. DODsON-, CA1U.11.I, CO., Cicn. ArIm. Nurtliern I'ncllle Hieninslilp Cu. TIMK UAICI. No. I, toHjiokiiiie hihI (Ireut Norllieru nrrlvw nt ri:V.) ii. m leaven nt A:;!U p. in. No. l'endle ton linker (Jity ond Union i'ncilic, arrives 11 : li p. m,, departs ll:M p, m. No 3, from Bpokntio nnd Urent Nortliem, ar rlvexut (1'JpOn. m., dcpflrtu nt fltfiS n. m. No. I, from linker City nnd tlulo. l'nelile, iirilvcstt i:'M ii. m deiMirm nt u:ii0 n. m. The (i)llnwltiK IrelKht trnhiM enrry t'ascngtri nu the llrat nnd lecond dlstrlctN, but do nut (top nt station platforms: No. ?J west, arrive nt 0 p. tn., departs nt9:U u. III. No. 21 wist, iirrlves nt I'.'iCO p. m,, ilcpnruit l: Vi ii. m. . W, II. UURUIDRT, (Ion. Puss. Ant Portland. Orecoo FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY MAN. Thit) oH'ar Ih made bv the LLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided nppllrntlon lie made nt onee, In onltr Unit Its Inventions, iipiitinuceMind never fallln? remedies nitty receive the widest possible pub licity, ituil prove tlielr own inurlU by hciusI iikii mill iriiiiiint otirrk. No .Mmiy wliutnviir wilt lie reeemd liy tliu Illlnolt Hli NHiiltnrliiiii from niiyoiiuiiiiderlti trest inent until liKiniflnlul rult nri niikiioMl rlcl. Its remedies mid npiilimices linebceu commeiided by the newspaper of Two Conti nent ntid endorsed by the greatest doctors l the world. Where duvulotniieiit is desired, tlity aecompllsli It nnd never full to Invigorate, up build nnd fortify, They Infuse now life mid enemy. They per manently stop nil looses which undermine toe constitution mid rro'liiee despoiideney, They re-tone, lefresh nnd. restore to nuinlKssI, r Rnnllesa f ngn. Thoy cure evil Imbltssud 1 iiinneutly remove their ell'tels, ni well a thoce of excesses nnd over-taxed lirnlii wpi iieurasnieiiiu or nervous exhaustion. .No fail ure, nu iiulilloliy, on deeeptlon, im dl.sp Miliitintll. W ItlTK TO-lAV. ILLIN0I8 STATE 8ANITABIUH. KvHIINtllll, 111. Harry Liebe, .PRACTICAL WatchmakerUeweler All work -prom ptly attended to, . aim .wirrmued. 174 VOGT BLOCK Wanted- Atthe Diamond MIHSt Good mUUiig wheat. The hliiliwt priw paid. inchlCtl. NOTICE OF FILING PLAT8. U. S. Land Ovrm:, A Tiik DAM.BU. Ou. April 8. '88.1 .Notice ia ,hereby lvn that tlie P proved .DiHt of aurvey ,of l ' P tiouth. Range 2(1 Kust of the WlltawjlJ Mwld aq, OreROti, Iioh been relvd thit office n.r will oniciallyfiWJ this office on Saturday, the t.'8tJ ly ' May, 180e,.t 10 o'clock o. m. Jah. F. Mooiik, Begtawri W H Tt.nnn. Receiver. ir s tfltN' ( H HUHTIMQTO 11 HUNTINOTONdsWlUJurji,,,., 0eeovr FlrttNtt. hdk. OftXe ovtt FlMf aat. ku. (