The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1898, Image 1

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Sle Hate
NO 37
Lieutenant Freemout Lauds on the Cuban
Coast Dispatclies to the
lnsnrpt Chief, '
A Large California I'laut llliiwn Up
Titti Kiuplfiye Killed
J-'Ire Follow.
Victokia, B. C, April 2G.
The American floetat Hong
Ivong is Avell supplied with
fuel and ammunition, and is
ready to start for the attack
at Manilla as soon as notice
-caches then of the formal
declaration of war. The fleet
consists of the Baltimore,
Yorktown, Raleigh, Olympia,
Monterey and Boston, which
makes one of the most for
midable fleets in the Asiatic
Washington, April 20.
All the naval officers on duty
hero today are talking of the
daring exploit of Lieutenant
John C.-Freemontson of the
famous general, An making
the landing from his little
vessel, the torpedo-boat Por
tor, on the Cuban coast near
Matanzas. (
Confirming press dispatches
telling of the exploit come to
the department -today from
Captain Sampson, who cabled
that the expedition was suc
cessful in evory regard. The
purpose of the expedition was
to deliver dispatches to the
emissary of the insurgent
It has not been definitely
ascertained, but there- are good
reasons to believe that an of
ficor of the United States
army, who was on the Porter,
is now proceeding to Gomez'
camp with full plans to sub
mit to tho insurgpnt chief for
eb-oporation betwoen that and
tho American armies.
Terrible Explosion and Fire.
Terrible KxiiluMon ami Fire.
Santa Guuz, Cnl., April 2C Reports
wero received at this place thia evening
of tho killing of ten men in nu explosion
nt tho California Powder Works plant
near here, thia afternoon. Only whito
men were employed in the mill, and the
force of the explosion destroyed Uve
A bushel of notions
doern't w tilth half as
much us one Bluuoorn
Hippy Thought Salve
it sure factor for the
cure of Skin Troubles
and Piles.
For sale at DOMNELL'S.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
mail buildings in the immediate vicin
ity which were used riB storehouses for
the smokeless powder manufactured.
Tills plant waa established last Bum'
mer and only recently begun operations
Some of the first output of the mill was
sent east ten days ago. It consisted of
an entire train of fifteen cars made up
principally of brown prismatic powder
for the navy.
The explosion was followed by a fire
which spread to the surrounding build
ings and timbered hill sides.
A force of 100 employes were immedi
ately called out to fight the fire.
8nme Spanish Sarcanin nurt Home New
l'rlutud ia'.u Ilavaua Paper.
Key West, April 20. The following
is a translation of all important news
printed in La Lucha, Havana, Monday,
April 25th, under the head "False
News :"
"All rumors that have been recentlv
circulated in' regard to possible bom
barduient 0f, this city are without foun
dation. We will advise our readers
promptly when bombardment is likely
to occur. The .enemy ia in light
blockade astolIows: They are within
range of our batteries, these monstrous
battleships, these eriortnouBBaby Whales
which McKinlOy has sent us in order to
inspire us to panic and deprive us of
sustenance. They give us courage;
their presence here fills us with enthu
siasm and incites us to combat. If thev
luive not done us violence it is only be
cause the deeired instant has not ar
rived ; because they havu't placed them
selves in a position to start the ball roll
ing. "The blockade has been broken by
steamship Availes coming from Caraco Furino and Kuevitae, and by
steamship Cob mode Herrera coming
from Sagua La Grande. These vessels
arrived at this port without news end
without having seen, anything worth
mentioning. On their voyages both
ships knew of the blockade and came
with all the precaution which the case
demanded ; hugging the coast like stick
ing plaster, preferring to run aground
rather than he captured. It is worthy
of notice that these vessels having much
less speed than they should have, and
which it is supposed that American war
ships have, broke the blockade whicli
Americans undertook to establish.
"It is said that last night 500 Ameri
can Negroes disembarked with Lacret
Morlah at Bambouranoo. Cavalry and
infantry were in hot pursuit.
"On Saturnay afternoon coast steam
ship Availes entered port from Nueritis
with seventeen passengers, giving the
laugh to the blockade line established
by the Americon squadron."
Out luilde the Line.
Kingston, Jamaica, April 20. Tho
steamer Telesfora, which was bound
from Galveston to Manchester with a
cargo of gram and cotton, was sighted
and pursued at the highest speed by an
American cruiser today. Although the
Telesfora carried every pound of steam
her boilers would permit, the cruiser
galued on her rapidly, but the Spaniards
got inside the 3-mlle limit before tho
cruiser got within range, and eecaped.
