The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1898, Image 3

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Ladies' Tailor-made Suits.
We aro offering exceptionally good values in Navv and Black Serge Suits,
Jackets with a silk lining, at $(J 00 and $6,50.
For $9.00 wo can give you an all wool Suit of gray Ladies' Cloth, trimmed
with black braid, Russian Blouse, silk lined.
At $10 and $12.50 we have values, that other stores cannot touch, in fine
all wool Serge and Covert Cloths. Finer garments at $14, $15 and $17.50.
In black, tan, nnvy nnd gray, made from
Surges and Whipcord.
CAPES - - from $3.50 to $20.00.
In nil shade, very handsomely trimmed
in Umid and Jet.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
The weather forecast for today is fit!
A Indy coaok is wanted at Isbell's res
taurant. Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
beat ice cream soda in the citv. tf
Tillamook creamery butter 00 cents at
The Dalles Commission Co.'e.
Oranges ami lemons direct from grow
ers at lowest prices ut Dulles Commie
Hlon Co.'s.
Extra choice, full weight, Tillamook
creumery butter at 50 cents per square
at Maier & Benton's.
The lilttner company will play for the
Inst time tonight, and everyone should
endeavor to see them.
For ealo cheap. Twenty-eight acres of
good land, just outside the city limits.
Inquire of G. It. Rowland. a2112w.
"Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators are
superior to all. Agency at Hansen &
Thumpson'H planing mill. a-'l-lin dw
Commencing Monday, May 2df the
steamers of the Regulator Line will leave
Portland at 0:30 u. iu. and The Dalles at
8:110 a. m.
I .
i in
A band of One beef cattle were brought
in by Mr. Floyd, of 5-Mile, yesterday af
ternoon, and sold to the Columbia
Packing Co.
The rivor is coming up gradually but
as yet thoro is no signs of a rapid raise
and the chances are thero will bo but a
moderate stago of water this year.
I Yesterday GOO eacks of wheat were
j , hauled to the D. P. & A. N. wharf for
f I shipment to Portland, and will be
i forwarded on the Dalles Oily this morn
Jng. In the guessing contest as to the num
ber of condy beans in ft jar at the Kick
Hpoo show last night, the lady's gold
watch was won by Miss Webber, of
Walla Walla, while the gent's watch
was won by Pearlle Ilaslam.
The residence of William Splawn, near
North Yakima, burned last Thursday
morning at 7 o'clock, including most of
its (!0!llnnta Tlio lnoa la nallniniflri lit
about $2500; insurance, $1200. The fire
originated in a defective flue.
A special meeting of Az lia Rebokah
loilgoNo. 100,1a called for Friday even
ing, April 29th, at 8 p. m., in the Odd
Fellows hall, for the purpose of electing
delegate to thetfiobokah Assembly of
"onuii, uuu ior mo transaction ui uu
other business as may come boforo the
"Dakota Slim" McDonald will bo con
fined In the Walla Walla county jail
pending his trial. "Slim" was removed
from the Whitman county jail, at Colfax,
to Pomeroy, on change of venue, nnd
no suitable and secure quarters could
provided at Pomeroy he was taken to
Walla Walla.
A large number of teams are loading
t present for nolnto In the interior, and
at $3.50 to $10.00.
SKIRTS. We can sell you any
thing you want in the Skirt line from
$1.35 to $12.50.
Your Boy
Need New Clothes?
Queer boy if he doesn't need something new every
few clays. If carefulness is needed anj'whore, it's in
buying "duds" for the boy. Perhaps the Suit or
Waist you've seen on somebody else's boy wouldn't
look so well on your boy as some other style. We
have the other style. Bring the youngster here and
dress him'up in the different sorts, till you find the
one best suited to him.
Prices Range from $1.50 to $10.00.
-f f
II the freight in the warehouses seems
be increasing rather than diminish-
g. lh i! number of teamsters will in-
rease greatly when the wool season
opens, ana the merchandise which
is stored .at the place will be hauled to
interior points and its place will be taken
bv wool.
The first copy of Sherman county's
new paper, the People's Republic, which
is printed at Wasco, reached us today.
The well arranged and newsy weekly
is edited by W. J. Peddicord, and will
advocate the principles of the Peoples'
Party of Sherman county. As this is
the only Peoples' Party paper in that
county it Bhould do well, and we heartily
wish it success.
The city of Antelope will in all proba
bility have a new and complete system
of waterworks in the near future. The
large spring above the city has been
purchased and the water will be run
from this into a reservoir, from which
the water mains will be laid. This is a
wiso move on the port of the people of
that prosperous little city, and shows a
shirk of enterprise.
Word wob received yesterday that "W.1
, Woodcock' who is in the employ of
Mr, Lake, the Wamic sawmill man, ac
cidentally shot himself through the hand
Sunday. It seems he was handling a
pistol, when in some manner it was die
charged with the above result. Fortu
nately the bullet did not break uny
bones in going through, and the wound
in nnt sm imiH na it mieht otherwise
Vjioyo been.