She is anchored hero at present.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
up in the morning as fast as you can,"
the druggist recognized a household
name.lor"beWHt'd Little Early Risers"
and gave him a .bottle of those famous
little, pills for constipation, tick head
ache, liver mid stomach troubles.
Snipes, Kinerily Drug Co,
The Stars and Stripes, It Is TlnnuM,
Will Soon Waive Orer Those
Beautiful Islands,
BU Subject Endeavor to Rave II line.
Declare a' Neutrality Tie Re
fuse for Oourt Ueasons.
Honolulu, April 19. via.
San Francisco, April 26. The
raising of the American flag
on the Hawaiian islands did
not take place Thursday, as
expected, but it is believed
that the stars and stripes will
be hoisted as soon as the news
of the declaration of war
is received.
The statement is not denied
by either the American min
ister or Admiral Miller, while
on the other hand the latter
said that his mission was to,
annex the island. '
Considerable influence has
been brought to bear on Pres
ident Dole by his subjecta,tb
the end that the islands be
declared neutral, as many of
the pugar-planters fear their
plantations will be ruined by
Spanish gunboats.
Dole arid his advisers rec
ognize the fact that such a
course would be fatal to an
nexation and reciprocity treat
ies, and for that reason has
refused to comply with the re
quests. Many supporters of the gov
ernment predict that the stars
and stripes will be floating
over the islands in a fortnight.
9uuUli Town In the Hands of Itluters
t Frequent Intervals Dully.
New York, April 26. Madrid and
more than 20, of the largest towns in
Spain are in the hands of t lie mob
several hours every day, says ilie Madrid
correspondent of the World. The gov
ernment lias permitted "patriotic"
demonstrations as the best mean a of
giving vent to popular excitement. All
was well as long as they were ex
pressions of animosity toward America
ebullitions in anticipating of victory
over a foreigner always an object of
hate and suspicion with the Soanieh
masses but now the demonstrations
are getting beyond control.
The government is anxious and the
better classes are alarmed, The police
notice already in the thrones many
socialists, anarchists and republicans,
who may quickly turn these demonstra
tions Into aatl-dyuastio or luiti-inoo-
archical movements or at least upset the
cabinet, Todav news came of a serious
reverse beyond the seas., All Spanish
revolutions have begun In just:such out
breaks. The noisy street demonstra
tions are particularly dangerous now
wheu all classes have been led to in
dulge in hopes of naval and military
The revolutionary parties are verv ac
tive, They are almost publicly threat
ening to take matters in their own hands
if the government does not succeed in
promptly overcoming the United States..
Matters are critical politically nd even
worse financially. Botti aspects of the
situation are being employed by the
Spanish diplomats and court to impress
European courts and governments with
tho urgent necessity of action tq cave
Spain from both the foreigner and
Neutral Decree By itngiantl.
London, April 26-A decree proclaiming
nautrality was issued, by the government
of Great Britain and printed in the Lon
don Gazette today. This - was followed
by issuaing a proclamation of sim
ilar import by a majority of the British
colonies in all parts of the world. As a
result of the Insurance of this decree, the
International laws respecting vessels sail
ing under the flags of belligerent powers
will be strictly enforced in the pons of
the British empire.
,T?ai,mouth, England, April 2G. The
United States torpedo-boat Somers has
been notified that in view of the neutral
ity decree, she must not leave this port.
A British torpedrd-boat has taken up a
position near here. The mail steamer
Irland, said to have been purchased by
the United States, has been forbidden to
sail from Kingstown, Ireland.
London, April 20. It is understood
that the apparent eeverity of the Brit
ish attitude at Hong Kong andFalmouth
toward the United States war yeesels be
tween the two governments, and that
the object of England is to leave np pos
sible ground for the accueatious of un
fairness on the part of that government
toward Spain.
tlaptuietl the Fuuama.
Key West, Fla.. April 26. All Key
West is singing the praises of the little
Mangrove and her crew, for to her be
longs the glory of having made the rich
est capture of the war up to date. This
morning the Mangrove took in the big
steamer Panama, a Spanish cruiser, off
the Cuban coast. The Panama is a
steamer of 2800 tons and carried stores
for the Spanish army.
''A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word iroin the wise- should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry
Bays Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been in tbe drug
business at Eikton, Ky., for twelve
years; lias sold hundreds of bottles of
this rejnedy and nearly all other cough
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively that Chamberlain's is the
most catiefactory to the people, and is
the best. For Eale by Blakeley &
Thousands of euffererj from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Cash In Vnur Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to March 12, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 20,
Gountv Treasurer.
A torpid liver robs you - of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt'e Little
Early Risers cleanse tbe liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's
and get prices on the La Plata Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in
stantly with cold water, and it is an in
fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and
ticks. 1-tf
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three boxes of De
Witt's Witch Hazsl Salve. Snipes-
Kinerely Drug Co.
Maier & Benton have just put in a
''lathe" in their repair shop, and are
now better than ever prepared to do nil
kind of machine work, tf
Another shipment of Cleveland wheels
jut received. They are really the only
(ugh grade wheel on tbe inaiket. Maier
& Benton sole agents. tf
if good lot 50x100 on Second street,
with tlrrt class two-story building, 'veil
arranged fjr hotel, 300 fret from O. R. &
N. depot. For terms of sale see Butts,
at the office of Dufur & Dutur. tf
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
rrough skin.
On draught at the White
house Saloon. Charles
Michelbach, Prop.
A demonstration in staple Wash Goods ia now going on iq our
Wash Goods Department. We are selling well known' staples
of rfcognizfd value at extremely low prices. Come and profit
by it. There's more than enough for everybody.
A 30-iftch PERCALE
In Claret, Turkey Bed, China And Indigo Blue. Gray and
Black grounds, with a large ran ire, of new patterns. The re
gular selling price of this Percale is 12 cents per yard. We
usk but 8 1-3 cents.
32-inch PERCALE.
Soft finish and full regnlar weight. Two styles only Black
ground with Gold or Purple poka dots. A wrapper or shirt
waist made of this material would be very, much Admired.
The value is 12',j cents per yard. We ask you but 7 cents.
32-incli PERCALE.
White ground with Red, Pinlc, Blue or Black Stripes or small
Checks. You have always, and willingly paid 10 cents per
yard, the regular value. Our special price. , .. per yard So.
Large range of patterns on Pink, Lavender or Buff gronnd.
Special . .. per yard 2c.
"Lombard" fancies 100 piece just opened, offering an al-
mutt endless variety of choices patterns.. .i ....
Special Price .'.4 cents per yard.
A specialty
in Bleached '
Muslins. i j
36-inch the
legular price
8 cents. Our
special at pr yard
5 cents
Towel Bargains
Bleached Cotton Towels, red
border, fringed. Per dozen
36 cents.
Bleached honeycomb Cotton
Towel, fringed, red border. Full
38-ineh long. Per dozen
60 cents.
Free riiu
Send your address to H. p. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache, For Ma.
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho sys
tem. Regular size Son. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Two lots, Nob. 11 and 1'2, in b'ock 14,
Gates Addition, Tho Dalles, Oregon,
For particulars address the undersigned.
M, E. Fuiibmauy,
10-4 w B'x 178, Gold.ndale, Wash.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Eutcrr
priee recently, which leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. I have never had to use more
than one or two doses to cure the worst
case' with myself or children, W, A,
Stroud, Popomoke Oitv, Md. For eale
by Blakeley & Houghtun,
On Minute Cough Cure, cures.
that It what It wu m&t for.
Call for the following special
brands if you want a good
Hose for Childrens School
"Piuifctn" all sizes, pr pair 8c
Burlington" " " .... 10c
"Rebel.'.'.. " " ,...12
"Corduroy" " " .... 17c
Il-ttr than these there
art, uunu
See our Women's Tan or Black
Hose at
5 cents per pair.
Steel Rod Par.' en), fast black
twill, niiiurul wood handle
5o cents.
Why do wo retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go out of their way
and paea cigars of the same grade?
Not because we have better clgara
or better brands, or any greater variety;
no, not thai.
Why, because wo have the finest ci
gar case in the state and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snipas-Klneraly Drug Co.
Patronize the
All kind of woifc, White Shirt a specialty.
Fitmlly work ut reduoud r. tot. VVa.h inliwtod
and dvllvcied free, Teitiuu tiu, 110.
H. D. Parkin. Agt,
Use Clarke A Falk's Rosofostu for N