Last night Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stub
ling and son, Arthur, arrived on the
11 :40 train. We understand that Ar
thur has volunteered nnd will serve In
Co. I, 0. N. G., and has como home to
bid his sister good bye before that com
pany receives orders to move. Arthur
is like the rest of our brave Dalles boys,
anxious to servo his country, and has
laid aside his studies in the Oregon uni
versity to fight for his country's flag.
Tlio Vogt was comfortably filled lust
evening by a well pleased audience who
witnessed the rendition of "Master and
Man" by the Bittner company. Each
actor did his part to the satisfaction of
the entire audience, and the specialties
between acts were also of an interesting
and highly amusing character. After
tho show the members of the company,
some of whom are Elks, were taken to
the hall and .entertained royally by their
Whether on pleosuro bpnfc or business,
take on every trip a bottlo of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
feotually on the kidneys, liver and bow
els, preventing fevers, headaches, and
other forms of sickness, For sale in 00
cent bottles by all leading druggists.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
To Cura m Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tab
lets. All dragglats refund tie money If
they fall to cure. 25c.
Excitement Bum nih--ltecrultn Coin-
lug In Many KullktliiKxmln
atlons field by Dr. llroslu
Last K-enlng.
It would have been hard to conceive a
more active Ecene than was presented at
the armory yesterday alt'ornoou and last
night. Orders had been issued to the
boys by Governor Lord to come together
and make ready to; leave, and in com
pliance with this demand at least forty
of the soldier lads were on band. Others
volunteered their services, and bv (5
o'clock the number had greatly in
At 5 :20 Dr. Brosius, of Hood River,
assistant regimental surgeon, arrived,
and shortly afterwards began the exam
inations to ascertain the condition of the
boys physically and otderwise. As yet
li Is report has not been made, and we
cannot in this issuo give the result of
this examination.
Over the door of the armory was the
following inscription :
Enthusiasm ran high among the mem
bers of the company, as well as among
many who were anxious to enlist, but
are held back by family ties or business
interests. It is evident; however, that
In case of an urgent calljiotiiing will
keep them back, and Qregon will come
to tho front bravely.
The only thing tuay bothered tho boys
was when they would be likely to get
away. When the orders came that they
move to Portland Friday, they were re
ceived with pleasure.
The following isthe list of officers and
men In Co. G at present :
Captain J S Booth.
Second Lieutenant G E Bartell.
First Seargentf D C Lemison.
Quartermaster L S Fritz.
Second Sergeant A Ulrich.
Third Seargejit M E Cushing.
Fourth Sergeant M J Barton.
Fifth Sergeant Ben .Ulrich.
First Corporal J Landman.
Second Corporal R A Spivey.
Third CorporalA F Marti
Fourth Corporal--!! A Stoilels.
Privates -Joe Kohler, A A Bonner, U
M Bonner, W E Bonner, B Hanson, W
W Brown, W M Browr G Dufur, E
Davenport, S R Gil)ain S F Fouls, F
Frledly, W G HardingM Harrington,
Z Harvey, Arthur Kennedy, Fred Ken
nedy, E R LemiHon.W E Luklnburg,
Frank Marcus, Billy Nichols, G A Phir
man, J E Stllwell, Guy Southwell, Thos.
Smiley, G E Smiley, 0 A Stringer, E
Kerns, S C. Turnbpw, John Cooper. W
Res vis, F W Clark Will Norman, Fred
Hillatrom, G A Cratty, Walter Dickey,
Captain Booth came up from Portland
last night, and the boys will be in readi
ness to move at a moment's notice.
In nil probability they will depart on
the early morning train Friday for Port
land, where the state forces have orders
to rendezvous.
Ihree Renldence Kntered and Burglar
Iced Monday Night.
Three daring burglaries took place in
our city some time Monday nigt or
Tuesday morning.
William MIchell's residence, on Fourth
street, was entered by the side door and
a suit of clothes which he had been
weiring taken, in tho pockolsot whicl.
were a bunch of keys and some small
change. Nothing else was taken. Upon
looking around the premises this morn
ing he found the p.iir of pants which
were stolen somo weeks ago, in the va
cant lot adjoining his residn ;e.
Truman Buttler's residence, on the
same street, was entered during 11.
night nnl his pantaloons lifted, in tho
pocket of which they found his pnr-u
and also his wife's, containing $5. How
ever they were kin 1 onough to leave the
garment on the porch, as well as the
purses, taking the monev.
Tne next place where they attempted
to make a haul wub the residence of
George Miller, near tho Christian
church. Here they made a better find
than at either of the other places, hav
ing secured about $15 in cash.
At Mr. Butler's they seemed to effect
their e means oi a nipper, with
which they caught the end of the key
and turned it.
There undoubtedly are some smooth
burglars in this city, who are perpetrat
ing these robberies, and people should
be very careful about locking their doors
and should not keep any great amount
of money on hand for fear they may be
relieved of it.
A Itaker County Wuodlinuler Killed
a Kow.
James Reed, a wnod-hanler of Beaver
creek, seven miles south of Baker City,
was standing on a hill talking to W. T.
Russell, a rancher, Thursday, between
6 and 7 P. M; when Oliver and William
Marshall came along in a wood wagon.
The Marehalls stopped and got ou(.of
their wagon, William taking out the
wagon post and dropping it on the
ground. Oliver went up to Reed and
asked : "Is that true that you have been
saying?" Reed said: "You are looking
for trouble. Leave me alone. I don't
want to have anything to do with
you, Oliver." Oliver again asked
Reed whether he had used a certain
expression regarding his wife, and, with
out waiting for a reply, struck at him
twice with a slingshot. Reed dodged
and grebbed Oliver by the shoulder and
pushed him to the ground. While Reed
was standing over Oliver, holding him
down William Marshall picked up the
wagon post, come up behind Reed and
struck him three times on the back of
the head. Reed staggered against the
wagon, holding up his hands, and Will
iam etruck him again. At this juncture,
Russel, who is a one-legged man, inter
fere and stopped further blows. Will
iam Waldo, a 13-year-old boy, who was
an eye witness, with the aid of Russell,
putReed in a wagon and took him home.
He died Saturday at 8 p. m. At the
inquist, Sunday, the coroner's jury re
turned a verdict of unjustifiable killing
against the Marshalls, who were arrested
Friday night. They are now in jail,
charged with murder, awaiting prelim
inary xammation.
A Choice.
It rests With yon what instrument you
buy. Soui persons prefer strin.ed in
struments, others wind instruments,
It's all a matter of preference. If you
want a piano we can sell it to you at a
Barving, or if your desire is for a mando
lin, we can supply your wants and itive
ynu the sweet, aristocratic honey bee
tone which is found only in the best in
struments, All our musical merchan
dise is of the highest grade, We have
everything In the line.
I. C. Mckelsen
Book & T)usie Company,
Resolution of Condolence!
Whkiieas, In the administration of
an All Wise Providence It has been the
will of tho Supreme Ruler of the nni-
veree that death should take from us
our beloved brother, Webber Varney,
Whereas, The brother was an hon
ored member of Dalles Lodge No. 2,
1, 0. G. T., therefore be it
Resolved, That while we bow in hum
ble submission to the will of our
Heavenly Father to the loss of our be
loved brother, wo extend to our
eeteemed brother and sister Varney and
family, our sympathy in their great be
reavement, and be it
Reiohed, That a copy of these resolu
tions bespread upon the minutes of this
lodge, also that a copy be sent to the
family of our deceased brother nnd one
to tho press.
(Mits. J. E. B.MtNETT,
Com. -C. H. Jenkins,
(Mrs. L, Uliucii.
Coming to The Dalles.
The following poetical effusion in an
swer to the circular invitation of Copt.
Lewis, chairman of the executive com
mittee, to join the ceremonies connected
with the Grand Army encampment, to
be held here on the 17th, 18th and 19th
of May, It breathes the proper spirit
and voices the sentiments of the large
crowd of old soldiers, wh 3 will be here
on that occasion :
We arc coming to The Dalles, and we hope to be
on time,
U'c will moct you at tbc great Columbia's
And, asm UUlle Sherman's time, wo will march
with you In line,
Alter whlchHrc'll join you In a socal think.
If the boat will held her dock until half past 9
Tho valley train will brinR us filtv strong.
On the sixteenth day of May, about the dawn of
Wc will purchase round trip tickets for a song,
Wc will lay aside our cares, homework and home
We're comlnz to The Dalles to have a time.
i We'll try with nil our might to show you we're
an utftit,
And thank you for your courtesy sublime.
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mille, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCorkle, Prop.
The farmer, the mechanic and the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts
and bruise9. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly, and is a well known
cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
"Very Much
..reseept Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Fir, Oak and 1
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block.
One thousand styles and bizco.
For cooking and heating.
Price from $io to $70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
MSttn punlttjr
One sorrel mare, white strip in face;
weight about 1000 pounds; branded J
on left stifle and on left shoulder. Ono
light sorrel horse, about same weight;,
swinnied on left shoulder; branded A. A.
on left stifle. Anvone leavinc same nt
Jim Walker's place, head of Rattlesnake
grade, will be paid jo. Address.
J. B. Jackson.
apr6-3w Hood River, Or..
La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to be the best non-poieonous-fhiid'
dip in the world ; guaranteed to euro
scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles..
Bock '
I Fresh and the firstf
jl n' the season at tht
I Midway.
Physicians and Surgeons.,
Special attention given lo surgery.
Booms 21 and 22, Tel. S2S Vogt Block-
to the Good."
at an honest price.
have strictly First-Glass
J. T. Peters & Co.